
Yfunim, The Land Of Tales

To leave an indelible mark on time - that's the goal of every person who travels the lands of Yfunim. How to make such an unrealistic feat possible? Go to war? Accumulate wealth? Be the strongest? The only way to find out is to walk the path. In this turbulent era where kings and heroes reign supreme, we follow a young boy called Habel, setting out from his island to discover this vast world, and why not along the way, he too, write the lines of history? ''The world trembles with fear, beings tremble with joy and admiration, men who hate me, women who adore me, this is what the evocation of my name provokes in this world. The wonderful sensations they bring are a guilty pleasure I can never get enough of, and it's been that way since the day I first tasted them, and I've been craving more ever since". P.S.: I'm not very good at English, so I apologize for any mistakes you may notice.

Egon_Vinkej · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

Chapter 2-2: Hallguna

A few moments later, Habel arrived in front of the village after taking care of Hayak.

Two enormous statues carved in the image of a majestic man, placed on either side served as the main entrance, there were two guards armed with handmade spears to monitor everyone's comings and goings.

The village of Hallguna was located in the south-central part of the island, it was large with a wooden fence, housing just under a thousand people.

It was divided into two courtyards, the lower and upper courtyards.

the lower courtyard was the most populated area of the village, all the main activities were concentrated in these places, it was in this courtyard that Habel lived.

There we found all kinds of huts serving as habitat, tents made from animal skins and wood, as well as small earthen huts testifying to a modest status.

This afternoon, there were a lot of people outside, everyone going about their business and although the distance was more or less significant from the superior court, we could still hear the echoes of the heated debates taking place there.

Before arriving at his destination, Habel decided to bring out from the shadows the person who had been following him for a while already, she had really poor shadowing skills.

He stopped and said: << Get out of there, Hanis.

-WHAAAAT! How did you find me? I was sure I had hidden myself well.

A chubby young boy emerged from behind a small bush, he was stunned by his failure to conceal.

-I thought I'd surprise you this time. Said Hanis with a disappointed look.

"Have you seen your body ? Discretion and you make two, you'll never succeed, let it go."

-I can't give up, I'll get there one day, whatever the cost.

Habel could almost imagine seeing flames coming out of his eyes with his fist clenching when he said it.

''I almost envy your optimism, good luck then'' he said before continuing his walk.

-Ooh wait! I saw you give Hayak and his group a good lesson. You were so cool, it's worthy of Hallguna's genius.

''Yeah, I know I'm great, no need to sing it to me humff''.

If you looked closely, it was possible to see a grin appear on Habel's face after Hanis's praise.

He could already see the entrance to his hut, just by its exterior appearance it was possible to determine the relatively high status of its occupants.

In this area, set back from the rest of the houses, a large plot of land was occupied by the buildings of Habel's family.

The main hut was large with walls made of carefully polished clay and a roof made of straw.

"I've already arrived, you can go home."

At his words, Hanis's enthusiasm took a hit and he had a look of disappointment for a short moment before starting to smile again.

-Okay, see you later Habel, and hi komi Maha from me. Hanis saluted and ran off the way they had come.

Without giving him a second glance, Habel returned home.

"I'm back".

Inside the room, there were many pots and vases neatly arranged on constructions made by Habel and her late grandfather.

Magnificent drawings adorned the walls, offering a rare and refined charm to the hut. It was certainly one of the best settings in the whole village, Habel, its author, was very proud of it.

Nothing was surprising about the ease they enjoyed, Maha was the best healer in the village and had enough income to live well and expand her possessions.

The latter was sitting on a mat in front of the door that led to the vegetable garden, sorting medicinal plants into a small basket.

-You came home Habel, how was your day ?

She made room on the mat for Habel to sit beside her.

"As usual, nothing new". he said as he took a seat and helped her sort.

-It was Hanis outside just now wasn't it, why didn't you invite him in?

''I guess that's what he was hoping for, but no''.

Maha sighed and said: <<You should get closer to children your age, if you continue like this, will never have any friends.< p>

Becoming friends with them ? That never crossed Habel's mind, he was already busy enough, no need to waste time getting closer to people he found boring.

"That's good, I want them to stay away from m-…Ouch."

Before he finished his sentence, he was hit in the head with a rod by Maha.

-I said you need to get closer to others, that's understood ?

"Okay… When I have nothing to do".

Habel said the second part of her sentence in a low voice.

She sighed once again at her grandson's stubborn nature. Apart from her and her late husband, Habel had never been close to anyone, he only relied on himself and this worried her greatly.

Time passed, she knew she wouldn't live much longer. As his only support, Maha could not allow Habel to end up isolated after his death.

(Perhaps I should already think about finding him a wife, should I ask... His father).

"Stop worrying about nothing, it's not good for your age. Don't worry about me, I don't need you to worry about these useless things.

-Understand me, your way of being worries me. If they were still here, I wouldn't worry so much. She said sadly in memory of her daughter and her husband.

"I miss Aki* too, my days were more interesting with him".

-It's true, you spent a lot of time together, he really loved you...

After a long moment of silence, Maha who was observing the clouds spoke: << The dry season is coming to an end, the rains can start at any time.


-You have to be careful Habel, don't attract too much attention, Do you understand ?

"Yes, I know, and in general, I never get noticed".

The rainy season was a time of joy and rejoicing for the entire village, but in recent years, it has also become a time of fear and fear.

"You were still in superior court today ?".

-… Yes.

She answered with great hesitation. Lately, her visits to the superior court were a subject she avoided discussing with him.

"It was always the same person ?".

-Indeed, his case is truly strange.

"Let me help you, I'm sure I could find a solution".

Habel's confidence in his skills came from the fact that he had learned a lot from his grandmother and from Vald, his grandfather, who despite his little knowledge on the subject, had new ideas and above all, he had learned a lot on his own, much more than the knowledge he had acquired from them.

-Unfortunately, I can't do that...

'Always the same answer... She can't, because she was forbidden or it's her personal refusal. I'm starting to become curious about the identity of this person.'

Habel sighed and let it go, he couldn't do anything if she didn't allow him anyway.

He got up and went to get his bag which he gave to Maha.

-What is it? She opened the bag and became extremely angry at the sight of its contents.

-HABEL! I forbade you to go to this part of the forest, it is much too dangerous, even powerful 'warriors' of the village have died there.

''Sorry for not listening to you, but you had very little left and you know that you need the arimauds* to keep you well, especially with the cold coming, please accept the komi... ''.

Habel bowed his head in apology but he didn't seem to regret his actions, certain that he had done the right thing for her by going there.

-Habel, I understand your motivations, but understand that I am very worried about you…

"I know, but I too am worried about your health".

-Haaa… Okay, thank you, but this is the last time you take such risks, including ?

"Don't worry, I understand".

'I'll go get some more if you don't have any left'.

He said to himself.

-Oh, what is an egg doing here?

''Ah! I almost forgot it''.

Habel took the egg out of the bag and noticed that its color had not changed as he had hoped.

-It's the egg of what beast ? It's so shiny.

"Even you don't know it... I have no idea, I plan to study it tomorrow in the cave''.


A dull knocking sound came from a square a little further away.

''I'm going, rest and infuse the arimauds then drink a bowl to recover some energy''.

She watched Habel leave with a smile on her face, but also a little sadness, he already did a lot for her when he was still just a child.

-He's really caring… I'm starting to feel guilty, should I talk to him about 'that person' Maybe…


Tilip: plants allowing odors to be concealed for a certain time.

Komi: this word means grandmother.

Sooni: mother tongue of Hallguna Island.

Ieruk: this word means those who look at their mother or children from the water.

Aki: this word means grandfather.

Arimaud: medicinal plants providing energy to the body and alleviating physical pain.