
Young Justice: Rebirth of Alex Frost

----- Disclaimer: I own nothing other than my ideas. ----- My First Story

Ryder_Blackthorne · Komik
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Gatcha, Healing and Information

[Hello, Host Welcome to Support Gacha System]

"System, please explain your functions?"

[Sure Host! As the name suggests the system is for providing support the growth of Host in his future path. The System provides Knowledge, Skills, Items, Potions and other things.]

[These can be obtained through the expenditure of Gacha points, which you can earn through completing the missions. Each category contains a range of options, each with varying rarity and potential benefits.]

[But Host, it is important to exercise caution and not rely solely on the Gacha system. Overdependence on its rewards can lead to imbalances and may hinder personal growth. It is essential to find a balance between utilizing the system and developing your own skills and abilities.]

"Ya, I know. I have sent here to be an entertainment for her. But I will live my life as I want. So that I won't have any regrets"

'I can understand the cautionary advice given by the system. But this system was provided by that woman. So why is it cautioning me.' he thought with his paranoia kicking.

But even after thinking about the situation, I can't come up with any answer. "She wanted me to provide entertainment, then so be it. I will use her to achieve my goals and dreams."

(AN: *Sigh* Just like Sun Jinwoo)

I don't want to become solely reliant on the Gacha system and neglect my own growth and potential. I will just use to my advantage and achieve my goals.

"System, Continue you explanation" I said.

[Ding! Yes Host! Every month the user gets 10 Gacha rolls, using it or saving it depends on user. If the Host wants to roll the Gacha it will cost money. Each Gacha roll now costs 100$, which is 1000$ per 10 Gacha roll.]

"Yup, not enough money. At least not yet." after I rummaged through my pockets.

[The host can also save the Monthly Gachas and can draw whenever you want. The rewards are entirely based on Host's luck. So don't blame the System.]

"System, why there is no shop function?"

[It's for balance. Shop function destroys the balance of your growth.]

"Yup, still don't understand why there is no shop function. But I can't cry over spilt milk."


[The System includes the following functions:

- Status

- Missions

- Gacha Roll

- Inventory]

[-Status: Shows the data of the host that includes the host parameters, body condition, Skills and Items.

-Missions: It consists of Daily Missions, Emergency Missions and Hidden Missions. The missions will be given according to the path Host chooses. The missions are not compulsory and the host can reject them. The completion of missions provides Gacha points. There certain missions that can give you summon stones which can give you the ability to summon any nonliving summons or pets from any universe.

-Gacha Roll: Every month the user gets 10 Gacha rolls, using it or saving it depends on user. If the Host wants to roll the Gacha it will cost money. Each Gacha roll now costs 100$, which is 1000$ per 10 Gacha roll.

- Inventory: The space use to store Host items obtained from the system. The host can also use it as a personal inventory.]

"System, show my status."


[Name: Alex Frost

Condition: Soul damage, Deteriorating Physical condition

Location: Gotham City

Affiliation: None

GP: 0

Level: 1

HP: 100 / MP: 10


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 10

Intelligence: 10

Perception: 10

Status points: 3


Passive Skills: None

Active Skills: None

[Items]: Gift Pack x 1]

"System, why is my condition showing as "Soul damage, Deteriorating Physical condition? And are my new memories in shambles"

[Ding! Host it's because your new soul in this world and the old soul from the previous world were trying to merge. Since, your old soul strength from the previous world was very high so instead for merging, the new soul got damaged. That why the host memories are not whole and your body is dying.]

"WHAT?!! DYING?!! AGAIN??!!!" I panicked.

[Calm down Host. Your damaged soul and body can be healed. Please proceed to open the gift pack in the inventory. The host needs to think of the retrieve the Gift Pack]

"Ok, quick open it"

[Ding! Gift Pack Opened

- Gacha Points: 1000

- Bloodline Vial (Random)

- Holy water of life (Enhanced)

-Skill Stone: True Will

-Note: I hope you like the Gift Pack. -************ ]

"System, get me the potion." Taking out the potion to confirm my theory.

And it proved to be right. The potion container looked just like it was in the manga. But the color of the potion was transparent.

"System, can you show me the details of this potion?"

[Yes Host. Holy water of life (Enhanced): A mystically enhanced potion that cures all ailments. The effect will only take place when the entire bottle is consumed. This was specifically made for the host by ************.]

[Host I recommend you lie down before taking the potion. You will fall asleep immediately after you drink it.]

"*Sigh*, Ok will do that. So how much time will it take for me to recover?"

[Minimum 8 hours host.]

"Ok, have to inform grandma and sis before I sleep. Don't want to worry them again."

[POV End]


He made his way to the living room where his grandmother and sister were sitting, engrossed in a conversation. It was already afternoon.

"Alex, are you feeling better?" his grandmother asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I'm getting there, Grandma. But what I need is probably rest." Alex replied.

His sister looked at him with worry. "Is something wrong?"

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. He decided to lie "No, Don't worry its nothing I just feel tired, I came to have my lunch and would probably go to sleep."

His grandmother nodded in agreement. "Your health is our priority, Alex. Don't worry about a thing."

After that Alex had his lunch, with their reassurance, he made his way back to his room, potion in hand. He settled himself on his bed, feeling a mixture of anticipation. He knew that this Holy Water of Life (Enhanced) would help him recover.

Carefully uncorking the potion, he drank it in one swift motion, feeling its cool, refreshing taste soothe his senses. As he lay back, his eyelids growing heavy.

And with that thought, Alex surrendered himself to sleep, trusting in the powers of the Holy Water of Life to restore him to full strength.

[8 hours later]

As the moonlight bathed the room in a soft glow, Alex's eyes fluttered open. He sat up in bed, his mind feeling strangely clear and his body invigorated. As he regained his senses, a rush of memories flooded his mind, filling in the gaps of his past and merging with his old ones.

The fragments of his old life had finally aligned, interweaving with the memories of his new existence. It was as if a puzzle had been solved, revealing the complete picture of his new body.

After going through his memories, Alex came to know that he was in Gotham city. He thought "Of the entire cities in the universe, it just had to Gotham city."

The current date was 10th December 2008. He was 15 years old. His parents were Lee cooper and Edna Frost. His father Lee Cooper was a half Asian-American, he worked as a firefighter and was killed by a gang during a bank robber in 2004 and his Edna Frost is a detective at GCPD. She had avenged his father's death by putting away the one responsible for his father's death. She died in the riots caused by the escaped prisoners when Bane temporarily took over Gotham.

Alex was seething with anger having come to know that he had lost his parents to this damned city. Then he calmed himself down. This anger wasn't going help in anything. He had been a soldier, so he knew how to hunt the criminals. He had time to do that but he currently didn't have any power to do so. So he vowed to take his vengeance.

Alex also had other reason to calm down his grandmother Jinan Frost and his stepsister, Missy Cooper. Alex seemed to have never called her sister after they started living together even though he cared for his sister. His mother was the only one who could make him talk to her properly. But after she died, he distanced himself from everyone, becoming a loner.

Missy was one year older than him. She was Junior in high school while I was sophomore at Gotham City High School.

Alex needed more information to find out in which DC universe he was. From his memories the league has been quite active during the past months and the Central city hero Flash seemed to have got him a side kick, Kid Flash. He already deduced which universe he might be in. But he still needed to find more information and since there was no computer or laptop in his room he decided to look for his sister in the morning.

"System, Status." Alex spoke.


[Name: Alex Frost

Condition: Healthy

Location: Gotham City

Affiliation: None

GP: 1000

Level: 1

HP: 300 / MP: 125


Strength: 20

Stamina: 16

Agility: 13

Intelligence: 23

Perception: 20

Status points: 3


Passive Skills: None

Active Skills: None

[Items]: Bloodline Vial (Random), Skill Stone: True Will]

'Is that.. it?' thought Alex

It seems to be it.

So, He decided to use his muscles to find out. Alex got down from his bed and stood next to the bed and lifted it. He could feel the weight, but he was able to pick it up easily. He added two points in strength and one point in Stamina.

[Strength +2]

[Stamina +1]

Now he could feel the difference. Alex stood next to the bed once again and exerted more strength in his arms. Surprisingly, he found it much easier to lift the bed compared to before, clearly noticing the difference. His physical strength had significantly improved. Overwhelmed with a sense of elation, he proceeded to move around the room, collecting not only the bed but also anything within his reach, inadvertently creating a mess.

Realizing that the room was too confined for further testing, Alex concluded that he needed to find a secure location to experiment with his newfound strength.

He also devised a plan to survey the area and assess the situation, considering he was in Gotham City. He understood the importance of being aware of potential dangers in his vicinity to ensure the safety of his family.

Alex, realizing that he had accumulated enough points for his initial gacha roll, made the decision to request the system to initiate his first roll.

"System, Start the Gacha Roll." Called out Alex

[Ding! Yes Host!]


Author request: Please give me reviews and stone too