
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Nier and Lex, Jumping a Giant Reptile [Part: II]

'A tier 3 monster already... how is this even possible, the apocalypse just started, how did he evolve so quickly in such a short period of time?'

This drew Nier's attention as he inwardly inquired as N2 glanced at the Lizardman with profound horror that was before his imaginary eyes.

'What is a tier 3 monster meant to mean?'

The previous time he was like this, Nier could clearly hear the distress in N2's voice, which didn't sit well with him. He died in a most horrific manner the last N started to behave this way.

N2 then began to clarify the problem immediately after Nier posed this question.

'I didn't bring it up because it was superfluous at the time, but humans were changed into monsters who followed a hierarchy system ranging from Tier-1 the weakest to Tier-10 the strongest, with ten evolutionary phases for every monster's whether spiritual, conceptual, or physical.'

'Tier-1: Natrual Selection Stage → Tier-2: Variation Stage → Tier-3: Development Stage → Tier-4: Independence Stage → Tier-5: 1st-IIllumination Stage → Tier-6: 1st-Rebirth Stage → Tier-7: 2nd-IIllumination Stage Tier-8: Transcendence Stage → Tier-9: Higher Ascension Stage → Tier-10: Finale Rebirth Stage.'

These were N2's comments as he began to explain the order of a monster's general evolution process; he knew nothing about it. And that piqued his interest while also perplexing him. It's intriguing because of its evolutionary patterns, with ten phases providing increasing levels of power. He was perplexed since he didn't understand why N2 hadn't told him about this earlier.

So he did what any rational person would do in this situation: he asked N2 why he hadn't explained this to him earlier.

'And you're only telling me this now, why?'

However, N2's response was more than understandable as N2's reply to his master.

'I mean, it was in the book; you simply didn't look it up in the general information part. Aside from that, it wasn't even essential at the time, seeing as how monsters in general take a long time to evolve. It takes a thousand years for even the most talented monster to reach tier-5, let alone tier-10. Overall, master, achieving tier-10 is a pipe dream, even for the monster lords who obtain their titles by killing another monster lord, inheriting it, or reaching tier-6. And that is not easy; thus far, no monster other than the ten sacred ancestors has even reached tier-10, that is a prime example of just demonstrating how difficult it is.'

'HAAAA... so you're saying it was my fault, sigh, then tell me who these so-called sacred ancestors even are?'

Nier inquired once more, to which N2 replied in kind.

'The 10 sacred ancestors are the monster race's progenitors, literally the ten Gods of the monster species on Earth in general. It's even stated in the notebook, and each of them is said to be powerful enough to wipe out all the stars in the sky instantly if they so desire, which would rap mankind into a blanket of endless darkness.'

'Ha, are you serious N2, they're that powerful, yikes... so what category do I fall under, and whose monster ancestor do I descend from?'

Asked Nier, who was both on guard and deeply immersed in this matter at the time. However, the response he received from N2 was pretty surprising.

'Oh, you and your other brothers and sisters who were sealed in the box are what is known as an invalid, and what that means is that you have no blood ties to the monster Gods of this world, possibly from another planet or another universe entirely. Just because we have Gods does not mean that other worlds do not have their own Gods and monsters, thus you are a fatherless, motherless life, however, because this universe is one and all, you must still obey the rules of the evolutionary settings.'




'Haha... how unexpected, and ironic, to be motherless and fatherless as a human, and now as a monster as well hahaha... that hilarious, but does it mean I am an anomaly on this planet N2?'

'Yes, but don't let that upset you; when Gaia permitted people to choose their races, there were a number of invalid races among the bunch of other races to choose from, so you're one of the few. It's just that you're unique in your own way, and there can only be one or two of your sort among the other invalids. On the other hand, you are unique in any case because there is only one of you; even your siblings and sisters are unique in that same manner.'

'Hahaha... is there any value to being invalid N2, considering I'm an alien to this universe in a messed up way?'

Nier inquired, his reason was to discover if there were any tangible benefits to having the title of invalid; enthusiastically there were.

'For one thing, your vulnerability cannot be found on this world that may actually harm you; the only object I know of that genuinely seals you away is Pandora's Box, and no one knows where that ancient artifact is. Of course, you're not immune to every attack seeing you were vanquished in the most heinous way possible in your last cycle. But I can assure you that, like other invalids, you are not under the authority of the other Monster Gods of this planet, and as such, you are not required to obey them in any way, so you have freedom overall.'

'I see, then I may need to plan on finding Pandora's box for myself so I can destroy it once and for all; in any case, let's get back to the fight, but I need you to tell me how powerful a Tier-3 monster really is N2 because if what you said is true, we are dealing with a serious problem here.'

N2's response, as usual, was immediate, albeit it didn't help him much; if anything, it made him more on guard than before.

'Tier-3 is the development stage; at that stage, you become ten times more powerful than you were in the previous stage; your body also gets faster, stronger, more durable, and can withstand a lot more pain and exhaustion than in previous stages; and each special supernatural attack gains a new trait or additional power, potency, and range. While you gain a new power that is just as powerful as your existing ones. I can't give you a total threat level for how strong this guy is because no two monsters are the same; he may be a house cat that turned into a tiger after his evolution. However, the tiger that is someone else's default can turn into Cerebus. Overall, evolution cannot define or provide prominent power ranking because it is not impossible for a tier one to kill a tier five if their species is simply that superior. Your tier-3 may be someone else's tier-1, therefore I'm not sure who is stronger between you and him.'

These were the specific words of N2, who had previously educated Nier on the issue. As a result, he couldn't play about in this combat and immediately stared at Lex, his gaze fixed on the colossal Lizard. Nier is determined to fight the huge lizard that sprouts wings and introduces himself as the Lizardman King: Jigard Mendes. He came to the conclusion that he was someone he could approach lightly and that such a strategy needed to be implemented right here, right now.

He immediately triggered the cells within Lex's body in order to establish a telepathic connection.

'Lex... it's Nier, don't make a scene, we have a serious situation, and I need you to listen to me.'

'Ha... is that you, boss? How are you doing?' no, no! I should have expected nothing less from di boss; talk to mi, I'm all ears, well, brains in this case hehe.'

'Well done, Lex.' I'm glad you're taking this seriously, and I'm going to transfer some knowledge to your cerebral cortex right now. I've managed to examine the opponent to some amount; it's not much, but it should show you why this is significant and why we may need a plan.'

Nier commented, to which Lex responded, his gaze never leaving the enemy at hand.

'Well what are you waiting for boss, send the enemy specs right away so I can see what we are dealing with here.'


Nier said as he began to transmit all the information that N2 and him discussed and explained, and after seeing everything that there was to know, Lex's face turned serious, losing his sardonic smirk as he said to his boss.

'Tsk, what a troublesome reptile, but I can deal with it, I'm the weakest of your creation but psychologically the oldest, or so I like to think, just because the enemy is stronger doesn't mean I have lost the war.'

Lex proudly announced as Nier answered.

'I guess that yes for you have a plan.'

Asked Nier

And Lex answered.

'It's not really a plan, more like me attempting to buy us some much-needed time, if anything, together me, and you might not be enough, but I'm confident after those two back at the base finish dealing with the fodders, all four of us can come together and kill him.'

'Well, it's a start, Lex; tell me what you're cooking up in your creative mind.'

'Hahaha... no worries boss, first and foremost we need to...