
27. All Because My Tail Light was Out

       “I don’t think you need stitches or anything,” Nicole mumbled as she pat Waverly’s graze with a cotton ball.

       “Good because I didn’t plan on going to the hospital . . . I have a date tonight,” she winked.

       Nicole paused her patting and looked up at her. “Waves, you got shot , we are not going anywhere tonight.”

       The brunette gave her a look. “Uh, yea we are. I am not dying , Nicole. I am taking my girlfriend on a date tonight and you are going to have to be ok with that because you’re kinda my girlfriend.”

       Nicole smiled, rolling her eyes. “Fine, but if you even look like you are the slightest bit uncomfortable, we are going home,” she warned, taping a sheet of gauze to her. “Where are we even going?”

       Waverly smirked, unrolling her shirt and smoothing it down. “I dunno,” she sighed.

       Nicole gave her a look from the sink where she was washing her hand. “You’re gonna play that game?”

       “Yep,” she confirmed, popping the p. 

       She walked back over to her, flicking excess water at her face. “Ok, well, can you at least tell me how I should dress?” She paused for a second. “Like on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being a potato sack, 10 being Red Carpet attire.”

       Waverly rubbed her chin with her thumb and pointer finger. “Though I would love to see you in a potato sack, I am going to go with a solid 6.”

       The Officer smiled, placing her hand on her hip, pulling her closer. “That’s quite fancy, Ms. Earp,” she said lowly.

       “Decently so, I’d say.” She brought her hand up to her cheek, pulling her in for a kiss. They got carried away after a few seconds and Nicole slowly backed her against the wall in the kitchen, slipping in between her legs and knocking their hips, placing them flush together.

       The front door flung open, a very angry Gus stomping into the house. They quickly pulled away from each other. “What in God’s name, Waverly Earp?!”

       Her eyes went wide, face turning bright red. “Uhmmm-”

       Gus tutted at her. “No, not you two. Why are there bullet holes in the walls and why are Dolls and Doc throwing dead soldiers bodies in Wynonna’s truck bed!? Did none of you think it would have been a swell idea to call-” She paused, seeing the bloodstains on her white jeans. She walked towards her, pulling her shirt up, revealing the gauze-covered wound. “Waverly,” she said softly, looking up at her with concerned eyes.

       “Gus, I’m fine, it’s just a graze.”

       She sighed. “Next time someone tries to ambush my home I expect a call, are we clear?” She looked at both of them.

       “Yes, Ma’am,” they mumbled.

       Wynonna came galumphing down the stairs like a hippo, causing them all to stare at her. “What?” She asked, walking towards the fridge. Waverly and Nicole rolled their eyes.

       The older woman turned back to the couple. “One more thing, we eat in here, so let’s not do that anymore, alright?” They both nodded, small smiles hidden under blushes.

       “If you would have given ‘em a few more minutes, they would have been eating in here,” the older Earp mumbled with a smirk.

       “WYNONNA!” They hissed. Nicole buried her face in Waverly’s hair with a groan.

       Gus was looking at the wall, blinking slowly. “I need a beer,” she sighed after a few seconds. “Wynonna, go get Willa from the barn, we need to get this mess cleaned up.” She nodded, heading for the door.

       Nicole picked her head up and Waverly turned to face her. “I’m gonna get going,” she sighed.

       Waverly made a pouty face. “Noo,” she whined, squeezing her arms around her middle.

       “You’ll see me in . . .” She looked at the stove, checking the time. “6 and a half hours.”

       “Mmmph fineee, you may leave.”

       Gus stood against the counter, casually listening to them say their goodbyes. She felt her heart swell when they each muttered a certain three words to one another before the Officer turned out the door. Not that she was going to let them know she heard it, though.

       “Ready?” Waverly asked, walking over to her aunt.

       “When those two decide to get their butts in here, I will be,” she sighed, taking a pull of her beer.

       “Then I shall go give them a few words of encouragement,” Waverly smirked. She walked up to the door and poked her head out. “WILLA! WYNONNA! GUS SAID SHE IS GONNA MAKE YOU DO IT ALL BY YOURSELVES IF YOU DON’T HURRY UP!” And with that, the girls came running out of the barn, right into the house.


.  .  .


       Nicole was on outfit number 23. “Nope,” she said aloud to herself . . . for the 23rd time. She had no clue what to wear. She had tried on some fancier outfits and some that were a little toned down. She decided on her last resort.


Nicole Haught ❤ ❤ : Babeeeeee I don't know what to wearrrrrrr ☹️

Waves : Oh quit. I’m sure whatever u decide on will look great!

Nicole Haught ❤ ❤ : Ur not helping my very high stress level right now

Waves : Nic, just put something on, u’ll be fineee

Nicole Haught ❤ ❤ :

Waves : I’ll be there in 15 minutes u better be ready

Nicole Haught ❤ ❤ : Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Waves : See u then


       Nicole tossed her phone onto her bed and flopped down onto it, letting out a long groan. She stood up and walked over to her closet, standing still, staring at it for a solid 3 minutes. She took the other shirt off that she was wearing and buttoned up a maroon short-sleeved button-up (rolling the sleeves because Gay TM). She tucked it into the black jeans she was already wearing. “Fuck it,” she sighed as she added a black necktie to the mix. She threw on her maroon Vans and looked at herself in the mirror. “Number 24 . . . you are the chosen one.” She cringed at herself before heading into the bathroom to do some last minute adjustments, deciding to leave her hair down in its slightly wavy natural form.




       “Wynonna, what if she thinks I look stupid!?” She was wearing a lacy long-sleeved maroon dress with the same color suede heels.

       Wynonna let out an honest to God laugh. “Babygirl, you could show up dressed as a clown and she would still be drooling over you, I have no clue where you are getting that idea from.”

       Waverly walked over to her. “She’s all worried about her outfit and now I am worried about mine!”

       Wynonna handed her her purse, opening the front door. “You look like a fucking supermodel, Waverly, go!” Waverly groaned.

       “You look amazing, Sweetie!” Gus called from the couch.

       She sighed. “Ok . . . ok.”

       “Hey, Gus and I are gonna help Shorty tonight. It’s Trivia Night. Willa might tag along, too, so if no one is here when you get back, that’s where we’ve run off to.” Waverly nodded. She handed out her goodbyes and hopped into her Jeep, heading to Nicole’s.

       When she arrived, she pulled her mirror down and checked over her makeup, doing a little touch up on her lipstick. Deciding it was good, she exited the car and made her way to the door. She was surprised to feel those butterflies flit back into her stomach. She hadn’t felt them around Nicole for a while now. She took a breath and knocked on the door, hearing footsteps quickly approach from behind it. The door opened and they were both left speechless, tracing over each other’s bodies. They finally met eyes after a few long seconds. “Hi,” they breathed with bashful chuckles.

       “We’re matching,” Nicole said with a smile, closing the door and taking a step towards her.

       “Wow, look at that, you decided on something looks . . . really nice.” She noticed her eyes were wandering again.

       Nicole licked her top lip, shoving her phone in her pocket. “As did you.” She placed her hand on her jaw, pulling her in for a kiss.

       Waverly grasped her bicep, pulling back after a few seconds. “You need to keep these like this,” she informed, squeezing her fingers, feeling the muscle underneath.

       Nicole smirked. “I planned on it.” 

       She nodded, giving her another kiss. “Good.” She took her hand and pulled her towards her Jeep. “We have reservations for 8:10, so we need to get going.”

       “It’s only 7 o’clock, Babe,” Nicole said, climbing in the car.

       “Exactly why we are leaving now, it's a long drive,” Waverly informed when she got in the driver’s seat.

       Nicole immediately took her hand when she rested it on the console after starting the car. “Where’re we going?” She asked, giving her a dimpled smile that Waverly had to force herself to not look at.

       “Nunya,” she sighed. “And if you ask again, I will take you to McDonald’s.”

       Nicole took that threat very seriously. “How was your day . . . before and after getting shot,” she asked, knowing she was too worried about her earlier to ask.

       “ Well . . . I tackled Willa before the shooting,” she snorted.

       Nicole’s eyes went wide and she turned to her. “You what ?! Waverly, why?”

       “She was talking crap about you so I tackled her,” the brunette shrugged.

       “About me?”

       “Yea. First, she wouldn’t call you my girlfriend. Then, she said our relationship was pointless because we couldn’t have kids, which is stupid because we can. Anyway, she continued on with that saying that you could have a mysterious dick. I started yelling at her and threatened to kick her out and then she called me half-sister, so I jumped the table and tackled her.”

       Nicole blinked at her for a few seconds, mouth slightly open. “That’s . . . horrible.”        

       Waverly turned to her. “Do you see why I’ve always hated her now?” 

       “Yes. Yes, I do,” she huffed. Waverly ran her thumb along her hand. “Does she seriously believe that just cause the kids wouldn’t be biologically our kids that it would make them any less ours?” Her accent came out more when she was upset about something. The brunette was a little surprised that this was the part she was most angry about. But it also made her fall in love with her more seeing how passionate she was about it.

       “I-I mean, I don’t know for sure, but that’s what it sounded like she was implying.” She looked over to her when she let go of her hand. She saw she was wiping under her eyes. “Baby,” she soothed, rubbing her thigh. She dug around in the console and handed her a pack of tissues.

       “Sorry, I’m, like, hella PMSing right now,” Nicole laughed, pulling a tissue out. The brunette didn’t quite believe that. “Ok, maybe half PMSing.” Yep, she was right.

       “I’m gonna assume you really want kids?” She asked, turning to her with a smile. 

       “Do I seem like the motherly type to you?”

       The brunette cocked an eyebrow. “Yes, you really do actually.”

       “Ok, good, cause yea, I really want kids,” she said with a giggle. She took Waverly’s hand again. “Do, uh, do you?” She asked, nervousness creeping through her voice.

       “It’s not like it's number 2 on my Goals in Life list or anything,” she smirked.

       “What’s number 1?”

       “Number 1 is getting married. 2 is having kids. 3 is staying happy. 4 is getting a better job. And 5 is to eat geoduck.”

       Nicole looked at her funny. “Is that the one that looks like a p-”


       She nodded, letting out a content sigh after a few seconds. “I dunno, there’s just something about having a little minion running around that makes me all happy inside.” 

       “I can see it now:” She cast her hand across the limited space of the car. “You and a little redhead trampling around the house, hooting and hollering after the Rangers win a game.”

       The Officer smiled a wide smile. “I’ve never thought I needed that until this very moment,” she said with a laugh.

       Waverly kissed her knuckles, looking over to her and returning it. It faded quickly. “Where the hell is your sling?” 

       Her eyes went wide. “I did not grab that, did I? . . . Sorry, Babe, I wasn’t thinking about it.”

       Waverly sighed. “It’s ok, I guess.” Nicole pursed her lips. She turned the radio up to try and lighten the mood. She saw Waverly blush, realizing it was in the middle of Thinking Out Loud. The redhead gave her hand a squeeze, rubbing her thumb across the top as she leaned her head on her shoulder. “God, Nicole, I hate you sometimes!” She exclaimed with a smile.

       “Why?” She asked with a confused laugh. 

       “I can’t be mad at you . . . You always find some way to be all cute and then I get all mushy inside and- ughhh!”

       Nicole smirked. “Sorry, I’m just that awesome.” Waverly shook her head at her.


.  .  .


       Waverly pulled the Jeep into a parking lot and parked in front of a large white building. “Where are we?” She asked, looking around.

       “Calgary,” Waverly said, keeping a straight face.

       Nicole gave her the dirtiest look. “Thank you, Captain Obvious.” The brunette let out a laugh, stepping out of the car. Nicole got out and walked around to the front.

       “Hope you like Brazilian,” she smiled, taking her hand and pulling her towards the entrance.

       “I’ve never had it,” she said with a smile. She read the sign above the door slowly. “Gaucho?” They walked in and saw a very nice restaurant that was filled with people. Mostly dates or small gatherings of friends.

       A waiter greeted them. “Do you two have a reservation?” He asked, grabbing the menus. 

       “Uh, yes, Earp,” Waverly answered with a smile.

       He looked down at his tablet, finding their table. “Earp, like Wyatt Earp?” He asked as he walked them to their seats.

       “That’s my great-great-grandfather,” she sighed, seeming to be used to that kind of question.

       He placed two menus in front of each of them. “Sweet!- I mean, uh, if you guys want to look at our drinks menu, I can go ahead and get those for you while you look over the food,” he said, face blushed. Nicole ordered a Pineapple Bomb (because it sounded “the funnest”) and Waverly got some type of Brazilian Mimosa. He left with their orders.

       “This place is really friggin nice, Wave. How’d you find it?” Nicole asked, scanning her eyes around the room.

       “It had really good reviews on Yelp.” Nicole smiled at that. The waiter returned with their drinks a few minutes later and they ordered their meals and an appetizer. “Funnest is not a word, by the way,” Waverly informed.

       The Officer gave her a look, taking a sip of her drink. She gasped, picking the glass up and looking at it. “Yaaas!” She paused, thinking about what she had just said. Waverly was lightly laughing at her with a cocked eyebrow. “I think this drink just turned me gayer than I already am.”


.  .  .


       30 minutes later, the waiter came out with their appetizer. “I am so sorry about your wait. One of our chefs just quit so we are running a little slow at the moment.” Waverly and Nicole had hardly noticed how long it had been, for they had been enjoying each other’s company, talking away. “I’ll get you ladies another drink on the house, how’s that sound?” They both thanked him, ordering another of what they had.

       “Dang, that sucks, a chef just quitting?” Waverly said, looking at the waiter as he walked away.

       “Yea . . .”


.  .  .


       They got their meals about 10 minutes later and were very impressed with the food. They finished up and decided to roll out at about 9:45. “You’re not gonna finish your drink?” Waverly had half a glass left.

       “Nah, I’m driving, remember.”

       Nicole nodded, grabbing the glass and tipping the remainder of it back. Waverly sighed, standing up and pulling her card out of the receipt book the waiter had brought back to the table. “Don’t wanna be wasteful.” The brunette gave her a push towards the door. They walked out and Nicole scooped up Waverly’s hand, swinging their arms back and forth. “I had fun tonight, Baby, thank you,” she said, looking at her with a smile.

       Waverly stopped in front of the Jeep and pulled the redhead into a searing kiss by the tie. “Mm, you’re welcome, I did, too,” she whispered, mouth centimeters from her lips. “I kinda want to do something else, though.”

       “Like what?”

       “I dunno, what’s around here?” She asked as they got in the car.

       Nicole pulled her phone out of her pocket. “Let’s seeeee . . .” She clicked around on it for a few minutes, Waverly peeking over her arm.

       “Ooo, nightclub!” She squealed, pressing on one of the locations she was scrolling past.

       “You want to go to a club?” The redhead asked with an open smile.

       “Why not? Plus, I’ll get to see you dance,” she smirked, tapping her nose.

       Nicole rolled her eyes. “I’m not really dressed for a club,” she mumbled, looking down at herself.

       Waverly let out a sigh, turning her body towards her. She pulled her tie off and unbuttoned her top 2 buttons, popping it open a little. “Now you are!” She exclaimed, starting the car. “How do we get there?”

       Nicole gave her the directions and they made it to the Nightclub 10 minutes later. She pulled her mirror down and pulled her hair out of the tight curls, turning them into looser waves. She put some more lipstick on and kissed Nicole’s cheek, leaving a pink lip stain. The Officer decided to leave it there. They got out of the car and walked up to the entrance, feeling the music vibrate through the ground outside.

       They were stopped by the bouncer at the door. “I need to see your ID, Ma’am,” he said grumpily, looking at Waverly. Her face reddened.

       “Oooh, your 18, Baby,” the redhead chuckled, bumping her with her hip. She gave her a look, handing the man her license. He nodded, opening the rope for them and handing her back her card. “It's cause you’re short,” she whispered, placing her hands on her hips as they walked in. She dodged Waverly’s attempt at smacking her with a laugh.

       The room was dark with lots of colorful lights shining down in beat with the music. It was a lot different than Pussy Willows, the only club Waverly had ever been to. It seemed to be more up-to-date, a lot of technology was being used. The DJ stand they could see over the crowd of people was huge. And people. There were so many people there. At the bar, in the middle, over in the different seating lounges. And it was not a strip joint. “If you’re gonna see me dance, I need a few shots,” the Deputy informed, head near her ear so she could hear her over the loud music. They walked over the bar.

       “Whaddya need?” The man from behind the counter asked.

       “Long Island Iced Tea,” Nicole smirked, looking at Waverly, who was rolling her eyes.

       “Just a Coke, please,” she sighed. He made their drinks quickly, pushing the glasses towards them. Nicole slapped a $20 down on the counter and took a seat on the stool, sipping at her drink. “Are those even good? Isn’t it like 4 different shots mixed together?”

       “It’s five ⅓ shots, sweet and sour, and Coke,” Nicole informed. “Try it.” She held her glass out towards her, holding the straw. She took a sip, making a face, quickly washing it down with her own drink. Nicole laughed.

       “That is horrendous,” she said, still making a face. Nicole twirled her straw around in it before removing it and taking a few larger drinks. Waverly’s mouth came open. “I see why you came home like you did with Wynonna.”

       Nicole gave her a look. “I lost count after 8 shots that night.”

       Waverly laughed. “You’re off tomorrow, right?” She nodded, taking another drink. The brunette hopped off of her stool and pushed herself in between the redhead’s legs. “I get you all day long?” She asked with a flirtatious smirk.

       Nicole smiled, placing her hand on the small of her back and giving her a kiss. “Technically yes, but not how you want it. I’m helping you guys fix up the holes in the Homestead. I told Doc I would when I left earlier. We’re getting ya’ll new windows and putting new siding up all around the house.” 

       Her mouth crept into a grin. “So, I get to watch my fine ass girlfriend getting down and dirty, doing some manual labor all day? That sounds just as good,” she husked, dropping her hand to her crotch.

       Nicole took in a breath, pupils dilating. She grabbed her drink, chugged it down, and stood up with a smirk. “Let’s go dance, yea?” She placed both hands on Waverly’s hips, walking her backward. She giggled, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the crowd. They found an opening, so they stopped there.

       Waverly saw that Nicole’s eyes were wandering around attentively so she pulled her head down, hands on each cheek, making her look her in the eyes. “Right here, all you need to worry about. I know you’re used to being in sexy cop mode, but you’re just Nic tonight.” She slid her hands down her arms, taking the Officer’s hands and placing them on her hips. She felt her shoulders relax as she smiled, pulling her into a kiss. Waverly brought her hand to the back of her neck, deepening it. The Officer slid her hand down, squeezing her butt as she pulled her closer.

       They spent the next 20 minutes dancing, kissing, grinding, laughing. They were having fun. Nicole was a little tipsy, so she was looser than normal. They had quite literally bumped into another lesbian couple, so they grouped up with them. It was a taller blond named Calli and a plumper strawberry blond named Alexa and they were both closer to Waverly’s age.

       “Where are you guys from? Around here?” Alexa asked.

       “Purgatory . . . We came up here for dinner and decided to come and have some fun,” Waverly answered. They both cocked an eyebrow. “Weird name, I know.” They nodded. “What about you guys?”

       “We live here in the City . . . just moved in together actually,” Calli said, bumping her girlfriend with her arm. They walked over to the seating area and sat down on a half-circle couch together.

       Nicole threw her arm over the back of the couch, resting her hand on Waverly’s shoulder “Aw. How long have ya’ll been together?”

       “5 years next month. We met in high school,” the blond answered. She looked to them, asking the same question.

       “When’d we meet, last . . . Tuesday?” Nicole asked.

       Waverly nodded. “And we made it official on Saturday,” she added.

       The other couple was looking at them weird. “You are telling me you two have barely been together for a week and are already goals?” Alexa asked. Nicole smiled, drumming her fingers on Waverly’s shoulder.

       “How are we goals?” The brunette asked. The other couple looked at each other, shaking their heads.

       “Well, for starters, you look at each other like that,” Alexa chuckled. Nicole had her head tipped and was flashing heart eyes as Waverly scrunched her nose at her. They looked back to the couple, faces blushing a little.

       “And Nicole has kept a hand on you the whole time we have been talking, when we were over there and now here. She pulled you closer when that group of guys walked past us earlier and she put you on the inside of the couch. Her instincts make her subconsciously protect you without either of you even noticing it . . . And you both smile each time you catch each other’s eyes. You blush ever so slightly when the other kisses you. And when you laugh, it doesn’t matter who made you, you always look at each other . . . Sorry, haha, I’m a psychology major, I notice the little things,” Calli said, rubbing the back of her neck.

       Nicole and Waverly looked at each other, taking all of that information in. They noticed how Nicole’s hand was holding her shoulder and how they did smile when they turned to each other. They looked back to the girls. “We do do that, don’t we?” They both asked at the same time. Waverly covered her face, leaning her head on Nicole’s shoulder as she laughed. The redhead rubbed her hand up and down her upper arm, laughing into her hair. The other two were laughing, too.

       “I’ve never believed in soulmates until this very moment, that was too good,” Alexa sighed.

       “How’d you guys meet, I need some pointers so I can find mine,” Calli smirked, getting an elbow from her girlfriend.

       “This dork pulled me over, scaring the shit out of me, all because my tail light was out,” Waverly said, bumping her with her thumb.

       “You’re a cop?” Calli asked wide-eyed.

       “Sheriff’s Deputy Haught,” the smaller girl smirked, poking her nose. Nicole rolled her eyes with a blush.

       “And her last name is Haught, ok, am I suddenly in some mushy-gushy romance novel?” Alexa asked with a laugh.

       “I believe so,” the Officer nodded. She turned to Waverly. “Did you ever get that fixed?” Waverly pulled her lips in, looking at her guiltily. “Waveee! . . . Ok, guess what you get to help me do tomorrow?” She let out a groan. “Yea, mhm.”

       “You guys wanna come get some more drinks with us?” Alexa asked as she and her girlfriend stood up.

       “Sure!” Waverly replied, standing up and taking Nicole’s hand. They pushed their way through the crowd to the bar.

       “Are you sure you’re fine with me drinking if you’re not?” The redhead asked.

       “Yes, I prefer it actually cause I can mess with drunk Nicole,” she said with an evil grin.

       Nicole decided to counter that. “Well, in that case . . .” She turned to the bartender. “Get me 4 tequila shots.” She threw her a wink.

       “Oh god,” Waverly groaned.

       Nicole stepped towards her. “I’ve been told I get . . . horny on tequila,” Nicole husked in her ear.

       “Then be my guest, Officer Haught,” Waverly breathed.

       Nicole chuckled and turned around, pulling her wallet to pay. This was probably the only time all night Waverly had been out of her sight. And she didn’t think anything of it, she was only going to be a couple of seconds. She saw Alexa and Calli walking towards her out of the corner of her eye.

       “Hey, fuckwad!” One of them shouted.

       “Nicole!” The other said, pointing behind her. She cocked an eyebrow, looking behind her. She saw a deer-in-headlights Waverly with some college boy grabbing on her waist. She dropped her wallet and spun around, shoving the kid back angrily and stepping in front of Waverly. She reached around to her back with her casted hand and felt Waverly’s dress, then feeling her gripping the back of her shirt.

       She pulled the kid forward by the collar. “What the hell is your problem?” She growled through her teeth, fire in her eyes. He shoved her back. She brought her hand back again, pushing her girlfriend to the very worried duo standing next to her. She saw them sit her down so she turned her attention forward again. She grabbed his shirt again.

       “What’s your problem? I didn’t do shit to your friend, man!” He slurred, shoving her again.

       She got in his face. “Girl friend. She’s my girlfriend, ya dick! You’ve got too many appendages for her liking.”

       He smiled an evil grin, tracing his eyes up and down her body. “Lesbos, aye? I’m into th-” He was cut off by a hard punch to the jaw, sending him back a few steps.

       “Don’t you fucking finish that.” He took a drunk swing at her that she easily dodged. She nailed him again in the nose with a crack.

       “Nic, don’t,” she heard faintly from behind her.

       She growled, grabbing him by the back of the neck and driving him forward, shoving his face into the bar and pinning his arm behind his back. “Next time you decide to get your weekly dose of groping in, remember what happened when you fucked with a cop’s girl,” she spat, releasing him with a shove in the other direction. She shook out her hand as she rushed over to Waverly, grabbing her hand and bringing it to her chest. “Are you ok?” She asked softly, eyebrows furrowed together in concern.

       “Yea . . . I’m good. It just . . .”

       Nicole nodded, wrapping her arms around her. “I know,” she breathed. She pulled back and gave her forehead a long kiss. She dropped her head to meet her eyes and gripped her hand. “You wanna go home?”

       She shot back one of Nicole’s tequilas before nodding. Nicole smiled a small smile, kissing her before bending down and picking her wallet up off the floor. Waverly stepped off the stool, gluing herself to Nicole’s side and squeezing the hand that was wrapped tightly around her waist. The redhead quickly tipped back her remaining 3 with ease.

       Alexa and Calli stepped towards them. “You guys going, I hope?” Alexa asked.

       Nicole nodded. “We’ve got a long drive anyways,” she sighed. She pulled her phone out. “Let’s keep in touch, yea?” She asked, handing them her phone with the dial pad opened. The other three took out their phones and passed them around.

       “It was really nice meeting you guys, I had a really great time,” Waverly said with a smile, going in for a hug for both of them.

       “We had fun, too! You should really tell us when you come back up here and we will be sure to meet up!” Calli said as she hugged Nicole.

       “We will,” the brunette assured. They waved to them and walked out the door to the cold darkness.

       “It’s burry,” Nicole said with a slight slur. Waverly smiled up at her as they made their way to the car. They climbed in and Waverly started it up, turning the heat on immediately. Nicole grabbed her hand, interlocking their fingers tightly.

       She looked at her. “I’m ok, Babe, really,” Waverly assured, patting her arm with her free hand. Nicole sighed. She was unsure, but still loosened her grip a little. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket.


Calli from da Club : She’s had something happen before, hasn’t she?

Nicole Haught: Yea…Last week...Ex bf

Calli from da Club : Damn, last week? What happened if u don’t mind me asking?

Nicole Haught: uh. She was at work and forced himself on her in the bathroom. I knocked him out before he could actually..ya know

Calli from da Club : Shit. I hope this dick didn’t scare her too bad

Nicole Haught: Yea...Me too

.  .  .


       When they were about 10 minutes away from Purgatory, Waverly learned 2 things: 1. It is quite hard to drive when someone is slowly inching their hand up your inner thigh and whispering things in your ear. 2. Tequila definitely did make Nicole a little horny.

       “My house or yours?” Waverly breathed, biting her lip as she looked towards her girlfriend.

       “Yours,” she whispered, punctuating it with a nip to the jawline. “No one home?”

       “I don’t think so.” She pushed a little harder on the accelerator. “What’s wrong with your house?”

       “All 23 of my other outfits are scattered around my bedroom,” she slurred.

       They arrived at the Homestead and Waverly saw that Wynonna’s truck was gone and all the lights were off. A good sign that they were still at Shorty’s. She smirked, parking the car. They walked up to the door and Nicole pushed her against the doorframe, kissing her neck as she tried to open it. Locked. Even better sign. She sorted through her keys, letting out some breathy moans. She unlocked the door and the redhead pushed her into the house. She reached down and pulled her heels off of her swollen feet, tossing them to the side. Nicole pushed her against the door, locking their lips and sliding her hand up her dress, gripping her ass.

       “Bedroom,” Waverly moaned as Nicole left a fresh branding on her collarbone. She pushed herself off the door and had planned on walking up there, but when Nicole pulled her into her and lifted her up, she wasn’t going to say no.

       She did lock her ankles a little tighter than normal, though.

       Waverly kissed her as she made her way up, and she pushed her into the wall for a couple of seconds at the top. “You’re fuckin hot,” she muttered, pulling away from her lips for a second.

       “You’re fuckin drunk,” Waverly chuckled, untucking her shirt. 

       “I just carried you up stairs, I am not drunk,” the redhead retorted as they moved into Waverly’s room. She unzipped the back of the brunette’s dress before laying her down on the bed. Waverly quickly rolled them over, straddling her hips. She slipped her tongue in her mouth as she unbuttoned her top, flipping the sides open at the end. Nicole made a loud purring noise as she slid her hand up her stomach, pressing into her abs.

       “Easy, Tiger,” the brunette giggled, cupping her cheeks with both hands and leaning down into a slow kiss. Nicole sat them up after a few minutes and pulled her shirt off all the way. She tugged lightly on the neck of Waverly’s dress and she nodded, so she slipped it off her arms. The brunette rolled off her lap and pulled it down her legs, tossing it away. She pushed Nicole back and unbuttoned her jeans, pulling them off her legs. She stopped for a second, looking upwards. She was wearing her normal American Eagle mid-thigh briefs, but instead of them being a plain color like usual, they had realistic pink and blue jellyfish on them. “These are cool!” She said with a big smile.

       Nicole sat up on her elbows, cocking an eyebrow at her, having no clue what she was talking about. She looked down at what she was looking at. “Thank you?” She said with a small laugh.

       “Seriously! All the other ones I’ve seen you in are so boring. Why wear those when you can wear fun ones like these?!”

       “I’ll try to step up my underwear game just for you, Love,” she smiled. Waverly giggled and pushed herself up, combing her fingers through her hair as she leaned into a kiss. Nicole deepened it, sliding her tongue along her bottom lip, gaining access again. She gripped Waverly’s waist with her left hand, letting out a moan, when she shifted her thigh to her centre. The brunette pressed forward, feeling her wetness seep through the fabric layer separating them. She reached down and undid the redhead's bra, tossing it to the side. She kissed her way down her neck, across her collarbones, and down to her nipple. Nicole bit her lip, pushing her hips into her thigh as she was slowly rolling against her. She reached behind her, unhooking her bra, and pulled it off her arms. She clamped her thighs on Waverly’s hips, turning them over. She cupped her breast as she sat up, looking her in the eye, breathing unsteadily. “You’re flexible, right?” She asked with a smirk.

       Waverly’s eyes darkened. “Yes . . .” she answered slowly. Nicole flashed a cocky grin as she positioned her centre on top of the smaller girl’s, hearing Waverly’s breath hitch in her throat. Nicole grabbed her right leg and pushed it completely forward, pressing her hand into the back of her knee as it rested on the bed. “Shit,” the brunette breathed, gripping the sheets. Nicole ground her hips, licking her lips with a smile, hearing the moans starting to escape the smaller girl’s mouth after several seconds.

       She threw her head back with a grunt, rocking faster as her core heated up. “Fuck, Baby.” Waverly grabbed the pillow behind her head, whimpering her name.

       Nicole moved her hand down to her ankle and propped it up on her shoulder, gripping her thigh. She sucked in a breath, grinding as fast as she could. Waverly let out a wail, smacking her hand down onto the redhead’s thigh, gripping it with her nails. “FUCK!” They weren’t sure who said it, for they both reached an earth-shattering orgasm at the same time. Nicole dropped her chin to her chest as she rode it out, feeling Waverly’s body quivering beneath her, sounds of pleasure storming her ears. She slowly fell forward onto her, both sweaty and breathing heavily.

       Over the sound of their breathing, they heard feet going down the stairs.

       Nicole pushed herself up quickly, looking at Waverly, eyes bulging out. “I thought you said no one was home?!”

       Waverly's mouth came open. “No one is home!” Her breath caught her throat. “Oh, fudge nuggets. Willa.” She scrambled out from underneath the redhead and threw on her button-down. She tossed the police academy hoodie at Nicole from the headboard and rushed to her dresser pulling out the first pair of shorts she saw. She quickly pulled them up and buttoned the shirt, missing a few holes here and there.

       “You forgot she was here?!” Nicole asked, head popping out from the top of the hoodie.

       “No! Wynonna said she was going with her, but I guess she didn’t.”

       “Waverly,” Nicole said through her teeth. Waverly opened her door and dashed down the steps, finding Willa in the kitchen in her pajamas, sorting through their junk drawer. Nicole was right behind her, bashing her hip into the corner of the railing as she went to turn at the bottom. “Owwwwww.” Willa turned around and crossed her arms with a huff.

       “Willa . . .” Waverly said slowly. “What’re you doing?”

       “Trying to find some earplugs !”

       The couple’s face’s blushed and Waverly walked up to the table. “I- we- Why aren’t you with Wynonna and Gus?”

       “I had and still have a headache, so I decided to stay home and relax. Then, as I was down here getting some water, you two fumbled through the door. I figured you two would move up there and do whatever quietly, but that was not the case!”

       “You were down here?” Nicole asked, voice still altered with a slight slur.

       “Yes, Officer Handsy, I was down here. And let me tell you, watching my sister get ground on by a tall, tipsy redhead was definitely not on my to-do list!”

       Nicole pursed her lips, rubbing the back of her neck. “Whoops,” she muttered, getting a backhand from her girlfriend.

       “Ok, look. I’m sorry you saw and hear some things that were unpleasant, but quite honestly, I think you deserve it for earlier.”

       “I didn’t think it was unpleasant,” Nicole chuckled to herself.

       Waverly pointed up the stairs, holding back a smile. “Go!” She ordered. Nicole stuck her bottom lip out. “Do you want to sleep on the floor?” Nicole groaned, trudging up the steps. She turned back to Willa, who looked to be losing her patience. “She loses her filter when she’s drunk,” Waverly sighed. The older Earp rolled her eyes. “How about I promise to forget about earlier and never jump you again if you don’t tell Wynonna,” she said with begging eyes.

       “Why can’t I tell her?” Willa asked, cocking an eyebrow.

       Waverly bit the side of her cheek, looking down at the floor before meeting her eyes again. “She doesn’t know we’re . . .”

       “Having sex?” Willa finished for her. “Why would she give a fuck?”

       “I don’t know. But, she keeps bugging me about it and I know it's for a reason.”

       Willa blinked at her for a few seconds. “Oook. I won’t tell her. But, you have to do my dishes for a week, too. I’ve really been scarred, Waverly.” 

       She let out a huff. “Fine.”

       Willa nodded, walking past her. “Next time you come home with her, make sure no one’s here, got it?” She said, giving the shorter girl an intimidating look. Waverly nodded with a gulp. “And, please, make your boy-toy keep it in her pants for the rest of the night.”

       Waverly clenched her jaw. “Hey!”

       Willa rolled her eyes as she walked up the stairs. “Just stop fucking each other!” She groaned. Waverly heard her door slam. She walked back into the kitchen and pulled the whiskey out of the cabinet, taking a swig.

       She heard feet coming back down the stairs. “Willa, what the fuck-” She paused, seeing Nicole standing at the bottom. “Oh, hey, Baby.” Waverly slumped down onto a chair at the table.

       Nicole walked over and sat across from her.“Boy-toy,” she said, nodding her head in mock approval. Waverly let out a single laugh, taking another drink. The redhead let out a groan, reaching across the table and snatching the bottle from her hands. “You’re not Wynonna. This is not how we solve our problems.”

       Waverly gave her a dirty look. She sighed and rubbed her face with her hands. “I’m sorry. I really thought she went with them,” she grumbled into them.

       “It’s finneee,” the redhead slurred. “She’ll live.”

       Waverly dropped her hands to the table, a small smile on her lips. “I dunno, man, we were being pretty loud.”

       Nicole chuckled. “That’s cause I’m crazy good in bed,” she smirked, taking a drink of the whiskey.

       The brunette rolled her eyes playfully, standing up and taking the bottle from her, reaching up and putting it back in the cabinet. As she reached up, her shirt rose up, and the tight spandex shorts she had on caught Nicole’s eye. Waverly turned around, finding her eyes still locked downwards. She leaned forward and tilted her chin up for her. “You’ve got a little drool there, Deputy,” she giggled.

       Nicole cleared her throat, standing up, pushing her hand through her hair gently. “Sorry, you’re just too beautiful."

       “Who, me or my ass?” She asked with a laugh.

       “You, Darlin . . . Your . . . ass-ets are just a plus.”

       Waverly smacked her hand on her arm, laughing into her chest. Nicole smiled, wrapping her arms around her middle as she leaned back on the counter. The brunette gripped the back of her hoodie, pulling herself closer to the redhead. Nicole kissed her forehead when she propped her chin up to look at her. “So. What are we gonna do now that Willa ruined our fun?”

       “I dunno. What d’you wanna do?”

       “I don’t know, that’s why I asked you!”

       “Well . . . I think we can be quiet,” Nicole smirked, moving her hands to her hips and dropping her head to her neck.

       Waverly pulled back, giving her a look. “They are gonna be home soon, Nic.” And just like that, they heard the doorknob jiggling. “Speak of the devil,” she muttered.

       Nicole chuckled, giving her a kiss. “You’re in my shirt, Wave,” she reminded with a smirk. Waverly’s eyes widened and she dashed up the stairs as the door opened and Gus and Wynonna walked in.

       “Hiya, Haughy! . . . Why are you in my kitchen?” Wynonna asked, tossing her things onto the couch, which Gus picked up and put away.

       “I needed a drink,” she said, pushing herself away from the counter.

       Wynonna nodded, walking in and grabbing the whiskey out of the cabinet. She looked at Nicole, squinting her eyes. “Where’re your pants?”

       Nicole cocked an eyebrow, looking down. She realizing she was, in fact, standing in the Earp kitchen in her underwear. She looked back up at her, eyes wide, mouth open. “Uhmm, they’re upstairs! We’re going to bed and I really don’t want to sleep in jeans. That’d be uncomfortable, yea.” She began to walk towards the stairs.

       “You’re drunk, Haught Shit.” Gus walked over and tutted at her, taking the bottle from her hands and putting it away.

       “Pshh, am not! I wouldn’t get drunk in a club if I was supposed to be watching your sister.”

       Wynonna’s eyes widened. “You took my baby sister to a club!?”

       “You’re baby sister took me to a club, excuse you. And, in case you were wondering, no she is not drunk. She had to drive us back from Calgary.”

       Wynonna shook her head quickly. “You went to a club in Calgary?!”

       Nicole smiled a toothy smile. “I need to stop talking,” she muttered to herself. “G’night, Earp. Night, Gus.” She began to go up the stairs.

       “Nicole,” Gus called.

       She stopped, turning to her. “Yea?” 

       She tossed a bottle of water at her. “Drink. You’re working on the house tomorrow, don’t need you moping around.” Nicole nodded. “G’night, Dear.”

       “Night, Red. I like your jellyfish,” Wynonna smirked.

       The redhead laughed. “Mhm, your sister said the same thing,” she said with a wink. She watched Wynonna clench her jaw.

       “Nicole!” Waverly scolded from her room. She climbed the rest of the stairs and walked back in. “Seriously?!”

       “What? You did,” she said, biting the inside of her lip to hold in a laugh. Waverly rolled her eyes as she picked up their clothes from the floor. She set Nicole’s in a pile on a chair and stripped her shirt, placing it on top. She walked over to her closet to get a clean one. Nicole walked up beside her. “PEEP!” She squeaked in a high pitched voice as she pinched her nipple.

       “Stop!” Waverly giggled, smacking her hand away. “Go turn Netflix on, you Perv.”

       Nicole laughed, turning towards the bed. She kneeled on the bed and flicked the covers around, walking around the edge of the bed, searching the floor. “Where’s the clicker?” She asked.

       Waverly pulled a t-shirt over her head and turned around. “The what?” She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

       “The clicker.”

       Waverly walked towards her. “What the hell is a clicker?” Nicole looked at her confusedly. “The remote?”

       “Same-difference,” she grumbled, lifting up the pillow and finding it.

       “You’re weird,” Waverly sighed, plopping down on the bed.

       Nicole laid down next to her, crossing her ankles. “I think we’ve established that already,” Waverly grumbled something Nicole didn’t quite catch and took the remote from her hands, flicking the TV on. She navigated it to Netflix and clicked on the Friends episode they left off on. The redhead grabbed the water bottle from the nightstand. “You wanna see a party trick?” She asked with a shit-eating grin. Waverly gave her a look that said “I know you are gonna show me either way.” She sat up and opened the water bottle, crunching the bottle, swallowing all the water in one gulp.

       Waverly blinked at her. “Wow, you’re so cool,” she said with a lisp. Nicole tossed the bottle, hitting her on the forehead. She rolled her eyes and Nicole flicked the light off, laying back down next to her, resting her head on her chest and hitching her leg up on top of her’s.

       They made it through 2 or 3 episodes, but Waverly lightly rubbing her fingers along the Officer’s spine put her to sleep. And like karma, the steady breathing against her front caused Waverly to drift asleep soon after.