

Later that day, Prakruth accompanied Punya to Lifeline hospitals at Mangalore. After two hours of counseling, Dr. Sudarshan finally called Prakruth inside.

Prakruth was skeptical about how Rishi could receive him... He walked in reluctantly.

"Come in Prakruth. Take your seat" said Dr. Sudarshan.

Prakruth nodded and walked towards Rishi with a smile on his face.

"Rishi do you recognize him??" asked the doctor.

"Yes Doctor, my sister's friend Prakruth" said Rishi.

"Good. Do you like him?"

"Yes I do. He is very good friend of my family too. He treats us well"

"Nice. Do you think he'll hurt you?"

"No doctor, he won't. He's not cruel"

"Oh well then will you be able to stay with him for a week??" asked the doctor.

"Sure but school??"

"I'll date your school teacher and get you enough leaves"

Rishi started laughing at the joke.

"I'm not joking, I'm very good at it" said the doctor winking. "Prakruth take him to farm house, he needs love and care rather than medicines"

"Sure doctor. I have few questions.... Can we talk?" asked Prakruth.

"Rishi, go and tell your mom to pack. You can go home" said Sudarshan.

"Ok doctor" said Rishi and ran off.

"Yeah... you had some questions"...

"Doctor has he forgot that I'm vampire"

"Are you one?" asked Sudarshan.

"No, no ways.... Doctor you're joking right?" chuckled Prakruth.

"Yes I did. Ok coming to the point. He hasn't forgotten about that but he has realized that you're not a vampire. I had to give him evidences like vampires can't walk in sun, they have long canines, they don't sleep or eat... He also argued enough that you're smart, good looking, has extremely fair skin, lovely voice and you act like you've good character, you can impress anyone at first meet."

Prakruth chuckled softly.

Doctor continued" Then I asked him if he's brave enough to face the vampire, he said yes. So I asked him to check himself whether you're one or not, he agreed. Hence putting him to test his fear against his braveness.

My part is over, you need to make him strong mentally by your love and care. Hide vampirism!!" winked the doctor.

"Hmmm I understood Doctor I'll hide" said Prakruth.

"You're humorous... Well then.... here comes Rishi, are you ready to go home with Prakruth??" doctor asked Rishi who walked in.

"Yes Doctor" he said.

"Go to him and invite him home" whispered the doctor to Prakruth.

Prakruth looked at the doctor curiously, doctor signaled to go for it. Prakruth nodded and walked towards Rishi.

"Come Rishi, we'll go home" said Prakruth as sweetly as possible.

"Don't be sweet.... I'm not scared of you... I'm strong boy" said Rishi.

Prakruth turned and looked at doctor. Doctor just smiled.

"Ok I know you're strong. I won't hurt you. Come let's go home"

"You can't even if you want to. I'm staying with you for a month" he said and walked outside the door.

"Relax Prakruth.... I told you about him" said Dr. Sudarshan.

"Yes I know... I got a task for a month... I think you told me a week. Thanks" said Prakruth.

"Welcome...it depends on his mind. It's ok. Take care. Call me whenever you need help" said Sudarshan.

"Sure I will" said Prakruth shaking hands with the doctor.

When he walked out of the ward, Thrishul was standing just outside.

"Oh, complication!!" thought Prakruth.

"Where did you find Punya? Why didn't you inform me immediately when you found her?" asked Thrishul.

"I... I... Um.. Thrishul... I forgot" stuttered Prakruth.

"Words got stuck in throat huh, let me take them out myself" said Thrishul angrily rushing towards Prakruth.

"Easy guys.... Easy" said Dr. Sudarshan holding both the boys away from each other.

"Doctor he has forgotten something it seems.... Let me thrash him so he'll get some memories back" said Thrishul shouting.

"This is hospital, behave!!" said Prakruth softly yet strongly.

"Take your fight outside... Go" said Dr. Sudarshan.

Punya who walked towards them said "Thrishul you're here. I was searching you for a while"

"Whole night I searched for you and you're tired for a while???" asked Thrishul.

"Mr. Grumpy, stop scowling" said Punya.

"I will.... if you tell me where you were last night" said Thrishul.

"Come... We'll go out. I'll tell you everything" said Punya holding Thrishul's arm and pulled him out of the hospital. Prakruth followed them.

"Stop, I'm not your pet dog. Don't drag me" screamed Thrishul pulling out his arm roughly.

"God, what's gotten into you. You're acting like Mad" said Punya.

"Yeah I'm.... I've every reason to be mad... You went missing whole night" yelled Thrishul.

"You fought with me yesterday evening and left me in the parking lot" said Punya

"Yes... Evening we fought, I thought you would take a cab and come home but you disappeared. You didn't even answer my calls. Which mad would do that?"

"Hmmm I was angry at you" said Punya.

"Oh well... But where did you go whole night? You weren't in Mangalore at all. I enquired all your friends, your classmates and searched all possible places. So you must've gone to the farms... Right??"

"Yes I was at farms. So what??" asked Punya.

Thrishul turned towards Prakruth and asked "Hey man, how dare you lie to me?"

"Thrishul I was at my farm house with grandparents. He didn't know until you called today morning. I wanted to keep grandparents away from all this so I went to act normal. Got it" explained Punya.

"Hmmm.." sighed Thrishul. He didn't buy the lie.

"What?? Why still staring at Prakruth now?" asked Punya.

"I told him to inform me if he found you. I was tensed as hell. He has lost even the least consideration which I had on him" said Thrishul.

"We had to rush to hospital as Dad called. This has nothing to do with Prakruth" Punya defended.

Thrishul scoffed. "Ok bring Rishi, we'll go home" he said.

"Thrishul, doctor has advised Rishi to stay with Prakruth to get rid of his fear. So he is going to the farms for a week" said Punya



"That doctor must be nuts. To get rid of the lion fear, enter the den... How stupid??" asked Thrishul sarcastically.

"Well ask doctor yourself" shrugged Punya.

"Wait... I understand everything now....you plotted all of this... You're great Prakruth" said Thrishul.

"What are you talking about?" asked Prakruth. "You don't have your own family so drawing this family towards you??" said Thrishul.

"How??? What are you talking about?" asked Punya.

"First he drew your Dad and my Dad to build his hospital, attracted you to farms based on your agriculture interest, then your grandparents to get treated there, now your brother. Wow... Why have you left Narmada Aunty. Take her too... Shift whole Punya's residence to Bantwal... Stay happily with them" blabbered Thrishul.

Prakruth started laughing loudly.

"You laugh.... Fake love, fake care won't last long. I'll get my family back... Well!! now take her brother and do baby sitting at farms. When I take revenge, you'll cry for help" said Thrishul and walked away.

"What just happened?" asked Punya.

"Screw your cousin... No time for bullshit... Get into the car. We'll go" said Prakruth.

"Ok... Rishi get in" said Punya.

"What about your parents?" asked Prakruth.

"Dad has some work till evening. They'll come at night to farms" said Punya getting into the car.

Prakruth nodded and started the car.