
Yfunim, The Land Of Tales

To leave an indelible mark on time - that's the goal of every person who travels the lands of Yfunim. How to make such an unrealistic feat possible? Go to war? Accumulate wealth? Be the strongest? The only way to find out is to walk the path. In this turbulent era where kings and heroes reign supreme, we follow a young boy called Habel, setting out from his island to discover this vast world, and why not along the way, he too, write the lines of history? ''The world trembles with fear, beings tremble with joy and admiration, men who hate me, women who adore me, this is what the evocation of my name provokes in this world. The wonderful sensations they bring are a guilty pleasure I can never get enough of, and it's been that way since the day I first tasted them, and I've been craving more ever since". P.S.: I'm not very good at English, so I apologize for any mistakes you may notice.

Egon_Vinkej · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 5 : Unexpected request

My son...

Habel's pupils dilated slightly when the idykachi called him that.

These words gave him an unpleasant feeling.

Very unpleasant...

He had never called him that way in the past, it should be even less the case since Habel had rejected his proposal. And above all, this place was inappropriate for notifying blood ties.

It was clearly a provocation.

Habel hid his displeasure, he had nothing to gain by showing it, the only loser would be him.

Besides, whether he liked it or not, this man was indeed his father.

'You started it, so I'm not going to be polite… Besides, I'm quite curious to know what the limits of your authority are…'.

Habel decided to ask for her price without being asked any further.

<< I want the first verse of combat arts!

It was an unexpected and very surprising request for all those present.

The verses of the fighting arts were scrolls of major importance to the village.

The only way to obtain it required successfully passing the initiation ceremony into the warrior arts.

It was one of the most important rules of the village.

According to tales passed down to each generation, these scrolls were given by the 'creator god' to the Hall people after he used them to defeat the most dangerous demons of Hallguna.

Requesting such a symbolic thing was a blatant lack of respect for the village's traditions.

-Insolent little one! We decide to reward you and this is how you thank us ?!

-That's not something you can ask for! If you want to get it, wait until the ceremony to get it!

The elders were furious, it was like openly spitting on their traditions and people.

A few elders decided to remain silent, understanding the issues behind such a provocative request.

Habel turned a deaf ear to the complaints, contenting herself with observing the only one who would make the final decision.

The latter wore a smile while his gaze was fixed on Habel.

He saw the repercussions that would be caused by his decision.

(I see... It's aimed at my special title 'idy' which allows me to make exceptions or modifications to rules and traditions).

(I have changed many things since becoming Kachi, but no exceptions or reforms have been made on the solid foundation of our traditions... This is not something I wanted to address now).

(Limited or extended use of my title hmm... What a vicious kid, but it's also an opportunity that won't come around again anytime soon if I let it pass).

After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to give his answer.

<< A bold request for a bold accomplishment. However, it shows great immaturity, because the respect and importance of our traditions were not properly understood by our young Hall.

<< Recognized by his peers, he bears the laudatory title of 'genius of Hallguna'. If the most exceptional of the young generation has such shortcomings concerning our rites and customs, I do not dare to imagine what it is like for the rest of them. We must become stricter so that this never happens again.

-We will do as you wish Idykachi, said the elders in a group.

<< Although your request is full of awkwardness young Hall, I understand your impatience to become stronger to protect our people. We expect a lot from you given your genius, which is why exceptionally, I will grant you what you desire.

<< You will receive the first verse of the combat arts as requested.

As soon as these words were spoken, a wave of protests was heard.

Many eyes turned towards the holder of the position of 'great elder'.

He was the only person capable of contesting this decision if the majority of elders supported him.

But to their great disappointment, she had not planned to intervene.

Even the idykachi was surprised by his non-participation, he did not expect it to be so easy.

From now on, the power of the Idykachi would be beyond measure.

'The great elder didn't intervene... Why would she also be in his pay ? No, even he seems to be surprised...'.

With a very pronounced smile, a priori, greatly satisfied with the results, the idykachi spoke again.

<< Now that the reward has been decided, you can step aside, young Hall. Warrior, take him home.

<< Elders, we will now discuss how to resolve the problem that currently overwhelms us.

Habel had just been fired, but he had no intention of complying wisely.

He had planned to extend his participation in this assembly.

<< I ask you to forgive me for my insubordination 'Father', but I have something more to say..., he said smiling.

The Idykachi's benevolent smile froze before slowly disappearing.

It was the first time since the meeting began that displeasure could be seen on his face.

Was it because Habel had decided not to meekly follow his order or because he had been called "father" by the latter?

No one was able to say.

Habel, for his part, was greatly satisfied with the expression displayed by the idykachi and he did not intend to stop there.

(So you challenge me once again. You may have brought me great gains, but your insolence will lead to your downfall).

<< For delaying a matter of such importance, I hope you have a good justification.

The harsh and severe tone of the Idykachi could not be more different than the one used previously.

'Heh heh heh… Looks like I made him angry, he really thought I was going to give him something that big and settle for crumbs ? Hmmff, I intend to make you bleed profusely'.

<< Yes, I have a good justification. I think I have the ideal solution to solve the seran problem, he said with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

'I wasn't planning on using it here, but if it helps me solve the problem and annoy him, I'm not going to deprive myself of it'.

Dare to say such confident words for a problem for which no one sees a solution could not be described as anything other than arrogance.

-What is your solution? You better give us a good solution, for having shown yourself so presumptuous in front of us, said the elder Hanu.

Just smiling, Habel did so.

<< As you wish...

A floating object appeared next to him, a small gourd coming out before the object disappeared.

-Insolent !!! How dare you expose your 'linkt' without permission ? Say ancient Hanu furious.

His voice was unbearable, annoyed, Habel decided that he would be the one to serve as the guinea pig for his demonstration.

He threw him the flask which he caught with great difficulty.

-Why did you send it to me? He asked, full of suspicion.

-This is the solution I propose. Remove the old cap, you will understand.

-Why should I do as you say, little brat?

-Enough old Hanu !

All eyes turned to the source of the sound.

For the first time since the beginning of the meeting, the great elder intervened.

From her title, you would think she would be the oldest person in this room, but that was far from the case.

Her name was Kanha and she was of the same generation as the idykachi.

Of all the people present, she knew Habel best.

She had served as his nanny when he was still a baby, and was also the person who gave him his nickname 'genius of Hallguna'.

-Do as he asks you, old man, so that we know what kind of solution he has to offer us.

She did not doubt that Habel had certainly found a way to solve this problem.

Despite his reluctance to serve as a guinea pig, he decided to obey.

When the cap was removed, a horrible smell attacked his nostrils before he hastily closed the canteen.

His face turned white, and drool began to flow from his mouth.

He placed his hand on her to avoid regurgitating.

He looked like he had become seriously ill in an instant.

Everyone's curiosity was piqued by this violent change.

Before being asked, Habel spoke: << Please don't worry, it's not poison and the elder's condition is just temporary.

'It's a diluted solution and yet he is in such a state, if it was the original he would have died of poisoning. Well… It will be enough to no longer have to hear his unbearable voice'.

After picking up the gourd, he presented it to everyone.

<< Inside there is a liquid with a foul scent capable of harming anyone or any animal as you have just seen. Serans are partially blind beasts relying heavily on their senses of smell, what better way to fight against them ?

<< If we spray the tunnels with this product, no seran will come out, I can assure you. And you don't have to worry about the ingredients needed to prepare it, they are very common plants on the island.

Everyone was impressed and delighted by his words.

Such a difficult situation was going to be resolved easily, no one could have expected this turn of events.

-The title of 'genius of Hallguna' fits him like a glove, it is a real blessing, said the great elder.

-Yes, he wears it wonderfully hahaha!!

Good humor reigned in the room again, a great weight had just been lifted from their shoulders.

This atmosphere lasted until Habel's voice echoed in the room again.

<< Will you reward me once again for this contribution? He said, looking at the man sitting on his throne.

The room fell into silence.

It's true, they had forgotten… This kid would never offer them his recipe out of pure generosity.

Like everyone else, the smile had returned to the idykachi's face, but when he heard Habel's words, his face tightened.

Preparing for the worst, the idykachi spoke: << With such an important contribution to the village, not rewarding you would be an insult to my name, so what do you want... Young Hall ?

'Young Hall hum... He stopped saying my son, he seems annoyed hehe'.

<< The second and third verses of the fighting arts, here is my request.

Unlike the previous time, the courtroom was silent when he finished making his request.

Beyond the contribution, the fact that the idykachi let the first pass made any protests unwelcome.

(Hmm, I see… I was fooled, his 'linkt' was…).

The idykachi rose from his throne and began to descend the stairs towards Habel.

Once in front of him, he kissed him...

A surprising action for everyone, including Habel.

He refused to believe that it was a purely emotional gesture on his part, questioning his purpose.

After releasing him, he said: << You have grown well, my sumaïs* have done a good job.

<< I expected no less from the child I had with the woman I loved the most, she was captivatingly beautiful and limitlessly kind.

<< You look a lot like him, it's a blessing for the Hall people to have you among us.

No one was surprised by his words, his obsession with Mirha was a well-known thing.

An obsession which had produced a big difference between him and his sumaïs when he learned of her death.

This is also the reason why Habel's family was not given the right to live in the upper court despite being part of the elite.

<< For your exceptional contribution to Hallguna, you will receive the second and third verse of the fighting arts as requested, in addition to a sum of 10 thousand nyu.

<< And if your komi sees no problem, you are free to join the higher court.

A very generous reward, Habel was not surprised that it far exceeded what he had asked for.

The idykachi was obliged to give much more to compensate for his contribution, although he had somewhat hoped to receive the last verse of the fighting arts instead of money.

<< I thank you for your great generosity, said Habel, kneeling in front of him.

The idykachi smiled and addressed the whole room : << You can all withdraw and remember that the content of this meeting must not be revealed to the outside, it would be problematic for the people to know of the existence of the tunnels.

Everyone left, leaving only the idykachi and the priestess in the room.

<< You didn't talk about the whole meeting priestess... You looked like you wanted to kill Habel when you looked at him, he said, turning to her with narrowed eyes.

The priestess was a fairly old woman like Maha, she was Hayak's grandmother and Idykachi's mother-in-law.

"Hahaha, it's impossible that I have this kind of intention towards your child, dear Idykachi", she said with an embarrassed smile on her lips.

His desire to kill Habel had greatly increased after the idykachi complimented him on his accomplishments.

However, she could not recognize him in front of this man, her fear for him was engraved in the depths of her soul.

He could have her killed if he discovered her intentions, especially if he started to love this kid like he did his mother.

<< I said he took a lot from his mother, but he's most like me... Unfortunately, the idykachi said as he headed towards the exit.

<< I saw it... His desire for power is not something that can be masked, the essence of his gaze betrayed his deep thoughts. Exceptional beings have always found it difficult to bow to others, which is why he will sharpen his fangs before coming to bite me, as I have done in the past. It is impossible to have two suns in the same sky, I will not wait wisely for this day to arrive.

''What do you mean Idykachi?'' the priestess asked suspiciously.

<< I wanted him to be mine and move as I wanted, but he had rejected me. I thought that as he grew up, he would change his mind, but I was wrong... So, I'll let you take care of him, priestess.

A dark and emotionless look like the abyss could be seen in his eyes as he left this instruction to the priestess now alone in the room.

<< H-he just... gave me... p-permission to... do it ?

<< So he will be the second for the rainy season ?!


The priestess began to laugh uproariously.

His condition was no different from that of a person experiencing a fit of madness.

She looked possessed, she felt so light, as if weights had been lifted from her.

<< Finally, finally, I'll be able to get rid of him, this time it's impossible for me to mess up, that's the end of you brat! She said with a horrible smile on her face.

* * *

Habel was leaving the upper courtyard with a chest in his hands when he suddenly felt a chill.

<< What was that ? Haaa, I better go back. I'm exhausted with everything that happened today.

<< The cave, it will finally be tomorrow that I go there. Tonight I have something planned too, he said, looking at a tree that was full of scratches at its base.

'I hope this meeting will be conclusive…', he said with a smile full of vice.


Sumaïs: this term means parents-in-law.