
Respect My Privacy

"Apparently this sharing information with each other thing is only one-sided. You're just going to do what you want anyway whether or not I disagree with you."

"For God's sake Emmy`!"

"For God's sake nothing! You need to learn to respect my privacy."

"Fucking hell woman! Will you stop giving me grief over wanting to protect you?"

"I didn't ask for your protection!" I yell at him, my voice carried away by the wind to the sea.

"Too bad, you're getting it whether or not you want it."

"That's not how a relationship works."

"Fuck whatever relationship book you've been reading. I'm James Thomson There's not a book written yet that can make you understand me."

He pulls me to him and bends his head to kiss me but I turn my head.

"So, you're not going to kiss me now?" he asks. "Now that's very childish of you."

"Call me what you want," I reply petulantly and push away from him. "You're not getting any tonight."