
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Nier and Lex, Jumping a Giant Reptile [Part: I]

"Hello everyone, my name is Lex, just Lex, it's short for Alexander, but that name is too lengthy for mi taste, it means "Defender of men" It's fairly cool right, well opinion is subjective, so if you like, then you like, if you don't like, then that's cool too... Anyway, I don't enjoy breaking di fourth wall and shit, but occasionally a guy needs to preach to di great beyond."

"I have a dream, and that dream is to be a fan favorite not only for di boss, but for you mi otherworlders stalkers, this novel might be depressing as hell later on and all because it is a dark fantasy and whatnot, but yeah it is what it is... either way, my brother sister from another world, sit back and enjoy this work for what it is... If you appreciate Yandere, I recommend checking out the author's previous work, "My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere." "Just as my character was inspired by Deadpool, that book's main character was inspired by Monika and Ryoba... either way, onto di story."





"Alright Lex enough fourthwall breaking; back to artistic violence... egh wait, is that a Lizardmen?"

Lex came to a complete halt as he hid behind a tree, without looking behind him to check whether his employer was pursuing him. He did cheat to some level in order to gain a head start on the upcoming bloodshed.

He did this for a simple reason: he was the type of person who preferred to see what he was dealing with first. And the Lizardman in front of him was quite a sight to behold. It was nearly five meters tall if it had stood up. But that was not the case... Instead, Lizardman didn't even appear to be aware of its surroundings.

A big purple Lizard stood before Lex's eyes, with thick scales that could readily deflect bullets and break blades. On the other side, the purple lizard was sitting in the parking lot of R&B Steakhouse, both arms folded. He wore nothing but black leather trousers on his lower half, with a hole cut in the back to show off his massive purple tail.

On the other hand, he had a massive pair of demonic green horns protruding from his head, and if the scales weren't enough, the man was built like a fucking unit, especially with his muscular frame, even his muscles had muscles. But what struck Lex about the man in general was that he exuded a presence reminiscent of the boss himself.

Nier's presence would normally be terrifying to monsters with a sense of danger due to him being a very powerful monster from the start. It was no different for a high human; to Lex and the other two high humans, Nier possessed a presence that could be described as dominant, if not downright terrifying. This huge reptile was like that, and while he lacked something that Nier doesn't lacked naturally, his aura suggested that his power was equivalent to his. Nier, on the other hand, exuded a sense of dread that might drive anyone nuts if they could see him for what he truly is. This creature was only powerful in appearance, not in concept.

This immediately drew Lex's attention to the fact that this man was a problem, but even if he were God himself, Lex still wanted to run his pockets, so he decided to deal with the situation the only way he knew how. And that was pure fucking violence, and if the amount of violence wasn't enough, then he would just have to resort to even more violence to get through the crisis at hand.

However, before he could even assault the enormous Lizard, that giant reptile opened his eyes, which were bright pink with nocturnal slits. Moments later, he remarked sarcastically.

"You can stop hiding now boy; the amount of mana you possess for one so young is so immense to the point you might as well be a beacon of light."

The lizardman stated that he looked directly at the hidden Lex who was stationed behind a tree, causing Lex to shiver with unease. After all, the behemoth appeared to be staring right through him like a pervert with x-ray vision.

'So I've been discovered ha, hahaha... this body of mine likes to fuck me over, ahhh well, nothing a good old left, right, goodnight can't mend.'

Lex walked out to meet the Lizardman clearly, and with every stride even when he was not in his sight. His eyes followed his every move till he was face to face, or more precisely, seven meters away from the behemoth of reptile.

His hands were already grasping his custom-made weapon, a massive wrench with bob wires and nails wrapped around its entire body.

Despite the size difference, Lex wasted no time in slandering the unnamed Lizardman who was still sitting down. It was weird and demeaning to Lex to be staring him down like he was prey.

"Tsk... so you're the pussy leading an army of geckos, talk about pathetically jumping me, di rest of my colleagues, and my boss in his own hood." Bro, you're asking for a fight you're not prepared for, and I can tell you right now, I'm him, and you're not that  guy blud."

The lizardman, on the other hand, had just begun to laugh at Lex, an uncontrollable giggle escaped from his mouth moments after.

"Blud pftt.. hahaha.... little man, you talk like an 80s gangster, this 2025 you little shit."

The lizardman mocked Lex, still amused by the fact that a kid was attempting to pick a fight with him.

In either case, a child or an older man or woman was still prey in the eyes of the Lizardman, as he made vividly clear with his following set of statements.

"Hahah... well, it doesn't matter because the world went to shit when humans stopped being humans." I am no exception, however, I must say that out of all the individuals I and my offspring have slaughtered in this small region since the birth of our queen. You have the most mana I've ever seen in my brief time as a King Lizardman. I'm curious if my queen would become stronger if I fed her to you; hahah... if that happens, I'll go through another metamorphosis. I really need additional biological material, and you'd make an excellent present to my queen, to further my growth."

"Now you little man will be my ne....

However, before the Lizardman could finish speaking, a strong pressure hit him under his chin, causing his brains to shake... his teeth to sink into his tongue, and his eyes to bulge." At that moment, Lizardman's entire body began to turn over as his head smacked head-first into his own invisible anti-magic barrier, which he had secretly put up in case someone attempted to strike him with magic while he was concentrating on something else.


The sound of the Lizardman's enormous bulk dropping heavily to the ground behind him could be noticed, but all that could be heard and seen afterward was the voice of a familiar individual. Whose arm appeared from the Lizardman's shadow and punched him with a hard right uppercut? As a result, the light purple hand is covered in thick green blood that looks more like mucus than true blood itself.

"And with that, first blood goes to me... come on Lex I thought you would have attacked this giant idiot by now."

These were Nier's words as his hand sank back into the depths of the abyss, transforming a tiny area of the parking lot into a sea of shadows. Only for a tall figure with a sinister expression to arrive behind Lex.

His gaze was fixed on the gigantic lizard man, and both his lower and upper arms were crossed. Lex, on the other hand, had a deadpan expression on his face and looked behind him to see his boss. He wanted to say something about how he was a fricking cheater for ignoring the concept of distance and traveling her instantaneously using his shadows. But, given his prior effort to gain an advantage over him, he had no right to, if anything, he could appreciate the idea, and even so, he has already accepted the truth that he was born powerless but not without options.

"Tsk... fair enough, I suppose, but that one point will soon be outdone by me, so don't get too excited; in any case, I'm glad you're here." I love me a good reverse jumping session, especially when it is among family, and this guy honestly thought he was him, so I want to beat some respect into that reptilian brain of his."

Lex stated as he began to place the two wheels of bob wires on the ground, recognizing that it would get in his way when he ran the lizardman fade. After all, he just brought it with him in case he needed a fast DIY improvement on his homemade metal club, which served as his death wrench.

On the other hand, the enormous lizardman who had been knocked out by Nier's surprise attack began to get up. His head was killing him like never before, and it reminded him of the day he was hit in the head with a beer bottle in a violent bar fight back in the day, long before he became a King Lizardman a day and a half ago.

"Auhg... Ouch... wh...

But he couldn't speak since the hit had led him to bite his tongue off, which was writhing on the ground. This instantly knocked him out of his momentary disorientation as he began to glance in front of him to see whether the threat was still there, and to his surprise, another third party unexpectedly appeared to catch up with the conflict that was taking place in the parking lot of an R&B stake house.

'Four arms... six eyes, and what are those four strange enormous heat signatures emanating from all of his hands... wait that sign above his head... tsk... I see he is the person who got marked after tossing and killing #432, who was figthing that brat earlier as well?'

These were the enormous Lizardman's inner thoughts, and he immediately rose up, his tongue suddenly regenerating at high speed, and his headache instantly disappearing as his eyes fell on the two prey he desired.

He looks at two persons who have chosen to approach him, his arms spread in a boastful manner. The Lizardman then continued to expound on himself as he suddenly began to float a couple of inches off the ground, and two pairs of black harpy wings materialized behind him, shocking both Nier and Lex as a result of his sudden transformation.

"Hahaha, isn't this my first real fight after my 3rd ascension, hahaha.... I fucking love this new world, it's as if the Gods made it just for me to play in." Hahaha... awesome indeed, anyways you mortal peasant, I am the Lizardman King; Jigard Mendes. And you best remember it after I send both of you straight to the afterlife... so you can tell Satan himself that I will take his throne as soon as I attain my perfect form."

"Now then which one of you wish to die first, and offer up your body to me as compensation for pissing me off."