
Yoma May Cry

Alexrenda · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

Chapter 1

<p data-p-id="24a29afbcdc84eac18261b7db9034599">Getting Ready for Christmas and New Danger

<p data-p-id="a191d4ee35b4c388c2912aae8ef42ad0">"Alright, Christmas is coming soon and hopefully some relaxing time too." A teen boy excited as he put up some Christmas decorations of his home/office.

<p data-p-id="7bc58a6301333d00e6d09347787422c1">The boy has pale pure white skin and dead cold black eye, and short spikey hair almost like a porcupine. He wears a white coat opening in the middle exposing his strong six packs, white fingerless gloves, red pants, and black shoes. He also wears a shiny white amulet with a blue gem.

<p data-p-id="b40107efba0576ed6d6595f17005cb68">"Hmm, seems like everything is right." The boy said seeing decoration being cool and stylish.

<p data-p-id="1576cc30d348464acae55495099c0351">"I see you're getting ready for the holiday." A man walked in.

<p data-p-id="03aa76017939c6557d48a86dbd611981">The man appears to be in his early forties, has silver hair and yellow eyes. He wears a black coat with a matching hat, brown pants, and Christmas theme shoes.

<p data-p-id="46dc7d24a0121de4c71014be848ced57">"Hey there, Jack. Though you be going home to your family." The boy recalled his friend jack telling him about going to spent time with his family for Christmas.

<p data-p-id="f7acd147eac6fea52562c794549fd7b0">"I will going tomorrow; I just came by to see you got any call for a job." Jack walked up to the desk.

<p data-p-id="2306c1c3b445aed63cb992ac50d9c6ad">"Nope, no job today meaning I'm off for the Holiday." The boy grinned as he leans back a little on his chair put his feet on the desk.

<p data-p-id="59196da11d2ccfb294f9e2e6874d5db0">"That's great and all, but Neppa, I'm think you're going to work for the holiday." Jack mentioned with a serious expression.

<p data-p-id="9955bdbe08d4c3e5ef9086d6466e17ae">"What do you got for me?" Neppa asked curious.

<p data-p-id="74d2ed2f8c3acb6bd84e54b0f79d149c">"...Your sister has been spotted in the Asakusa district." Jack informed.

<p data-p-id="3663c57d76a4b807a570c3345d302e39">"What? Are you sure it's her?" Neppa asked, taking his feet off the desk.

<p data-p-id="ab4b2962bd1bd6a704f2850c20dc3fbe">"Take a look for yourself, this picture was taken when a guy was taking pictures of her girlfriend just this morning." Jack showed Neppa the post on facebook.

<p data-p-id="4f7ad1d34f1f400fa67de6f2e215a327">Neppa look at the picture carefully seeing a cute girl on a little to the right of the screen, he carefully zooms in on the back of the left seeing one girl in a warm coat showing the left side of the face which Neppa's eyes widen.

<p data-p-id="46a5885aa1ec073a719782ff55dffc86">"My god... it is her." Neppa sighed.

<p data-p-id="7b17830a853757bbf19d70f72d94f219">"It's been about 9 months since you two last saw each other." Jack said.

<p data-p-id="88919a1c4d391da9919ea70690af8461">"And we almost killed each other too, and she wins most while I only a little few." Neppa added.

<p data-p-id="8589cd0593e0bc459367408290fe4946">"But you're still going to stop her, right?" Jack asked concern.

<p data-p-id="dea2ea1c278c91c31dbc049f9a4995d5">"Fuck yeah, that bitch sister of mine wants to destroy the world and I can't let that happen." Neppa determined as he get up from his chair walk toward the door.1

<p data-p-id="8d5ece3e85e29c6622459956993063ab">"It's a few hours away from here even with your motorcycle going at 390 miles per hour." Jack stated.

<p data-p-id="dcc00bb48ecfe03411f3f41b9ac57353">"Then I'll take the train, should get me there faster." Neppa said as he picks up a guitar case.

<p data-p-id="19085a6cd8f9d7af8ebb7653e1b919ca">"Well, happy hunting, Devil Ninja." Jack smirked seeing Neppa exit the building with the bell ringing from the door opening.

<p data-p-id="df7f8c753449bb84a83b1bab74e6c140">(Asakusa)

<p data-p-id="bc8d1b08b369495156a7312c23817c33">"I mean, I was so surprised that your friends with Homura who is a rogue ninja, and some other evil ninjas too. That's really something, Asuka." A girl said.

<p data-p-id="0ce0a97c5f4db786f65c2248155ab9c2">The has pale white skin and icy blue eyes. Her hair is a gray color of medium length that is propped up slightly in the back by her white bow that has blue stripes on the ends. Breasts sizes: H-cup.

<p data-p-id="83d2da1e2e9c71c3f057390f2b33566c">"I get what you're saying, Yumi, and we have fought a lot since we're technically on different sides and everything. But Homura and I have strange understanding now, so it just sort of works." Asuka explained as she catches a snowflake on her tongue.

<p data-p-id="cacd6257d591a729e97cb6b381a72269">Asuka is a short girl who has her dark brown hair tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon and hazel color eyes. Breast sizes: F-cup.

<p data-p-id="8d27daa0410598432439c09677808040">"In fact, I think she's secretly a nice person." Asuka chuckled.

<p data-p-id="cbecbcbfa10239a8f9ca318d94be6872">"Is that so, I think Homura would deny that claim." Yumi pointed out.

<p data-p-id="9c4f2ff72cb010337ccf034ce3bf6270">"Yeah, she's always been the tough girl kind." Asuka nodded.

<p data-p-id="a7cd242ccfd2b8393c8b9126b0759006">Asuka and Yumi decided to go try on some clothing, first Yumi tried on a Santa theme sweater with a hat and Asuka suggested about trying on different outfits too with her. Yumi dress up like a nurse with the front part half open showing off her cleavage, Asuka dress like a maid, Yumi as a policewoman, Asuka dress like pretty girl doing a model shot, last the girls tried on Christmas bikinis which was a little embarrassing and stop there.

<p data-p-id="2042c797ebe2dc58ad2c296cd79e7c17">The girls left the clothing shop heading for a café to have some lunch, then Asuka bump into someone while talking with Yumi.

<p data-p-id="1028bb55249db772e65bda52d4d32e12">"Oh, sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention." Asuka apologized.

<p data-p-id="b655bbdf5c4c5c23173f62f9f822d8f6">"It's fine, I should be the one apologizing. I just arrived in this town a little while ago." The boy said.

<p data-p-id="18875a4f8818c6507c199308930bf4b7">"I'm Neppa, do you know where I can find a pizza restaurant around here?" Neppa asked.

<p data-p-id="9669277afed77a8590481571c345e955">"Hello, I'm Asuka and this is Yumi. The pizza restaurant is just down a few stores away and you should be able to see the sign, you can't miss it." Asuka pointed the direction to the pizza restaurant.

<p data-p-id="08f0a22a5ed7f8b7f3b38c3026cfbe6c">"Thanks, it was nice meeting you two." Neppa said before walking away.

<p data-p-id="edac91d49eb9f7d834780cc6067398af">"He seems like a nice guy." Asuka commented, she turn to see Yumi still staring at Neppa.

<p data-p-id="24f85cfc5534495fc9f8bfca3d604316">"Hey Yumi, is something wrong?" Asuka asked, getting her friend's attention.

<p data-p-id="510ddd38ef997899d0bf62781eade54a">"Oh, yes, I'm fine. I was just spacing out." Yumi responded as she chuckles.

<p data-p-id="bc530b6a9cc5b3be97e8e6a9f2ef67ad">Neppa has a smirk on his face thinking about those girls he just.

<p data-p-id="c2d05f30be0c08bbfed2bd7917d4a9f1">"Huh, these shinobi girls sure are hot and sexy. Something tells me I'll be seeing them again soon." Neppa excited and when a few people walk in front of the screen, Neppa disappeared.

<p data-p-id="38780b63f47928a50b97a85eb913e5db">(Café)

<p data-p-id="c350faa8c42812953ba72f1bd16c3375">Asuka and Yumi are enjoying some pancakes while doing some talking.

<p data-p-id="fb984b7f6a221ff92596d551520d8e22">"You know, I've been doing a lot of thinking. About the real task we take on as Shinobi." Asuka said, also being carefully so that no one here is listening.

<p data-p-id="7af82cca9900af1110037b9333772e13">"Pursue justice at all costs. Even if it means losing our lives. We have to do what it takes to beat the youma." Yumi spoked the importance of being a Shinobi.

<p data-p-id="64b5c087655aaafbabc8d7ffec7e7f21">"Well, yeah, but I think all the girls who became shinobi are willing to do that. I know I am." Asuka pointed out.

<p data-p-id="a170da379d393304980c476a0d5a6783">"I guess what I was referring to were the little gaps that we have between our training and missions. You know, the moments like this one." Asuka mentioned.

<p data-p-id="b58a794cd25fb8f0ece9a5c792ec68c3">"It's important that we don't take them for granted." Asuka stated.

<p data-p-id="f181d67496c520034be45e779d66df7e">"Oh, you're saying work when it's time to work, but play when it's time to play." Yumi understand this.

<p data-p-id="e776087110a297bfd6333660c495bfdc">"Yeah, we are high school girls. Normally, if that's all we were, then we would be free to cut loose and do whatever we wanted to." Asuka explained.

<p data-p-id="32a203b8367eba0974569c2857b5fcc9">Soon, both girls finished their lunch and hang around the mall a little more seeing the different stores and trying out some things too.

<p data-p-id="6aab08aa09ace299249d1ada3595224d">"The words "work" and "plat" are kind of funny, you know? They can be complete opposites or similar." Yumi stated.

<p data-p-id="b65200704b1da053675c6f354831253d">"So, in a way, it reminds me of something else." Yumi said as Asuka wonders what that could be. "A sword and a shield."

<p data-p-id="23b58def11b45727d3351702515f86af">

<p data-p-id="5317ff39b87a1fd7ab3e38259e37341a">"Oh yeah, like my grandpa always says." Asuka recalled her grandpa saying those words as Yumi nod.

<p data-p-id="3150095e9d98cc5532787c5f63bb9c84">"A sword by itself is only capable of harming others and a shield can protect people, but it can't do it alone. That's why it's important to wield the sword and the shield together. To have both is have power." Asuka phrased the words her grandfather told her.

<p data-p-id="2fc351527768cc45aed71592fbea6554">"If you work too much, it's exhausting, and you'll never get stronger if you just relax all the time." Yumi added.

<p data-p-id="ff537ce22edf2008c9150fde8ca19d84">"You're totally right, they are similar." Asuka realized.

<p data-p-id="e90a1f98d25dcd671c67cc62a0f41a74">"Huh, Asuka, I don't see the cat ears." Yumi noticed something missing in her bag.

<p data-p-id="ad37540d074af53a4fd1202698713607">Asuka started to panic as she couldn't find the cat-ears she brought for her friend who wanted them, and they were the last pair in the entire brought she bought.

<p data-p-id="feb694a321c1c445f2644230c802f5a3">(With Neppa)

<p data-p-id="63db80639eedd1e7882baf763b55cdca">"Damn it, I looked all over the place and still no signed of her." Neppa said to himself standing on top of a building.

<p data-p-id="314d58cb666e068ce6055dff990d682c">"Knowing her, she's probably up to something... maybe looking for shinobis here." Neppa guessed and remember the two girls, Asuka and Yumi.

<p data-p-id="b472082b4c0e8acbb58d1dad10b14b95">"Uh, speaking of Yumi, I can't help but wonder if I ever seen that girl before." Neppa tried to remember, but the memory isn't coming kinda fuzzy.

<p data-p-id="6c55787d4fa754f795c042f91808e846">Then suddenly Neppa sense two murderous aura together in one direction, he can tell they're not the girl he's looking for, but he decided to check them out in case they know something. He quickly run fast jumping over rooftops of the buildings as he also senses some other aura there fighting against the two, when he got to the location which is a kids' playground it was empty.

<p data-p-id="98b09cd26b2453056463ce318f0d1cde">"There was definitely a battle here, I also felt a Shinobi barrier was put up." Neppa looked around, trying to sense where the two dangerous auras are. He got a lock on them heading somewhere else and follow that scent.

<p data-p-id="5eea625e7de21abe85818cb204cf8073">(With Asuka)

<p data-p-id="e3647296d6c6e041395c6cc67e500716">"That's strange, something feels off." Asuka said carefully walking into the alleyway after talking to Yumi on the phone.

<p data-p-id="2f72398d240189b26c8a7ad9c1e0b81c">She looks around until she spotted some black-purple goo-like creature coming toward her.

<p data-p-id="152adad9e24208f65b16277d61e31bb5">"No way, a youma?" Asuka gasped and quickly took out her scroll.

<p data-p-id="bb12bba49e942f072664de0890fe879a">"Shinobi Transformation" Asuka transformed into her Shinobi form. She now wears a uniform composed of a yellow vest over a white shirt, and a green plaid skirt to match her tie. Paired with it are black thigh high socks with brown loafers, and on each arm is a guard with bandages beneath them. On her waist are straps to hold her swords, and in this form, she wear hers short red scarf.

<p data-p-id="eb78ed96a8351caa7ac7c5b1aeff1702">"I am Asuka, a shinobi who fights for justice!" Asuka said before charging in slashing away the youma. They were a little tough to deal with, but she managed to destroy it.

<p data-p-id="0f7d9d8fbf9a812e3eaa4a4702da7b99">"How pathetic, struggling to fight such weak youma." A girl mocked.

<p data-p-id="89941d707a3e665ebd0daf2730ebe33e">Asuka turns around to see two girls look very alike as they're twins.

<p data-p-id="50f3d17d75993b0eea783ed6cf0ef6ba">One is a pale girl with silver grey long hair and green eyes. She wears a gold and black suit composed of a white vest and a yellow jacket, both sleeveless, with a black apron on top of them, both in front and behind her. She has yellow sleeves detached from her vest, with black losange plates. She has long yellow pants-things on top of yellow boots. The moon croissant symbol is found on several part of the outfit. Breasts sizes: E-cup.

<p data-p-id="7e49a680d4584e2fda0c70cc7a996046">The other one has the same skin color and eyes. She wears full on black clothing with some dark purple as well. Breasts sizes: E-cup.

<p data-p-id="9d09a0926ad7e7b0f3fb2f8a1934f2d3">"Who are you guys?" Asuka asked, getting a bad feeling about this.

<p data-p-id="f34ce291e8de3f072c819090818167dd">

<p data-p-id="c4f38817e003eb14d6c97c3faab62110">"My name is Gekkou." The twin in yellow answered.

<p data-p-id="a5b01d74fbfaeeef1dedcbad24757d0c">"And my name is Senkou." The twin in black said.

<p data-p-id="fd3f6c628551002c7cdcda86c39f93da">"So, you're the one, the foolish girl who compares power to a sword and a shield." Senkou said as they slowly walk toward Asuka.

<p data-p-id="6d19e40dc2e6d83ce64924b1e272c9ec">"Your naivete is a virus that must be contained before it has a chance to infect the rest of the good shinobi." Gekkou said.

<p data-p-id="109b1c5e254a3309db117c396073c1de">"We have no choice but to eliminate you, Asuka." Senkou revealed.

<p data-p-id="65d04ba455f85675d2da9f452e95c2c8">"Hold on, I don't get any of this." Asuka hoped to talk things out, but the twins suddenly appear on both sides of her.

<p data-p-id="a91bbcc0e91dc3db339a067d2ee72c6c">"We'll carve this knowledge into your soul." Senkou said.

<p data-p-id="ec5d51d81b2c7dfe4a681e504de6f5f2">"This is the purest resolve." Gekkou said before the twins strike Asuka making her gasps.

<p data-p-id="a40ce8bdb955d88d49c9af385248a419">Asuka recovers a bit to see needles being thrown at her by Gekkou and deflects most of them with her swords, but a couple cut her right leg and pierce on left shoulder though she wouldn't go down until she got a sucker punch from Senkou and a swift kick knocking her down.

<p data-p-id="0098ac5a19f2b6607f5baf3289880e93">"(They're strong.)" Asuka thought worried.

<p data-p-id="01cdf85431cf10b7e3a72601b6e1e683">"I hope you're not expecting your friends to come and help you because they won't. They're a bit busy." Sekou dropped a black ribbon with some blood stains on it.

<p data-p-id="dcd2a871d35e45dd1e4d5fa7fca29931">Asuka gasps as she recognized and fear of what happened to her.

<p data-p-id="2e99ce45611127e086108418543e5716">"See, we stopped and had a little chat with those girls earlier, let just say they're aware of our pure resolve looks like." Gekkou explained.

<p data-p-id="c5e3956b402f68b6cba65f145f875cff">"What did you do?" Asuka asked as she clutches the ribbon in her hand.

<p data-p-id="f6851c08b908566c6c3c8a665abb2323">

"Tell me... WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Asuka shouted in rage charging at the twins.

<p data-p-id="921865ef99824560e77dc957f2215951">"Fool." Senkou strike a powerful punch that send a shockwave making a hole on the back of Asuka's vest.

<p data-p-id="f899b04ac43e8006b336815f401f00c7">Senkou then unleash a barrage of powerful punches as Asuka's clothes started to get ripped from the damage she's getting, Senkou grabs her by the hair and threw her toward the upperpart of small roof where a car is parked.

<p data-p-id="adca01d398384094c4722c830f5debf6">However, Asuka didn't felt the impact of the metal on her back, instead she was saved by a white blur much to the twins' surprise.

<p data-p-id="293384e57f3fe3242d5b44895d60b24a">"I kinda like seeing cute girls fight and all, but this was getting too brutal." Asuka slowly opened her eyes surprise to see it's Neppa she met earlier.

<p data-p-id="280ee2ca22d3a6db81a318fe1eb89898">"Neppa, what are you doing here?" Asuka asked before groaning in pain.

<p data-p-id="8e14e10a4a88b9350d25a4a438b555d2">"Easy there, you got beaten up pretty bad." Neppa said and laid Asuka's back on a wall.

<p data-p-id="547c5be05577639f9c8d9ea29f452251">"You just sit tight; I'll deal with them." Neppa smirked before turning to the twins.

<p data-p-id="4fad1a929de4d2d1594f8a8c4f7c70f9">"No, wait, you can't fight them! They're" Asuka tried to warn Neppa about their strength, but the pain is preventing her to do that.

<p data-p-id="a5919f8831a4214a3dfd0eeb015a1628">"Foolish boy, if you get in our way then you're dead too." Senkou declared as she throws a strong punch to Neppa only for him to catch it easily in his hand.

<p data-p-id="365193702beb5c622e1f3f3a3281f18a">"What?" Senkou gasped as Gekkou and Asuka are shocked as well.

<p data-p-id="41495bf5fb23709940519b44cc1e3401">"Didn't your mother taught that it's not nice to gang up on someone?" Neppa asked sarcastically before lifting Senkou up and throws her crashing into the car.

<p data-p-id="2f7528591c1ecd15b06161b8656df3fb">"Senkou?!" Gekkou worried and jump over Neppa to her sister's side and throws her needles at him.

<p data-p-id="efa7e5c11dd540f34b6bc29b1cbdd975">Neppa unzipped his guitar case and quickly pulls out a red bladed katana with red and black halt, deflecting them all and dash toward Gekkou holding the tip of the sword close to her nose.

<p data-p-id="9a2a4e113b00bc641113eb83f0ec7f62">"Looks like you're the ones getting your ass beaten." Neppa smirked like a Devil.

<p data-p-id="1513562df5fde7b5c053f0b19ce11edd">"Damn it, you bastard." Senkou groaned angry.

<p data-p-id="4a2a72c2812fb7c9217779332f0ef329">"Wait, Senkou, look at him closely. That resemblance, he must be the one "She" warned us about." Gekkou pointed out.

<p data-p-id="cc2f5c0e7b6ca9bbbb9e674d009723e1">"Huh, yeah, now that you mentioned it, I do see it." Senkou exclaimed.

<p data-p-id="4d86643afb9b3f3fd10593b99a388f78">"From the reaction you're giving me, that must mean you know where Fubuki is." Neppa narrowed his eyes at them.

<p data-p-id="b7a8f3cfe7a17c6dfd80b91ec0774226">"(Fubuki, who's that?)" Asuka thought.

<p data-p-id="e97a392de5ff1cbf6f474207b7539174">"If you want to know, then you'll have to catch us." Gekkou said before throwing a smoke bomb which covers the small area making Neppa cough a bit and see the twins on the rooftop making a run for it.

<p data-p-id="9540db2e202c7c2288988a5c448cdb78">"Damn it. Asuka, you stay here, I promise we'll get you fix up after I get those two." Neppa promised before bouncing off the walls to the rooftop.

<p data-p-id="6a44b5c2d469db15fc787599706e2cf3">"Wait!" Asuka called out, but he was already gone.

<p data-p-id="d0e8c4b6685341066c385483f1f9b9e5">"Just what is going on here?" Asuka asked.

<p data-p-id="31663caec4ad57eddd6c1b068a5ba61b">(With Yumi)

<p data-p-id="ccc45e6f3b62fa9853461533e1540969">"Here, I think you drop this." Yumi handed a little shield and sword to a young woman wearing a clock.

<p data-p-id="933a9e0fe928a5ca026aa2f330a50b0e">"Thank you." The young woman thanked.

<p data-p-id="85563cbcc19c05534d7f2541d1ad6441">"It's no problem." Yumi said before running off.

<p data-p-id="5f5f92b9e2ca88c593b77fcbbf40986a">"So, that's Yumi." The young woman said as her face is revealed to be the same woman Neppa is looking for, the one named Fubuki.