
You Are Not You

SYNOPSIS Twin sisters, Riley and Miley meet an accident which led to a twist and complete change in their fates. What really went down on that fateful or not so fateful night remains a mystery. But who is who and who would tell? With endless secrets turning up at every point. "She isn't who she claimed to be, or is she? She had a reason for all she did and soon it will be justified. Read how love grew into hate and how one sister takes a ride on mystery, love, betrayal and unfolding secrets from the past she may or may not have been involved in. ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○● Two sisters One Accident One Survivor. One Story to Tell. One Mystery to solve. One Eerie truth!

Loladelminnie · perkotaan
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10 Chs


"Now drop all of your weapons" the man who seemed like in his mid thirties ordered us and I was about dropping mine when Dave raised his baseball bat and hit the man in the groin and that was our calling to run out of the house.

"Now!" Dave ordered and we all gave it for the running.

"Shoot shoot!" Patricia muttered as we ran till we arrived at the car.

"That was close" I said catching my breath. All the while, startled Riley was just looking at us all.

I looked over to her and I couldn't bear the look on her face....it was of sadness, dissapointment and mostly fear.

We took off all of our disguise before hearing the man behind us, coming over with his gun "Hey stop there!" Immediately I struck the ignition and began driving at full speed and force.

I held the wheel so tightly my knuckles turned white, with my teeth greeted, my full attention was on the road and the cheers my team gave me from behind.

Behind us, we could see that the man had gotten into his car as well and it was now a full speed chase.

"Go faster Miles" Patricia urged me as I drove hard along.

But, a tiny hiccup and sniff caught my attention, I had totally forgot she was beside me....I looked over to her and my heart broke.

"What's going on Miles? I'm so scared, why is the man chasing us?" Riley's voice broke into endless hiccups as she spoke.

She kept on looking back turning her neck and looking at me again, for answers.

I could see the tears that were now pouring and her lips trembling, she pulled tighter at her coat.

I must make sure she returns back home safe, she didn't belong here and she didn't deserve this.

"It's okay Riley, we will be fine, nothing's gonna go wrong". I assured her as I increased in my speed, noticing she wasn't on her seat belt.

"Fasten your seat belt Ry, the driving is dangerous as it is". She nod her head in affirmative as she pulled the belt.

I looked behind to see the man's car had a break down and we were all laughing about it, suddenly a bright light shined to my face and I looked forward immediately.

"Miley!" Was all I heard from Riley but it was too late and I couldn't easily navigate my way out of it and in a loud blast, my car and the trailer crashed into each other and what I saw next was Riley's head as it slammed into the side glass and the glass shattered into pieces.

When I awoke it was in the hospital, after three weeks in coma and the rest of my crew had died or so I thought including my sister.

Present Day

As I wiped my tears, I knew deep down in my parents heart, they probably wished I was the one who had died that night, they didn't know what happened that night but I was certain they knew it was all because of me.

Especially my dad, he never liked me. I was like the evil twin, rebellious and a delinquent.

I always went against his rules and I wasn't so good at school like Riley was.

But mum, she loved us the same anyway, though it was certain who she loved the most, but she never for once showed it and made me feel bad.

I also blamed myself for the death of Riley but I didn't want anyone else blaming me for it. It wasn't totally my fault.

If she had stayed home that night like I had asked her to, it would never have ended that way.

And now this letter that I've received from Patricia that read "Happiest birthday, Miles 💖".

That only meant one thing which I wasn't ready for right now, with the loss of Riley...I've made up my mind to live the rest of my life just like her, so maybe I'll find a little peace with myself.

I rolled the letter into a crumpled ball and threw it into the waste bin.

She should have just let me be! And I'm not Miles, not anymore....I'm Ry.

Patricia Jones will be getting a visit from me.

"Honey, dinner's ready" I heard mum as she gave a gentle knock on my door.

I hurriedly laid down on my bed to pretend to have fallen asleep, few seconds later mum opened the door to my room and came in, when she saw me sleeping.

She turned off the lights and went back downstairs.

I need to do something and soon at that.


I woke up with a slight headache and my forehead creased from the pounding. I tugged on my hair and walked towards my side drawer in search of a Tylenol or advil....whatever to kill this darned headache.

I got a hold of the Tylenol and swallowed two pills with the water by my bedside.

"Ow!" That was mum and her voice sounded so near, like she was heading to my room. Oh no!

I hurriedly packed all of the trash from last night, the bottle of alcohol was still on the floor. I picked it an trashed it under the bed, same with the memory box.

I jumped into bed and sat up like I had just woken up when the door opened.

Mum came in carrying a tray of foods, breakfast in bed? Oohhhh....what's the occasion.

"I'm so sorry honey, we couldn't celebrate yesterday.....how does a breakfast in bed sound?" She walked to my bed and I sat upright smiling brightly.

"Morning mum, Nice! Thank you" I stretched forth my hands and let her place the tray in them. I placed it on my legs and she sat next to me.

She was smiling, but I could tell it was sad....she watched me as I stuffed my mouth with the pancakes. And that made her chuckle.

"Oh My dear, right now....you remind me so much of the Miley I know" she laughed even harder.

"You always stuff your mouth with pancakes, like you'll never get enough of them and I would always yell at you to stop that". She laughed again, I would do anything to leave this genuine laugh on her face but not now.

"Miley ate like that?" I asked, wearing my fake innocent face and immediately I could see her face drop.

She moved closer to me and pat my hair "my dear, you are Miley.....I don't know what happened but.." she hesitated a bit "you are Miley". She said looking straight into my eyes.

I shook my head, "No mum, I'm Riley" I looked into her eyes this time "I'm sure, I am Riley".

She shook her head bitterly and rubbed her hands over my gaur like as if patting my hair down.

"It's okay honey, you'll get your memories soon and then you'll remember it all".

I picked another pancake and this time, ate it gently and consciously avoiding my mum's gaze at all cost.

I hurried the remaining of my breakfast and mum picked the tray and left. That was close!

Apparently, there is a policy at work that says to skip work on one's birthday, but on the fact that I clearly didn't know and attended work yesterday, I'm free to skip it today.

I got into the bathroom to clean up and start my day.

I know where Patricia lived and I'll be paying her a visit.

I got dressed in a summer dress that fell just on my laps, the dress was pleated and in Ry's favourite colour, Blue.

I got a clutch to match and a black strap sandals.


"So, you're telling me you want to continue living your life as your twin sister?" Patricia asked from where she was sat, her bed and I sat on the chair in her room. Opposite each other.

"You heard me." I explained everything to her to the letter T and she's here thinking she can be some kind of boss.

She smiled brightly and nodded before crossing her legs looking intently at me "and you are not happy about any of these? How it all turned out?" She asked with her forehead furrowed.

"Why would I? My twin sister died!" I exclaimed at her with my eyes wide.

She gave an hysteric laughter and snarled. " Oh please! The sister we all know never liked?! You always wished she were dead so your parents would like you more"

That struck a chord and I blinked my eyes, forcing it shut from the hard stare I was giving.

"Not like that Tri, it was never like that, I loved Ry!" I exclaimed.

"Yet you're using her identity and fooling everyone, for we all know Miles, you are finally getting all the attention you ever wished to snatch from your sister" it was her turn to yell this time.

"No!" I yelled back as I held my gown tightly. Why was she saying this now. I tasted the salty tears that were beginning to stream down my cheeks.

That wasn't true, I swallowed the hiccup that was building up when suddenly the door flew open "What's with the yelling tri?" The brown haired boy that seemed to follow me around came in.

He turned his gaze and his eyes widened in recognition "Riley?!" He asked in utter shock as I looked at the two figures in front of me, the striking resemblance.....why didn't I see this before?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Loladelminniecreators' thoughts