
Young master blood

After his assassination, he transmigrated into a new world where became the young son of a creator God, learning the perks of his new world and revenge for his assassination, he became a killing machine with unsatisfiable lust for blood. he performed massacre after massacre like a cursed beast who's in love with blood and as his kills count multiplied, Nebadizu earned the title of Young Master Blood, Unrivaled in the whole of the southern dynastic feel free to drop a review, no matter how harsh it is, it will further help me to improve.

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5 Chs

Assassination of Nebadizu

A young man stood aloof as he surveyed his surroundings. There he saw multiple figures in black robes with black scarves covering their faces, and with just a glance, he recognized them as a group of elite black order assassins of the black ring gladiator clan.

The young man, who had a royal seal embedded in his arms, snapped his finger, causing a sword the length of ten meters to materialize on his palm. Then, as he moved forward, he uttered,

"Walls have ears.

Doors have eyes.

Trees have voices.

Beasts tell lies.

Beware the rain.

Beware the snow.

Beware the man.

You think you know."

Ending the quote, the surrounding figures roared with laughter as they mocked his every word: "Are our benefactors that skimpy in assigning elite assassins like us to kill a poet?" "Pity, killing this so-called peak sky warrior wouldn't amount to too much; I think I would leave the kid for y'all,"

The sound of merriment evaporated from the vicinity as only screams of trepidation reverberated around the field, yet the adolescent merely grinned as a diabolic sword intent burst from the apex of his blade.

Nebadizu, the 7th master of the Void Temple, a temple with the might to oppose the imperial household, swept through the battlefield with only his sword intent, demonstrating his slender figure and fair complexion with finesse and elegance. His messy hair flowed in harmony with the wind, and standing amid corpses, he looked like the god of death.

the feeling of strong killing intent locked on him.

Nebadizu raised his sword high as he performed a slash. BOOM, the sword slash collided with a purple-robed middle-aged man with a purple scarf covering his face. "Assassin," he said in an uncertain tone.

The purple-robed man moved toward Nebadizu, whose instinct kicked him hard to run, but just as he was about to dash toward an open exit, he felt a restriction hold him down as his energy drained quickly. "Are you honestly going to play this dirty trick on me?" "Grow up!" he exclaimed indignantly.

Hearing this, the man's face twitched with anger. "Says who?" "The shameless emperor who tried to escape me just after our first clash?" "Are all void warriors so shameless?" "If you can make it to my tenth attack, then you're free to go," the middle-aged man teased. "ONE," he said as he made a slight gesture, releasing two chained lightning chakras. They moved towards Nebadizu, assaulting him on both sides. Nebadizu clashed with his 10-meter-long sword, evading the chakra. The fight got so intense that Nebadizu acted on impulse as he leaped toward the air with his 10-meter-long sword, gathering earth energy mid-air. He formed an earth shield; the chakra moved towards the shield with unyielding might; and with a loud "BANG" following suit, the shield shattered, releasing shades of earth flying toward Nebadizu. Nebadizu was covered in bruises as he took a few steps backward, sweat running down his cheek as he glared intensely at the middle-aged man.

Sensing this gaze, the middle-aged man smiled as he remarked, "Not bad! Guessing by your strength, you are a peak, sky-level cultivator; let's try again, Four." Just as he finished altering his last word, he took a fighting stance as his body pounced forward, coating his arms with earth essence. He leaped forward, rotating his body mid-air, and threw a punch. The punch was coated with lightning essence as it landed on Nebadizu. Feeling the punch, Nebadizu knew he wasn't a match for this being. As he retreated backward, raising his face, he saw a colossal fist coming towards his face with no time to evade the attack. Nebadizu performed a quick jab, and just as two punches crashed together, blood oozed out of Nebadizu's mouth as his face turned pale.

The figure smiled seeing this as he closed the distance between them, then he threw a rear punch toward Nebadizu's face; the blow connected with Nebadizu's jaws as blood poured out of his mouth, and his jaw made a slight crack after this trivial exchange from both parties,

Nebadizu readied himself as he gestured toward the middle-aged assassin to hit him again. The middle-aged man smiled and said, "You're getting used to my punches, nice." Giving a thumbs up, he burst with power, landing another punch in his abdomen.

Nebadizu flew like a feeble leaf, crashing toward the ground. "Ouch,", he said, dusting his robes.

Nebadizu hurriedly got back on his feet as he said, "Again." The middle-aged man stroked again with a straight punch toward his throat. He exclaimed, "KO! "It's rare to see such great human punching bags in the South Dynasty."

*BANG* *BOOM* cries of agony resounded throughout the battlefield; Nebadizu's face twitched with pain as his jaw broke apart. "Still need some punches?" The middle-aged man asked with a teasing tone,

"Stop right there. "Haoyu bows to the young master," a bulky young man said. He wore an imperial guard robe; he was an imperial guard master, and behind him stood dozens of imperial guards. The middle-aged assassin traced the voice of the newcomers as he grinned wryly, "You.. you there, you set me up," he said teasingly at Nebadizu, who just forced a smile up his lips. After going through a few rounds of beatings from this man, he knew his strength was superior; at most, he knew he was stronger than the imperial guard master he called for.

The imperial guard master snorted as he unsheathed his twin Katana, sizing the assassin from tip to toe, and charging at the assassin who launched himself at the young imperial guard, forcing the other guards and Nebadizu to retreat. The middle-aged man mixed lighting with earth essence, strengthening his attack and both defenses. While the youth mixed dark essence with withering, a terrifying combination forbidden by even heaven itself, the middle-aged man still suppressed the young imperial with his lightning essence. Then, creating an opening, he performed a quick jab toward the imperial guard master, which confused the guard master for a few seconds. The middle-aged man vanished from the youth's view as he appeared behind the youth, launching an attack fusing three essences: earth, lightning, and fire. The force of this attack was so great that it made the middle-aged man stagger backward as he struggled to regain his bearing, while the young imperial guard, with no time to evade, had his body sliced in half, stunning everyone present.

Everyone felt bewildered.

The middle-aged assassin moved casually toward Nebadizu. "FIVE," he said as he threw a hook punch toward Nebadizu's face, which shattered like melons. "Too bad he died, not making it to the tenth punch." With a sign, he vanished.


What do you think of this new chapter, some be complaining that the old chapters were so little, I made this one long, do you all want this version or the old one?

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