
Yjarls Gate: Gods Trust

A young wind gods journey to celestial-hood while dealing with the dangers of a tyrant father and war hungry mother.

Toma_Mahan · Fantasi
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7 Chs

Chapter 7: Small Fish Big Ocean

Several weeks later]

The visions themselves had become a problem not the reality that there was a new God before them. Seers and Oracles across Amurru had begun having just one vision, that of a lightning being recreating the magicks of old. Rumors spread that Yjarls Crown Prince was a God in hiding. These rumors created the Coalition against Mages. Quickly the entire planet had been against the country of wizards.

The battle that had been fought was quickly referred to as the Battle of Tempest RIdge.

The rumors spread so far and fast even the Magus himself couldnt contain it. The people knew neither of them could concentrate on anything but that. So hed use that to his advantage.

He approached the Palace cliff. The Grand Magus put mission restrictions on the entirety of Yjarl, especially his Palace. Abbadon placed his hands together . His left hand hung in the air while his right rubbed the palm of the left. The Warlock placed his hands on the cliff side and solid rock began to double back. He had been pushing it back, flattening and smoothing it. The Palace wall disappeared. The large man strolled his way inside.

Immediately his cowled-robe removed instelf placing itself in the wardrobe. His wife the Priestess of War had been ecstatic. Yjarl had finally let her loose to do as she pleased. Not only had she gotten her old job back. She was closer to the flames of war. Although she could tell something happened on Tempests Ridge she didnt care. She could finally unleash her arcane warriors

Abbadon sighed and approached the sealed doors. He slit his hand unlocking it with his blood. 'Everytime i meet that shaman he ruins my plans. NOt anymore, I dont care what that old God said he needs to die.' The Magus thought entering the room.

There it sat a massive meteorite, lighting still spewed from every inch of it. 'And already they've shown me how small my world was. I was content with just being a wizard king but now the stars themselves have revealed their master to me' He thought, preparing another experiment

Dozens of beings of all races, species and ages sat bound in cages. None daring to make a sound for they knew no one would save them.bought before they left.

"My Magus please free me I promise to do better. I wont lose track of Rudra again I swear it." A voice called from within the mire of bodies.

"Youd have be be a liar? To go back on my word? Didnt I tell you what would happen if you lost my son again? Its fine really this wont hurt too bad."The magus said wrring up another machine.

WIth a snap of his fingers hed teleported the voice inside to the expermiment table. "MR. Kentworthy I wont kill you dont worry. AS an artist you value your creativity more than your life, no? Ah yes that spark of fire in you I can see it." Abbadon said gestruing for his assistanants. Just then two dwarves appeared both strapping Kalfu down.

"Wait, please dont take it! ILL do anything, okay I really dont know where the key is or what it does." Kalfu responded bucking up.

"I know you dont know. But youver failed me for the last time. I need someone new. My son wont trust anyone but you. But thats okay. Ill remake you, youll be obdient then." The Warlock respoonded with a dry laugh.

[With Baldur]

Baldur had been in deep thought for weeks since they got back. It was already night. He sat at the edge of the cave looking out onto the stars. It wasn't the same at all. For the first time in his long life the stars looked dim. He tried as best as he could to look out and see planets and stars moving. He waited and waited for one of Amurrus' two moons to move. He felt sick. 'Heaven...that had to be heaven.' He mumbled.

He had been blessed with seeing the holy land. However he had also been cursed by it. Whenever he closed his eyes he could still feel the stars in his soul. If his concentration held enough he could even smell the sweet fragrance as well. 'Just who is Tempest?

For the last 30 years he ranked at the top of The Holy Zeal Order tied for first. With Abbadon, Sol and the Pendragon. He had been getting weeakeer as he neared 200 years old, that being the limits of human flesh.

For the past 12 hours he'd learnt that he wasn't even on the totem pole of power anymore. His body had grown black spits on his chest. Hed gotten rot-lung. ALthough his zeal barrier had never been penetrated it couldnt stop the flow of time. While feeling his hand two fingernails peeled from his hand. There were bits of sand underneath his fingernails, the feeling of small glass shards filled his bloodstream. Small grains of blue glowing sand had been there. 'Wait i thought we were inside my mind? How could sand from that place be here?' He thought frantically jumping to his feet.

Rudra had been sitting in the back of his pavillion. He had set up his training area. COuntless spears, bishis, swords and daggers. He watched the embers dance in the cool air.

'Tempest? Where have I heard that name before?" He thought. Before being seeing the universe talk he already had iron-clad faith in the Gods, in Archon and Kssthm. Now a divine being in heaven wanted him to gain power. He would not be disappointing Shiva in their holiness.

'This feeling. GAHHH. I need to train. If it's the last thing I do I swear I'll see heaven again before I die.' He thought, holding his hands out. Two small tornados began forming in each hand, he watched as them swirling and fizzled out. Every Time they'd fizzle out he'd instantly start another. He wanted to feel every swirl of wind in both hands. He knew the only way he'd get stronger was perfection of the basics. He'd start from square 1.

[6 Months Later]

The Wind Prince had been practicing apprentice level wind and sound spells for months. Hed spent hours daily flooding his body with zeal then allowing it to settle.He did this so he could understand where his zeal flowed from and to. This isn't something that can easily be mastered. Martial artists spend decades perfecting this technique. Rudra wasnt an exception to this rule His zeal armband helped tremendously. Controlling a Midas tier artifact is a task that most beings cant handle. His armbands would choose to slow his ura-kih to a crawl, when to speed it up and even stop Ura-kih leakage after attacks and abilities. He honed his spear through combat. The many scrimmages on Yjarls borders bubbled from random fighting to scheduled warfare.

Unfortunately, The Grand Magus prided himself on his readiness. THe Grand Sorceress or also known as the Priestess of War and Soul Maiden had been elated. FOr years she swelled her armies. For years they mocked her calling her mad and irresponsibly negligent. They werent wrong of course but theyd never say that to her face. Shed burn them alive with nothing mroe than a flick of her fingers.

The Priestess had phenomenal intel regarding the enemy headquarters and hideouts. As a former Warlord she had met with many other groups, mainly over territory disputes. This made the eradication all that easier. What could mear brigands and peasents do against the The Black-Star Legion?

With Baldur's and the Pendragons guidance the Coalition could put up a fight against two of the strongest mages to ever touch soros. MOst bandit groups disbanded quickly after hearing that an army had been going around destroying groups. Spindelgaurds government hadn't mobilized and the Baron surely wouldn't send his men on useless suicide missions.

"We should be at Baron Gravelites city within the day. We could be there within an hour if you would stop being babies and get in my wind tunnel." Rudra said, looking at his 4-dimensional compass. Kalfu looked at him and continued to walk.

"Oh come on, stop being a baby. Here watch this." He said putting his arms out at his sides. He began rotating his left arm forward and right arm backwards. Soon wind spirits began hovering around Rudra. The wind around him was starting to take form. He then clapped his hands together. The torrent of wind that had been surrounding him stopped at a moment's notice.

KRAKABOOOOM. The spell backfired and an inverted explosion sent Rudra flying into a crumbling dirt mount.

"The Prince is so incredibly intelligent. However he's still a fool. Its impressive, really." Kalfu said dryly.

"Are you angry with me or something man? YOuve hardly said a word since we left for Spindelgaurd"Rudra asked twirling his bishi.

"Hmmm something not quite right with that one. Somethings different. Hes missing something..." Chaactu called out appearing on Rudras arm once more.

"Youre back? Where have you been?"Rudra asked.

"Ive been asleep. You havent taken any blood in months. You must want me to wither away and die." Chaactu said pouting. With his jagged teeth and black extiror it was closer to a snarl that pout.

Rudra had been hurt by his backfiring spell. In fact he found it funny. He threw himself to his feet. It had gotten substantially colder in the mountains now that harvest season was officially over and the trees started to brown and wilt. Autumn was the Wind Prince's favorite season. This was the season the wind was most violent and turbulent. With a flick of his wrist he could create violent tornadoes that spun with the ferocity of blades.

While wind spirits and wisps followed him normally now they have been swarming him. Most people couldn't see them unless they wanted to be seen. They all DESPERATELY wanted him to see them. "Hello little spirits, why have you all come today." He asked while strolling. They hadn't replied, they never replied. "I cant explain it little spirits but during Autumn my heart feels so at peace. Can you all believe this is the first time ive ever been away from home during the season?" He couldn't stop himself from talking to spirits now. Since he activated Chaactus power and formed Ura-kih on his own, spirits had clinged to him everywhere he went. "Lo...ord T..Tempest… .he..help pleaseeee." A weak, broken voice cried out into Rudras mind.

Upon hearing the request he didn't panic. Gazing to the sky his mind was unnaturally calm, as if he'd done this routinely.

He closed his eyes, spread his feet shoulder width apart. He began to breathe rythmichtly. With every breath a smooth wave Ura-kih flowed from his body. The leaves were flowing around Rudra. The first wave made the leaves dance. One leaf flits to the left the other sways to the right. The second wave sends contorted air stiffening but never crumbles leaves. They were hanging in the air without moving, slowly pulsing out from him. The third wave pierced the wind forcing the leaves to swirl in a flash around Rudra. The waves were repeating now. First wave of dancing leaves, second wave of stiff leaves, third wave of flashing leaves. He could sense the sobbing spirit's presence several dozen miles in the opposite direction of the Baron's keep. There wasnt an ounce of hesitation within the Wind Prince. He could feel in his very soul he had to be there. He wanted to be there. HIs compass had flowed from Rudras satchel on its on. It began to spin and turn from its normal clear marble appearance to a clouded blue. It was pointing east on the other side of the mountain. To the west Baron Gravelites city sat between two mountains of the hundreds in Spindelgaurd. It started at the base between the two and spread all along the mountain sides. To the east sat the Soaring Thunder Cobras territory. By nature the creature was greedy. Its lair was high atop the mountain but it still claimed the ground below as its own.

The veins within his legs were popping and pulsating. Rudra decided he needed to go back to the basics 6 months ago. That also meant strengthening his body. He spent hours strengthening every inch of his body. From his neck to his toes. He grew taller, his legs sturdier and his chest grew even more solid than before. "Well….I can do this the fun way...Or I could do this Baldur's way." He said with a sinister smile. He began to charge his legs with Ura-kih. He released the power from his legs sending him flying 85 yards into the air. The cliff he had been standing on collapsed from the amount of power being released. A volley of boulders and crumbled earth pelted the ground below. Upon reaching his maximum jump he folded the air beneath him and condescending Ura-kih to circulate faster within his legs. A loud thunderous clap echoed from under his feet throughout the mountain ranges.

Once again he reached his maximum jumping height of 92 yards. Another echoing clap, then another and another. Rudra had jumped from the base of one mountain to almost near the top of a monstrous mountain. However, every jump caused numerous rock slides around several mountains. Before long he was 3 miles from the ground. He could see for miles. A sea of shaking trees, rocky mountains and thick clouds filled his horizon. A big blue sky overhead, twin moons Inanna and Utu could even be seen during the day time. He had no time to admire the view. He spread his arms out and did one small leap placing his hands together above his head and began spiraling coming down. As he fell he increased his wind resistance. He was shooting through the sky like a white comet. Within 15 minutes he had already covered 13 miles.

He opened his arms and legs wide, slowing his descent dramatically. No longer blazing through the air as a comet, he was slowly gliding. He could see the entrance to the Thunder Cobra's lair.

Hed need to prepare to both land and crash. The lair was roughly 500 yards away now. He could slow his descent or he could increase his speed. Either option would surely lead to pain.

The closer he got the more blood and death he could smell in the air. Could people already be within the cave trying to fight the cobra? That would be impossible, without several high Sage-tier warriors.

He had had time to think too hard about it. He was approaching his destination too fast. He was only 200 yards out and wouldnt be able to slow his fully. He was going to crash again.

'I cant hit my head again…...that cant be good for me.' He thought .

He activated a barrier made primarily of air resistance magic. He could use high zeal to brace the fall and land on both feet.

While it looked heroic and regal in reality it ruined your knees. Trying to land like the heroes in legend. He began slowing rapidly. By the time he reached the entrance he had slowed himself enough to get away with the tuck and roll method.

"This is...this is wow. The sheer size of this place is unfathomable." Rudra said, tossing a rock down the long cavern.

With the size of the main tunnel you could hold many banquets or even shoulder to shoulder warfare. Rudra wouldn't need to go very far within the cave before being able to feel the echoes of battle.

He could feel the soros and zeal given off by whoever shared this cave with him. He continued to walk.

"There were no tracks, burn marks or broken earth so its likely the fight didnt began till they were already deep within the Cobras lair…" He said rounding a corner.

Chunks of flesh missing with multiple puncture wounds through the cobras body was proof it was dead. The battle had been over for a while, the cave just carried sound that well.

4 members of the Yjarls Dark-Star Legion stood over the massive cobra corpse. He was too late. The guardian spirit of this mountain was dead. The 4 soldiers stood there in their thick black myrthil armor.

Yjarls insignia a sun being held by hands with a star within the sun itself. It sat in the middle of all of their armor sets. Each of them held a simple greatsword. This was more than enough proof that these men were elites.

"Who gave you the right to kill a mountain guardian?!" Rudra shouted entering into the main chamber of the lair.

"Kid I'M not sure how you got up here. But disappear before you lose your life." One Dark-star soldier replied.

"I dont take being threatened very well. " He replied, flooding his spear with Ura-kih.

One of the Dark-Star soldiers stepped forward. His helm represented a hurricane lion. You couldn't tell which of them was incharge, but he clearly held some type of rank.

"This is Rudra Langston. The Grand Magus's son. Tell me, why are you here?" The soldier asked.

The 3 other soldiers had already sheathed their weapons. They had been looking at Rudra for a few moments now.

"Who gave you the right to kill a mountain guardian?" Rudra asked again. This time he clanked his spear on the ground.

The hurricane lion knight slowly walked in front of the ground kneeling down with a smirk before his Prince.

"Your father the great Magus. He gave us this quest personally. The Thunder cobra was only a few years away from ascension." he replied hand clasped to chest.

"Soaring Cobras wont attack a person without cause. It has a higher conscience than most beasts."

"Thats true. However orders are orders my liege. Our mission here is finished, are we dismissed?" The soldier asked, rising from one knee.

He was more than ready to take on all 4 of them. With eyes darting to each paladin, he couldn't sense their zeal nor soros. His heart began beating faster and faster..

"One last question, how do you know my name?" Rudra asked, pointing his spear.

"Well my Prince there arent many nobles who can afford to weave gold into their hair." He replied, raising an eyebrow under his facemask.

He was right that this was more than an easy way to identify a noble and an even easier way to figure out who was wealthy beyond imagination. However Rudra rarely showed his face within the palace. For a paladin to know him by glance in a dark cave could be many things, good wasnt one of them.

'This man can not be trusted.' Rudra thought. His golden bands began to slowly circulate Ura-kih. Then he spoke again. "So what's the mission that has four paladins in the middle of nowhere, up a frozen rock?"

Each paladin had begun slowly re-gripping their weapons. The three paladins behind the hurricane lion had their eyes locked on Rudras every movement.

"I'm sorry my Lord but thats not something I can say easily….You think you can stop pointing that spear at me now?" The captain said. He was slowly rising to his feet.

"You can't or you wont? As you've said, I'm the crowned Prince. Disobeying me is the same as disobeying my father is it not?" He replied, while cocking his head to the side.

"I won't. Sir Blackfist-" Rudra cut him off. The three paladins behind the captain had started to approach.

"Let me make myself clear. Leave." The Prince said, By now his heart was beating out of his chest. What was it? Fear? Every fiber of his being told him he couldnt beat the men in front of him. Seeds of despair had been planted.

The four paladins began looking at one another. They had all broken out into a gut wrenching laugh. The captain took a step forward. Within a breath he was within Rudras face, his sword resting atop his shoulder.

Rudra looked into the metal face mask. He didnt see a man looking back at him. It was the abyss. Nothingness. It was as if a specter the size of a mountain was before him.

To call this man a swordsman, a knight or even a paladin was an insult to his craft. You could see the swirling hatred within him. A patient and meticulous reaper.

"Young master if I wanted you dead…..Rest assured we'll be on our way now." He said casually walking around Rudra.

His eyes grew wider. His spear hand was shaking. The man before him was not to be taken lightly.

Without missing a beat the other three paladins swiftly followed their leader. Rudra jumped back whacking the Paladin Captian with the backend of his spear. The other 3 paladins were immediately on his tail.

'He was shaking. Every bone, muscle and nerve became either too rigid to move or too limp to hold. HIs zeal barrier was coated in reflective magic. It felt like his skin had been dancing at the end of a dagger. Struggling not to fall. He could barely stop his hands from shaking in that manner.

The rock formations in front of him were melting. The two twin paladins cooked a flaming earth spell. Surrounding boulders were boiling into magma. The world was spinning. The final paladin focused on vertigo and entropy. To be more precise Rudras mind was breaking. Just who had he angered?

Moments passed and the battle had still been raging. Hed finally regained his bearings. Rudra forgot about the spirit dying further ahead. He needed to persevere. Jumping to his feet he sucked in a massive amount of oxygen.

'COME ON RUDRA SNAP OUT OF IT!' He thought, stomping his foot and rubbing his cheeks. Before he could finish several fists came crashing into his face. ONe strike after another. Falling back he grabbed for his spear, only to find hed dropped it upon the assault he received. He reached his hand out pulling his blade to his hand using his telekensis.

The largest misconception about the WInd Prince had been he could only use wind and storm spells. That idea was woefully wrong, he was born a telepath.

Upon summoning his spear back to his hand he directed it toward the paladins support being sure to slash from afar with using his hands as a conduit.

In the confusion he conjured an ethereal blade to his hands. The flurry of fists and greatsword blows never ceased, leaving only room for parrying. Hed manually split his brain in two, using one half to fight the paladins and the other to keep the support busy.

There had been complete silence from the group. Communication had clearly been doing through telepathy. Quickly Rudras nose began to bleed, the fight was finally catching up to him.

Still the Paladin Captian sat back watching his subordinates fight with their lives on the line. RUdra had an idea, he flipped through the air, running on the wall then flipped sideways into a random cavern. Of course they followed being sure to stay tight on his trail.

Instantly he turned shooting several wind lancing. Both warriors dodged the blow easily. Rudra fell back not seeing where he stepped. In a woosh his spear came barreling down the corridor, the wind lance ricocheted of the wall connected with his spear creating a cylone.

Before earth paladin knew it his brother was struck down beside him. The spear pierced his armor driving itself deep into his spine plate and imploding caving in the armor shrapnel. It went without saying he was paralyzed, hed instantly collapsed.

"My legs….my legs…. I cant… Zerekel please." HE pleaded clutching at his limp boot. Zerekel couldnt even look at his brother, his twin; it hurt too much. Several tears pooled in his facemask. Then instantly turning to vapor. THe temperature rose sharply. The armor on his body began to melt, hed lost control. Quickly he stripped himself of the decaying armor. IN the confusion the young spearman mad another escape.

'One down three to go.' Rudra thought, using telekneisis and wind magic to float. "Wait…..am I flying" He said, falling instantly into a pile of rocks.

His quest continued further ahead in the large corridor. The soaring thunder cobra revered and admired for its regal attitude was now stretched out sprawling. Its massive body sported wound after wound. From gashes to magic then to zeal strikes.

"Lord Tempest, you came. ITheyll sing of this day. Theyve torn me asunder. So please excuse me for not bowing." The soaring cobra said.It didnt speak through a forked tongue or its rattlesnake tail. It spoke directly to a man's soul.

"I dont have much longer my Lord. Please seize my spirit core. Those...those monsters came like a storm. They destroyed my body and killed my children. All I ask is that you make those men suffer as I have." The cobra spoke again.

Once again Rudra was thoroughly stunned. Not only had this cobra spoke, it was highly intelligent. "Oh great spirit, pass on into the raging storm. Through the abyss, through his hands. I grant you freedom." he replied. His body speaking on its own. Beads of sweat dripping down his face, he placed his hand on her snout.

Streams of blue light began bursting from the cobras body. Slowly his body began to crumble and blow away. It wouldnt be long now. Rudras palms still glowing a bright blue hue.

"Thank you lord Tempest. This truly has been the greatest moment of my life. The lord of spirits himself ushering me into the heavens. One more selfish request, take your child for your own." The cobra said, pointing to its nest.

"My child? You're mistaken great spirit. Go in peace." He asked, striding to the nest.

"My lord, I could never be mistaken. The first soaring thunder cobra you created. We are your descendants. Had you forgotten? Alas my time in a mortal form has been an experience to say the least." With those words the cobra dropped his head. He was gone.

The blue light was nearly done breaking his body down. He knelt down over the massive nest. He dared not step within it. Instead using wind magic to direct the egg that could fit within his two hands.

He had no response to the cobra. How could he? There was more going on. Rudra knew it as well.

'No matter how much I think about it, it still makes no sense. Who was Lord Tempest? How could I create an ancient species of mountain deities?' He thought, making his way back.

Something wasn't right Rudra could tell. The hairs on his back had been at full attention now. Oh no hed forgtten the blood-thirsty paladins at his back. He didnt need to look around. He immediately began running full speed out of the cave.

It wasn't collapsing but Rudra wouldn't be there to find out. Within 30 seconds he was already at the cave's entrance. He had read far too many texts saying to exit a dungeon immediately after getting the artifact.

For now he needed to get to Spindelgaurd. He reached into his void pouch storing the egg. He had two options. He could climb down this steep mountain or glide all the way to Spindelgaurd.

His hands were still shaking. The Reaper was still fresh in his mind. He needed to focus on getting the key to Yjarl.