
You aren't OP! But he is.

You have been reincarnated in a world where magic reigns. You think you're the MC of the world, but instead of you, your brother is instead. What will you do? Will you carve your own destiny? Or will you be stuck in an ordinary life?

BDragonSoldier · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

Family breakfast, brother trouble

Waking up from your bed. You stretch your arms as you yawn. Looking around your private room, you see shelves of the books you read over the years, and next to it stood your personal mirror. Looking at the mirror, you see your teen self staring back at you. Your pale blond hair hanged at chin height, scattered in different directions from just waking up. They crowned your expressionless round face.

'I'm sure that if any stranger will see me, they won't know my gender.' You thought to yourself, grinning slightly as you reached for the brush that was on the cupboard next to the mirror. Brushing your hair, you hum an anime intro tune from your previous life.

After being satesfied that your hair was relatively straight, you make your way to your closet and start dressing into your clothes.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Young Master, breakfast is getting ready soon." said your butler from the other side of your door. Still being half dressed and struggling to put your clothes on, you yell in reply:

"I'll be right there, Gregory!" Your struggling ended in a sigh as you look again in the mirror. Your body was now covered in a simple yet elegant robe, with red cuffs on its sleeves and splashes of a filthy yellow and grey on the base. Your shirt itself was matte grey, and your pants were marroon in colour.

Satisfied with your look, you open the door and enter the hallway.

'Even though I lived here for almost 18 years, I am still at awe of the decor.' You thought as you look at the furniture lining the hall, from vases to paintings to flower pots hanging from the ceiling. It can only be described as extravagant.

Smiling broadly, you rush through the hall as you thought: 'So far that goddess really gave what I wanted. Hehe, maybe something cliche will happen like her sneezing or something.' Unbeknownst to you, that was exactly what happened.


Your house consisted of 3 levels: the first housed the kitchen and the dining and living rooms, as well as a laundry room. It also housed the staff's recreation space and living space. The second floor housed the private and cleaning staff's living spaces as well as your family's private studies. The third level housed you and your family's bedrooms and a guest room for any visitors.

Now, as you are on the third floor, you chose to descend to the second floor and ran to the other side of the house, greeting any staff along the way.

"Good morning, Mary. Good morning, Ben."

"Good morning, young Master." They answered disjointedly, stopping what they did for a moment to greet you.

"Thank you guys always on cleaning the mansion all the time!" You said in a cheerful tone.

"Anything for kind Master." Ben said as them both were left with smiles on their faces as they continued their work.

Descending to the third floor, you run past the kitchen, taking in all the delicious fragrances.

"Mmmm, that smells delicious, George!" You complemented the head chef.

"Thank you, young Master. But it was not I who prepared the food, but the rest of the kitchen staff." He replied.

"But you still choose the most delicious dishes." You said in return.

"Thank you, Sir." He said, smirking from ear to ear before supervising the rest of the food.

'Tomorrow is gonna be our birthday.' You thought as you approached the dining room.

Entering the dining room, you notice that everyone else is already there. Your brother, Eli (Elliot), sat next to your mom at the dining table. He had a red shirt and dark green tunic with bright red scruffs. His pants were normal brown trousers, held up by a belt. He wore a smug smirk on his face as he looked at you with his mischievous emerald eyes. Mom looked elegant in her relatively plain white shirt with brown tunic on and a pair of trousers as well. Father sat right at the end of the table, next to Mom. He instead wore a simple brown cloak (hood removed), which covered his coal black shirt and brown trousers.

"Hello, Mother, Father," you said to your parents, "Brother." You forced through gritted teeth.

"Hello, brother. Care to take a seat?" Eli said, keeping his stupid smug on his face.

"Morning, Zach. Nice of you to finally join us." Father said, as he motioned for you to sit. You hesitantly moved to sit down, always keeping your eye on your brother. Sitting down, you didn't notice anything wrong and decided to leave it for now, as you listened intently to your father's words.

"As you know, tomorrow's your birthday, which means you would've come to age to do an awakening." He said in a serious tone.

You were excited to the bone at the thought of acquiring your own element.

"I hope you have looked at all the different options you could get by awakening." You nodded frantically at this statement. However, Eli looked less appealed to the notion.

"What does it matter which element we get? It's just powers after all." He said lazily.

"It matters a lot," you said in return, "the element you get greatly determines how powerful you are."

"Zach is correct. There are elements that are stronger than others, but you won't get the most powerful one easily; you would need luck." Your mother said. "For the more powerful they are, the more rare they become."

You already knew this, even though you are still listening intently to what was said. To your knowledge, there are 8 different elements: lightning, fire, earth, life, water, air, light, and shadow, in respect to strength.

At this point in time, the food arrived at the table and was then distributed by the servants. You saw a slight distortion in Eli's eyes as a maid came to serve him.

"So we were thinking of getting you two awakened to see what elements you have." Your father said, drawing your attention. "The reason why we tell you this now is that you are aware of it as we send in a request for your awakening." Your mother now said.

"That's fantastic!" You said, as you stood up from your chair. But instead of leaving the chair, it followed with you, forcing you to duck down and accidently hit a maid with its legs. Your face paled more than it already was as you threw an accusational stare at Eli. He, however, was trying hard to contain his laughter as he folded in laughter before tilting backwards and falling to the floor with a *thud* and "Grooaaan". Your parents sighed as they knew these things happen regularly.

I hope the second person is a unique viewpoint, and I aim in trying to use it in the entire novel. And since this is gonna be my first proper novel and me winging it slightly, I hope that this will become a great novel.

If you like to help me in creating it, you can help me by suggesting on things like the flow of the story and plot ideas. Thank you

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