

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

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200 Chs




"I bet you still don't know..." Laura tilted Violla's chin with her knife and sniggered. "That the Roman family has found your replacement. Your face in your family's photos has been photoshopped into someone else's."

"W-What?" A feeling of déjà vu knocked Violla numb.

"The news of Davon's wedding is all over the media. There are video clips of a wedding reception, with a bride. Here, see for yourself." Laura whipped out her phone and passed it to Violla.

Violla's jaw dropped when she saw the headline: Davon Roman, President of Roman Corporation, held a low-key wedding ceremony. The bride was the daughter of Tarique Group's Chairman.

"You did this?" Violla looked up at Laura.

"Of course not. Do you think I'd be here if it were me?" Laura let out a bitter grin.

"The woman is Carol Tarique, my stepsister. The Roman family is substituting her for you. She's the ideal marionette that can never talk back!"

Violla was in a fret as she clicked the video link in the news article.

The video flaunted scenes of Carol wedding with Davon. But one thing was off it wasn't real yet it was very convincing. Whoever was behind it was really good with what they were doing .

One of the scenes showed a child propping up a ring and said, "Your ring, Mommy." She was beaming with joy, and her smile was so gentle as if she was an actual bride! That was a huge blow to Violla.

Her eyes were fixated on the screen while her trembling hands kept scrolling down to see if there were more related articles.

The Romantic Story of A Four Year Underground Love Affair. The subheading went like this: Four years ago, they were blessed with triplets, but she took them away. Four years later, they met again in the most peculiar way!

Violla clicked on it and was directed to a photo album. There she saw photos of the whole family, Finny the parrot, their house on Uplands Estate, the day she joined Roman Corporation.

It was a complete record of her life with Davon. However, someone appeared to be sharing those moments with him in her stead, someone by the name of Carol Tarique.The phone slid out of her quivering hands and dropped onto the ground.

All that occupied her mind in that instance was the distorted family photo where another woman took her place.It wreaked havoc in her head, and her world was shattered into pieces.

When she woke a few minutes ago and found out she was in Gotham city, she was undeniably scared of the uncertainty and hated them for doing so. Still, she held onto the last sliver of hope in her, hoping that Davon would come find her and take her back.

But now, the fleeting hope that she'd tightly grasped onto eventually found its way out of her hand.

All her bubbles of hopes, dreams, and happiness popped and dissolved into thin air.

At that instant, she was in so much distress that she felt like every raindrop was gnawing her skin and whipping the raw flesh underneath.

As she cried, her last wisp of despair exited her body through the last teardrop.

Nothing could threaten her anymore, not even the knife at her neck.She was dead inside. Someone had successfully separated her from her family. She had no doubt it was the Roman.

"Your agony brings me so much joy, Violla. Hahahaha!" Laura chortled in absolute jubilation. "What's not mine will never be yours. That's my revenge to you!"

She looked down at Violla in contempt. "I've lost pleasure in killing you. You know what, I'll let you live. After all, it'll be a life graver than death for you!"

Laura slowly got back on her feet and started to walk away with a wicked smile. "She's all yours. Enjoy!"

"Thank you, boss!" Those men started to unbuckle their belts and slither closer toward Violla.

"N-No…" Violla shook her head aggressively, and just as she got up, someone stepped on her gown and pressed her onto the ground.

"Let go of me! Let go of me!" She grappled with all her might.

Those two men were brutal when it came to tearing her gown apart. The embroidered diamonds scattered, and pieces of white tulle and lace dispersed into the air.

"Leave Miss alone!" Mrs. Blake lunged toward Violla, trying to protect her from more harm, but one of the men sent her tumbling with a kick.Right then, they heard a symphony of rain, thunder, and lightning.

Those men hesitated instantly, perhaps due to their conscience.

"Why stop? Go on!" Laura commanded angrily.

With that, they shook their conscience off and went on to finish what they started.

"No! Stop…" Violla struggled with all her might, but she was no match for the beastly desires of these ruffians. She couldn't set herself free.

Right when one of them was about to have his way with her, the sound of a police siren was heard. "The cops are here! The cops are here!"

"You lucky b*itch." Laura sneered as she pinned Violla's head onto the ground with her foot. Just then Violla started nosebleeding and pain started washing over her.

"Too bad you're a walking corpse now. Davon has betrayed you, and your children are calling someone else Mommy. So why don't you let me grant you your death wish?"

With the twitch of a finger, one of her bodyguards held a silver box and passed it to her. "This is the antidote for the poison killing you inside. The only one. I stole it from Diana Roman when we were having a chit-chat about you. Oh how she hates you.But I can never give it to you. I stole it so that when she eventually gets her conscience back. She will have nothing to give you." Laura roared.

"What do you think you're doing? Give it to me!" Mrs. Blake reached for the box but was kicked onto the ground once again.It was a heavy fall, and blood started oozing from her head.

"Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Blake." Violla stretched out her arm as far as she could, howling in consternation.

Laura fiddled with the bottle between her fingers and palm.

"I heard that Rays Corporation developed the poison, Red Tears, and if you fail to drink the antidote, all your effort would be futile. When Diana told me about it . I thought she was lying but seeing the nose bleed confirms it. I will have this destroyed."

"No…Please help save Miss Milan's life we will do anything you want." Mrs. Blake crawled toward Laura and clasped her leg, crying and begging her to give the antidote.

"Hahahaha…" Laura just laughed and dropped the bottle on the floor.

The bottle of antidote was in smithereens. The clear liquid that was once in the bottle joined the puddle of rain almost instantly.

"No! No!" Mrs Blake tried to scoop it with her bare hands, but it was futile. Violla drooped her head in despair.

"Aren't you loyal? Die for her, then!" Laura took one of the men's gun and aimed at Mrs. Blake.

"Please, no…" Fear shook Violla's head left and right. "Laura, it's me you're after. Leave her a...."

Violla's plead was cut short by a gunshot very inch of her body started to quiver while she was frozen in place.There was Mrs. Blake's blood all over her face, and some made its way into her eyes.

"Be grateful that I spared your life, Violla. Hahaha…" Laura turned around and left the scene as her laughter echoed.

"Mrs. Blake…" Violla wrapped her trembling arms around Mrs. Blake's torso. "Mrs. Blake, wake up. Don't do this to me…"

"Oh my God! What's going on?" Arthur was shocked by what he saw when he got to the scene.

"Call the ambulance! The ambulance!" Violla screamed.

Arthur hurriedly went out to look for neighbors who could call for an ambulance before returning after some minutes. "Don't worry. The ambulance will arrive shortly, and the police are already after those bad guys. For the time being, let me try and get a doctor."

Panic-stricken, Arthur ran off, leaving Violla bawling her eyes out in the rain with Mrs. Blake in her arms.

"Miss…" Mrs. Blake held onto Violla's hand tightly. Blood was oozing from the corners of her mouth, but she still mustered the strength to call out to Violla, "Miss…"

"Mrs. Blake! Don't worry. You'll be fine. You'll be fine! I won't let anything happen to you." Violla quavered as tears trickled down her face. "You can't leave me like this! You're all that I have left… I have no one but you…"

Violla could not imagine a life without Mrs. Blake, who was the last ray of hope in her life that she desperately held onto.She would rather get shot than let Mrs. Blake sacrifice herself.

"Miss…" Mrs. Blake's eyes were gruesomely wide open, and the tears strewn on her face were washed away by the unforgiving rain. The blood in her mouth made it difficult for her to speak. "You need to live… on…"

"Mrs. Blake…" The next thing Violla knew, Mrs. Blake's hand had gone limp, dropping to the ground.

"Mrs. Blake! Mrs. Blake…" Violla called her name in a trembling voice. "Mrs. Blake! This is not funny at all… Wake up… Wake up!"

To Violla's despair, no matter how urgently she cried for her, Mrs. Blake did not respond and simply lay lifelessly in her arms.

What had been an affectionate, loving, and chubby angel in her life became merely an empty shell.

Overwhelmed with shock, Violla's pupils dilated while her mouth was agape. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, yet she could not even make a sound.

She could not bring herself to believe that Mrs. Blake, the caring and dependable guardian in her life, had left her forever.

"No…" Violla clung onto Mrs. Blake's cold body, quivering uncontrollably. Looking up at the sky, her vision blurred as she broke out in tears. "Arghhh!"

She sounded like a desolate beast in pain. Her sorrow could not be expressed in mere words.

'What have I done wrong? God! Why are you doing this to us?'

Crimson stains of blood bloomed like flowers of death on her pristine gown once more. But this time, it was Mrs. Blake's blood.

'It should have been me instead!'

Eventually, the ambulance arrived at the scene. Paramedics rushed to check on Mrs. Blake, but alas, they turned to Violla with conflicted expressions. "We're sorry…"

Arthur, who stood beside her, was at a loss for words. He had no idea how he could comfort her in such a situation. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry…"

The paramedics continued to talk to Violla about Mrs. Blake, but her mind seemed to be somewhere else. In the end, the paramedics left the scene, leaving Violla and Arthur ,who looked at her in sympathy.

Time slowly ticked away, but Violla did not move an inch and clung onto Mrs. Blake helplessly in the relentless rain. Even as the sun set, she did not seem to notice.

Night fell soon after, but the rain was still pouring from the sky.

Though the rain was far from a thunderstorm, Violla had become drenched inside out, and all the blood on her had been washed away.

"Violla , let's take Mrs. Blake to the house. She's been in the rain for too long,. Then we can look for a morgue." Arthur said tentatively.

Those words seemed to wake Violla up from her trance, and she took a closer look at Mrs. Blake, who was in her arms. Wobbling as she stood up while holding onto Mrs. Blake heavy body, she cried, "I'm am taking you home… Let's go home….I will make sure you are back to coffee Town."

"Let me help you." Arthur knelt before her.

"Screw off!" Violla shrieked.

Shocked by her sudden outburst, Arthur stumbled backward.

Violla mustered the remaining strength she had to carry Mrs. Blake body . However, her body quickly gave in after a few steps when a stinging pain struck her head like a sharp blade again.

Violla fell to the ground with a hand on her head and the other firmly gripping Mrs. Blake's hand.

" Violla, what's wrong?" Arthur was terror-stricken and began wailing, "This isn't funny! Don't scare me like this! I-I'll go look for a doctor!"

With that, Arthur darted off.

Without any warning, blood began streaming out of Violla's nostrils again. Droplets of the warm liquid landed on Mrs. Blake's body as the unbearable pain surged within Violla's body. At the same time, she felt as if a thousand needles were piercing her skull from the inside.

"Arghhh!" Violla collapsed with her head banging against the hard, cold concrete below. The unyielding rain and ominous dark clouds were reflected in her bloodshot eyes. She, too, could feel life being sucked out of her.Her eyelids felt heavier and heavier. 'Am I about to die too?'

As she closed her eyes wearily, a familiar voice suddenly echoed in her ears. "Miss… You need to live… on…"

Mrs. Blake's voice was joined by the sweet voices of her dear children.

"Mommy! Mommy! We are waiting for you to come home!" Violla slowly opened her eyes once more to meet the sight of her father's silhouette looming above her in the skies as if giving her words of comfort. "Veeh, please live on… Please live a happy life without me…"

The voices of her family seemed to warm her heart, imparting the powerful strength of hope into her veins, pushing her to fight against the Grim Reaper.

She blinked and sluggishly clenched her hands into fists.Flames of hatred burned in her bloodshot eyes.

'You want me dead? No way! I'm going to survive this! And make all of you pay!'

With willpower alone, Violla pushed herself up and crawled toward her right.There was a phone lying on the ground, which was left by Laura. Its screen was still flashing.

As Violla clambered toward the phone, blood oozed from her knees and elbows. Her ivory gown had turned into a dirty, gory mess after being tainted by her blood and mud.

However, that was the last thing on her mind at the moment. Nothing was going to stop her from grabbing her lifebuoy in the bottomless, treacherous sea she was currently drowning in.

Reaching out for the phone with her blood-covered hands, she dialed the number that had been carved into her heart with trembling fingers.

'Violla, when you find yourself trapped in a dead-end, call this number, and your guardian angel shall descend from the skies and protect you from harm!I shall… I shall be reborn. ' Those were the words in her mind.

The phone rang once, twice, thrice…Finally, the call went through. "Hello?" A baritone voice resounded in her ears.

"I… I'm Tamara's daughter… I'm in Gotham city… Save me… Save me!" With her last strength, Violla uttered those words. The next moment, her head crashed straight onto the hard concrete.

"Over there!" At that very moment, Arthur returned with a group of doctors. "Violla! Violla! Wake up!"

The screen of Laura's phone was still glimmering on the ground. The call only ended when the tires of the ambulance ran over the phone as Violla got taken to the hospital.

The glass screen shattered, with cracks that resembled a spider web. With that, Laura's phone was reduced to a piece of scrap metal.

Rain was still pouring from the heavens. The darkness that shrouded the terrain below seemed to parallel the unbreakable spell of the human condition.

In the ambulance, Arthur spoke anxiously to the paramedics, "How is she? Is she dead?"

"She isn't dead, but her condition is worrying… and that lady over there is beyond saving."

Upon hearing those words, Arthur expression turned grim, and he hurriedly made a call to relay the events that had transpired that day.

The person on the other end froze momentarily and then sprinted to find Douglas with his phone in hand.

Douglas happened to be brewing tea for D'barl in the study room to discuss some follow-up matters. Out of the blue, their bodyguard burst into the room, yelling, "Miss Milan is in mortal peril!"

"What? What happened to her?" Douglas quickly asked.

"They got attacked. Mrs. Blake was shot, and Miss Milan is terribly injured. She's on the brink of death."

D'barl's teacup fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. "How can that be? Who did it? I only send them there for Davon to start another life and forget about Violla not kill them."

"I'm not sure about that. Our informant, Arthur, talked about a woman from North Nation, but he doesn't know who she is…"

"Hurry!" D'barl turned to look at Douglas. "Gather your men and get there immediately… Hold on. You need to inform our correspondents in Gotham city to safeguard her first, then hurry to Gotham city with your team! Davon will never forgive me if she dies."

"Understood!" Douglas immediately sprang into action.

At that very moment, another subordinate entered the room. "Mr. Roman! Your grandson has escaped! He is on the way to the airport at the moment. He must have found out about Miss Milan!"

"What? How could that be?" Douglas turned pale.

"Didn't I drug him and lock him up in the basement? How did he even get out?" D'barl was on edge. "Quick! Head to the airport now!"

"Yes sir!"