
Chapter Text25

"Oh." That was the only thing that Jungkook managed to say as soon as he dropped the grocery bags he's been holding in order to remove his shoes. He's been greeted by a smiley boyfriend who was wearing a brown fluffy hoodie, little round ears decorating the top of his head. "Hello, sweets."

"Welcome back." A cheeky grin was accompanying the greeting so the tattoo artist suspected something was up but didn't ask, knowing the cat was going to be let out of the bag willingly. He leaned to steal an innocent kiss and was ready to open his mouth once again but watched as Jimin pushed the hood down and revealed a light brown head. The change was striking but he couldn't imagine his baby looking prettier so his eyebrows arched in surprise. "Ta-daaa ~"

"When I left this morning there was a sleeping kitten in my bed and now I came back to a teddy bear." He cooed and let his fingers run through the new-found softness, his smile widening at the way Jimin almost purred under his touch. "You are so beautiful, baby boy."

"Am I?" He didn't hesitate to cup pink cheeks so he could initiate a chaste but loving kiss. He could tell the lips have been tortured by teeth so he was almost sure the boy has been overthinking until he arrived, probably scared that he wouldn't like the change.

"You know you are." He whispered and playfully bit the tip of his nose before taking a few more seconds to study the change. He needed some time to get accustomed to his boyfriend not having baby pink hair but the new look felt like a gulp of fresh air and somehow the colour made Jimin look even softer. "Why did you suddenly decide to dye it, though?" If it has been planned beforehand, he has never heard about it.

A little gasp was heard.

"Oh my God, it really looks bad, doesn't it?" Jimin looked dead serious and borderline scared so the tattoo artist grabbed both his hands and tugged on them in order to catch his attention.

"I love it." He tried and kissed the bangs that were covering his forehead. "I love you. I was just curious, did you do it at home?"

"Taetae helped me." They picked up the almost-forgotten bags and headed to the kitchen so everything would be put in place before they could start the preparations for lunch. "His hair is turquoise now." He giggled because he remembered vividly how much they had to scrub the bathtub in order to get rid of the bright colour. They've been changing their hair colours since they started uni but the experience never showed so they always ended up making the bathrooms look like a unicorn murder scene.

"That sounds fun." Jungkook chuckled and turned to rest against the counter, fingers reaching for the boy who was struggling to organize everything resting inside the refrigerator. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that you're starting work tomorrow?"

He was going to start working in a cafe and he already had an interview so he hasn't been requested to lose the pink, it was just something he felt like doing. He gave up on the idea of a full-time job but the Dominant needed to insist for quite a number of days, underlining the fact that there was no need for that and that it might not be good for his mental health. He had been headstrong because he was craving to feel useful but decided that he could use his spare time to study for the upcoming year instead.

"I think I want to see it as a new start." The pout was present so the elder couldn't stop himself from planting a sound kiss on it. "A new me and everything." He giggled, realising it probably sounded silly but Jungkook didn't laugh at his hidden insecurity, instead hugging him close.

They had an uneventful evening and it was understandable because they both had a tiring day, the best way of ending it being holding each other. Moving in has brought them endless calmness so they couldn't really ask for more. They've made a ritual of talking until they got tired before going to sleep and this time the main subject has been Jimin's job. The elder wanted to make sure that he was not having second thoughts because he didn't want his baby to feel uncomfortable or like he needed to earn money because he could take care of them. The alpha inside of him wanted to prove that he was able to.

"Will you wake up at 6:30?" Jungkook groaned and nodded before burying his face into the other's neck.

"When does your shift start?"

"At 8 but I would like to be there half an hour earlier."

"I'll drive you there." The tattoo artist mumbled and kissed the revealed skin in front of him, his eyelids feeling heavy.

He couldn't remember when he fell asleep but Jimin was already up by the time the alarm went off and he was informed his pill has been taken so he owed him a sticker. The boy hasn't felt little in days but they didn't change their rules or routine because there was no need to.

"Could you –" The pink-haired boy hesitated to continue, the tattoo artist's expression probably intimidating as he was just then tasting his coffee.

"Yes, baby?"

"Would you choose an outfit for me?" That was a sweet request so he accepted right away, happy that he could contribute to his boyfriend's first day. It was pretty hard because he was still sleepy but he tried his best and put together a simple pair of black jeans and a large pink sweater that had a little red heart on its sleeve. He looked as cute as he expected him to look so he didn't let him get out of the car until they properly made out and chubby cheeks turned pink.

"Have the greatest first day, sweets!" He wished him and smiled when a small hand rose to wave him goodbye. "I love you." He mouthed and chuckled as the boy became even more flustered and clumsily hurried inside.

He would have been a hypocrite to say that he wasn't worried and Yoongi saw right through him and kept teasing him about it, reminding him that he should lose the doting parent attitude. He was jumpy and he kept his phone close in case a new snap was sent to him. Jimin thanked him for secretly packing Milo along with his sandwich, told him that he calmed down as he saw the plushie and reassured him that everything was going alright. One of his co-workers happened to be one of his high school mates and the surprise got him enthusiastic enough for him to forget all about the nervousness.

When his hyungs requested coffee he decided that he knew the perfect place from where he could get it and announced that he will be gone for more than half an hour.

"One latte, one mocha and an iced Americano, please." He grinned as soon as Jimin's eyes rose from the menu he was studying and his expression changed from shock to confusion and then to fondness.

"Right away, sir." The boy's cheeky reply made him chuckle and he waited patiently for him to move around, obviously determined to make the best coffee in town. It was cute to watch him being so focused and while he was struggling with one of the machines another boy came out from what he believed it was the kitchen. He was even taller than Jungkook and his hair was bleached, contrasting his golden complexion.

"You have to use plastic cups for Americanos." His voice held no menace but Jimin pouted either way.

"It's alright." The artist intervened and wondered if it would have been out of place for him to ask for a kiss instead of a see-through cup. He didn't want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable so he didn't try anything, not knowing if he wanted his co-workers to know about their relationship or about the fact that he was gay. "Thank you."

"Can I help you with anything else?" It was a fun play-pretend so Jungkook shook his head before saying goodbye and getting ready to exit the place. He was ready to enter the car when he heard hurried steps and loud breaths behind him so he turned around to find his baby who was panting and underdressed for how cold it was outside. He immediately placed the cups on top of the vehicle and turned around so he could hug him tightly, trying to warm him up.

"What are you doing here, kitten?" Jimin was trembling so he took his leather jacket off and placed it on his shoulders.

"I wanted to kiss you goodbye." His wish came true because soft lips pressed against his but it happened way too fast for his liking.

"Go back inside before you freeze, I'll pick you up when you're done."

He couldn't hear the end of it as soon as Joon and Yoongi found out that he drove all the way to another part of town so he could get coffee made by his boyfriend but he simply smiled at their teasing. He knew he shouldn't take it to the heart because they knew too how it was to be smitten with someone; it was his right to be this happy when his life was filled with so much love. Because of everything he's been through since the beginning of his and Jimin's love story he learned to appreciate the little things and he hoped his lover felt the same.

He was rather tired by the time he headed towards the cafe because he had about five clients and one of them wanted a massive piece on his entire neck but a smile appeared on his face as soon as he spotted his baby either way. Initially, he has been looking for pink but then remembered that cotton candy turned into caramel and found Jimin immediately. He was talking animatedly to the bleached-blond guy so he deduced that probably was the old friend his boyfriend told him about. They looked like they were getting along and the idea was comforting because he wanted him to feel comfortable while working.

Jimin entered the car a few minutes later and murmured an almost shy "hello" that caught Jungkook off guard. It was obvious he was waiting to be asked how it went so the tattoo artist leaned to kiss the tip of his nose before finding out all about the his day. He was amused by all the struggles his baby encountered because most of them were incredibly cute – like the fact that he couldn't always open the jars or that he was tripping over thin air – but he tried not to chuckle and take them seriously.

They were watching TV in the living room, barely paying attention to the show playing because their fingers were playing with each other.

"I saw you're getting along with your co-worker." Jungkook said absent-minded and squeezed the much smaller hand in his. "Now I'll be afraid that he'll steal you away from me." It was meant to be a joke so he kept his eyes glued on the screen until he became aware that no reply came and turned to watch wide cinnamon eyes. Panic was written all over Jimin's face and his furrowed eyebrows might have triggered something because the boy immediately opened his mouth.

"I would never –" The anxiety choked him before he could complete the sentence but he tried again. "I'd never cheat." His vision got blurry when he began shaking his head and Jungkook gasped in surprise, realising how far his joke has been taken. He would have never thought about infidelity but his boyfriend was obviously very affected by the idea.

"Baby." He whispered and wrapped an arm around the other so he could gently pull him into an embrace. "I was just teasing you. I know you'd never do that, sweetheart. I know."

Jimin looked seriously troubled so he tightened the hug, encouraging him to breathe regularly. The boy couldn't stand the thought of their relationship being in danger once again, not when they were doing so fine. Jungkook indulged him so many times, he wanted to make sure that nothing he did caused any kind of distress.

"Up you go." The elder whispered and helped him on his lap so he could kiss him softly. "I'm sorry, kitten, I didn't want to upset you." Jimin grimaced at the fact that his boyfriend was blaming himself for his distress and leaned to rest his head against his shoulder. He was tired and feeling weird but he couldn't quite put his finger on what was going on. "Is Minnie tired?" He was using that voice and Jimin nodded silently, unsure of how he was supposed to react. A hand began rubbing his back so he sighed at the pleasant feeling, allowing himself to relax. "Is my baby boy feeling little?"

He was not yet but he could feel himself slip with each passing second, probably because of Jungkook's calming spell.

"A bit." He confessed and rubbed the tip of his nose against a soft cheek.

"Let's go and change into pjs, huh?" The tattoo artist suggested and picked him up as soon as he received confirmation, smiling as soon as feet wrapped around his middle. "You're like a little monkey."

"I'm a kitten." Jimin protested. "Not a teddybear, not a monkey, a kitten." He pouted and Jungkook kissed the side of his neck a few times, trying not to chuckle.

Jungkook was going to come home earlier than usual so he was settled on preparing the best lunch and that meant everything had to be perfect. He was so focused on following the saengseon jjigae recipe that he didn't hear the front door opening and neither the steps headed towards him so he jumped startled when arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a backhug.

"Welcome home." He said and turned his head so their lips could meet for a slow but dirty kiss in which their tongues met again and again. It became clear where things were heading as soon as he felt hardness pressing against his backside and moaned against the soft mouth that insisted on searching his. Jungkook rolled his hips once.

"Tilt your head back, angel." He did as he was told and teeth dug into the soft flesh of his neck before a tongue caressed the superficial bruise and lips made sure that a hickey was going to be left behind. He tugged on the large shirt he recognised as his so he could reveal a shoulder and a collar bone he could continue his attack on. "You've been on my mind all day long." He confessed and covered Jimin's hands with his so he could make sure the knife he's been holding was put aside.

"What have you b-been – ah – thinking about?"

"About coming back home to you and..." His teeth tugged at a small earlobe.


"And slowly undressing you." He was teasing so the younger whimpered dissatisfied, causing for a low chuckle to vibrate against his skin. "I need you to tell me if you want this too, baby. I won't do anything without your permission." It was as if someone woke Jimin up from a hazy dream and he turned around so Jungkook could see his wide smile caused by the sweet concern.

"I want to play, thank you for asking me." His eyes turned into crescents and he leaned for a hug that might have been unfitting for the situation but was something he felt the need for. The way he always waited for consent was one of the reasons why he knew he could always trust his boyfriend one hundred percent. The tattoo artist kissed his lips chastely before whispering "I love you" against his lips and nuzzling his nose against his.

"Face the table, baby." Shorter legs didn't hesitate to carry him towards the large table where he decided to lean forward, happy that the cold marble could sustain his weight. He couldn't believe how fast he dropped everything he was doing but tried not to overthink, feeling his member becoming heavier in between his legs at the thought of Jungkook having his way with him. "Tell me your safe words."

"Green, yellow and mango." His voice was loud enough for the other to hear and hum in approval.

"Good boy." Fingers searched for the waistband of the shorts the younger was wearing and pulled on it as soon as they had the chance, letting them fall around his ankles before his hand searched for a half-hard penis that twitched in his hold. "My kitten is so eager." He cooed and let his thumb slide over the slit where little pearls of precum formed, causing for Jimin's back to arch. He immediately let go and slapped one white buttcheek playfully, reminding him not to change his position without permission.

"I'm sorry, Sir."

"Stay still until I tell you otherwise."

He expected for something to happen (he secretly hoped Jungkook would eat him out) but the elder stepped away and out of the kitchen, leaving him completely exposed, the situation feeding his fantasies. He knew his Daddy was going to bring toys from their bedroom and his mind was going crazy because of the possibilities. He was fully erect now and it felt like an eternity passed so when he moved his weight from one leg to the other he briefly brushed against the table. Spikes were sent up his spine and he whimpered at the stimulation. He told himself he would do it again just once so he repeated the movement, a little moan leaving his lips.

"And here I was thinking you knew better." Jungkook's voice startled him so he whined and closed his eyes, knowing that tone meant trouble. "I think I gave you clear instructions, Min." The man tch-ed and walked closer, dropping some items on the table before slapping a buttcheek two times. "I didn't expect to come back to my baby boy rubbing against the table like a dog in heat."

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry won't help you, pumpkin. Turn around." He did as he was told and fingers dug into the skin of his hips so he could be helped on the table, his heartbeat increasing for a few moments. He was thankful nothing was occupying the surface because he could sit comfortably. He hoped Jungkook was going to fuck him there but when he was told to rest his back against the wall he understood things weren't going to go as he imagined. "Bend your legs and spread them." He enjoyed being watched but his cheeks still heated as his eyes met hungry ones, feeling his erection becoming painful.

He spotted the glass dildo his boyfriend was holding but was offered just a bottle of strawberry flavoured lube that was brand new. Jungkook grabbed one of the chairs and placed it right in front of him before looking him in the eye and simply saying:

"Touch yourself." He didn't need to be told twice because the domineering tone was already pushing him to the edge but he was still shy so his hand was slowly as it moved to his crotch area. He wanted this but he didn't feel like he was sexy enough to have the elder look at him the way he did. "Come on, pretty boy. Imagine I'm not watching, that you're all alone in our bedroom."

"I can't." Jimin whispered too quietly and turned a brighter colour when Jungkook asked him to repeat what he said. "I can't."

"And why is that?"

"Because I don't touch myself without your permission." The tattoo artist smirked and shook his head.

"It didn't look like that would be the case, sweets." He moved so one of his hands would push the bent legs wider. "I also think you forgot who you're talking to."

"I'm sorry, sir." That was not the name Jungkook expected to be called but he indulged it, not wanting to force the boy in little space. Little fingers grasped hard meat and as soon as that happened a loud whimpered vibrated through the air, causing for the artist to flinch, his own pants feeling too tight. Jimin looked absolutely breath-taking like that, wearing his too-large shirt and pleasuring himself, his eyes hooded with arousal. He was doing it gingerly, as if he was not used to it and the other immediately caught on it.

"Faster, baby, I know you need it." He did so he closed his eyes and moved his hips, tightening the grip. "Use lube." He struggled to uncap the bottle because that was the last thing on his mind but knew it was going to be worth it so he didn't protest, shivering as the liquid came in contact with his skin.

"Daddy." He moaned and Jungkook grinned, knowing he has already fulfilled his mission. The boy was squirming, his hips raising so they would meet a closed fist again and again. His other hand reached for his scrotum that he gently massaged, feeling his muscles clenching in his lower abdomen. He needed another type of stimulation to be fully satisfied. "Please –"

"What do you need, kitten?"

"You – r fingers." He whimpered and stopped his movements. "Please, Daddy."

"You'll have to use yours. If you wanted my help, you should have waited for me like a good boy." The tattoo artist whispered and rested his elbows on the table right in between the other's legs, making sure he was having the best view. Jimin whined but let go of his shaft, knowing he would be coming soon if he would have continued and grabbed the bottle again, pouring more substance on his fingers before prodding at his quivering entrance. "Good boy, open yourself up for me."

His fingers were short so it wasn't enough, not even when he added three of them and arched his back because of the many dirty words that left the elder's mouth.

"Imagine Daddy's stretching your insides." Jungkook said and offered him the glass dildo before getting on his feet in order to unbuckle his belt and undress his pants and boxers at the same time. He pumped his erection a few times and Jimin whimpered louder. "I would have fucked you by now if you would have behaved."

"No, Daddy." The boy sobbed. "I'm sorry – Please."

"I don't think you deserve it yet." So Jimin took the dildo instead, pushing it inside of him with one swift move while his eyes remained glued on his Dom's proud erection. His mouth was watering but he knew Jungkook had everything planned so twisted the toy inside of him, desperately searching for his prostate. "Is Baby looking for his special spot?"

"Can't find it, Daddy." Maybe his movements were too impatient or maybe it was because he felt overwhelmed and dissatisfied by the situation. "Please help m-me."

"I don't think I should –" The loud whine made Jungkook chuckle and he decided it was the time to stop teasing his baby. So he grabbed the toy and with one simple move pressed the tip against his prostate, causing for more precum to gush all over his shirt. He was leaking and he was tempted to lean forward and taste him but he didn't want him to cum so quickly so he stopped when he saw his little toes curling, stopping the protests with a chaste kiss.

A hand grasped soft brown hair and encouraged the boy to lean forward, giving in when fingers rested on his thigh so their owner would regain his balance. Jimin's mouth knew his goal so it slid down the elegant throat and skipped over the simple black t-shirt so it could wrap around a red tip. Jungkook hissed through his teeth and helped him closer before gently bucking his hips and easily hitting the back of his throat, causing for him to pull back instinctively.

"Pinch my thigh if you want to stop." He immediately said and watched as tears formed at the corner of determined eyes and the younger slid back, relaxing his throat and struggling to breathe through his nose alone. "Your mouth is heaven, kitten." Jimin hummed and changed his position into a more comfortable one, feeling saliva running down his chin. "You're so fucking good at this." He swallowed around the erection and the elder groaned, pulling him so close that his nose was touching his carefully trimmed pubic hair.

Jungkook was tempted to allow himself to orgasm but decided he would do that only inside his baby so he let his dick slip out of the hot cavern and let precum smear all over an almost-red cheek. He sometimes regretted he didn't have the chance to be Jimin's first Dom – he would have treated him so much better and he would have had the opportunity to teach him everything from the start.

"Am I a good boy now, Daddy?" The voice was hoarse and his lips were swollen so the artist kissed him again, this time letting his tongue move as it wished. He couldn't get enough of his boyfriend.

"You haven't convinced me yet." Jungkook nuzzled his neck and easily moved him so he could press him against the table, his legs instinctively bending and welcoming him. "Tell me what you need."

"You inside me, please."

As soon as the shaft pushed inside of him, all the air has been kicked out of Jimin's lungs and nails dug into the skin of the other's back, aware of the marks that were going to be left behind. He sobbed as he was filled to the brink and jolted with pleasure as soon as the tip nudged the bundle of nerves he's been looking for, his moans not failing to flood the room. He was sure the neighbours could hear them but he couldn't care less, his senses heightened to maximum.

"You're taking me so well, sweet boy." Jungkook whispered breathless and began to move immediately, not allowing the smaller one to process everything that was happening. His moves were smooth and calculated even if he was losing his mind and Jimin was a mess, his hands still scratching his back. His lips were parted so the tattoo artist leaned to slip his tongue inside his mouth, silencing the pleading sounds as his hips continued to drive him crazy. His hands came to grab two tempting buttocks and he easily lifted the boy off the table, forcing him to gasp surprised and wrap his arms around his neck.

"Daddy, no –" He was afraid he was going to be denied pleasure once again but the man began moving inside of him, leaving him helpless. He has never had sex like that because none of his partners has been strong enough but he realised he was enjoying it way too much; he liked to be moved around and fucked like a doll. He liked to lose every little ounce of control because he trusted Jungkook fully and he knew he will enjoy everything he was offered. "There, oh –" He was babbling and his hands moved from an inked neck to tensed biceps, feeling his insides clenching. "Daddy, I'm – I'll cum."

"Cum for me, kitten."So he did – untouched, while Jungkook was still jamming inside of him, chasing his own release while enjoying the tightness pulsing around him. Jimin began to squirm as he was feeling too sensitive and the second orgasm was approaching when he's been pushed against the door and a fist closed around his member, encouraging to cum again.

"I can't."

"You can and you will." The punishing and domineering Jungkook was incredibly hot so the shorter boy rested his head in the crook of his neck, trying to ignore the pain that came along with the pleasure. "You feel so good around me, baby. So fucking tight."

"Cum, Daddy." He wanted to feel the warm seed inside of him but white liquid spurted out of his erection first, covering the other's first. The aftershocks were hurting him but he wanted to satisfy his boyfriend so he repeated those two words again and again only to have him pulling out and placing him onto his wobbly feet.

"Kneel." He groaned and began to pump his own hardness as Jimin did as he was told. He opened his mouth right away, even if he was visibly dissatisfied with the outcome and closed his eyes just in time for ribbons of white to aim for his lips and lower chin. He groaned at the last tug and looked down to see his baby looking sinful while covered in cum, his big eyes indicating his need for praise. Jungkook leaned to kiss him instead, tasting his own substance and mixing their tastes as he picked him up.

"Was it good, Daddy?" The tattoo artist kissed the top of his head.

"You've been perfect, peach." Jimin was carried bridal style towards the bathroom so he whined when he realised what was supposed to follow, feeling his body made of goo.

"Can't we clean up later?" It was a silly request because they were sweaty and the semen painting certain parts of their bodies was slowly drying so the answer was a natural "no" that earned a pout.

"But you can tell me what you want to do afterwards." The boy's features immediately lit up as his mind began processing the information and he realised there were so many possibilities. "I guess we'll start with lunch."

"And cuddles." Jimin decided immediately, nuzzling warm skin. "And I want to watch Spirited Away and make hot chocolate for you. And then we can cuddle some more." He was absolutely adorable so Jungkook stopped walking in order to pepper his face with small kisses that caused for squeaky giggles to escape swollen lips.