
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasi
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16 Chs

Child Support Had Never Been So Good


Twenty lizardman corpses could be seen inside an old run-down apartment with a huge hole in its front wall, some burned to a crisp, others sliced to bits, and the majority frozen solid. According to the appearance of things, a severe brawl had broken out in this small shabby apartment complex, which was only large enough for two maybe three individuals.

A beautiful woman, on the other hand, with eight spider-like tendrils behind her back, four of which were ripped out of her spine. Her left eye, which had four pupils, was poked out, and the shattered lizardman claw was still hanging out of the socket as evidence of the injury was still vividly present. Meanwhile, her right arm had been bitten off, and four enormous swords could be seen plunged into her torso, adding salt to the wound. Her right lungs, stomach, left kidney, and huge intestines were impaled by these weird-looking snake-like blades.

The ground was saturated in her blood, steining the poor rug beneath her. However, the flat was beyond repair at this time; the floorboards were cracked, and the walls were either torn down, scorched, or impaled by enormous bloody ice cycles.

It would not be an exaggeration to believe that the ceiling was just moments away from falling on top of everyone still present here and at any time at that.

And despite the bloody atmosphere, a clear-skinned young man, no less than fourteen or fifteen years old based on appearance, came rushing towards the injured woman, he had black dog ears and a white cat tail, and he was wearing slightly torn blue cargo pants, a white but now bloody undershirt, and yellow sandals on his feet. He began to hold up the woman who was staring at him with remorse, her eyes spilling a tear for a variety of reasons, the moment she saw the boy come before her. And at this moment her vision was already blurry.

At the time, the woman herself was experiencing a flood of emotions, the most prominent of which were regret and self-hatred. And yet, since there was nothing she could do about it, she did the only thing she could.

Her hands cupped the boy's cheeks as she tenderly rubbed them, which the boy grabbed with a despondent look in his eyes, as he wailed and pleaded to the woman.

"Please, Mom, don't... die... I'm sorry, it's my fault; if only I had listened to you, then... then....

However, before the child could even respond, the mother placed a finger on his lips as if to say, "That's fine." Despite the fact that this is not the case.

Her touch was as soft as her eyes as she looked at the child she had given birth to, the child she nurtured with and without a father for the most part.

But for the time being, words were all she could give her son, as she told the young man whom she adored dearly.

"Live... Jermiah... sorry... for everything... love... you."

Those were the woman's final words before succumbing to her injuries, as the light in her eyes faded and her hands slid from his face, tumbling to the floor.

The youngster wanted to shout and cry, but he heard voices downstairs and peered down to see a small army of lizard men. At least thirty of them were armed with flesh-and-bone weaponry. Each of these emanated a unique set of skills that he could vividly see due to his unique class choice "Title Maker".

At that point, he wanted to battle these cretins who had murdered his mother and exact his vengeance for the injustice he had suffered. These lizards, on the other hand, were aberrant from the start. Tomorrow signifies the start of the apocalypse, and these lizards were already one of six dominant powers that had already taken over parts of Country G as king classes monster.

The term is only a day old, yet the moment when people become aware of their race and new classes. Special people from all over the world have awakened classes that can be called God-like in today's society and have wasted no time in spreading pandemonium over the planet. These exceptional individuals were branded as King Monsters by the newly formed T.I.G.W (The International Government of The World), and as such, they are known as King Class Awakened Ones.

The story spread swiftly on the nation's news as a result of their quick development, and overwhelming power and forces these king class have at their disposal.

One of these was the Manasa Group, which was a clan or perhaps an organization comprised of an overwhelming force of nothing but Lizardman. Apart from the fact that they slaughter individuals without mercy, little is known about them. The rationale is always that they need more biological material, so they slaughter everybody and everything in their path, gather the bodies in vast numbers, and bring them back to their base.

The upper ranks are especially dangerous since they have exotic weaponry created from monster flesh and bones. Each of these weapons is extremely powerful and can cause significant damage. Even newly awakened evolves can't fight them properly; one is already difficult to defeat, and a full army is practically impossible. That, along with their great physical, magical, and regenerative abilities to recover practically all mortal wounds inflicted on them, makes them a pain to deal with, especially in numbers.

But what makes these monsters truly frightening is that fighting them is a death sentence. You may wonder why. Simply put, "The Mark" For some reason, if you attack a Lizardman, you will be cursed with the mark. Based on various observations, it appears to be a passive conditional sort of ability. That marks you with a tracker, so even if you attack a lizard man and manage to flee, they can still find you no matter how far away you are. Because they fully represent the phrase "you can run but you can't hide," many people strive to avoid the lizardman just because of this.

"I, on the other hand, am a master at fleeing, if anything I am the opposite of my mother. Whereas my mother chose an overpowered race but a weak class choice, and I chose a shitty race but an overpowered class choice.... my mother evolved from a human to a queen class monster called the Queen Drider, albeit her class choice was bonkers." She chose the elemental mage class, after all. It would be classified as rare, one step above common, and one step below special. But, as the class name implies, my mother could only employ magic to weaponize and manipulate nature's elemental laws."

"On the other hand, I didn't get the opportunity to pick properly, or more like I was scammed, because at that very moment, the world around me stopped at the same time the screen appeared, as if someone had stopped the time of the universe." And then a mysterious woman in cloaks approached me and said, while patting my head lovingly as she said."

[Child love by uncertainty, you must choose the Matagot race at all costs; otherwise, those you love will suffer horribly; as such, you must choose the Matagot, and when the time comes, I will appear before you once more to bestow upon you my final gift.]

"I felt as if I had been reunited with someone close, someone I had always known, the instant I met that woman and she touched me on the head. Nonetheless, her presence and demeanor were unfamiliar to me. Surprisingly, I chose the Matagot race, but it was a decision I later regretted. The race itself isn't horrible; it's just that it's one of those races that demands a lot of resources early on. And, unfortunately, I am dirt poor; for example, in order to exploit any of my useful inherent skills, I need to choose someone as a master."

"And I can't just pick anyone to be my master; it has to be someone I have deep emotional ties to, someone I love so much that I would die for them if they ordered me to." Of course, because my mother is the only person in the world who comes close to meeting those requirements, I picked her as my master."

"However, as a result, I could now employ my three skills, including my first and only passive skill, "Bringer of Luck." This allows me to improve my master's luck by 20%, improving her ability to perform anything by an additional 20% regardless of the original probability. For example, if you play heads or tail, and you pick tail, there is a 50/50 chance of you winning, however with my ability the chances increase by +20 making the ratio 70/30. Seventy in your favor, and 30 in the enemy's favor."

This is incredibly useful to have while gaming or when something linked to luck comes up. To some extent, the Bringer of Luck manipulates probability in my master's favor; it works even better if you are a lucky person. My first active ability, on the other hand, is the most conditional and resource-heavy ability that I have. "Domain Creation Artistic Soul Gallery" is the ability to establish a Domain for the master that is similar to a dungeon or a super labyrinth.

The Domain takes the form of the master soul; you might say it is an artistic representation of the master soul or the essence of their being itself. As a result, the quality and quantity of the material required to construct a sufficient custom soul stone, and reality barrier are strong enough to withstand the shape of the master soul, which in turn will rewrite and alter the master domain accordingly, as it relies on how strong the master is. Within this domain, the master is practically God-like, with the ability to manipulate, make laws and rules, and even add special cheat-like privileges to the domain, giving them an advantage over others both inside and outside of the domain.

"It was because of this ability that I didn't give up on this worthless class, but my mother, who was now my former master, was so fricking strong that the core ingredient for the soul stone vessel was the heart of an Ancient Elemental Dragon as a core for the soul stone." And that was only one of the many unattainable ingredients I was not capable of even obtaining on my own."

"And I doubt even my beloved mother could defeat a dragon, let alone an ancient one... and if that wasn't bad enough, the reality barrier needed to be built with the blood of an elder fire giant as the main component, three tones to be exact." And that was only my mother; imagine if my master was some type of God-like creature; I wouldn't even want to think about the materials required to create a realm of such caliber."

"Then came my final active ability, which was named "Good Boy Deserves Good Treats," at which time I considered myself a fucking esoteric house dog, or cat. However, this ability was probably my most important in terms of my own development as a Matagot. With this skill, I may duplicate any being's form, powers, and attributes with 35% of its overall original strength, on the condition that my master provides it to me as a gift, treat, or possibly even a reward for my efforts. And the amount of form, powers, and minor genetic features I can absorb is unlimited; in layman's terms, I could have become an Eldritch-like Chimera, which would be a monster capable of wreaking havoc on a large scale easily."

"In my opinion, the Matagot has its advantages, but it is still a shitty race." It is essentially a slave, dog, or pet that must be carried. A monster that develops independently according to its master will. And the greater the master's power, the more powerful the Matagot can become. It appears to be a reasonable trade-off, but being an in-game monster, to begin with, in an apocalyptic genre is not particularly useful. Perhaps in the hands of a wealthy and powerful player, but for a destitute orphan like himself, it is now meaningless."

"However, unlike my mother, who was a magic type user, my class choice grants me the ability to create titles within reason through the use of my imagination, at the cost of starting extremely weak and having to respect the rules of my own race to some degree." For example, the title "Incomplete God" was created in honor of my favorite mythological figure, my childhood hero, the monkey king Sun Wukong. What this title does is pretty simple: with time, work, commitment, and patience, I will gradually meet circumstances that will allow me to gain greater power."

"That will allow me to become god-like, but at the cost of not knowing what the aforementioned restrictions are within these uncertain circumstances; and the fact that I will never truly attain true divinity or omnipotence in the future; in short, I want to become the strongest non-omnipotent being." In summary, I escape my own fate and destiny by rewriting my final aim, at the expense of leaving this route of undetermined happenings, which could be advantageous or dangerous. But great sacrifice was required to obtain strength like this, but if I ever go against my word and give up, or lose patience, the title skill effect will destroy itself as such returning me back to my default strength, as a result, I can never lose heart no matter what happens."

"On the other hand, this Title Maker class is unique only to me, that why its unique; although I can only make five titles at a time, If I create over that, I would need to destroy one title as a result, and so far I think I have a balance array of titles to carry me to my final goal."

As a result, I have five titles that I always use; it's only because of them that I've been able to evade the Lizardman and fight them off when they approach, but it's becoming more difficult as time passes. Because they have all marked me, they are all following me. But I'm not going down without a fight; this is only one of the many obstacles I'll have to face in order to exact my revenge and become the best version of myself.

Jeremiah announced to the four-armed man in front of him whom he recognized at first glance.... it was his father Nier who abandoned his mother eight years ago when he was just seven years old. He had barely seen his father before, but now that he was here, he wanted to hit him so badly. But when he thinks about how much pleasure it would provide him if he did it, he realizes that the idea didn't bring him joy instead it was disgust. His mother is no longer with him, and he is alone in this merciless world, all alone, he would not falter, but he didn't want to be alone.

But after hearing his narrative and seeing the regret and guilt in his eyes, he was surprised that this cretin had a heart. But he had to ask; he couldn't undo the past, but he did want to know why he had left them to suffer in poverty for so long.

"Anyways Nier, I just want to know why... why did you leave Mom and me behind, why did you turn your back on us?"

Jeremiah questioned, his eyes serious and nasty, at the man he wanted to despise but couldn't bring himself to hate totally.

Nier appeared heartbroken, but he knew he deserved it, so he simply replied as such.

"What would you prefer, the raw truth, or the censored version of it?"

"The raw truth please."

Jeremiah said immediately, on the other hand, Nier sighed once more as he swallowed his pride and began to explain to his fourteen-year-old son why he left to purchase milk all those years ago.

"Well, I'm not going to make excuses; I'll be honest with you: I'm a failure of a father." I know this because I was a wild, free young man back then. And I wasn't ready for a long-term relationship. But your mother and I were... hehehehe... to summarize what happened, we had a one-night stand after meeting at a local club. One thing led to another, and I desired an abortion, which thankfully did not occur. Of course, your mother refused, and I felt trapped with a child, so I hurried out to purchase milk, years after your birth when I got the opportunity to study overseas, and here you are."

"But don't get me wrong, I wanted to better myself, so I returned to school." I was relieved to have my independence back at first, but as time passed, I began to miss both you and your mother. Motivated and suppressing my shame, I pursued my bachelor's degree in English literature and business. And as I saved, made contacts, and established a name for myself with the organization I now work for, I was convinced that I was ready to settle down and be there for my family."

"And even if your mother didn't want me back, I wanted to make sure you guys had a normal life without me." However, the apocalypse occurred at the same moment that I was returning to meet your mother with a surprise visit, a jug of milk, and a suitcase of money as a joke to lighten the situation. Although I didn't get the chance, I just found out that your mother died, hehehe... I'm pathetic, I can't even make up for my mistakes to the person to whom I owe the most.... I only wanted to make things right for you and your mother, Jeremiah."

"And just when I thought all hope was lost, lady fate brought me right to you, so look, I'll be blunt here, I can't undo the past, but I want to start over." The Apocolpsye has arrived, and the future is unknown; therefore, come with me and stay at my house, no our new home. I live there alone, but with you there, I'll feel less lonely. And I don't want to worry myself out about whether you're okay or not. I'm not asking for forgiveness, I simply want to do the right thing by you and protect you as a father should, so what do you say Jeremiah, can we start over, if not for me, then for your mother?"

Jeremiah looked into his father's eyes, which were filled with sorrow, self-hatred for himself, and love for him. He didn't like this man, but as his mother always said, everyone deserves a second chance. So he swallowed his rage and decided to offer his father one final chance of redemption as he rose from the ground and hugged him, as he told Nier.

"You are an asshole, I just want you to know that, while also accepting that fact as well."

"I will have it no other way boy."

Nier responded.

Jeremiah, in turn, obliged.

"*Sigh!* Maidenless, worthless old man, I will forgive you but only once; you will not be given another chance." Either way, I'm exhausted, Carry me on your back like the old times; my leg hurts."

Jeremiah fainted into his father's loving pair of fours arms as Nier caught his son after he said those last words. The boy was clearly hurt from the earlier encounter with Lizardman and was now unconscious. Nier, on the other hand, began to smile sadistically, both in delight and in victory, as he put it.

He then began to speak as he said.

"This abilty is just too broken."

Neir announced to himself, as the mental universe around him began to break, casting everything into unconscious darkness. This entire world where a boy and his father were together making up with one another, was nothing more than a gigantic altered lie. Because on the outside something far more sinister was occurring.

In cold dark and eery night of the apocolypse, a cute white hair fury looking boy was strip naked of all his clothes; he was hoisted high in the air by pair of black shadow like hands, both of which was holding him in place.

But that was only the beginning of this boy's current situation, for if you looked closely, you would discover small straw-sized black tendrils all over his body, with needle-like points at their bases. All of this was stabbed into the body's veins. On the other side, these straws were injecting a significant amount of blue blood into Jeremiah's unconscious body.

And if you looked even closer, you'd notice that all the tendrils that were connected to Jeremiah were also connected to Nier's heart, which was pumping his blood containing his DNA and circulating it in every part of this adolescent who had taken an interest in, because of his titles.

The tendril, on the other hand, is going up his mouth and down his throat, and into his nose, and ears crawling slowly into the brains. And with each connection to his brain allowed the invasion of his Corrupted Cells to manipulate the boy's mind and memories even easier.

He didn't make any substantial adjustments in the least, because N2 said that it would be better to make minor tweaks to already existing memories and build on it over time. As a result, what he did to Jeremiah was straightforward. Instead of creating new memories, he merely altered old ones. For example, in every recollection in which they interact, he simply replaced Jeremiah's father's face and voice with his own.

So, as far as Jeremiah is aware, Nier is and has always been his one and only biological father; naturally, Nier would take advantage of the circumstances in the actual world as well. Because he was going to visit good old mommy dearest as soon as he stepped out of this simulation. At this point, Nier was truly thankful for the Yandere curse. He was going to abuse the curse to the fullest in order to fuck Ishtar over.

And then after all the memory alteration, and absorption was complete, the words that N2 said next were music to Nier's ears.

'The infection within the host Jeremiah Godfrey has reached 43%. All memories have been appropriately altered to perfection, but further personality alteration cannot be performed until the infection reaches 100%.'