
Young Justice: Ghost

Waking up in a fictional world wasn’t something he would wish on anyone, especially not when said universe is the DC universe. With Monsters and Villains at every corner, how could he possibly survive in this crazy world?

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49 Chs

Chapter 16


With Superboy having deserted his bike, Dante had him ride inside the truck with the parts in the event that they were attacked again.

Dante and Robin rode on their own bikes as they made the journey to Boston. Fortunately, though it took a bit over an hour, the rest of the trip was uneventful.

Upon getting to STAR labs in Boston, the guard and security escorts hauled the android parts inside.

Dante turned to his fellow clone. "Superboy, you stay here with the parts. Robin and I will rendezvous with Aqualad and the others."

That didn't please Superboy at all. "What?! Why do I have to stay here?!"

"Because the parts are next to useless without each other which means that there is a chance that Ivo will send more of his robots after them. The monkeys can still track it so have the scientists remove the GPS tracker and toss it out, preferably on something moving." Dante explained, his words not doing anything to appease Superboy.

"When that is done, take a Zeta Tube and meet up at our coordinates. Radio us if anything happens." He finished as Superboy growled, stalking up to him.

With how much taller Superboy was, the way he did it was supposed to be intimidating but it only got an unimpressed look from Dante. "Why do I have to be the one?"

"Robin is needed to track the android parts and I am needed to coordinate our movements and possibly come up with a plan should we encounter Ivo. Your nigh invulnerability and super strength makes you the perfect shield to defend the lab. Do you understand?" Dante explained, his eyes narrowing as Superboy grunted.

"I'm gonn-"

"Do you understand?" Dante cut off firmly as Superboy went to argue.

Now was not the time for petty squabbles. With Ivo being the one who created the android, the man was far more dangerous than the android.

Superboy grunted before turning around to follow the guards into the lab.

"Harsh much?" Robin quipped with a small frown.

"Not exactly. His anger makes him unpredictable and that unpredictability is a liability in this mission." Dante explained.

"You sure Batman isn't rubbing off on you?" Robin joked as he pulled up the holographic map. "The rest of the parts are in a warehouse in Gotham. Aqualad and the others are almost there."

"It'll take a few hours on the road. We'll take the Zeta Tubes and make our way there." Dante said as they headed towards the nearest Zeta Tube.


-[Gotham City]-

Dante flew above the city, telekinetically holding Robin as they headed to the warehouse. The bikes couldn't fit into the Zeta entrance in Boston so they had to resort to this.

"Down there." Robin announced, drawing his attention to three familiar figures a short distance below them.

Lowering himself and Robin down to ground level, he drew their attention.

"Robin? Dante? Where's Superboy?" Miss Martian asked in confusion.

"He's guarding the parts in Boston. The monkeys might make a move for them while we're here." He explained before turning to the warehouse up ahead.

"Supes must not be happy about that." Kid Flash commented.

"Good point." Aqualad agreed with a nod. "According to the gps coordinates Robin got, the other parts should be in there." Aqualad said as Dante scrutinized the warehouse.

"Miss Martian and I will check it out. You three stay here." He said, turning to M'gann who nodded, entering camouflage mode.

Doing the same, they flew forward, looking around the factory for any possible entrances that didn't include the front entrance.

[Dante, I found an entrance.] M'gann's voice came, prompting him to fly over the factory to the other side of it to meet her.

Upon reaching there, he found one of the higher glass panes had a hole in it. He nodded to her. [Good work.]

The hole wasn't big enough for a human but it was big enough for shapeshifters such as them. His camouflaged form shifted to that of a small bird, entering through the hole in his reduced form.

M'gann did the same, standing beside him as they surveyed the factory. He immediately caught sight of Ivo tinkering with what he recognized as the upper half of the Amazo android.

There were a decent number of robot monkeys around the factory.

[Ivo's here. When I give the signal, move in. The robots will focus their attention on you while Miss Martian grabs the Amazo parts.] Dante said.

[What are you going to be doing?] Aqualad asked.

[I will distract Ivo.] Dante said as he flew down behind a stack of crates, shifting from a bird into a familiar figure in a bat costume.

"It's over Ivo." Dante said in the form of Gotham's dark knight, startling the scientist.

"Batman? I didn't expect to see you here." Ivo said, keeping up his smile as he turned to Dante. "Well I guess I shouldn't be too surprised seeing as how this is Gotham."

Ivo's face twisted into a smirk as the robot monkeys immediately flew towards Dante only for him to leap backwards.

He then noticed M'gann in camouflage above the table where Ivo was tinkering with Amazo. [Now!] he signaled.

Not even a moment later, the front door was pushed open as Kid Flash blurred forward, pulling the tails of the robots within reach and throwing them to the ground.

A few disks shot into the warehouse from the door, each exploding as they struck a robot. After that, a whip of water sailed through the air, taking out a line of robot monkeys.

None of this caught Ivo's reaction more than when the half assembled Amazo android was raised into the air and began moving towards the exit.

"Stop th-" Ivo was interrupted by one of the robot monkeys that slammed into the back of his head, knocking him out.

The robot monkey quickly began to morph, returning to Dante's form.

"Nice!" Kid Flash yelled as Aqualad destroyed the last of the robots. M'gann flew back in, telekinetically holding the now disassembled Amazo in the air.

He had her grab it during the chaos and dismantle it as quickly as possibly in case it was even partially awake. He wasn't too keen on relying on plot armor to fight an opponent that could replicate powers and had the abilities of most of the league.

"Is it over?" M'gann asked.

"Of course! We rocked this mission." Kid Flash said in a smug manner as Dante levitated a cable he found lying around, using it to tie Ivo to one of the pillars.

Dante turned to Robin. "Radio Batman and tell him we have Ivo and that we need the trucks to transport the remaining parts."

The boy wonder nodded. Dante opened his mouth to speak only to pause as he felt something before quickly continuing.

"Miss Martian, check in on Superboy. Keep an eye on Ivo in case he wakes up. I want to check something out." Dante said as he flew out of the warehouse.

He flew to the top of the building beside the warehouse, seeing a costumed figure making their way through the rooftops, easily recognizing them.

'Well would you look at that…'