
Yes sir! I collect Yandere Milf

Neir Featherburn Agustus is a typical office worker who works a standard 9 to 5 job at a large call center. His life wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great either; he was a decent middle-class single man. He did, however, have one feature that set him apart from the norm: his Agustus family curse Bloodline. The Agustus family was known to be cursed by the Goddess of Love, Ishtar, for a crime his ancestor had committed. "You were given love, but you betrayed it, and now that I've decided to take it back, you curse at me in such a way sixth Agustus... heheh... fine... you want love, I'll give it to you." No, in fact, I will shower you and your entire family with so much love that it will be the very thing that kills you." As a result, Ishtar cursed the Agustus family with the curse of obsession. The curse is simple: any male of the Agustus bloodline will be loved to death by his lovers. In summary, Neir is a Yandere magnet; as a result, Nier does his hardest to keep his distance from the other sex out of fear for his life. He didn't want to end up like his older brother, father, uncle, and grandfather, cousins, all of whom had died within the previous two years, making him the last true Agustus. As if it wasn't horrible enough, the world and his everyday life were now in danger. And it all began on that fateful day when the world's voice appeared. [Attention all Gaian subjects: the day of judgment is here. As a result, the world will end in three days, the dead will rise, monsters locked in the neither will flood the mortal realm, and the Zenomen, an alien civilization, will conquer the entire known universe. However, not all hope is lost; in order to acclimate to the new world and maximize your chances of survival, please select a class and race.]

Iam_hastur · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

A Dangerous Existence

[You have died]


[Game Over]


[Total survival time: 17 minutes, 32 seconds]


[Notice. Targhamal, the monster lord of the Neither has been registered in the monster encyclopedia.]


[Now resurrecting.]











Nier was sprinting extremely quickly, so fast that he began to see something incredible as the world around him unexpectedly slowed down. He notices the leaves gradually falling in the nearby park. And for the first time as well, he spotted several people fighting in the middle of the street; there was a gigantic lizard-like man with a baseball bat beating the living shit out of a bizarre dog-like man with cat ears; the fight was severe because both of them had deep injuries.

He would be amused at first, but the instant this present Nier opened his eyes, he began to lose attention. As memories of his past death flooded back to him, he lost his equilibrium and tripped over his legs, forcing him to roll and bounce violently. And slammed into a neighboring truck not far from the lizard man, and a beast-like hybrid that were fighting.


The truck was broken into pieces, and smoke began to escape from the hood, while the entire cargo load was smashed, owing to the amount of force it received, it began to roll over, with Nier accompanying it, until it eventually rested on the side of a nearby building, with Nier now below it.

On the other hand, the third party that cause this slight disrubance, was speechless, his upper left hand holding his voice as N2 began to speak.

'Because of the enormous and inconceivable amount of anguish and suffering you experienced in your last cycle via the use of the simulation system. You have absorbed a great deal of negative energy from both yourself and the Monster Lord Targhamal, who was enjoying your physical and emotional agony.'

'Equivalent Exchange has been triggered, and is now transforming all collected negative energy into corruption points that the master can use at any given time.'

'You have received a total of 20,500 corruption points, giving you a grand total of 20,650 corruption points to use.'

Announced N2, yet the memory was so vivid that Nier began to recall the moment he came into contact with that monster. The anxiety, on the other hand, quickly turned to hatred as his wrath outweighed his terror, as he declared with a pissed-off grimace.

"FUCKKKK!.... What the hell is that thing anyways?!"

"Why did it have to be me who had to go through something so horrific... sigh you know what.... fuck it... I can't complain since I have no right to; after all, I'll probably be doing awful stuff like that on a daily basis, so I can't complain. But that still irritates me, even if this encounter is a bloody excellent simulation of the future, I still can't let such an encounter slide so easily, I have to get my get back, someway, somehow."

Nier stated with comprehension, knowing that this world was now a dog-eat-dog world, where the strong dominate and the weak suffice under the dominion of the strong. He was simply unlucky to encounter such a powerful foe from the get-go; it only made him angrier that such a monster existed in this world along with him.

His hatred and anger could not be seen, but a numerical representation could be established, as his negative emotions created a lot of negative energy around himself, which equivalent exchange took advantage of and began to absorb and covert into corruption points.

Of course, N2 was his evil banker, who announced how many corruption points he had accumulated as a result of absorbing his own negative energy.

It was because of this that he could feel his own power gradually expanding.

'You have created a sufficient amount of negative energy around you as a result of your negative feelings.'

'Equivalent Exchange has been triggered, and is now transforming all collected negative energy into corruption points that the master can use at any given time.'

'You have received a total of 8,333 corruption points, giving you a grand total of 28,983 corruption points to use.'


Said N2, but Nier began to stand up, pushing the massive truck off of his body. He was still enraged by the situation, but he had calmed down somewhat. However, he now had two options: try his luck against that monster until he managed to discover a means to beat it or alter the timeline of the simulation, which meant he could divert his prior decision, leading to a different course of events.

Nier had already decided to slay Targhamal, the monstrous lord of the Neither, with his own hands, by any means necessary. But, unlike in the previous scenario, when he encountered the monster in person, it did not just torment him, but instead ate his limbs and organs and took them for itself. No, the bastard also consumed his own existence, including his name and memory, and worst of all even his powers.

And that was the main issue: his powers could be eaten at any time because Targhamal didn't enable him to flee. But the worst aspect about the whole thing was that he had no idea how Targhamal had eaten him in the first place. His limbs and powers simply vanished one by one, slowly, and the most messed up component of Targhamal's abilities was the fact that he didn't die until there was nothing left, even after his entire body had vanished. Targhamal slowly swallowed his blood on the pavement, and even after being erased from existence for some reason, he could still feel the misery. He didn't fully die till the last drop of his blood vanished.

As a result, Nier decided his next line of action pretty quickly, which was understandable given the unfair scenario.

"To tell the truth, I don't have enough information on that monster; I will exact my vengeance another time, no!" I'll prepare for the day we meet, because you might have some type of nonsense power to eat someone's existence. But I have a prep time, and you can guarantee I'll use every single second of it to figure out how to make you suffer."

Nier stated although he did recollect Targhamal being registered in his monster encyclopedia, within his character notebook.

This prompted him to consider the following.

'Registered, does that mean I now have him as a monster I encounter, or do I have information about this monster?'

Nier inquired inside his head, and the person who responded was, of course, his instincts, as N2 began to describe what was going on.

'Any monster you encounter will be instantly recorded in the monster encyclopedia, as will any other person in this world possessing a notebook as well. Only other former humans who have turned into monsters will not be registered, and to address the issue concerning information, it does not reveal everything about a monster or alien, but only basic information you have seen or experienced for yourself.'

N2 said this, to which Nier replied.

'Seems fair enough, but I've learned one thing so far: it doesn't matter if you're a monster, alien, demon, angel, God, or the Devil. Every one of them is powerful in their own right, or perhaps I'm just unfortunate. But, in any case, without information, there isn't much I can do. Well, maybe there is because, with equivalent exchange, I can buy any ability I want if I have enough corruption points to do so, to begin with. But in order to achieve that, I must first make other people suffer, or directly cause someone to fall victim to corruption.'

'Well, then, I need to keep grinding on this suffering train, since the next person I encounter will be a victim... and speaking about the next person.'

Nier said slyly, his malicious grin now concentrated on the two men in front of him. The lizard man and the furry creature, who had been battling furiously before he came, were now staring his way.

On the other side, the cat-dog boy, who appeared to be no older than fourteen, was the first to approach him with a plea. As he said, with desperate eyes welled up with tears.

"Mister please help me... this crazy lizard is trying to kidnap me, and is trying to turn me into bio-material for the Lizard Queen.... please mister help me."

The lizardman, on the other hand, scoffs at the boy's appeal as he begins to choke him while staring at the four-armed behemoth before him. He wasn't terrified, despite his scary appearance.

After all, he possessed a secret weapon, and what he stated should make anyone fear him, given his people's reputation in the previous two days.

"Go ahead blud... play hero, and see what happens, as you should know I am apart of the Minasa group. So attack me like a fool, and you will get mark. But since I am feeling rather generous, I will give yo...


Said the Lizardman, who suddenly became stunned when he felt something tightly clutch his feet. And what he saw astounded him.

An elongated black hand emerged from his own shadows, grabbing his feet to the point where he could feel his ankle slowly snapping under the newfound strain that was building by the second. The man looked at Nier, who had a malicious smile on his face, as he said.

"Honestly.... You talk way too much for a bloody lizard" Anyway, I'm irritated right now, and you, my obnoxious little reptile, will be a great stress reliever; so with that said, don't die too soon... ok, I want to enjoy this."

And before the Lizardman could respond with another weightless threat, he was ruthlessly yanked back with such force that he relinquished grip of the boy and began to panic in fear.


The sound of the unnamed lizardman's dreadful scream could be heard as the enormous shadow hand yanked, hoisted, and tossed him high in the air with all the force it had.

The force with which the shadow threw him was so powerful that the lizardman reached a maximum height of 1,530 meters in four to five seconds, Breaking the sound barrier as he traversed upwards. His shouts were loud and clear until they weren't.

Nier, on the other hand, had a contented expression on his face, the look one gets when they are overjoyed about something; after all, how could he not be when he was bathing and absorbing another person's negative energy for his own?

Of course, N2 informs him of his earnings.

'Your hunger is on the verge on being sated.'

'Your hunger is at 48%... 53%... 60%... 80%... 100%.'

'You are no longer hungry as a result of absorbing fear, regret, and agony from two different individuals, and you are now converting the remaining negative energy to corruption points.'

'Equivalent Exchange has been triggered, and is now transforming all collected negative energy into corruption points that the master can use at any given time.'




'You have received a total of 4,912 corruption points, giving you a grand total of 33,895 corruption points to use.'

"Hahaha... stupid lizard, thanks for the meal... now then.... who next?"

Nier inquired his sharp shark-like teeth and menacing-looking prehensile tongue exhibiting a scary and ominous smile beyond what a human could even make at this point. While eyes were drawn to the fury, who was shaking in horror at the sight of his heinous aspect, and that enormous frightening black hand beside him didn't make it anymore better for him either.

He then approached the cat boy, or was it a dog boy? Either way, a fury was a fury. But that didn't stop Nier from approaching, his intentions unknown; the Lizardman irritated him, and as a result he was yeeted. But this fury youngster piqued his interest... well, it was simple, Nier's vision of the wicked spotted a succession of unbelievable moniker that aroused his interest, all of which was on the top of his head.

And those Moniker was as followed.

[Incomplete God], [Disharmonize Existence] [Curse Child] [Brininger of Protection] [Apprentice Array Maker].

This piqued Nier's interest, so he approached the boy and stated, with a plan forming in his head.

"Where is your mother kid?"