
Yearning || WangXian

gingeun · Selebritas
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

The rain fell from the sky like Cupid's tears, pouring down on him relentlessly as he stood amidst the silence of the droplets. The rain mirrored his tears that he dared not shed, saturating the air with a melancholic mist. The sound of droplets echoed through the desolate city, adding to the emptiness and sorrow.

Amidst the desolation of a once-thriving city now reduced to ruins, Wangji stood motionless in despair and silence, feeling suffocated as if he could not breathe. His gaze fixed on the remnants of the battle that had ravaged the land. The memories of the battle flashed before his eyes, the sound of swords clashing echoed throughout his ears, and the smell of stale blood mixed with ash stained the surrounding air, triggering a surge of emotions. Yet, he fought to keep his feelings hidden, as if determined not to let his pain consume him. He remained stoic, refusing to let the chaos of his emotions overtake him, even if his heart ached.

Standing amidst the ruins, his heart heavy with the weight of loss and sorrow, the devastation laid before him was a cruel reminder of the war that had torn their world apart. Memories of A-Xian, now like a distant dream, haunted him. The echoes of their laughter and camaraderie, once

filling his heart with warmth, now left his heart emptier than ever.

As he gazed at the destruction, he saw the tapestry of pain and regret that the war had woven. It left behind nothing but brokenness and desolation, suffocating him. The vibrant colors of life had faded away, replaced by the dull grays of death and destruction. His heart ached as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

He longed for the days when A-Xian had been by his side, the days when their hearts beat as one and their souls intertwined. But now, he was left alone, wandering through the ruins of a once-beautiful city, with a heavy heart and memories of a time that could never be again. The war had taken everything he had away from him, leaving behind only the scars of pain and echoes of a love lost.

Navigating through the debris-strewn streets, memories of their past unfolded like a scroll in his mind. Each memory was a brushstroke in the tapestry of their tale. The days when they roamed freely, hearts unburdened, and souls unshackled. A-Xian's infectious laughter and vibrant spirit, once a source of comfort and joy, now felt like a cruel reminder of what was lost. The unspoken connection that had bound their souls, once a thread of pure love and passion, now felt frayed, worn thin by choices made and consequences faced.

The weight of the past pressed down on him, suffocating within memories of a love that had once been pure and beautiful. The memories of their love, passion, and connection were slipping away, leaving only painful memories of their separation.

The weight of the past felt like a threat, as if it could crush him at any moment. He knew he had to keep going, to move forward, even if it meant leaving memories behind. Knowing the pain of the past would always be with him, he had to find a way to live with it, make peace with the memories, and move on. He had no choice but to do so.

Deep within the heart of the war-torn city, there lay an artifact, one that held the promise of rewriting their destiny. His resolve to find it burned brighter than ever, a beacon of hope in the darkness of their present. He longed to undo the mistakes of the past, to mend the bonds that had been shattered like glass. The artifact was the only hope, the key to unlocking a brighter tomorrow, and he had been determined to find it, no matter the cost, for it held the power to rewrite history, change the course of their lives, and bring back what had been lost.

He could feel its pull, like a magnetic force drawing him closer. With each step he took, his resolve grew stronger, and his determination became unbreakable. He was willing to risk everything to find the artifact and rewrite destiny, to bring back the light that had been extinguished from their lives.


Chapter Summary:

Wangji travels through a dilapidated city, driven by a quest for an ancient artifact capable of reshaping history. The desolation he faces mirrors the aftermath of a war that has torn their world asunder.