
You Are Not You

SYNOPSIS Twin sisters, Riley and Miley meet an accident which led to a twist and complete change in their fates. What really went down on that fateful or not so fateful night remains a mystery. But who is who and who would tell? With endless secrets turning up at every point. "She isn't who she claimed to be, or is she? She had a reason for all she did and soon it will be justified. Read how love grew into hate and how one sister takes a ride on mystery, love, betrayal and unfolding secrets from the past she may or may not have been involved in. ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○● Two sisters One Accident One Survivor. One Story to Tell. One Mystery to solve. One Eerie truth!

Loladelminnie · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Sleep is a very good thing and my favourite cope mechanism, it helps me escape from reality but immediately I woke up, the memories of what happened yesterday flooded back in.

Dad destroying my things, probably from his pent up frustration and Nick texting me about a dinner date.

A dinner date?, did I just think that?

What a joke! I pushed my blanket to the side and got up, I stretched my body a little bit before proceeding to the bathroom to freshen up.

Staring at my reflection in the batbroom mirror that was fixed on the wall, I realised nothing has changed that much, I looked exactly the same from ten years ago when I got the vase.

Seeing myself right now, I was seeing the little naive girl who was over the moon when she received the vase or perhaps what I was staring at was an Illusion.

Maybe I look different due to age, but I was still very much the same.

I held unto the edge of the sink tightly making my knuckles turn white!

He knows so well the circumstance that bounded that vase, but yet he broke it and smashed it just like every other piece of my heart he smashed.

I turned on the tap and cupped my hands under the running water. It was cold.

Once it was full, I splashed it on my face, once, twice and thrice! I grabbed my face towel and pat my face dry.

A shower has never been so calming, instead for my normal daily routine of hot bath, I ran a cold one instead and it did what I needed it to do.

Calming my nerves and I feel so much better now, it's like I washed away all of my sadness and anger.

I got dressed in a Jean pant and a flare top.

I have no plan of having breakfast at home this morning, I'll grab a bagel on my way.


"Hey Ry" Nick's voice greeted me as soon as I stepped on our front porch. What was he doing here so early?

"Hey, Nick?" I paused a bit before walking towards him, he gave a smile.

"I know you weren't expecting to see me this morning, but I thought since you didn't give a reply last night, I should get it in person"

Oh shoot! I completely forgot about giving his text a response....but now that I think about it.

Why would he wanna go on a date with me?, I am Ry!.

"Oh...about that, it skipped my mind, and now that I think about it though-" I paused and gave him a questioning look.

"Are you trying to replace me with my sister?" I asked and his face broke into a smile....I continued anyway.

"Cause you know, you like Miley and not me, and now that she's gone are you replacing me with her?"

He looked over to me still smiling "feelings are in here, he pointed to his chest where his heart would be, not on the face".

"I'm just doing all these as a friend. Nothing else attached".

Okay, that was a relief.

"Except if you want something else attached, of course" he said and gave me a wink.

What? Did he just flirt with me?

"Haha! Too funny, no thank you" I immediately responded not giving it a second thought and he laughed.

"So, dinner tonight. Just as 'friends'?" He laid emphasis on the friends.

"Sure" I responded, and now we've arrived in front of the bookstore. And I just realised I forgot to grab a bagel on my way.

Ptch.....I'll survive.

"See you at seven?" He asked and I nodded.

"Bye" I waved and got into the store, he turned his back as well and headed the opposite direction.

"Hi Nate." I greeted immediately I entered the store, he was standing by the bookshelf arranging books into their respective places.

"Morning, Riley, hope you slept well".

"Like a baby" I walked towards him and we both arranged the books into their respective shelves.

When we were done and settled, I opened my bag and caught sight of the book I chose yesterday but couldn't read.

"Someone is ecstatic this morning, what's the good news?" Nathan asked raising an eyebrow and I chuckled before responding.

"Nothing special".

"Come on, I don't buy that....you've been smiling non-stop" this time he threw a wink.

I laughed it off "nothing special Nate, I guess I just have my dopamine level high this morning".

"Well something must have spiked it, it doesn't just become active on its own" He countered wearing a weird smile on his lips.

"Well mime did. Now let me read" I opened the book to the spot I previously marked and raised it up to my face, covering my face with it while I smiled silly.

"I can still see your blushing neck" Nathan remarked and I shot him a glare, he then raised his hands in mock surrender and closes his mouth pretending to zip them.

"Oh! I forgot, someone dropped by this morning, she left a note for you" I immediately dropped the book down as I watched Nate dig his hands into his pocket and brought out a small black envelope.

Immediately, I recognised it and knew who it was from.... he handed it over to me and I ripped it open.

Stay away from my brother, you snake!

That was what the letter read, what a bitch! I immediately crumpled the note and threw it in my bag....I'll dispose it once I get home.

"Is everything okay?" Nathan asked concerned. I gave a small tight smile.

"It's fine, thank you".


Later that evening, I was sitting in Lake View diner, Nick texted me the address late in the afternoon.

I decided to come earlier than the appointed time just so I could spend some time alone.

I ordered a glass of iced tea as I waited.

30 minutes later, I saw the door open and Nick strode in smiling.

"I can't believe this, you beat me! I was hoping to be early". That was what he greeted me with.

I smiled "I actually came way before the appointed time" I responded.

"Oh I see" He pulled out the chair opposite me and sat down, he looked around before returning his gaze to me.

"It's a nice place right?"

"Yeah. It's cozy and warm, smells like home".

"Exactly. That's why I chose this place, it's my favourite". He gave a cheeky smile.

"Of course, you bring all your dates here?" I asked and took a sip of my iced tea to avoid the awkward glance he gave me.

He didn't answer my question and instead signalled for the waiter to come over.

He placed an order of lasagna and I chose tomato sauce pasta.

Soon the waiter returned with our respective order. "Lasagna for the man" he said as he dropped the plate carefully in front of Nick.

"And pasta for the lady" he dropped mine gently as well before giving a bow. "Do you need anything else?" He asked.

"No, we are fine. Thank you". Nick and I answered in unison.

We began digging in "Well....Well....look what we have here?" That voice!

I looked up from my plate and my eyes met the black cold ones of Patricia, she looked me over and turned to her brother who was looking more shocked and confused than the was, she placed her hands on his shoulder.

"I followed you here bro, I wondered with whom you were having a date" she looked over to me before returning her gaze to her brother again.

"I'll like to join in. Introduce me" she then got a chair from another table and added it to ours, she sat down and placed her hands on the table.

"Thus isn't right Patricia, it's a violation of my privacy" Nick said gritting his teeth, he seemed to not want this either and I think I just lost my appetite.

"Excuse me please" I picked the napkin I had earlier tucked in my dress and placed it on the table and walked to the restroom.

Leaving the both of them at the table, I stood by the sink and looked a my reflection in the mirror.

I needed to collect my thoughts, what was she doing here anyways?

I only hope she doesn't do something crazy to ruin things for me.

I breath out a deep sigh and the door opened

"I see you didn't consider my message important". Her annoying boyish voice rang in and I didn't bother facing up to look her.

"What do you want Tri?" I asked getting bored. She can't boss me around. Not anymore

"You know what I'm capable of doing but yet you fail to listen to me" she gritted this time looking at me through the mirror.

"You do not control me" I growled back at her as I turned to face her.

"I don't. But you do fear me,-" she bent her mouth to the level of my ear and whispered in it "and you for what you know I can do". I shivered.

"You have nothing against me". I stood my ground.

"Oh. Maybe I do. Maybe I don't," What did she mean by that?.

"I mean...." she took a pause and looked into my eyes "your sister baby". She completed.

And I shifted in my position, my hands folded and tightened.

"You know nothing" I responded with my teeth gritted.

"That night...." I blocked my ears with my palms.

"Nothing you know or think is true" I responded, still blocking my ears....I didn't want to hear anything she had to say.

"My sister was an accident!" I shouted.

"You may fool others, but never me. You and I know it was no accident".

"No! It was an accident!" I countered back at her shaking my head vigorously.

Then she gave a loud, wicked laughter, before leaving the bathroom and slamming the door behind me.

I immediately put myself together and went out as well.

She had already left, but I can't complete this dinner.

"I'm sorry Nick, I need to leave now, it's urgent" I said not looking into his eyes, I know it would break him..

I hurriedly packed my belongings and straightened up.

"I'm sorry, perhaps some other time" I didn't even bother to hear his response before storming out of the restaurant.

I'm sorry....he probably won't even talk to me anymore...

There's something that needed to be done and there's no room for petty emotions.