
You Are Not You

SYNOPSIS Twin sisters, Riley and Miley meet an accident which led to a twist and complete change in their fates. What really went down on that fateful or not so fateful night remains a mystery. But who is who and who would tell? With endless secrets turning up at every point. "She isn't who she claimed to be, or is she? She had a reason for all she did and soon it will be justified. Read how love grew into hate and how one sister takes a ride on mystery, love, betrayal and unfolding secrets from the past she may or may not have been involved in. ○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○●○● Two sisters One Accident One Survivor. One Story to Tell. One Mystery to solve. One Eerie truth!

Loladelminnie · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Seven Months Ago

Tonight, the cold breeze that blows into my room through the window I have slightly opened gives me just the perfect vibe I needed.

I tied my hair into a tight pony tail and highlighted my cheeks.

There was just one thing on my mind right now, 'the plan must pull through no matter what'

My crew which consisted of my three best friends and I would be robbing our high school principal, principal Gillian.

The old man was too rich for his own damned self, we were doing it for his good. All of the money would go to waste when he dies anyways...

I stood in front of the dressing mirror as I completed my dressing and was satisfied with what I saw, a vicious lady, dressed in all black, I didn't even look like myself right now with the dark themed make up I had gone for to mask my identity.

My phone beeped on my dresser and I picked it up to check the message, it was from Patricia and it read; 'we are set'.

My crew was set and the only thing that remained right now was me, joining them at the bar from where we are to converge and go over our plans.

I smiled with my lips tightened and kept my phone in my pocket.

I had purposely chosen this very late time in the night when I was certain my family would have completely slept, satisfied with my plan I left my room and cautiously closed the door behind me, not wanting to wake anyone up.

I tiptoed quietly along the corridor and down the stairs that led to the living room, I noticed a bulb was left on in it, it's either someone was there right now or my mum forgot to switch it off.

I hope its the latter.

I peeped from the bottom of the stairs, and there I saw my twin sister Riley sitted on a couch with a book in hand. I sighed in relief as I approached.

"Phew! It's just you Ry". I said as I adjusted my dress and strapped on my shoes which I had taken off earlier to avoid making a sound.

She turned towards me by slightly tilting her head to face the back, where I was.

"What's up Miles, I didn't think you'd be awake right now" she started, she gave me a second look and after noticing my outfit her eyes popped.

"Are you sneaking out?, why are you all dressed?!" Her voice was getting high and I hurried towards her to hush her.

"Would you be low please?, I don't want mum and dad knowing about this" I whispered tightly to her.

She slapped her book shut and placed it on the table, "no, I'm not letting you leave tonight". She crossed her arms on her chest and shook her head in negative.

"You can't do that" I deadpanned.

"Watch me" she said as she began moving towards the stairs, I knew what she was planning on doing, she would go tell mum and dad.

"Okay okay, fine" I surrendered and raised my hands up in mockery surrender.

She turned on her heel and gave me a scrutinising look before returning back to the couch.

"Come on, I have a really big plan going down tonight Ry, I have to be there for my crew" the only thing I could do right now is manipulate her into letting me go and covering up for me.

"Why tonight? Are you robbing a bank?" What? Okay that was close. I gave her a confused look and my mouth opened in utter shock, which was fake anyways.

"Why would you think that Ry, I know you don't like my crew but come on! Rob a bank?!"

Her face fell like always when she thought she has hurt me "Okay, I'm sorry I said that....I know you can't do that"

Yeah, not yet.

"So, what will you be doing tonight?" She asked. Oh my sweet sweet innocent twin sister.

We looked very much alike, if not i would have doubted that we were twins.

"Just hanging out in the club with friends and drinking and dancing too". I replied casually.

And she brought her hand to her chin, "I'll come along". What?!

My eyes widened to what she just said, "What Ry?! That kind of life doesn't sit well with yoy".

"Of course I know, but I don't want any stupid person taking advantage of you because you are drunk" she stated as she gathered her books from the table.

"Besides, who would drive you back home before morning, don't tell me you're planning to drunk drive". She said as she picked up her coat that lined on the sofa.

"Uhm....no, you can't come with me Ry, it's not so safe for you". Oh no! This night shouldn't be like this.

"I see no reason why... I'm ready, we can leave now and no more no. Its either I come with you or I let mum and dad know upstairs" she gave me no choice.

I guess I'll just find another way around our plan, like sneaking out from the party.

"Okay fine, but it would be better if just stayed home" I said finally but I guess her mind was already made up cause the only response I got was only a shoulder shrug.


"What?! You're leaving for another location?" Riley asked as she tightened her coat on her body. She has not even let me stay far away from her watching eyes since we arrived at the club.

Patricia, Hannah and Dave wore shock expressions on their faces when I stepped in with my twin sister, and I explained to them I didn't have a choice and right now it was time to operate but then, Riley has not let me leave her sight for one moment not even for a bathroom break and that's why I've come to the only available conclusion of informing her about my plan.

"Yes Riley, there's something really important we are doing tonight, just come with us okay and don't stay too far away from me" I didn't give her any chance to speak or argue with me as I signalled to my crew and we all left the club.

In the car, I made Riley sit next to me on the passenger's seat while my friends sat in the back.

I could see her knuckles turning white from holding the seat belt too tightly in her hands. And I know many questions were running through her mind right now but couldn't bring herself to ask cause of my crew.

I moved over to her side and loosened her grip on the seat belt, she gasped a little at our contact and I smiled at her to make her relax.

"Are we set guys?" I asked taking a look at the my crews at the back with the rearview mirror.

"Yes" they all answered and I hit the ignition and started driving.

A few drive later

"What are we doing here Miles?" Riley asked looking around the surrounding, we were now parked in front of principal Gillian's apartment or so we thought.

"Ry, I need you to calm down okay?" I started searching to look into her eyes and as soon as our eyes met, I placed my hands on her shoulders like I was talking to my child.

"You need to just stay in the car okay?, we'll be done soon and then we'd come out to meet you in the car".

"What?! This is principal Gillian's house, what are we doing here at this hour?" She asked sounding panicked.

She continued to look around outside the car and inside when I heard her give a soft and shocking gasp.

In the back, the crew was already masked up with their black robbery mask and black gloves, they were not recognisable. I grabbed mine from the gloves compartment too and put it on.

"Please don't do this miles" I heard Riley say softly, and in the dark I could see a tear rolling down her left cheek.

"Please don't do this" she pleaded again, but I've come too far to stop now at her soft and weak tears.

"It's fine Riley, I'll be good". I assured her and I signalled with my crew that it was time for the operation.

"It's apartment number 43" Patricia announced as we stepped out of the car. We shut the door lightly and proceeded to breaking into the apartment.

Dave moved forward and pricked the lock with an hairpin, we all went in and as we thought the room was all dark signalling that he was asleep.

"Perfect" I muttered, we can just Rob him while he slept or if it took us too long to discover where the money was, we would just wake him.

We moved further into the house and right there in the kitchen, sat someone or people we weren't expecting to see. "Oh shoot!" we were in the wrong apartment.

The home owner pointed a gun towards us and that made us stopped in out tracks.