
Young Miss Strike Back!

Death... That was all Lin Xiaoxiao got as she tried to walk down the red carpet at an awards show. Well, it should have been her death but when she woke from the darkness, she found her self in the body Xi Xiaoxiao. A girl who was the unwanted daughter of the Xi family. Beaten and enslaved, treated worse than an ant crawling on the ground. Lin Xiaoxiao promised she would get revenge on the Xi family for treating a little girl in such a horrific way. While taking back her title of top actress of the entertainment world at the same time! As an ex-top actress who can stop her? The one thing she did not count on was this devilish man who forced a kiss on her and whats worse is her body and soul cant resist him! "Little beauty how about you help me warm my bed tonight?" "I told you a thousand times don't call me little beauty! As for warming your bed... Not happening." "Then how about I warm your bed then?" "Mmm... This I can agree to. But after it is warm you will need to leave so I can go to bed. I'll be in the other room, take your time." "Then I will just warm your body Instead." ".......Ah! Okay...." *Warning Sexual Content In Some Chapters* Check out my newest novel Phantasia: The Princess Knight Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne join the new discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ **Cover not mine! Only added the text to it! All rights to the original Artist.**

invayne · perkotaan
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141 Chs

Dangers Lurks Around Every Corner

Flames and smoke descended into the sky as well as debris from Lin Xiaoxiao's dressing room. The dressing room was completely destroyed. Lin Xiaoxiao, Qin Mei, and Little Bo were all face-first on the ground. Mo Yu laid on top of Lin Xiaoxiao protectively, her body was covered in ash and debris. Mo Yu slowly got up as she looked around in a daze. 

"Young Miss are you okay?" Lin Xiaoxiao coughed as she slowly got up. Her body ached but for the most part, she felt okay. She did, however, worry about the two little ones in her belly as she gently rubbed her stomach. 

"I-I'm fine for the most part. Mom, Rur..." Lin Xiaoxiao looked down at her mother and sister but when her eyes landed on Little Bo who had a piece of debris sticking out of her back and a large amount of blood flowed out around her, she started to panic! "Ruru!!" 


Lin Xiaoxiao was currently sitting in the waiting room as tears streamed from her eyes. She was curled up into Shen Xing's embrace as worry filled her heart. Next to them was Shen Li, he was in the middle of a court session when he heard the news. He left during the middle of questioning leaving a dumbstruck judge and client behind. He was currently nervously shaking his leg as he waited. 

Little Bo was not the only victim this time around. Mo Yan suffered severe burns as she did not escape the initial explosion. Two of the three bodyguards who guarded the entrance to the dressing room were also in serious condition and one was dead. The bomb that went off was small but the package that was dropped by Mo Yan dropped near the door. The guard that stood at the door was the one who passed away.  The air was heavy within the hospital as the three waited.

Qin Mei was allowed to follow Little Bo into surgery since she used to be a nurse. She was not allowed to do anything but she was allowed to stand off to the side and watch. Shen Xing made sure the hospital allowed her to enter. He even had Mo Yu follow her in just in case. It was the only way he could make sure nothing else would happen. 

Hours past and the doctor finally came out with Qin Mei and Mo Yu in tow. "The operation was a success. Miss Bo should wake up by tomorrow morning at the latest." 

"C-Can we see her?" Lin Xiaoxiao was the first to speak. She cared about nothing else but seeing Little Bo with her own eyes.

"Yes, you can this way." The Doctor said with a smile as he motioned with his hand to follow. 

When Lin Xiaoxiao walked into the room and saw Little Bo laying on her back sound asleep tears started to well up in her eyes as well as anger towards whoever did this! "Xing, I do not care how you do it but find the mother fucker who did this!" Lin Xiaoxiao was gritting her teeth she hated the fact that she could not do anything for her sister! She could only helplessly watch as she laid there. 

"Xiaoxiao, I already have people on it. You will be the first to know as soon as I find anything out." Shen Xing pulled Lin Xiaoxiao into his embrace, kissing the top of her head. 

"Cousin, sister in law, you can go rest. I will stay and watch over her." Shen Li who was at the side took a chair and placed it next to Little Bo's bed and sat down. His eyes were full of gentleness as he gazed at Little Bo's sleeping face.

Lin Xiaoxiao was reluctant to leave but seeing that look on Shen Li's face made her smile gently. Lin Xiaoxiao nodded before turning to leave. Everyone exited the room leaving Shen Li behind. They walked towards the entrance of the hospital. But Lin Xiaoxiao stopped suddenly as she looked in front of her.  Standing at the entrance of the hospital was a very familiar figure. 

"Xi Yanfen!" Lin Xiaoxiao shouted causing all those around her to look in her direction. 

Xi Yanfen looked over at the voice and a sinister smile appeared on her face. "Seems the fucking slut's life is the same as a cockroach! Not even a bomb can fucking kill you! Ahahaha" Xi Yanfen started laughing maniacally. before suddenly stopping and screaming:  "Where is my mother you fucking bitch!"

 From her purse, Xi Yanfen pulled out a gun and pointed it towards Lin Xiaoxiao. All the people at the entrance of the hospital started screaming as they all scattered in different directions. Lin Xiaoxiao and Shen Xing's guards all gathered and stood in front of Lin Xiaoxiao. Even Shen Xing and Qin Mei stood in front of her. "Hahahahaha! So it's like this! What the fuck are you a  queen! So many people are willing to protect you! But it's too bad! Since what's in front of you is not the real danger! Ahahahaha!" Xi Yanfen continued to laugh maniacally!

Six shots rang out, Lin Xiaoxiao felt pain in her back as she suddenly fell forward. Shen Xing was the first to react as he turned around and caught Lin Xiaoxiao. "Xiaoxiao!" 

There were three holes in Lin Xiaoxiao's back the other three shots went towards the ceiling. Shen Xing looked up to see who the shooter was and standing near the receptionist counter currently be tackled by the hospital guards was Xi Yanfan her face filled with a beautiful smile but her eyes were wide and crazy looking. She did not say a word as she laid there staring at Lin Xiaoxiao.

 "See I told you! Ahahahaha... When our mother disappeared we went to that man. Ahahahaha when he finally released us, Sister could no longer speak... And it seems something broke in my head. Xi Xiaoxiao! If today does not kill you... Then I am sure someone in the future will succeed! Slut, you will one day make an enemy of someone you shouldn't! Ahahahaha..." Xi Yanfen turned the gun and pressed it to her temple on her head. Then her gaze fell on to Xi Yanfan "Sister I will be going to see Mother first! Since I know that fucking slut killed her!"  As her words finished another shot rang out as Xi Yanfen pulled the trigger, taking her own life.

Lin Xiaoxiao never even heard any of Xi Yanfen's words her vision was getting blurry as the blood poured out of her wounds. With great difficulty, she turned her head towards Shen Xing whispering: "Xing whatever you do save the babies..." After finishing her words everything grew dark as she fainted.

"Xiaoxiao! Doctor! Get a doctor!"

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Heyo! Author here, once again starting December second Chapter 80 on will become premium.

Check out my other novels!

Eternal Saga The Beginning: Magic Realism, Romance

How To Get Cute Girls After Transmigrating: Magic Realism, Romance, Yuri (Pure Yuri)

The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls: Eastern Fantasy, Romance, Yuri, (This one has a male lead as well. So it is not a pure Yuri Novel.)

and of course, Ah Chun

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