
Years of leveling

30 years of leveling and I am still F class adventurer, I think I am not suited for becoming an adventurer but I don't want to become a big muscle-ass farmer!!! I just don't want to be like my father who didn't return after planning to buy cocow milk. But I cannot believe that I will be going to encounter a much more big problem than my problem of leveling, is it to protect the goddess of misfortune and defeat the dark king dragon...wait an F-class adventurer ordered to kill a Dragon king??!!!? THE WORLD IS OUT OF MIND!!!!!!!!! —+—+—+— Also, the cover is now owned by me, if the artist wants to take it down, please contact me.

AshenToon · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Ought to kill him


A filthy little kid nervously ran out from the Warbin forest as thunderous angry roars were coming from the forest. The kid swiftly examines his body whether there might a missing part on his body, after examining it for a while that there are no missing parts. The nervousness on the kid's face quickly gone and turn to excitement. Innocently laughing at what happened inside the forest for a moment, the kid returns to the small village as if nothing big happen. The small village survived thanks to the small rice fields they have, to only trade them with the merchants who pass by here in exchange for their daily needs, many travelers wonder why not even a single bandit came here to raid their foods and things, nobody can question that mystery to the villagers for they might turn idiots.

The villagers living here were only the elders who came back when there are too old to work in cities. They are forgettable old people that they even forgot their names but if they ask about the mystery, the villagers will just forget the question in 2.20 seconds away which can make the one who questions them want to perish soon because of exhaustion of explaining them over again.

The little kid secretly sneaks into an old cottage, which an elder man weaving alone near a window. The kid sneakily climbs the other winder which the elder didn't notice anything off, slowly and steadily walking to the back of the elder then...



Hehe, enjoy giggling to the elder that was touching his dear heart.

"Gasp. You nearly killed me this time, boy!"

Then before the elder can catch the kid, the little kid fastly runs out of the old cottage. The elder tries to catch the kid but he seems too old to even run on him. After some time, the elder relaxed and completely forgot what happen not long ago, noticing this the little kid come toward the elder and sit with him.

"What did you do this time?"

The little kid seems knows what the elder mean, but didn't answer it immediately.


"Ahhh...I just wonder near the forest, that's all."

The elder doubt him as if he knew little Woo lied again.

The kid sighs heavily like a great elephant that travels distance lands without taking any breaks.

"I made another big cat pissed off."

The elder touch his forehead in disbelief at what he heard from little Woo.

Sigh, depressingly look at little Woo as if regretting saving Woo when he was a baby, while little Woo confusingly frowned and stared at the elder.

"Whatever, you can't go any more on the forest even if there are no monsters, understood?"

Little Woo rebelliously nodded, he almost cried. But the elder sense immediately that this little Woo will use a way to make him let go into the forest again. Crocodile tears.

"Stop crying crocodile tears!"

Little Woo stopped crying disappointingly as if failed to succeed in the plan, but the elder think little Woo don't have plan B!


Remembering the past made him uncomfortable a bit. When he came back to his senses, he was just tied in the tree where Rose tied him up before. Woo doesn't know if Rose left him here helplessly or if Rose has other business and then forgot about him being tied up here.

Woo observed the surroundings while being tied to the dead tree whether they might still have skeletons that survived the bombing meteorites, but it seems no skeletons survived than him, which means that the attack was strong to wipe out all armies of undeads once, other than that he also noticed the ground didn't change like forming craters randomly around him or even the surrounding didn't even change a bit. The missing here is the skeletons only.

Recalling what happened not long time ago, Woo's turn paled again. It was his first time seeing a young woman but his first expression to them was a bit cringe to say.

'I never thought woman here was too dangerous, they will even kill me in this spot.'

Now that he mentions where he is standing right now, Woo consciously moved his body to loosen the rope. It was embarrassing to think if someone sees Woo doing this, he looks like a worm or even worst looking like a lizard tail separated from the owner's body.

Failing to break free from the top many times, he helplessly look at the sky and asked for guidance from the Holy Cow. Suddenly hear a rustling in the bushes, Woo almost wet himself a little.


"Whew, I didn't know I will wipe out all those monsters in one shot!"

Rose came out to surprise the bushes and was amazed by what she achieve right now.

Woo relief that was just only Rose, not another monster appeared.

"Can you untie me then, please?"

Woo straight to the point, he wants to break free from tying from this damn tree.

"Of course, of course."

Finished untying Woo from the tree, Woo collapsed from the ground, as if he lost all strength from the fight.

(A:What?! You didn't even help Rose kill those evil monsters.)

Woo, remember there won the battle just now meaning there are free to go to the city then!

"Let's go to the city!"

Energizingly stands up as if he didn't lose his strength at all and informs Rose about continuing their walk to the city.

"Ahh! I almost forgot about that, let's go then!"

As there are about to proceed on their journey to Merry Arche City. Someone disturbs their plan again.

"Wait! Don't you dare to think we're done yet?"



Feeling shame, she continued talking blushingly.


The little girl angrily pointed to Woo.


"Yes you are, next time I will meet your disgusting cow face I will directly send you to hell!!"


Hurt what the little girl said to Woo, he slowly touched his sorrowful heart.

"Prepare yourself next we meet again, red-haired!"

Before the little girl is about to teleport using dark magic, Rose uses a counter-attack.

"No, your better prepare your height next, 'cause I don't want to fight small kids."


Pissed off by what Rose said to her sarcastically, she teleported immediately while cursing Rose inside her heart.

They continue walking toward the city after staring at where the little girl teleported a while ago, maybe one doesn't know what those two are thinking but one thing you'll notice on their face is the 'That girl needs to go to the psychiatrist' expression.

Did you know that when you made a vow to Heaven and Earth, Heaven will watch you do the promises and Earth will list your vows, if you didn't finish the vow you made to Heaven and Earth, they will kill you even if you're the God of Gods.

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