
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


[ Mount Justice August 8th. 09:58]

" A day at the beach and you want me to come?"

Donna asked over the phone.

" Yeah, it'd be nice. We haven't had time to ourselves like this in a long time. Come, on what do ya say."

Kai asked

" Okay, I'll be there in a little bit let me get dressed."

Donna replied

" Awesome! I'll see ya soon."

Kai responded before hanging up his phone.

" Who was that?"

Kaldur asked as he passed by kai's room.

" Donna, I asked her if she wanted to come today and she said yes. So, I'm waiting for her before I join you guys on the beach"

Kai explained.

" Alright then. I will see you again shortly."

Kaldur said before taking his leave from kai's room.

' I can't believe we've been here a month now and we haven't used the beach once. Too bad Wally had school. A moment of silence for our fallen brother.'

Kai thought as he bowed his head in prayer for his school fallen comrade.

[ Recognized Donna Troy B12]

" Oh, she's here!"

Kai yelled as he rushed out of his room towards the entrance to greet the young woman.

" Whoa!"

As he stared at the young woman in front of him, he couldn't help but be impressed by her beauty.

" Do you like it? Diana helped me pick it out."

Donna asked as she showed her black two-piece bikini.

" I think you're beautiful. Uh it's beautiful. Yeah!"

Kai stuttered through his embarrassment, Donna herself blushing at the boy's antics.

" You ready to join the others?"

Kai asked trying to salvage his pride.

" Yeah! Let's go."

Donna replied

" Alright!"

Kai grabbed donna by her hand and lead her down to the beach where, kaldur, superboy, dick, and Megan had been playing in the water.

" Kai, you made it. And you brought donna!"

Megan said cheerfully.

" Alright, let's have some fun, but before we do everyone a moment of silence for our fallen comrade."

Kai said as he bowed his head again for wally.

" We already did my friend."

Dick said to kai.

" Then let's just have fun."

Kai said as he jumped into the water with the others. The group of friends enjoying their time at the beach. Splashing in the water. Playing volleyball, Of course Kai and Donna had won that game rather easily, in fact only superboy had been able to contend with the two powerhouses. They grilled hotdogs, giving Donna her first chance at trying the greasy food, much to her delight. And at one point they had all buried the sleeping superboy in sand. Needless to say, it was a day filled with joy and laughter for all of them. Well, everyone except Wally who had the unfortunate pleasure of school. But like all good things the day would finally come to an end.

" It sucks you have to go so soon Donna."

Kai said as he walked the woman over to the cave teleporter.

" I know, but I'll see you again. And I had fun today so it's not all bad. Thank you for inviting me kai."

Donna replied to the young man making him turn a little red. Something that his teammates took quite the notice of.

" Well, I'm glad you came donna. Today was the first time I had seen laugh and smile the way you did. You are really beautiful Donna."

Kai said with that big dumb smile again. This time making Donna turn red with embarrassment.

" Thank you."

She replied while tucking away a strand of her hair behind her ear.

" Anyway, I should go, but I look forwards to our next meeting. You stay safe and take care of yourself, okay?"

Donna stated.

" Of course, I will, and I look forward to it too Donna."

kai replied as he gave the woman a hug, making her blush even harder. Donna returned the gesture and left the cave to return home.

[ Recognized Donna Troy B12]

Kai watched with a smile on his face as the woman's figure disappeared through the teleporter. When he turned around, he was met with the sly grin of his knowing teammates.

" What's so funny?"

Kai asked in bewilderment.

" What happened between you two. A few days ago, you were shouting each other's heads off, today you seem all buddy buddy. Is there something you're not telling us?"

Robin asked slyly

" I don't know what you're talking about dude. I'm going to take a shower."

Kai said as he left for the shower room.

" Those two looked so cute together."

Megan spoke up after Kai had left.

" They did seem to enjoy each other's company, but maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions."

Kaldur said to the group. Superboy Megan and robin all looked at each other before replying.

" NAH!"

They all said in agreement.

[ Recognized Batman 02 Red tornado 16 Black canary 13 Green Arrow 08]

" Oh, great you're all here. Did something happen?"

Kai asked as he walked into the main room of cave.

" Hm? Who are you?"

Kai asked as he laid his eyes on the newly arrived archer.

" Artemis! You're new teammate. Who are you?"

Artemis responded.

" Rudra the leader of this team, and now you, I guess. Though a heads up would have been nice. Oh, well welcome to the team. That's Robin, that's Aqualad, That's Miss martian, and That's superboy."

Kai said as he went over his role and introduced his team to the new girl.

" Leader Right?"

Artemis jabbed at the man.

[ Recognized Kid Flash B03]

" The wall man is here, Whoa!"

Wally yelled as he skidded across the floor.

" Wall man huh? Wow love the uniform. Tell me what exactly are your powers?"

Artemis asked.

" Uh who is this?"

Wally asked

" Artemis your new teammate."

Artemis said

" Kid flash, never heard of you."

Kid flash stated

" Um she's my new protege."

Green arrow spoke up in artemis defense.

" What happened to your old one?"

Wally asked

[ Recognized Speedy B06]

" Well for starters he doesn't go by speedy anymore. Call me Red arrow."

Roy said as he stepped through the teleporter.

" Roy? You look."

Green arrow started.

" Replaceable."

Roy responded cutting the man off.

" It's not like that. You said you were going solo."

Green arrow argued.

" So, why waste time finding a sub? Can she even use that bow?"

Roy asked angering the young woman

" Yeah, she can."

Artemis argued

" Who are you?"

Wally asked.

" She's, my niece."

" I'm his niece."

The two archers replied.

' His niece? We've never heard about her before. Even red seems unconvinced and I doubt he wouldn't know if green arrow had a niece. This smells of a bad lie.'

Kai thought

" Another niece?"

Robin spoke.

" But she is not your replacement. Red as far as I'm concerned anytime you want on this team you got it. I know kaldur, robin, and Kid flash would be more than glad to have you."

Kai said to the young man.

" Is that right?"

Roy asked

' Of course, it is my friend. We have no quota on Archers."

Kaldur spoke.

" And even if we did you know who we'd pick."

Wally stated

" Whatever bay watch. I'm here to stay."

Artemis said boldly.

' That is yet to be determined."

Kai spoke.

" What do you mean, Aren't I allowed to join?"

Artemis asked

" Of course, you are. Anyone who wants to join the fight for good is always welcomed. But your attitude is something you need to fix and fast. That's not to say this team doesn't have attitude. Kid flash is arrogant himself sometimes and always rushes into a situation blind. Superboy is Brash, stubborn, and has anger issues, robin is silent untrusting for the most part and is blindly loyal to batman, Kaldur himself has been the most cooperative, calm and collected of the group, and Megan is overly naïve. We're a team of misfits, but we're all working on bettering ourselves. Get what I'm putting down?"

Kai asked as he explained his team's dynamic.

" No? Well, you'll catch on soon enough. Now, Red you came to us for a reason."

Kai stated

" Yeah, a reason named doctor sirling okete."

Red arrow replied

" Robotics and nanotechnology and claytronic expert in star city. Vanished two weeks ago"

Robin said as he pulled up his information on the good doctor.

" Abducted two weeks ago by the league of shadows."

Red stated

" Whoa, you want us to rescue her from the shadows?"

Robin asked

" Hardcore."

Wally stated as he fist bumped robin.

" I already rescued her. Only one problem. The shadows had already coerced her into creating a weapon. Doc called it the fog. Comprised of millions of microscopic robots. Nanotech infiltrators capable of disintegrating anything in their path. Concrete, steel, flesh, bone. But their true purpose is theft. The infiltrators eat and store data from any system and deliver the stolen intel to the shadows. Providing them with weapons, strategic defense, cutting edge science and tech."

Red arrow explained the threat of the fog.

" Perfect for extortion, manipulation, power broking. Yeah, sounds like the shadows."

Artemis stated

" Like you know anything about the shadows."

Wally replied. Artemis simply looked at the man with amusement on her face.

" Who are you?!"

Wally yelled.

" Okete is working on a virus to render the fog inert."

Red Arrow said

" But if the shadows know she can do that."

Robin started

" They'll target her. But right now, she's off the grid. I stashed her at the local high school's computer lab."

Red Arrow stated

" You left her alone?"

Green arrow asked

" She's safe enough for now."

Red arrow stated.

" Then let's you and I keep her that way."

Green arrow said trying to convince his friend to work with him again.

" You and I? Don't you want to take your new protege."

Red arrow asked

Green arrow wanted to say something back, but batman stepped forward and stopped him.

" You brought this to the team. Which makes this their mission, which means it's hers now too."

Green arrow stated.

" Tch Which means my job is done."

Red Arrow replied before walking over to the teleporter.

[ Recognized Speedy.]

" That's Red Arrow B06 Update!"

Red Arrow said to the teleporter before teleporting.

" You all know the mission go get suited up Wally everyone else to the hangar bay. I'll be right there."

Kai ordered the team to leave as he stayed behind with the adults.

" Now that we're alone we're going to have a little talk."

Kai said to the league members after the team had left. His words getting suprised views from more than a few of the leaguers present.

" What is it?"

Green arrow asked

" Kaldur might believe it, Megan may not be suspicious, superboy may not care, and Wally may be an idiot. But Robin and I are not. I'm certain she's not your niece Arrow. I don't know how she's related to you, and I don't know why you had to lie about it. But I will find out."

Kai explained

" Give her a fair chance Kai."

Black canary asked

" I will. Everyone who joins this team will be treated fairly as equals. For now, she has my trust. But if she does anything that causes harm to my team know this. I'm not coming for her; I'm coming for all of you."

Kai glared daggers at the league members before turning to leave.

" Oh, and one more thing next time at least have a little respect to let me know you're bringing someone else onto my team. I think it's fair to have some kind of warning."

Kai said before leaving the room.

" Oh, Kai! What did you need to speak to the league about?"

Megan asked as kai boarded the bioship.

" Nothing in particular. I wanted to run something past batman before leaving. Are we all ready?"

Kai asked

" yes!"

The group responded

" Alright, let's go."

Kai ordered as the bioship took off.

[ Happy Harbor August 8th. 21: 53 EDT]

The team had already arrived and had set up perimeter around the school in anticipation for the league of shadows.

' Miss martian link us up. We do not want the league of shadows intercepting our coms.'

Kai ordered

' Everyone online?'

Megan asked as she linked the group up.

' Ugh! This is weird.'

Artemis stated

' And distracting. Coding a distributed algorithm virus on a kiddy computer while wearing a wristwatch is hard enough. Now, I have to hear teen think in my skull.'

Dr okete replied as she worked on the virus.

' We are the teens keeping you alive right now doctor. So, I suggest you try your best to block it out.

Kai stated

' Lady do you all ways complain when someone tries to help you?'

Wally asked

' Pot kettle have you met.'

Artemis taunted

' Hey hey I do not need attitude from the newbie who ran red arrow off the team'

Kid flash retorted.

' That is not on me.'

Artemis replied

' Fate of the world at stake.'

Okete stated

' Hey she started it.'

Kid flash replied.

' You two be quiet and focus.'

Kai ordered

' How about I help Miss martian and superboy secure the perimeter?'

Artemis asked

' Good, Idea!'

Kai agreed rather annoyed.

' Try to cut her some slack. It was her arrow that saved your butt against amazo.'

Robin said to wally.

' What no it wasn't that was speedy er Red arrow's arrow right?'

Wally asked

' It doesn't matter she is a part of this team now and she will be treated as such. Kid flash I know you are upset about Red, but now is not the time neither is it her fault.'

Kai stated

' But rudra.'

Kid flash tried arguing.

' No, buts Kid. Aqualad in here with me. I want two in every location and since Artemis left I need back up.'

Kai ordered.

' On my way!'

kaldur replied as he made his way to Kai's location.

' Doctor the virus is useless if we can't find the weapon. Can you track it?'

Kai asked

' My fog is not a weapon. it is science. Brilliant science and of course, I can track it. But I'd have to go online. Might as well paint a billboard that says come assassinate me in neon.'

Okete replied

Kai seeing the woman's distress placed his soft yet strong hands on her shoulders.

' We will protect you.'

Kai said to the woman. Okete sat there for a second before beginning the tracking of the weapon.

' Tracking fog now. It's in Philadelphia.'

' Mmmm, That boy.'

Artemis moaned as she looked at superboy's ass.

' He can here you. We can all here you.'

Megan replied rather annoyed.

' Oh, I know.'

Artemis replied

' Miss martian okete has found the fog. Reconfigure the bioship so that robin and superboy can pursue.'

Kai ordered.

Superboy and robin boarded the ship and left to go stop the fog.

' You embarrassed superboy.'

Megan stated

' Didn't hear him say that.'

Artemis replied.

' Must you challenge everyone?'

Megan asked.

' Where I come from, that's how you survive.'

Artemis replied.

' This isn't where you come from. This is my team. If you want to fight everyone on this team do so when we get back to base until then KNOCK. IT. OFF. Am I clear?'

Kai spoke with valor.

' Yes.'

Artemis responded

' I am talking to you too miss martian.'

Kai spoke.

' But Rudra.'

Megan spoke.

' Are we clear?'

Kai asked again.

' Yes.'

Megan responded.

' Good. Status report everyone.'

Kai asked.

' Here.'


Both Megan and artemis spoke.

' Aqualad is with me. Kid flash.'

Kai spoke. After a few seconds with no reply kai knew they were under attack.

' We're under attack the shadows are here. Martian Artemis. You two find Kid then come to me. Aqualad hide in the shadows and get ready.'

Kai ordered.

The room went quiet for a few seconds then suddenly shuriken were flung in the air and headed straight for doctor okete but were stopped dead in their tracks when they hit kai's chest.

" Yeah, that's not going to work."

Kai taunted.

" Ohhh, aren't you a tough one."

The woman appeared wearing a Cheshire mask.

" You have such a beautiful voice. Why hid it behind that mask?"

Kai taunted.

" Mmm, flattery will get you nowhere with this kitty."

Cheshire playfully taunted back.

" Is that right. What a shame you're breaking my heart."

Kai joked.

" Awww, is that right? Here, let me make it better."

Cheshire said as she threw more shuriken at the man.

" Didn't you try this once?"

' That being said I should probably not get cocky.'

Kai thought as the shuriken raced towards him. He pushed the doctor down and dodged the shuriken. When they hit the other wall, they all exploded.

' Glad I dodged.'

Kai thought.

" Aww, you weren't supposed to dodge."

Cheshire spoke.

" I do believe it is time to end this."

Kai said

" You want to end our dance so soon?"

Chesire asked

" I wasn't talking to you."

Kai said.

Cheshire backed up and turned around to see Aqualad swinging his water maces at her. The maces hit the woman sending her flying out of the hole in the wall her shuriken made.

" Nice hit man. Take the doctor and hide."

Kai ordered as he flew out the hole in the wall.

" What? Where'd she go?"

Kai wondered as he looked around to the woman was gone. Kai flew back into the room to see the others had gathered around the doctor.

" She got away. Megan Artemis how the hell did she get in? You two were on perimeter."

Kai asked.

" She must have slipped in when they we were arguing."

Artemis replied.

" Sorry Rudra."

Megan stated

" It's fine. For now, the doctor is safe that's all that matters. We need to prepare. The shadows will be back."

Kai stated.

" Robin to Rudra. We're over Philadelphia. Star labs. We're too late. it's destroyed totally destroyed. It's bad. Star labs is cutting edge science and now their secrets are in the hands of the enemy. What's our next move?"

Robin asked

" Rescan for the fog. Find it. We're moving the doctor."

Kai ordered.

Robin and superboy began their search for the fog again, while Kai and the others moved the doctor to a new safe house somewhere in happy harbor.

' Knock it off both of you!'

Kai ordered Artemis and Kid flash to stop glaring at each other.

' What?!'

They both asked.

' I can hear you glaring.'

Kai said back to the two.

" Miss martian stay in camouflage mode and do a wide sweep."

Kai said loudly on purpose.

' They're here.'

Kai said to the group alerting them to the presence of the shadows.

Suddenly a string of web shot down on top of kai's head and pulled him into the shadows. The assailant grabbed him and threw him into a nearby van.

" Whoa kitty cat. Is that how you're going greet me now?"

Kai asked as he struggled to his feet. Suddenly another assassin with crane for hand slammed it down on kai's head from behind.

" Sorry, handsome. But this is what we have a job to do."

Cheshire said to the young man.

" And so do we."

Kai said as he got back on his feet.

" You didn't think I'd be that easy to beat, did you?"

Kai asked with a whimsical look on his face.

" Go on ahead. Kill okete."

Chesire ordered. Kai went to stop the fake ass spiderman and the other one but was stopped by Chesire.

" Sorry handsome. But I want another dance."

Chesire yelled as she lunged at kai. The two danced around each other. Kai dodging the woman's sai while Chesire dodge his fists and kicks.

" Chesire! It's a trap the doctor isn't here."

Black spider radioed too the girl.

" Oh, you devil. I do not like being played."

Chesire said angrily as she threw down a flash bang and disappeared.

' Damn, they know. Aqualad Chesire is heading your way stay on your toes.'

Kai said telepathically.

' Rudra. I'm heading towards Aqualad for support.'

Artemis said.

' Confirmed. Kid flash. Miss martian. Do you two need help.'

Kai asked

' No, we've got them. Go help the others.'

Kid flash radioed.

' On it.'

Kai responded. Kai raced off towards the location of Aqualad and Artemis to discover Aqualad had been laid out.

" Doctor are you okay?!"

Kai asked as he ran into the room.

" I'm fine, but Artemis she went after the assassin by herself."

The doctor responded.

" Did you finish the virus?"

Kai asked

" Yes."

" Good send it to robin."

Kai ordered

" What about your friend?"

Okete asked.

" Ugh! My head."

Kaldur said as he got to his feet.

" Aqualad keep her safe. I'm going after Artemis."

Kai said as he raced off in the direction the two went.

" Artemis what happened to chesire?"

Kai asked

" She got away from me."

Artemis said reluctantly.

" She got away from you. Surprise. We got ours."

Kid flash said as he and the others arrived.

" Kid that's enough."

Kai said

" Robin to Rudra."

Robin radioed.

" Go robin."

Kai said.

' Me and superboy captured the assassins and stopped the fog."

Robin answered.

" Good job. All in all, this mission was a success. Okete lives and her machine is stopped. You did a good job Artemis. Welcome to the team."

kai said with a smile on his face as he placed his hands on the girl's shoulders. Getting a smile back from the girl herself.

" I always wanted a sister. I mean on earth. back on mars i had like twelve."

Megan explained.

" Thanks."

Artemis responded to the girl.

Megan then looked to Wally and when he didn't say anything she elbowed him in the side.

" Ow, Welcome."

Wally said begrudgingly.

" Alright! Everyone, back to base. Doctor we'll wait here until the league arrives when they do. they will take you somewhere safe."

kai explained.

After a few minutes of waiting Superman, green lantern hal jordan, and both hawk people showed up to escort doctor okete to a new safe house.

" And with that the mission is complete. You guys head back to the cave. I've got some business to take care."

Kai said

" Okay, tell Donna we said hi!"

Megan joked

" What?! What makes you think I'm going to see her."

Kai asked exasperatedly.

" You've been going to see her every night the past week."

Kaldur said joining in on the joke.

" Shut up!"

Kai said as he flew off into the sky.