
Don’t Worry

Vivian slowly approached the woman. She could tell she was scared but, still, she wanted to tell her that she wasn't alone.

"Let's go look inside..." Vivian said while walking towards the castle. The woman followed hesitantly before asking "Who are you?". "My name is Vivian, you?" Vivian asked. "M-Merlin." The lady stated her name, her voice shaking. "Ok Merlin, let's go inside".

As Merlin walked behind Vivian, she couldn't stop staring at her wings. They were unbelievable! A person having black angel wings was of course something she had never seen. "Her wings, her horns they're, unbelievable.".Merlin thought, still staring. When they both got to the castle, Vivian

thought it'd be a nice place to stay, at least for now. When they walked inside, they immediately got creepy vibes as they stared at the trashed room. Vivian noticed spiral stairs, she started walking up them with Merlin following.

There were only three floors. Only the first floor was trashed, the rest were spotless.

"That's weird...." Vivian said.

"What is?"

"You didn't notice Merlin? Only the first floor is all messed up. The other floors are all clean."

"Oh! What the? That *is* weird!".

Both Merlin and Vivian decided they would stay in the castle and explore more tomorrow.

"Hey, Merlin?" Vivian asked. "Hmm?"

"Have you met anyone else during your time here?" "No. You're the only one. Though I did hear noises, but, I just ended up running away I was so on edge, heh." Merlin answered. "Oh ok." Vivian rolled over  in the only available bed. Merlin was sleeping on two quilts she had folded to make comfortable. The two went off to sleep. They were exhausted from exploring and their hearts pounding from confusion and anxiety.