

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

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Lucky and Belly quickly removed their earpieces and covered their ears. For a moment there, they couldn't hear anything as their ears were filled with a buzzing sound.

Violla covered her ears and frowned at the computer. 'This kid is good.'

Meanwhile, Ryan grinned. 'I knew it. There are hidden cameras everywhere, and someone is monitoring me in the dark.'

At that thought, Ryan stepped forward and waved at the camera outside the villa.

"He found us!" said Lucky in astonishment as her eyes bulged. "That kid is good!"

"How old is that punk? How is he so good at this?" blurted Belly in a surprised tone. "What does he want?"

"Shut up," scolded Violla.

The two of them stopped talking and put on their earpieces once again.

"I'm sorry for bothering you," said Ryan calmly as he looked into the camera. "I am not a thief or a villain. I just want to ask you some questions."

After saying his piece, he got a black gold ring out of his backpack and showed it to the camera before asking, "I found this ring on your pet eagle. May I know how you got your hands on it?"

Violla narrowed her eyes in front of the computer and scrutinized the ring.

She was wearing that ring all those years ago when she woke up after her accident. She didn't know why, but an inexplicable sense of hatred rose in her every time she saw that ring. Yet, she couldn't throw it away because it linked her to her past and her lost memories.

Hence, she tied the ring onto Finny the eagle's leg.

'But how did that ring end up with the kid?'

"Why is Finny's ring with that kid?" said Lucky curiously as she stared at Ryan.

"I think he's saying something," murmured Belly, turning the volume up.

Ryan looked at the camera and shared a series of numbers before saying, "That's my phone number. I know you can see me, and I'm sure you can hear me too. Please get in touch with me."

"Did you take the number down?" asked Violla.

"No." said the girls. Neither Lucky nor Belly took the kid seriously.

"Useless idiots," scolded Violla angrily.

"We're sorry," replied the girls apologetically. They both had their heads down and didn't dare to talk back.

"I'll repeat again," said Ryan as he gestured at the camera with his tiny hand. He repeated his number, then added, "Please call me. Thank you!"

Violla memorized the number and used an untraceable number to call him.

In no time, Ryan's phone rang. He suppressed his excitement and picked up the call, "Hello."

Violla shot Lucky a look, and the latter spoke into the phone, "Kid, what is your name?"

"I am Ryan Roman ."

Ryan never intended to hide his identity because he knew that it was the reason the other party didn't dare to hurt him.

In fact, he was aware that there were tons of traps on his way over there, and he guessed that the other party had turned everything off in time to let him pass safely.

'He's good. He's definitely Davon's son.'

Lucky and Belly turned to Violla.

Violla mouthed the sentence and had Lucky say the words, "Why is that ring with you?"

"The eagle was injured the last time I saw it, so I took the ring from it," answered Ryan calmly. "But I didn't steal it. This ring belongs to my mommy in the first place, so I am just taking it back on her behalf."

Hearing those words got both Lucky and Belly flabbergasted.

Utterly stunned, Violla stared at the tiny handsome face on the screen, unable to speak.

"I'll be honest. I am here to look for my mommy," Ryan came clean as he looked at the camera. "She suddenly went missing two years ago. Daddy and I have been looking for her since then. Since you have her ring, you should know where she is. I will be eternally grateful if you share that information with me."

The kid explained everything clearly.

Both Lucky and Belly were frozen in place as they stared at Violla's expression without saying a word.

"Hello? Hello?" called out Ryan. "Are you still there? Please if you know my mommy tell her to come back home . We are being mistreated in our own father's house. The woman who wants to take mommy's place is evil and manipulative always hiding behind a gentle smile. So no one can suspect her that includes daddy and great-grandpa."

"She has been feeding my sister Eliana Roman with poison in the name of treating her. But Eliana keeps getting better and then worse. She keeps doing that so that daddy and great grandpa can continue keeping her around and eventually daddy marries her.Please mommy should come and rescue us. That vile woman moved in and is controlling everything in the house. We need our mommy."

Lucky didn't dare to say anything and merely looked at Violla cautiously.

When she noticed Violla mouthing some words, Lucky said, "You should leave the place as soon as possible. It's dangerous there. I will call you tomorrow same time and take you to see your mommy."

After that, Lucky hung up the call at Violla's command.

"What is going on?" blurted Lucky. "The kid said that the ring belongs to his mommy."

"Could it beโ€ฆ" Belly stared at the photo, then at Violla. Deep down, she was tempted to say that she could see the resemblance between Violla and the three kids.

"They are my kids," said Violla. " I have known for a while now. I just didn't want Leon to come after them because they are the Romans . But I can't hide it anymore you have heard they are in danger. That boy is Ryan . He is telling us the truth. He cannot come up with such lies."

Violla kept talking to her bodyguards. " I need a meeting Leon, D'barl , Davon and I will all be present. We need to find a solution together to our enmity this can't go on like this. The kids are suffering. I am Mrs Roman and the mother of the triplets. No one in hell or earth will change that. Not even a bloodline enmity."

Meanwhile, Ryan frowned while holding his phone. He didn't understand why they suddenly hung up. 'They don't seem like they have vile intentions. At the very least, they didn't hurt me.But the mystery of the ring remains unsolved. But at least they said they will take me to mommy tomorrow. Or is a trap or are they lying? I will know tomorrow.'

As Ryan stared at the locked gates, he was tempted to get in and take a look, but that would be inappropriate. 'Besides, they are watching me via the cameras. I won't be able to do anything even if I enter the house.'

'It'd also be dangerous if they think I've offended their employer and attack me. '

Those thoughts prompted Ryan to turn around and leave with Finny.

Just then, his phone rang once again. He thought that it was a call from the female bodyguard, so he got excited. But when he checked the screen to see that the call was from D'barl, his eyes dimmed with disappointment.


"Ryan, where are you? Are you almost here?"

"We're on the way and will be there soon," replied Ryan calmly.

"Good. I had Douglas call Killian earlier, but no one picked up. I thought that something terrible had happened, so I was so worried."

"It's fine. I had a stomachache, so we took a detour. We'll be there soon. It'd probably take another thirty minutes or so."

"Alright, have Killian drive slowly. There's no need to rush."


After hanging up, Ryan turned to the camera and requested, "Please remember to call me . I am afraid that if mommy doesn't show up, something worse my happen to Eliana."

After that, Ryan left with Finny.

Ryan was disappointed as he returned to the car. He finally got in touch with the mysterious woman, but she didn't offer any clue or information. All he had to do was wait .

"Young sir Ryan!" Killian rushed over urgently. "You gave me a fright. I thought youโ€ฆ"

"I told you. I only left to find Finny," lied Ryan, pointing at the parrot on his shoulder.

"Great-grandpa doesn't know about this, does he?"

"Not yetโ€ฆ"

"Good," replied Ryan before he hopped into the car. "Let's go."

Killian then got into the car as well. He carefully inquired, "W-were you really only out to look for the parrot?"

"What are our options?" queried Ryan . "I didn't want to alarm great-grandpa, but there's honestly just too much to explain otherwise. I found the parrot didn't I ?"

"I guess it's fine, butโ€ฆ" Killian looked at Ryan uneasily.

"Don't dwell on it." Ryan spread his arms out. "Am I not alright?"

"Okay." Killian didn't say much. 'Young sir Ryan is definitely a genius child, even if his behavior seems different from that of a normal person.As long as nobody got hurt, that's all that matters.'

"I think you missed a call from Mr. Douglas. I reckon you should get back to him as soon as possible." Ryan looked at Killian and made a phoning gesture with his hand. "Tell him that I had an upset tummy and was delayed. We can meet now."

"Very well." Killian set out to make that call immediately.

Ryan gently stroked Finny's wings as he carefully recalled what happened earlier. She had not said much, but he had to assume that that he would meet his mommy soon.

'But how did the ring end up on the eagle's foot?How did they get the ring?' Those were questions that needed answers.

Aboard the private jet, Davon suddenly received a report from Clyde. "Mr. Roman, Laura has been captured by Mr. Tarique Junior. He's now going to bring her back to this City to make amends to the Tariques family. And apologize to the Landianas"

Davon grunted in response. "For now, you are to ensure that the Tariques don't find out about Violla. I don't want them to be helped. Tarique is using his children to gain favor from the Romans he is such a hypocrite and a swindler. He is not different from a pimp . Let Laura pay for her actions."

"Roger that. I'll do my best." Clyde was about to hang up when Davon stopped him, having just recalled something. "Just a moment."

"Do you have other orders, sir?" asked Clyde.

"Send someone out to look into Ryan. I need to know about his today's whereabouts." Davon was hoping and wishing that Ryan would bait Violla to him. So he can finally convince her on coming home .

"Yes, I'll do so right away."

With that, Davon put his phone away. Cruze, who had been waiting next to him, asked, "Mr. Roman , you suspect that the Landianas were coming after you?"

"It's very likely." Davon frowned. "But the Violla we know is very smart .She could have made me believe that ,she was flying out and needed me to accompany her,so she could lead his brother off my back. It could have been a trick."

"I think Violla really still loves you after all sir, " said Cruze. "She is protecting you . But I believe she flew out as well so you two can spend quality time together."

" I know ," replied Davon. "Violla knows as much as I know. That if the Landianas hit us first,we will retaliate and it will be the beginning of a world war. That's the last thing we want,we want peace to reign so we can go back to being a family. Who knows this will be the way of bridging the two families together. After all Old Rahman and grandpa were once buddies."

"Hmm, alright then." Cruze seemed worried still. " I hope this enmity will come to an end. Because the triplets are both Landianas and Romans. It will be so devasting for them . If this goes on ."

Davon didn't respond but toyed with the ring on his finger.

Soon, Cruze called. "Mr. Roman, It's Ryan. He went to the north villa."

Davon sighed. 'That was a great move for Ryan.Just as I anticipated.'

"From the conversation that we listened in through Ryan's phone. He has been told he will be called tomorrow to meet his mommy. ." Cruze sighed, his tone sincere. "I'm afraid we can't hide this anymore. It's about time Mr old Roman knew Violla is around."

"Three days. Just give me three days.I will come back and tell him in person." Davon frowned. "I hope Ryan can hang on for another three days. Before he finds a way to sneak out again and informs grandpa. Speaking of which,grandpa's bodyguard are either incompetent or are working with Ryan. How does the kid manage to sneak past them each time?"

"I know young sir Ryan is smart, he can't hand over such a huge piece of information to Mr old Roman before discussing with you first." said Cruze with some conviction.

"That's not necessarily true. Ryan is a mommy's child. He would want Mr old Roman to know that Miss Landiana is around,so that he can get rid of Miss Carol." Clyde suddenly chimed in . "Do not underestimate the power of a mother and child's love. It is the greatest love of all. It can make a child or a mother do desperate things just to be together."

" Just see how Young sir Ryan,is risking his own safety just to get the mommy back. And as Mr Roman predicted,you can get Violla coming back to the family after she convinces Leon to call it truce." Clyde added looking around nervously.

"Well, it'll basically be fine for everyone if Young sir Ryan doesn't open his mouth at all. And wait till we return even if he meets his mommy tomorrow." Cruze barked.

"Wait a minute." Davon suddenly thought of something important. "Didn't she fly out of the nation And I was to follow her today,so we can spend time together as we talk things out? How will she meet Ryan?"

"Maybe she'll let an underling handle it . Or they were lying to Ryan?" queried Cruze.

"I need you to find out if she has landed in Park City or not. Violla never lies." Davon definitely could not ignore the sinking feeling that had formed in his chest as he issued the order to Clyde.

"Yes sir!"

"It would appear that I've found a worthy opponent this time," remarked Cruze with a sigh.

Davon was the type who was meticulous and constantly strategizing, never failing to take the next step first. In business, he rarely, if not ever, encountered opponents worthy of his skill. That time, however, he had made a grave mistake.

And that was his failure to counter Leon head on.However, facing Violla, who was an acolyte trained by Leon, was perilous enough. He'd been sorely beaten multiple times in a row even before the real battle had started.

'I wonder how an actual fight with Leon would pan out in the future.No, I shouldn't be thinking of this. I dare not. The kids will be a bridge to bring peace between this two families. That is my hope. I wouldn't care to battle it out with Leon,but for the sake of the triplets we must find peace.'

The pressure that he felt in the face of the crisis was insurmountable.

"If I may, I think that Miss Landiana is your weakness." Somehow, Cruze had given Davon one of the key points. "You can be rational and decisive towards anyone but her. She's a different kind of weak spot for you."

Davon was silent. Of course, he was well aware. That was why the old man was so insistent on turning Violla away.

D'barl believed that when she will be used by the Landianas to handle the Romans, the Romans would be in grave danger.

It was a shame that he tried with all his might, and not only failed to prevent it. D'barl had made a few mistakes along the way, which led to that.

If she had not been sent away, maybe things would not have turned out like that at all. Even if the Landianas had been aware of Violla's identity and came to claim her as a descendent, there was no plausible reason for her to help the Landianas to begin with.

But now, all it took was one wrong step. Due to the arrogance of the Romans, tragedy has ensued.

Violla losing her memory was one thing. She had changed into a completely different person altogether. ' What if they take the children away from us when Leon finds out about them? Oh no this is why Violla kept hiding the triplets. Will their ever be peace between both this two families?'

Cruze noticed Davon spiraling deeper into his thoughts and tried to console him. "That was not your fault. You tried to protect Miss Landiana. It was beyond your control."

"No, it's my fault." Davon smiled bitterly to himself. "I am not persistent enough. When it comes to grandpa and he keeps having his way. I am indecisive, and I have too many scruples."

"There wasn't anything you could have done at the time," said Cruze hurriedly. " You too were drugged and woke up when she was already gone."

"If I bit the bullet and prepared to lay down my life for her, this never would've happened," lamented Davon. "My hubris made me assume that I could control everything."

"I think the fault lies with the person who attacked Miss Landiana from the shadows," said Cruze bitterly. "If it weren't for that, things wouldn't have turned out this way."

"Yes, I need to find out who it was that set up both Violla and Mrs. Blake in Gotham city so that she has an explanation at least." Davon frowned and chewed on his lower lip. "My best guess is that it's either Diana or Laura, but there is no evidence to make that accusation."

"That incident was also strange. If the Landianas deliberately erased records of Laura's entry to Gotham city, we would've found out ages ago." Cruze sounded quite indignant as he toyed with the collar of his shirt. "Basically, Leon concealed that to allow Miss Landiana to get to you."

"External factors should not be the main reason." Davon sighed and looked pointedly at Cruze. "Even if Leon acted out, it was only because we messed up first."

"Don't worry. Clyde has been investigating this, and maybe we'll have some news soon."

Davon narrowed his eyes slightly. "I can't wait much longer. I need to find out who did this and give Violla some closure."

After a pause, Davon thought of something again. "If I remember correctly, it'll be the old man's eighty- eighth birthday soon. On the nineteenth, I think. I want you to go to the press and inform them that I'll be organizing a birthday banquet for him."

Cruze nodded and made the necessary arrangements.

When the plane landed in Park City, Davon received a call Clyde.

"Mr. Roman, as expected, Miss Landiana's private jet did take off and land on time, but she never arrived at Park City."

Hearing those words, Davon's expression was very solemn. ' Did I just get played with Violla? Is she trying to take my children away from me and all this lovey-dovey we have been doing,is it all a facade?"

"Mr. Roman, what should I do now?" asked Clyde on the other end of the line.

After a long silence, Davon said, "From now on, you only need to do one thing. You need to keep the children safe. And don't let them out of your sight. But don't interfere with Ryan's actions."
