

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

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200 Chs


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Lucky brought Empire Night's manager, Fred, to Violla.

The moment Fred spotted her, his lips parted wide in disbelief. "It's her?"

"Do you know her?" asked Lucky curiously.

"Iโ€ฆ" Fred blinked, utterly shocked. For a moment, he thought he was seeing things.

Two years ago, he heard how Olympia, Violla, and Mrs. Blake perished after an accident.

Back then, he dared not ask any questions. However, it was obvious that the Roman family wanted to keep the kids and got rid of Violla and Mrs. Blake.

For the past two years, he was careful enough not to offend Davon.

From then on, Davon never showed up in Empire Night anymore. Hence, he was able to remain there as the manager.

That day, to Fred's utter surprise, Davon showed up. He served the man personally, and nothing out of the ordinary happened. When Lucky asked Fred about the Room 1, he tried to brush the former off, but Lucky revealed her identity.

After getting to know Lucky's identity, Fred dared not offend her and said he would explain to Lucky's employer himself.

He never expected that Miss Landiana was none other than Violla Milan.

Fred was puzzled. 'How is it possible that she doesn't know who that room belongs to? Why did she send her subordinate to sound me out?'

"What's wrong?" Lucky glanced at him.

"Oh, it's nothing." Being a seasoned veteran, Fred thought that the reason Violla didn't reveal her identity was because she didn't want to admit what she had done back then. Hence, there was no need for him to explain things.

He pretended not to know Violla and greeted her politely, "Hello, Miss Landiana!"

Violla's head whipped around. She found him familiar, but she couldn't recall where she had seen him before.

"Miss Landiana, I've arranged a booth for you. Please come with me." After leading Violla and her entourage to the booth, he served them a bottle of liquor on the house. "Miss Landiana, please wait for a moment. Your private room will be ready soon."

Instead of replying to him, Violla gazed at Lucky.

At once, Lucky reported, "I've asked about it, but Mr. Fred said...."

"I'm really sorry, Miss Landiana," Fred immediately apologized profusely. "We can't reveal our clients' information to others. I'm sorry about that!"

Violla didn't probe further. "How long have you been working here for?" she asked.

"Around two-and-a-half years," replied Fred with his head hung low.

"Have you seen me here before?" Violla continued.

"Wellโ€ฆ" Fred froze, at a loss for words.

"Looks like you have." Violla realized then she had been to Empire Night before. It seems like I've lost part of that my of memory.'

Fred stood aside fearfully. He had heard about the Landiana family, who were as powerful as the Roman family. Even the Roman family had to give way to them, so he reminded himself to be cautious.

However, he was wondering, 'How did Violla Milan become a Landiana?'

Right then, his staff came to inform them that the private room was ready. Fred hurriedly declared, "Miss Landiana, your private room is ready. Please come with us."

Violla put her glass down and followed behind Fred.

Lucky, Belly, and the others trailed behind her.

"Miss Landiana, if you need anything, just let me know. I'll arrange for it ASAP. " said Fred earnestly.

"What services do you provide here?" Violla's glance swept across the club. There were elegantly dressed middle-aged ladies frolicking around with handsome hunks.

"Normally, men would pick a few hostesses to drink with them. As for our women clientsโ€ฆ"

"Such insolence!" reprimanded Lucky.

Fred looked down and fell silent.

"Women will pay for escorts to accompany them?" Violla arched a brow.

Fred coughed lightly before answering carefully, "Yes, that's usually what they do. But you can relax by drinking and listening to music here, too."

Violla snorted with disdain.

Fred caught her disdain immediately and offered, "I'll serve you some liquor from my collection."

Violla nodded. She was about to step into her private room when a familiar figure appeared in her line of sight.

Immediately, she came to a stop in shock.For some reason, her heart started pounding.

This figure was etched in her brain as though she had seen him in her previous lifetime.

Violla dashed after him, but the man strode ahead swiftly.

Quickening her pace, she was just about to catch up to him when he turned into a long hallway before turning around to give her a glance.

He was wearing a mask covering half of his features, which gave him a mysterious air. His smoldering gaze sucked her into its dark and mysterious depths.

Stunned, Violla realized the man had disappeared in a blink of an eye.She stood rooted to the spot. It took her a while to regain her senses.

The man's figure popped up in her mind. She racked her brains, trying to recall anything about him, but there was nothing.

"Miss Landiana!" Lucky, Belly, and the others caught up to her soon.

"Are you alright?"

"Get that man for me." Violla spun on her heels and ordered Fred. "Right now!"

"Huh?" Fred saw that she was going after someone, but he didn't manage to see who that man was.

"He's tall, clad in black, and wearing a mask covering half his face. He has a blazing gaze, too." Violla described the man to him. "Oh, there's also a mysterious emblem on his mask."

"He's wearing a mask? I think he's one of our escorts, then," responded Fred. "I'll do my best."

Both Lucky and Belly were astonished. 'Miss Landiana just scoffed at the idea of hiring escorts earlier. Why is she asking for one now?'

Violla headed into her room, where a few servers were preparing their drinks and snacks.

Haughtily, Violla took her seat and accepted the glass of wine Violla handed her. She swirled it slowly, still preoccupied with the man's figure. Ever since she stepped into the city,she was driven by revenge on the people she had never forgotten,Laura and Davon. She felt like she needed to revenge on everyone.

However, that figure was different. 'I felt my heart soften at the sight of him.It was as if we shared a blissful past together. I need to find him now.'

Lucky and Belly exchanged glances and frowned without a word.

Violla leaned on the sofa and crossed her legs. She sipped on her wine lazily.

As time ticked by, Violla slowly lost her patience. Her brows furrowed up.

Sensing her impatience, Lucky offered, "Let me ask about the progress."

Right then, Fred led over a dozen escorts into the room. The escorts were clad in black leather jackets and they were all over one meter and eighty-five in height, with various masks covering half of their faces. Most of them matched Violla's description.

The bodyguards could barely believe their eyes. That was the first time they had seen so many escorts in their lives.

The escorts gazed at Violla helplessly before gazing at Lucky and Belly. Both Lucky and Belly froze awkwardly.

"Miss Landiana, I've gathered the escorts who fit your description. Is the person you're looking for among them?" Fred pointed at the thirteen escorts and introduced them earnestly. "They are highly educated and well-mannered. We made sure they received rigorous training. Their health reports...."

"Shut up!" Violla bellowed as her brows knitted up.

Fred quickly clamped up. After glancing at the men, Violla's frown deepened. She dismissed them with a flick of her fingers.

"It's not them?" Fred uttered in disbelief.

"Just leave," growled Lucky.

Fred led the escorts out hastily. He came in alone afterward and asked wearily, "Miss Landiana, those were the escorts who matched your description."

"Maybe he changed his clothes?" Lucky suggested.

"That might be possible. I'll go look for him again." Fred was about to leave when Violla stopped him. "Wait!"

"Yes?" replied Fred as he came to a stop by the door.

"Could it be that he's not an escort here?" Violla thought back to the man. He doesn't seem like a lowly escort.

"If he isn't an escort, why would he be wearing a mask?" Fred refuted. He continued, "Our clients are mostly wealthy people and business owners. The others are higher-ups in their companies. They want to relax here, served by our escorts and hostesses. None of them will wear masks."

He added, "Besides, our escorts have received strict training before starting work. Everyone has their own personality and character. Some of them don't even look like escorts and can pass off as domineering presidents. That's their concept."

Fred stopped and studied Violla carefully, afraid of offending her. Violla said nothing and drank her wine coolly.

"Keep looking," Lucky commanded and made a gesture.

"Understood!" Fred left to carry out her order.

Slowly, the bottle of wine reached its bottom. Violla lost her patience and flung her glass out abruptly. Startled, the servers in the room dashed aside.

Violla wiped her hands clean and stood up with her coat in her arms.Lucky and Belly flanked her while the other bodyguards followed closely.

They had just left the room when Fred rushed over with a few other escorts. At the sight of Violla, he exclaimed, "Miss Landiana, I've brought our top escorts here. Please take a look at them."

Violla cast them an indifferent glance before stalking away.

One of the top escorts came to her and uttered gently, "Miss Landiana, you're drunk. Why don't I..."

"Scram!" Violla knitted her brows and growled.

"Why don't you take look at me first? I'm sure you'll be satisfied with my looks." The escort then took off his mask, revealing his handsome face.

Looking up, Violla realized he was telling the truth. Strangely, however, she felt repulsed by the sight of him.

As Violla was staring at him, delight flitted across the escort's face. He reached out to help her. "Let's go..."

Before he could finish, Violla gave him a forceful kick.

He was sent flying instantly. His body crashed into a door before he fell to the ground. Clutching his belly, he screamed in agony.The other escorts paled visibly and tried to hide behind Fred's back.

Fred's lips parted in shock. Back then, Violla used to be a weak and defenseless woman. She used to be harassed a lot. How could she be this strong?

' Miss Landiana looks exactly like Violla. Is she really the violla that I know of?

Violla gazed at the wounded escort coolly before rubbing her heels on the carpet as though wiping the dirt off before striding away elegantly.

Luck handed a check to Fred and gestured toward the escort. "This is to cover his medical bill and your fee. Split it among yourselves."

"Thank you," answered Fred as he accepted the check. His eyes immediately widened in bewilderment.

'Ten million?'

'Violla used to fight with others over a thousand. There's no way she'll compensate ten million after kicking someone. Did I get it wrong? Could it be that Miss Landiana isn't Violla?'

Fred was still in a daze when Violla left with her bodyguards.

"Fred, help!" the escort wailed in pain.

Hearing his wails, Fred and the other escorts helped him up hurriedly.

"D-Don't move my body!" the escort cried out. "I think my waist's broken. Call the ambulance!"

"Huh?" Fred was stunned. "Is it that serious?"

"Yes!" The escort burst into tears. "She's no wealthy heiress. She's a devil in disguise!"

"Shut up!" Fred commanded anxiously. "Do you have a death wish? Don't drag me into your mess!"

"Don't implicate us, too!" The other escorts were terrified. "Her bodyguards were armed."

"Oh, dear! That's terrifying!"

"Fred, I'm scared!"

"Stop it. We need to send him to the hospital now."

"No! Don't touch me! Just call an ambulance!"

"It's not like you're dying. If we call the ambulance, our clients will be startled!"

The escort howled, "Fred, you're a heartless man!"

"Shut up!"

"How much did they compensate us? I think I'm going to be paralyzed for the rest of my life. The money should belong to me."

"Nonsense. We'll split it into half."


Meanwhile, Violla was frowning in displeasure.

'That man appeared, stirred up my emotions, and disappeared without a trace.Who is he?'

Lucky, who had been studying her employer all the while, suggested carefully. "Miss Landiana, calm down. I'll send someone to search for him now."

"You must find himโ€ฆ" Violla trailed off suddenly, for the familiar figure was standing a distance away.

"Miss Landiana, the car is ready. As the entrance is crowded, why don't we leave through the back doorโ€ฆ"

Belly was still talking when Violla darted forward. Before Violla could reach the man, a drunk man grabbed her hand all of a sudden. "Hey, gorgeous. Where are you going? Come and have a drink with me."

"Let go of me!" Violla bellowed angrily.

"No way. You're the prettiest around hereโ€ฆ" The drunkard reached out to touch her chin. Violla was about to attack him when a gust of icy wind brushed across her ears and struck the drunkard.

The drunk man dropped to the ground as blood gushed out of his nostrils.

Instinctively, Violla turned at her shoulder. The man who had her in his arms was none other than the man whom she spotted in the corridor earlier.

Right then, he was towering above her in a protective stance. Something indecipherable flashed across his gaze as he stared at her without a word.

The mask covered half of his face, but there was a sense of familiarity about him.It was as though they were lovers in their past life.

"Were you looking for me?" he rasped sexily in his deep and lilting voice right beside her ear.

"Who are you?" Violla gazed at him blankly.

Hearing that, the man's expression clouded over. 'Looks like she has lost her memories for real.'

"How dare you attack our boss?" The drunkard's bodyguards roared furiously and rushed toward them, brandishing empty beer bottles.

The man wrapped his arms around Violla and spun around. He lifted his leg and sent a flying kick.

The bodyguards were sent flying and crashed into a glass table in a booth, smashing it into pieces.

"Come with me!" The man took Violla's hand and led her to the back door.

"Miss Landiana!" Lucky ran after her hastily.

Violla made a hand gesture. Lucky threw the car keys to her and stopped Belly from going after her.

"Why aren't we going after her?" Belly demanded anxiously. "What if something happens to Miss Landiana?"