

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · perkotaan
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200 Chs


"Anything, and I mean anything that somehow seems impossible can, and will happen with that stupid woman!" Davon snarled.

Davon's face fell. ''She is good as dead if I find out that she's working here as a promoter, and wearing that garbage, no less. Does she have a death wish or what?''

Vexed at the thought, he snapped, "Why is she not here yet?"

"The chief promoter said that she's serving in section C," Cruze articulated his every word. "I've asked the chief promoter to go look for her."

"Go look for her yourself," Davon demanded.

"Yes, sir." Someone knocked on the door just when Cruze was about to head out. "Come in!" Cruze hurriedly answered.

A female promoter made her way in. She was dressed in the same clothes and style. The tag on her chest was 117, identical to the girl who they spotted just moments ago.

However, something did not quite add up. "Sir, how can I help you?" The girl kept her head low and greeted respectfully.

However, her legs were shaking from being too nervous.

Ten minutes ago, Violla and Olympia were serving in section C. The chief promoter rushed to her side and told her to get to the private room as soon as possible because a VIP was asking for her.

Violla had a hunch that something was wrong right then. Davon must have realized something.'I'm going to be busted if I go to the private room right now.'

To get herself out of the trouble, Violla found a girl who had a similar physique to replace her. She arranged for the girl to wear a wig and bear her number.

However, the girl was intimidated by the domineering vibe that Davon exuded as soon as she entered the private room. She did not even dare to raise her head to look at the man.

"We've finished all our drinks, and we quite enjoyed the way you decanted the wine just now. Do decant another one for us, please."

"Sure." Violla had taught her and Olympia how to decant wine when there was time to spare. As a result, the girl had managed to secure quite a number of lucrative deals because of her skill.

For the same reason, Violla had sought for the girl's help to impersonate herself.

However, Violla had not expected that the girl would get so nervous that she was practically fumbling when decanting the wine. The girl even almost spilled Davon's drink.

"Get out," Davon snapped in an icy tone.

"Yes sir," the girl answered meekly and dashed for the door.

"It seems like... "

Davon interrupted Cruze, "That's not her." Just one glance and he knew for sure that the girl was not Violla. He was adamant that Violla was not even slightly intimidated by him. 'She's always calm and composed before me. That was how she was able to decant the wine with such grace just now.'

However, Davon could not say the same for other women. Somehow, they always found him intimidating and would fidget uncontrollably before him. Despite having similar decanting skills, their edgy and jittery manners before him would be a dead giveaway.

"Then, the one before…"

Davon stood up all of a sudden before Cruze could finish his sentence. He headed for the door at a brisk pace.

Cruze trailed behind him right away.Meanwhile, Violla was swamped in section C.

Kristina rushed to her side and sobbed, "Violla, the man in the private room is terrifying. I was shivering as soon as I entered the room. His subordinate asked me to decant the wine, and he ordered me to leave before I could even finish it."

"Did he make things difficult for you?" Violla asked .

"No, not really," Kristina said as she shook her head. Then, she proceeded to fish out a stack of cash from her bra and said animatedly, "His bodyguard handed me a stack of cash when I came out . I've counted it, it's exactly ten thousand."

"What on earth? Did he actually tip you that generously?" Olympia was green with envy.

"Damn, why didn't he tip me ?" Violla was envious of Kristina's luck as well.

"Haha, I'm rich!" Kristina took out four bills and gave Violla and Olympia two each. "These are for you guys. Olympia thanks for recommending me to work here. Violla, thank you for sending me to the private room."

"Since you're so generously tipped, I don't think you need that other bill, right?" Violla grinned.

"Of course, I still need that bill." Kristina was especially sensitive when it came to money. "I was literally risking my life by impersonating you back in the private room. You had no idea how nervous I was . My heart was in my throat ....."

Before Kristina could finish, she nudged Violla and hurriedly said, "Violla, the man from the private room is heading in our direction."

Violla turned around, and noticed that Davon was indeed making his way toward them with his bodyguards trailing behind him.

"Isn't he the guy from the dinner last time?" Olympia recognized the man right away. He was practically the center of attention at the banquet at Garden golf last time, someone whom even the nobles were trying to appease. He must be some big shot.

"What should I do?" All color drained from Kristina's face as her legs shook. "Has he found out that I was impersonating you and he's here to teach me a lesson?"

"Don't worry." Noticing that Kristina was shuddering, she could not bring herself to drag her into more trouble. She exchanged her number with her and dismissed her, "Go on with your work. I'll handle this."

"Okay, then," Kristina scurried off.

" Violla, did you somehow offend the man?" Olympia asked in a worried tone.

"Maybe." If I hadn't recognized him or treated him like an escort, then maybe our paths would never have crossed again.' Violla thought.

"Let's go. They're almost here," Olympia tried to drag Violla along.

The two of them were more than familiar with the hallways. Before long, they found themselves back in Section A. Noticing that they had shrugged off the group, Violla heaved a sigh of relief.

"The Chief promoter had arranged for us to help out in section C today. Will she punish us if she realizes that we're in section A instead?" Olympia was apprehensive about defying the Chief promoters arrangements.

"You go to section C," Violla nudged her friend. "Don't worry. I'm going to be alright."

"Alright then. The man shouldn't be able to find you now. There are a lot of customers here at section A, and it's alright for you to come here and back them up, or just go along the lines of some regulars are asking for you or something." Olympia stated.

"Sure." Violla was summoned as soon as Olympia left.

Empire Night was always bustling with customers. Every night was practically fully booked. Unless one made a prior reservation, otherwise it would be near impossible to get a room in the club.

Some organization was throwing a party in section C, and they were shorthanded there. That was why the Chief promoter had arranged for Violla and Olympia to head there that night.

Meanwhile, in section A, the guests at the private room had ordered a lot of drinks. Violla was especially spirited to attend to the large order.

She pushed carts after carts of expensive wine into the private room and crouched on the floor as she poured the drinks for the guests.

Almost every businessman had a hostess in their arms as they drank and flirted with the girls on the sofa. It was apparent that they were having the time of their lives.

One of the men was ogling Violla even though another hostess was right in his arms. He rubbed against Violla's thighs with the tip of his toes and flirted, "Hey pretty, you have a great body. Why don't we enjoy a few drinks together?"

"Thanks for the offer, sir. But I don't know how to drink." Violla shifted herself to one side.

"How are you not able to drink when you're working at Empire Night?" The man smiled slyly and offered, "What do you say to one thousand per drink, hmm?"

"Haha, you're really the player!" The other men burst out laughing.

"She's still too young, let us drink with you," the other hostesses tried to get Violla out of the sticky situation.

"I don't think she's that young though," The man was still eyeballing Violla in a lecherous manner. "I'd even say that she's well developed by just looking at one part of her."

Violla knitted her brows and stood right up to leave.

The man stood up and dragged on Violla, "Hey pretty, don't get on my nerves!"

"Let me go!" Violla growled at him.

"What about no?" The man shamelessly edged closer to her instead. "You smell so good."

Disgusted by the man's insolent manner, she tried to shrug him off. However, the man tightened his grip on her wrist, and she could not seem to free herself, no matter how hard she tried to.

The door of the private room sprung open and a slender figure made its entrance.

The man was displeased with the interruption and berated, "Who the f..."

He swallowed his words right back into his mouth. The obsidian deep-set gaze exuded a domineering vibe. His stern gaze was especially apparent under the dim lighting in the private room.

The bodyguards behind the man exuded a formidable aura as well.

Violla subconsciously turned around and stole a glance, her heart thumping wildly.

'Damn it, how did he know I'm here?'

Davon narrowed his eyes at Violla's wrist.

"Aren't you going to let her go?" Cruze bellowed at the guy, "Are you tired of having your hands attached to your body?"

The man hurriedly let go of Violla and retracted a few steps and slumped to the sofa behind. He asked in an apprehensive manner, "Who....who are you guys?"

The other men at the sofa were scared to their wits and dared not make a sound.

"Make him lose the hand that was gripping her wrist just now!" Davon barked the orders before turning around to leave.

Stumped, Violla froze on the ground, widening her eyes in disbelief at the turn of events. Before she could even figure out what just transpired, the sounds of the man wailing in pain filled the private room.

As she traced the sounds of the man screaming in pain, she was greeted by the sight of Cruze stepping the man's hands against the wall. The crisp sounds of the man's bones cracking rang in her ears.

The man's face grimaced with the excruciating pain. He tried hard to struggle himself free but to no avail.

The other people in the private room paled at the sight as they retreated themselves to a corner, not daring to utter even a single word.

The hostesses had never seen anything like it and shuddered in fear as they covered their eyes.

"You have a death wish!" Cruze scowled at the man and retracted his foot.

The man slumped to the floor and fainted from the agonizing pain.

Violla was stumped and froze on the ground. Moments passed and she still could not regain her composure.

"What are you waiting for? Come right this way!" Cruze said.

Up until then, Cruze was still not certain that the tacky woman standing before him was Violla Milan.

Violla forced herself to snap out of her thoughts and trailed behind Cruze.

A sense of trepidation washed over her as they made their way over to Davon's private room. 'Has he recognized me? How is he going to punish me if he has recognized me?'

Before long, they had already reached Davon's private room. He was enjoying his drink quietly on the sofa. He looked calm and composed, his eyes downcast.

Violla stood at the entrance as she did not dare to enter the room.

"This way, please," Cruze gestured for her to enter.

She had no choice but to enter the private room, making her way to the center, and looked apprehensively at Davon.

However, Davon paid no heed to her as he silently sipped on his drink.

After he finished the drink in his hand, Davon put down the drink in his hand, and finally parted his lips to order her, "Go wash your hand."

Violla was stumped, but she relented and went over to the back and washed her hands.

Cruze, on the other hand, was flabbergasted.

"I'm done," Violla said in a small voice after she was done. She had no idea what Davon was going to do next.

"Decant another bottle," Davon gestured at her with his chin.

Violla crouched down and opened another bottle of red wine to decant it.

All the while, Davon had not once averted his gaze from her wrist.

Violla was well aware of the reasons that he demanded her to wash hands. First, he deemed her wrist dirty after some guy gripped it. Second of all, he was trying to identify her by spotting the wound on her hand.

Despite feeling nervous, she was actually glad that the wound on the back of her hand had actually healed and did not leave any scar behind.

However, the scar on her palms from being scalded by the cigar was still clear and visible.

As long as he did not turn over her hand to check, her palm was actually concealed from sight when decanting the wine.

After she was done decanting, Violla poured a half a glass for him.

Then, she stood up and retracted a few steps back, keeping quiet all the while as she kept her head low, waiting for his next instruction.

She had not once lifted her head and looked him in the eyes.

Violla was cool as a cucumber throughout the whole exchange.

Davon said nothing. He merely took the glass and sipped on the wine quietly.

Meanwhile, Cruze was furrowing his brows, perplexed at the sight before him.

'What is Mr. Roman trying to do? Is this woman really Miss Milan?'

It did not take Davon long to finish his wine. Nonchalantly, he said, "You may leave now."

"Huh?" Violla was stumped yet again. 'So did he recognize me, or not? Why isn't he exposing me if he has recognized me?

Why would he waste all that effort to find me if he's not even sure? And, why did he break the man's hand then?'

"Get lost!" Davon snapped.

Cruze hurriedly gestured for her to leave, "This way please!"

Violla bowed to him and turned around to leave.

When she reached the door, Cruze took out a few stacks of cash and handed it over to her. "Thank you for your hard work."

'There should be about fifty thousand here. If Cruze has larger hands, I seriously think that he'll give me more.'

Violla was thrilled for getting the lavish tip. After getting off work, she treated Olympia and Kristina to supper.

Kristina turned green with envy after knowing that Violla had received a huge tip.

On the contrary, Olympia was elated over the good news. At the rate at which things were going, they would be able to save enough, and in turn, quit working at Empire Night much sooner.

Kristina, however, thought differently. She actually liked working at Empire Night, claiming that it was fast and easy money. The girl wanted to save up enough to buy a property in the City.

Not only that, but she also hoped that she would somehow meet a rich guy while working at Empire Night. She was dying to realize her goal of becoming a rich man's trophy wife.

Olympia burst her bubble and told her that being a trophy wife was not all sunshine and rainbows.

Violla, on the other hand, did not think there were any problems with Kristina's aspirations.

Afterward, Olympia and Violla then decided to go visit Olympia's mother at two o'clock in the afternoon the next day. The trio then went their separate ways.

Olympia and Kristina rented a house together. They would study in the morning and then work at Empire Night at night. Even though it was tough, they knew they were working toward realizing their dreams.

It was already five-thirty in the morning when Violla reached home. After taking a bath and changing into a fresh set of clothes, she prepared breakfast for her triplets and even penned a sticky note for them.

Dear Ryan , Jason and Eliana,mommy has been busy with work lately and hasn't been spending much time with you guys. Mommy is so glad that you guys have been behaving, and going to school every day with the nurses. I promise to spend more time with you guys after this.


Violla then dragged her tired body back to the room and fell into a deep slumber.

She had only about five hours left to sleep since she agreed to meet Olympia at the City Hospital at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The three nurses had already arrived to get the triplets when the trio were awake, and told them that Violla had actually prepared breakfast for them. They could enjoy the breakfast once they had washed up.

The triplets were thrilled since it had been a while since they last had breakfast prepared by Violla.

They were overjoyed to see the scrumptious breakfast and handwritten note laid out on the table.

The triplet then tiptoed into their mother's room and planted soft kisses on her cheeks. Then, they closed the door behind them and enjoyed their breakfast.

Before leaving, Ryan left a sticky note on the table for Violla as well.

To mommy,We love you!

Love, Ryan

"Ryan, don't forget to include my name on the note too." Eliana tiptoed to take a closer look at the sticky note.

"Me too, I love mommy too," Jason reminded Ryan as well, afraid that the latter might have missed out his name.

"Love mommy, love mommy!" Finny parroted the triplets' words back at them.

"Shh!" Eliana gestured to silent Finny. She looked at the parrot with a stern face. "Finny, do not wake mommy, okay?"

Finny then covered its beak with its wings, mirroring Eliana's demeanor.

The parrot had slept for many days after getting drunk last time. However, it had gotten especially chirpy ever since it had sobered up.

"I think it's better that we take Finny to school,with us. " Jason said as he furrowed his brows. "Otherwise, it's going to wake mummy up."

"Agreed." Eliana raised her plump hands.

"Sure," Ryan nodded his head and said to the nurse, "Nurse, could you help me open the cage?"

"Sure!" The nurse then headed to the balcony to open Finny's cage.

Finny then flapped its wings and perched on Ryan's shoulders as it rubbed its furry head against his handsome little face, "Ryan, Ryan!"

"Be quiet," Ryan warned Finny. "I'm going to take you to school today. You have to behave, alright?"

"Okay, okay," Finny chirped merrily, happy that it was finally getting the chance to go to the kindergarten together with the triplets.

"Finny is so adorable!" The nurses beamed brightly as they saw the parrot's lively demeanor. "Let's go to school now."