
Chapter 2.HE HATES CATE.

The two words "old lover" clearly stuck a nerve with Robbin.

"You slut!How dare you say that!"Her anger contorted her beautiful face.

"What you did back then.."

Her words suddenly stopped,and a barely noticeable hint of fear flashed in her eyes.

"Get out of my sight!"

Jael Sweeny spoke again,his tone almost tangible with disgust.

Cate was already too lazy to talk to Robin,

So she turned around and blew kiss a kiss to Sweeny before leaving in her high heels.

The lounge still had the scent of last night,and Jael Sweeny pressed his forehead heavily,feeling a splitting headache.

Although he wanted nothing more than to devour Cate alive. Robin had to suppress her hatred and approached him softly,"Sweeny.."

Jael Sweeny looked up and glanced at her."What are you doing here?"

"Dad asked me to bring some material,andbi wanted to come see you. "

Robin smiled as she spoke,looking around Jael Sweeny lounge. When she saw the messy bed ,her jealousy was almost uncontrollable.

Anyone who wasn't a fool would know what happened between them last night!

Back then,she had worked so hard to get rid of Cate. She couldn't let all her effort go to waste!

Robin forced s smile and asked,"l haven't seen Cate for long time. When did she come back?"

She waited for few seconds,but didn't hear Jael Sweeny answer.

Jael Sweeny sat on the edge of the bed,his bony fingers holding a cigarette. His face was cold and his eyes showed a hint of confusion.

Robin heart was suddenly lifted.

Jael Sweeny rarely smoke, only occasionally lighting up when under extreme psychological pressure.

That darn Cate, she just wouldn't go away!

"Sweeny, Cate left without giving you a reason those years ago,and now she's suddenly back.She must have a purpose ."Robin carefully chose her words,trying to raise a smile. "You must not..."

She had intended not to warn him not to be deceived by appearance,but she was interrupted by Jael Sweeny saying,"She said she came back for the money.''

Robin heart skipped a beat,almost taking a deep breath.

"There's we can do ,Cate is just that kind of a woman. "She deliberately brought up the events of five years ago,every word and sentence seeming to be for Jael Sweeny benefits.

"Sweeny, have you forgotten how she betrayed you before?!

Jael Sweeny fingers holding the cigarette tightened,and the grey-white ash fell to the floor.

Of course he hadn't forgotten. He might never forget it in his entire life.

Seven years ago Cate had an affair with his competitor and leaked the company secrets, reaviling all the plans he had painstakingly done and causing the company to suffer a great loss.

When Robin presented him with a series of evidence, he didn't believe it at first and wanted to find Cate for an explanation,but learned that she had already escaped.

Since then ,this woman had disappeared from his life.

After five years,every time he thought of Cate, he hatred and resentment he felt from being deceived was mixed with indescribable emotions.

He hate Cate,but he also love her.This love had been engraved in his bones during the seven years ago of longing ,and could never be erased.

"You can leave first,"Jael Sweeny said hoarseness."I'll talk to Director Robin about the information later. "

Robin gritted her teeth.originally ,sending over the information was a trial matter that didn't require her to come in person.She just used it as an excuse to see Jael Sweeny. But now,in this situation, if she continues to pester him,it would only make him more annoyed. She reluctantly stomped her foot and said, "Then I'll leave first. Oh,by the way ,my dad said he wants to have dinner with you when you're free..."

"We'll talk about it later. "Jael Sweeny interrupted her with four concise words,no longer looking at Robin.He extinguished the burning cigarette in the ash tray.

The furnishings and decorations here were all arranged by Cate herself and almost every corner still retained her aura.With her arrival,the place came alive again.

As evening approached,Jael Sweeny temporarily put down his work. His phone vibrated ,and it was a message from Robin." My dad booked a private room at The Park restaurant.Do you have time?"

Jael Sweeny rubbed the casing at his phone. He naturally knew what Robin was thinking. On the surface, it was Director Rob's idea,but in reality, it was her own."Not convenient ,"he typed without hesitation, grabbed his suit jacket hanging on the back of the chair,and left the company.

The evening sun painted the sky with colorful hue,and Sweeny's mind was in turmoil.Unconciously ,he drove to the entrance of an apartment building.

The apartment was where he used to live a with Cate. They had lived here for four years before Cate left.He had returned here alone and faced the emptiness and despair that filled the room.And now this woman had returned.

She had brazenly entered his office and seduce Jim on his desk,shamelessly admitting that it was only for money.

Jael parked his car at the basements and strode upstairs.He was familiar with everything here,even every step had been etched into his memory. He stood outside the door and took his key to open it.

To his surprise the door was unlocked!

Jael was stunned for a moment. He easily pushed open the door and saw a Grey suitcase lying next to the sofa

An indescribable feeling gripped his heart. Sweeny walked into the room and closed the door slowly behind him.

The sound of running water came from the bathroom.Jael hesitated for a moment,then walked toward the bathroom. As expected, the frosted wall mirror of the bathroom reflected a slender and delicate body.

The sound of water stopped, and Cate wrapped herself in a large white towel.she realized that she had forgotten to bring her clothes when she saw Jael standing in the room.

Cate stunned no knowing what to do ,she gathered words and then calmly said,"You just came in time ,help me get my clothes.They are in the suitcase .

Jael Sweeny didn't say anything, he went back to the living room to get the clothes and handed them to Cate. It was then that he realized that nothing had change from seven years ago.

A sly smile flashed across her face as she reached out and grabbed his arm,pressing herself against him.

HEY,"Mr.Jael you've change abit.

Her soft body was tightly pressed against him,but Jael Sweeny face turned cold.

"How did you get in?Get out."

"Don't be so heartless,"She moved her body,not only did she not leave,but she also got closer,"Time is so precious, doesn't Mr.Jael want to do something more meaningful?"