
You Own Me

Love Story of Mafiya leader and Police officer. He was her love but to him she was his world.

miss_right_6875 · perkotaan
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1 Chs

Chapter One

Walking out of the room in her Police Uniform, Insha met her third elder brother, Namsung , whose room is just beside hers.

She smiled " Morning brother !! " with a short side hug. " Good morning princess!! " He greeted back.

Both of them together headed to the dining room where their first elder brother , Seokjung was serving breakfast. Both of them greeted him and took their seats but didn't start eating. Waiting for their other sibling to arrive, Yungmin , her second elder brother.

Not having parents anymore, is sad and hurting but having three elder brothers?? Being the only sister of the three owners of the world wide, Min Enterprises, Insha has her own perks. She got all the attention, love and luxuries from her brothers who loved her dearly. Everything she ever wished was brought to her feet without any delay though she wasn't someone to insist on that. People think her as silly for being a police officer by profession , when you can have all the luxury under your feet but she never thought that way coz She saw how her brothers suffered to bring the drowning company up to the sky,at such a young age of somewhere like 20 or21 after their parents died in an accident. She witnessed those nights when they had to sleep without food. Even though, now they have everything that they ever wished , she always used the money carefully, thinking that those bundles of notes have her brothers' blood,sweat and tears. Besides that, it was her dream to be a police officer.

Yungmin walked in the dinning room responding to a phone call " yeah, go ahead and prepare everything before I arrive " he ordered to the person on the other line of the call.

" Morning everyone!! " He greeted taking a seat beside Namsung .

In the silence while four of them were eating peacefully " We are going to the factory today, want us to drop you to your department office?? " Yungmin asked to his sister.

She shook her head chewing the food " Jamhu will be here...*cough * * cough *" She accidentally choked on the food and started coughing.

Seokjung immediately took action to pat her back while Namsung filled a glass with water for her.

" Insha yaaah!! I told you so many times You should not speak when you have food in your mouth . Why are you so careless about yourself " Seokjung started nagging her.

Seokjung always behaves like any typical mother to his three younger siblings. It was because being the eldest and losing parents so early, he was too concerned about his little siblings, though they're not little anymore.

After taking few sips of water " Oppa !! Am not careless!! " she groaned.

Seokjung glared her " leave it hyung you keep on scolding her on small things " Namsung spoke in her stand.

" Yeah!! She takes care of the whole city, whom are you calling careless?? " Yungmin too added in her support with a look of pride in his eyes.

Seojung simply rolled his eyes. It was nothing new to him, the other two brothers always took stand their sister. It's not even that Seokjung never did, he's just too much concerned for her since she works at such a responsible post.

" I shall leave!! Take care " she chimed with big grin.


" so what would you like to do today?? " Jamhu asked with a wink.

Jamhu , Hopjun and Insha were friends from their training academy, however Hopjun turned up to be their senior. Jamhu and Insha are partners in crime patrolling. Though they are not like all officers, strict and cold. They maintain their, bubbly personality. Well that doesn't suits to their profession but no one should judge a book by its cover right?? Therefore, they are responsible and hard working. And so they are considered as the best duet team in the department.

" Jamhu !! Don't you think that sounds like you are asking for a date?? We are at the office " Insha explained him that he should at least keep his flirty self inside while at work.

She thinks he just jokes being all flirty with her but little did she know, he liked her. Not like just like her but that like which is also known as crushing. However he couldn't dare to confess and she never saw him in that light.

Suddenly a constable officer asks for permission to step in their office. Jamhu permitted him immediately.

" Officer Jung has called for you both " he informed them and left.

Jamhu sighed " Hobi hyung have eyes for just us to hand cases " he whined.

She smacked his forearm " you should think in a positive way min!! He believes we are responsible. " she exclaimed.

" that's a different thing, we had been working on so many cases already. I need some free time too " He groaned leaning on the table.

She rolled her eyes " saying the one who gets excited with each new case " she retored.

She got up from her seat earning a glare from him " your glares don't scare me. Come on " she stated and headed out snickering to herself at his reaction.

He chuckled as he was left alone, before getting off the seat. What can we say?? He likes to make her smile and laugh at his silliness.


" take your seats " Hopjun asked as they saluted him.

He forwarded a green file to them ,that Insha accepted to take and opened it. Jamhu leaned to his left handle of the seat so that he could peek what's the file containing.

" The JK!! Korea's most feared Mafiya leader?. " Jamhu exclaimed as he read the profile name.

JK is known as the God of terror in the whole of Korea and neighboring countries. His fear kept expanding ,considering him the most scary Mafiya leader, who administrates his large empire all alone.

Hopjun sighed and nodded his head " He did another murder last night. And coz the witness spot comes under our department area we have got to catch him this time " he explained them.

They looked at each other " We have to do it to keep the reputation of our department.... No officer or team is ready to take JK'S case. Since both of you have been doing an excellent job as a team, from the joining day I thought to hand this case to you? " Hopjun told them.

They looked at each other with a smirk. Wait a minute, a smirk?? Ain't they thinking something like they may risk their lives?? Well maybe not, coz thrill was something both of them always craved. So yeah they ain't gonna let go this opportunity.

They looked at Hopjun again with a proud smile " you can count on us sir!! " they replied in unison.

A wide grin creeped on Hopjun's face to their statement, like everyone in the department was scared to take the case and they just accepted without even thinking. He was proud of his friends.

" I expected this from both of you!! " He complimented to the juniors.

Jamhu always loved when he got praised " We are working from now onwards " he exclaimed proudly.

Insha nodded in agreement with Jamhu . But Hopjun was concerned about them " I appreciate your spirit!! But make sure to not mess with things. It will cause a great trouble for you as well as everyone involved. " he warned them.

They nodded " All the information we could collect is in the file along with his crime records. Take as much cops as you need and do the work. " he told them and they nodded as reply.

They left his room with the file thinking that from where they should start?? They have got to Chase a person, for whom killing people is like a piece of cake. And he's never got caught.

Basically, he's an example of a perfect criminal.

And now these two Officers are heading to catch him.

" I think I shall get coffee for us before starting?? " Jamhu asked while they were on the way to their cabin .

Insha nodded and they separated their way. She entered the cabin and took her seat while reading the file. It surprised her, how a single person is responsible for so many crimes, when he's just 24 years old?? Damn!! he must be sexy?? Ofc he is, atleast for the author . However something else that surprised her was the picture of the criminal. How furious he looked with that smirk on his face . The picture was a capture of a CCTV footage , he had no mask, nothing to cover his face . Proudly showing that he did the murder and daring the police to catch him if they can. She felt more determined to get him, she wanted to get the thrill. The name JK , felt so thrilling to her.

She got so much lost in reading the profile that she didn't even noticed that Jamhu returned with two coffees, already.

" I'm back " he chimed to get her attention but she didn't acknowledge him yet.

" What are busy reading that you ignored such a cute guy beside you ?? " he pouted as she looked at him.

Think, it's a police station, right?? Flirting is allowed?? Maybe no but atleast in this fiction .

She handed him the file while taking her cup of coffee. His eyebrows jumped as he read the records.

" He's just 24?? Fvck!! he's even younger than me " Jamhu exclaimed.

"Fvck!! who kills their own guards to complete a century murders?? is he a fvcking psycho or something?? " He cursed out reading the file.

" atleast don't curse at the office, min!! " She told him.

" Look at his records inu!! can you believe he does it all alone, no right hands or dealer or fighters he ever hired?? " Jamhu was too stunned by this young criminal 's abilities.

Drug dealing, smuggling, kidnapping and murders everything he does all alone. He never hired people for these work except for guards who guard his residence.

Insha agreed with her partner. How one could manage all these. Well maybe coz he's, the JK??

" I think we shall go to the witness spot. " she suggested and earned a nod from the male beside her.

Hii Reader! It's my first time writing on webnovel so I hope you like it. Please feel free to leave your reviews as comments. Thanks

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