
You can´t die, if you are already dead.

A person has died, he does not know how or why, but after his death he meets a girl dressed in white. She is a superior entity that is obsessed with him, proposes a deal, in exchange for her soul she would make him immortal, eternal. The girl named Mor keeps his promise to him, but ... You cannot die if you are already dead. Our protagonist is nothing more than a miserable soul, a ghost. A playful and troublesome spirit. His story takes place in a fantasy world but I suppose this was a bit obvious if you read the labels, as I said, in this world there are both the demon king, as heroes and of course summoned heroes, but we do not follow any of them , our protagonist who has forgotten his own name and although he is not intrinsically evil, he is more attached to the side of an antagonist or an anti-hero.

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Entering a battle

And the barrier disappeared, and I attacked with everything, but I was caught in the ruby ​​and fell asleep.

And I slept.

But I did not sleep, I was still awake, I kept seeing the world, but I could not do anything, I was chained to a chair while they forced me to watch a television while I saw a life that was much better than mine, I spend a month in which that screen , it was nothing but the best television series of my life! yay!

It's a shame not to have popcorn and soda, the best part is that I'm in the front row for much of the story.

Apparently a war is about to break out, how do I know that? That's an unnecessary question in my opinion, but what does it matter, answering that question will surely help you get into context.

Ahem, ahem, the days after being captured in the gem are kind of blurry, in those moments I was very furious, so furious that I could kill someone, I was blinded by my anger, literally when I calmed down, we had already left the city dwarf, and we were on a kind of march back to the capital.

After the arrival a series of events follow that are unimportant, however, these filling events were the incentive that completely calmed my anger, after a couple of weeks I began to slightly enjoy the situation, that is, I was seeing a world fantasy, and although the plot was developing slowly I am happy to be able to live this reality. Despite being imprisoned, despite lacking will, despite lacking life ...

It's been a month since I've been with the princess I don't-know-who, and today, the opening battle is about to begin.

I am in the hand of the princess, we are both standing in front of an army of 10 thousand, and behind us, an army of 100 thousand, within our army, are elves, humans and beastmen from various nations and countries. All together forming an alliance with the sole purpose of ending the demons.

For our part, several strong generals stand imposing with a unique force, capable of destroying Manticoras with their bare hands.

However, the demonic forces, at a clear numerical disadvantage, advance confidently, the 10 thousand enemies, among which are mixed undead beings, humanoid monsters, low-ranking demons and demonic counts, were led by a direct subordinate of the devil king. The devil king, a being so strong as to be considered a superior being, with a strength capable of terrorize the gods, even the mere fact of mentioning the name of this monarch would lead to the activation of a curse that would burst the head of everyone to hear that sound. I don't know if the latter applies to ghosts but I'm sure I don't want to find out.

Anyway, seeing a fantasy battle in person is one of the things one must do before his death ... Did I say something strange?

It's time for the battle ...

Two hours later.

For the love of god, the demon king, and Mor, it's time to end this carnage.

The first ten minutes of the battle were moderately acceptable and very well choreographed, but ...

This is the worst thing in the world, you know, I've seen the odd gore anime and I've been quite interested in the field of autopsies, so I'm mildly desensitized to guts and blood, but ...


This is too unpleasant. And this is said by someone who is not even on the front line, that is, I am the sword of a princess, for now they have done nothing more than send the pawns to burst among themselves, the infantry collided with the squire trolls, while the giants They attacked with stones from a distance, wizards are used to launch attacks from a distance, clerics bless the army while demons try to give debuffs to rival troops. An air squad of dragons attempted an attack on the human rear, but a strong barrage armed by the High Priestess prevented the most persistent opponents from advancing.

A poor King whose country is on the brink of disappearance due to demonic attacks, was emboldened to lead a great offensive. This forced one of the demon generals to lead his own counter offensive by repulsing the King.

However, the violence for which said general was known sent him to go too far into enemy lines, his destiny seemed to be evident when the results of the attacks of the magicians had already destroyed his battalion, however the stupidity of said general was supported by His immeasurable strength, even after losing his weapon, he was still able to face a hundred infantrymen magically reinforced by a Holy Apostle.

The battle against that general had reached a stalemate and in this great battle that seemed to last days in which no one would escape until the total elimination of the opponent.

At this point it would take another monarch to face the trapped general. A quick decision was made on the possibility of sending reinforcements to save the wounded general.

The reason why I have told you the whole thing about the general is because they decided to entrust the task of killing him to the princess. there are those who pronounce it) as Princess Nosequi said (provisional name) is in charge of eliminating the general.

And that's what he's doing, Nosequi, please be gentle this is my first time (obviously in battle)

The princess, somehow obeyed my intentions and brandished the edge of the blade with a subtle and elegant fencing, which was not at all uncomfortable. But ... What was truly exasperating was the sensation of sinking into the opponent's flesh and being splattered by blood.

The most annoying and disgusting thing he had felt in a while, Nosiqui continued with his fight even when the sun began to fall, we had spent at least three hours fighting, Nosoqui occasionally withdrew while the rest of the troops pressured the general to exhaust him, without However, the promised reinforcements were getting closer and closer, and in the middle of the night the burly general had disappeared. Somehow the enemy lines managed to get him out.

With no apparent point in the battle, the tired soldiers who had been fighting were replaced by fresh units that were waiting to rotate with them at the agreed time.

Thus the night of the first day began.

The battle had lasted more than 12 hours with hardly any rest, throughout that period the demonic army had lost 20% of its strength, this compared to the 20% of the human troops that had been incapacitated, posed a scenario where the forces were even despite the indisputable numerical superiority of the humans.

In the rear, many men and women of the main monarchies began the necessary preparations for a group of monarchs to serve as bait to attract enemy generals, Donowo and the king who had attracted the general's attention would be in the group of the bait as a punishment for their failures.

Thus, in the early hours of dawn, everyone was pushed to the front lines. What from the outside was an offensive movement that promised to push the battle lines, had fulfilled the objective of attracting the attention of enemy generals, and I say generals because on this occasion a being that appeared to be blood with a humanoid form and a species of a headless dark knight.

The dark knight seemed to be an undead who lacked will and the being made of blood seemed to be wielded by the will of the sword that she held firmly in his hand.

The battle began, the knight lunged in a strong charge that eliminated 3 of the weakest monarchs, while the bloodthirsty being (made of blood) engaged in ranged attacks momentarily solidifying stakes of blood that he used to stab quickly the hearts of as many people as possible, the chest armor of 5 others gave way to the attacks of the blood being causing what should be an instant death.

Although the strategy had apparently hit the nail on the head. Nosiqui had given up all hope, apparently these two generals had been created by the demon king himself. These could well be defeated by a combination of attacks from the rest of the monarchs, but unfortunately for Nosiqui, she would not live to tell the tale.

When he was about to cry in fear and run away, a bloody stake pierced Nosiqui's chest piercing through his metal breastplate, piercing through his rib cage and sticking out of the latter's rear armor.

The blow had undoubtedly destroyed her heart, killing her instantly. I was momentarily overwhelmed by the sudden attack, but a strange feeling of freedom built up inside me, but fear overshadowed everything else as the princess's grip on the handle, which should have been weakened by her death, increased with a force never before. before seen. A quick glance at the face of the "Deceased I freeze".

The look of insane desire that she so feared had appeared again on the princess's face.

Then I realized what had happened: before dying the princess had released the seal of the gem, she had released me, releasing with me, the true nature of the gem.

And so, with an iron grip and a look of insane desire, Princess Vastberaden Van Krijger (aka: Donowo: Don´t-now-who) died all that, after freeing me from my prison.

I quickly came out of my gem, like a banshee coming out of hell

To realize that I didn't know what to do.

Until now, I had done nothing but possess dwarf bodies in my spare time. But now he was in the middle of the war and if he had bad luck it was possible that he would not come out well.

Although I understand that I am not going to die, I still harbor some fear of disappearing.

With that determination I remembered the Tap incident and did what I had always done, possess someone. And without more to say, I immersed myself in the lifeless body of Donowo.

The entrance was natural and without resistance or pain, and in a matter of a second he was on his feet.

Both allies and enemies stopped for a second in surprise to see someone apparently dead, stand up, or perhaps the surprise came from the ruby ​​color that emanated from the princess's eyes, it could even come from the mysterious and macabre change in the appearance of the sword he clung to. The truth is that I don't know, it could be all of them or it could be none, what I do know is ...

| NOW - I HAVE - A - BODY -, - I CAN - FIGHT -, I CAN - SPEAK -, I CAN - LIVE - and - I CAN - KILL !!! |

After saying my first minimally understandable words in this world, jump straight into combat without distinguishing between allies and enemies, without even worrying about the well-being of the body I was in, it is something logical and completely natural, because:

You cannot die if you are already dead.


While I laughed out loud with a broken laugh product of the blood clot that began to form in my throat

I smiled.