
You shouldn’t have stayed

A tale of a vampire prince called zila who just turned 18 and was given the liberty to leave the palace for the first time as per his request He explored the kingdom and was less thrilled by anything till he caught sight of a beautiful lady and ended up stalking her He tried to get rid of this new obsession as he knows his father will never accept this alignment but he still went on and built a loving relationship with Bianca, a beautiful lady who was very pretty. He also had a friend/cousin who was secretly in love with his sister and was trying his best not to show it When darkness dawned on zila and he had to suffer for his wrong choices, there was no one there to save him from his fate And this led to a great loss. Who will it be Embark on this lovely novel : you shouldn’t have stayed

Just_Angel_the_God · Fantasi
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70 Chs

63; The fall

What's lurking~

zila was made to bare unimaginable pain as they created new ways to punish him everyday and jazzer who was trying to help was kicked into the dungeon which the king happened to be in and were they both starved. The whole palace was in chaos.

Zila was tied to the kingdom tower for all to see, he was given nothing but a tiny clothing to cover his lower self, "at least you have a little dignity before your death." the wolves mocked they pierced him from time to time most women and children threw stones at him or spite at him as they were ordered to, vulture came to feed on his open wounds as his eyes were shut and his head hung low, the soilders hit him from time to time to know if was still alive and whenever they did they heard the click of metal due to his body movement. "What a tough one." The beta spat in frustration.

Days past, months and then the next year, the date for Zila's trail was finally chosen, the whole kingdom was in ruin, the humans had no say and other creatures who reside there tried to get away, there was a high rate of suicide and most cases they were killed by the soilders. There was an increased rate of pregnant woman as the wolves laid with whoever they wanted there plan was to reproduce as they hardly had women in their pack, the human males were placed into hard labor and so we're the children who weren't wolves.

The number of half breed grew, whenever a wolve desired a female they took her even if she had a husband, he would be killed in front of her to instill fear and obedience. Mother's were made to leave their offsprings and fend for the wolf's children.

A large number of brothel was opened and young females were put there for pleasure and entertainment. The kingdom became known for its atrocities and most times they sorted out to evading neighboring kingdom and whichever they couldn't conquer they made alliances with them.

The town was very busy as preparation for the execution of zila was quickly approaching, many people had even forgotten he was royalty or once the most wanted bachelor, they only knew him as a traitor to the crown which Thea had painstakingly made them believe. The whole city was bubbling and the young prostitute roamed around the market looking for male wolves to attract in other to rise in rank as the females belonging to wolves were treated as dukes wife's and those who weren't were made to serve those who did. Everyone was busy and the town was bustling and by the sea side came a familiar man who hadn't visited in a while the last time he came to this town he was blessed with a daughter but returning here again he was surprised to see the state at which the kingdom had changed, there were ladies halfway clothed and swaying there hips around and they all seemed to be in a hurry he stopped a fellow and asked "Sorry what's going on?."

"What do you mean what's going on?." The man replied rudely as he dragged the pig which he had bought in the market, he was preparing to leave so that his master and his madam who used to be his wife wouldn't punish him.

"Why does the shop seem full and why are the others closing up." He asked the lad.

"Are you new her- oh well the assigned day to kill the traitor zila is today." The man said as he looked at the different attire the man wore, clearly the man wasn't from here, oh how he wished he was this man right now he thought to himself as he walked away not waiting for a reply from the man.

Lost in thought the man was pushed by a wolve guard who had noticed him from a while "Who-oh good day." The man greeted as he saw who had bumped into him was a soldier.

"What brings you here?." The solider asked rudely.

" I'm here to pick up stock from the market and an-." Immediately he was held by an older lady with a big smile " oh dear! Oh dear he is a cousin of mine from the west he has come to see the show today." The woman said catching up to what she had said he quickly followed "y-yes the traitor who is going to be killed today, she told me about it but I've been finding it hard finding my way as it has been a long time."

"Then how was she able to get the message across to you." The soldier questioned. "Through letters." The old woman answered.

"I didn't ask you did I." In a threatening voice he walked towards them ready to snap them into shreds but his friends came " oy! Have you forgotten that today's a big day ofcourse lots of people wouldn't want to miss the death of that rat sack, come on let's go." The soldiers let and the man thanked her alot.

"You have to be careful now they'll still keep an eye on you, so I guess you're stuck with me for the rest of the day till the poor prince is killed." The woman said whispering the last part.

"What is really going on." The man asked her in confusion and the lady began to narrate to him in little whispers "what!." He exclaimed "Keep it down these dogs have good hearings." The woman said, he reduced his voice and thanked her, he knew what she was and so did she, they were both witches.

The time arrived and the soldiers began to give the town call as ever shop was to be closed down the trail was to begin slaves were whipped to evacuate the area while the wolves entered their carriages and left to get prepared for the event which was in an hour.