
Trekking To The Vampire Country

JACOB invited Ethan to stay till the twins woke up. They remained in the swimming pool while the twins had an enjoyment.

"You should go back to the homestead," Ethan advised. "And make this penthouse your stopover whenever you're in the cityside."

"I've been thinking about that. It's good for the kids as hyperactive as these two."

Ethan laughed, holding Nicko, "this one is quiet and observant. Opposite of that one with you."

"Yeah, I noticed the difference when they were three months old," Jacob commented. "Why don't you stay here while your sister is away so we can communicate easily."

"Alright, I'll stick around," Ethan agreed. 

"Mom, mom ..." He was bubbling. "Mommy?"

Jacob shook his head, "Daddy," he corrected. "Mom's not here."

"Mommy ..." Enzo uttered, staring at his father. "Mommy ..."

"Mom went to Mars," Jacob muttered.

Ethan roared with laughter while Nicko splashed the water with his hands.