
Yes please

Bumble_bee · LGBT+
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Meeting and Lace

As soon as Jamie told me that I'm going to have to meet this guy, I jumped off the couch and dragged Jamie to the car. I sped off to the mall to find the perfect outfit. Once we arrived Jamie took the lead.

"Okay first order of business" Jamie declares and lead me off to a lingerie store

"Wait why are we going inside here" I shriek

"for your new daddy duh," They say rolling their eyes proceeding to pull me inside the store and stopping in front of a rack.

'B-but it's just the first date" I say looking around to see if anyone I know is inside of the store I don't want anyone getting wrong ideas

"Exactly, first dates can always lead to other things so you always need to be prepared, and plus he said you guy will be having dinner at his house so what else can that mean?" They say while pulling out a pair of fiery red lace underwear

"well it can just mean we are going to have dinner and then talk about our lives," I say.

Jamie snorts "yea right like he wouldn't be able to keep his hand off of you. Your gorgeous babes even for a male your body is very feminine, hell I even have trouble keeping my hand off of you" Jamie declares

"H-hey you cant say things like t-that in public" I blush

"just saying," they say throwing the panties at me "you'll look really edible in these"

I don't look at them to avoid wussing out. " can we pay and go to find an outfit please I can't spend another minute in here"

"alright quit you whining" Jamie grumbles leading me to the checkout area

while shopping I run into a few people I know, after picking out an outfit and finding some matching shoes to go with it we head to the food court to get some food

"what do you want olly ill go order," Jamie says

"I'll have what you're having"I bite my lip

"you sure," Jamie says raising an eyebrow

I nod

Jamie nods and walks over to a tex-mex place and gets in line.

I feel a rustle in my head

A Honey voice begins talking "Stop fighting me please"

I close my eyes and think I'm going crazy I begin counting down from 10 in my head

"But your not crazy, you said so yourself that you feel another presence in your head other than yours"

"what do you want from me," I say in my head

"Nothing I've always been in here since you were born" The voice replies patiently

"Why? And how come you're announcing your presence now." I Question

" I enjoy sitting and observing, And the reason that I'm here is that I'm your wolf counterpart, Your a wolf Oliver, a werewolf " The voice explains

Hold on what! Wait I remember my mom and dad saying something like how the pack shouldn't know about me, what pack and why can't they know about me

I shiver when I realize there is a possibility of this being true

"What is your name?" I ask

"My Name is silence," He says

"Will you explain everything to me please silence" I beg

"Of course Oliver" Silence nods

While Jamie was getting the food silence explains everything to me. Turns out I'm a Submissive omega wolf which means I can get pregnant and bear children. he also explains everything about werewolves, he says that we have three different genders alpha being the most powerful and omegas being the weakest but there are omegas who have changed everybody's thinking on omegas. apparently, I will have something called heats which are kinda like human females periods. when I'm on my heat period it will make me feel hot and horny I will want to mate with anybody who is an alpha. they have invented something called suppressants which will make me feel a little better. The reason I haven't had my heat yet is that I'm still a virgin.

Jamie finally comes back with my food as soon as they put it on the table I begin to gobble up the food like I haven't had food for the last week but who can blame me if exhausted after learning all that information that my parents have been hiding from me.

"geez I was hoping you weren't going to eat so I can have your share" Jamie grumbles

I try to swallow all the food I shoveled in my mouth so I can talk " Sorry"

" I really like your friend, they seem cool"Silence says

" I know right, they make me happy so I think ill stick with them for a while" I reply happily

As soon as we finished eating we head home me and silence talk to each other. I learn that he is very calm and sweet kinda like me.

I go to my room and fall asleep talking to silence i dream of a large tan wolf