
Yasuo in demon slayer

Yasuo takes a walk to find him self in another world. In the world he forgets about his previous life nad lets the chains of guilt to losen

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6 Chs

Chapter 4 (The return)

The demon reached the ground and started fading away with its head on the side

Tanjiro grabbed its hand and put it on his forehead. The demon was crying because of his action

"We did it Tanjiro, but I think it is best if we keep going." Yasuo said, looking down on him

Then Tanjiro stood up and nodded

They ran around the forest for days fighting every demon that came their way. At which time Tanjiro was asking them how can a demon turn back to a human. At which no one answered

At the last day it started raining and ones again Tanjiro asked a demon how can a demon turn back into a human. But there was no answer. The demon charged at him and got his head cut off. They continued just to find themselves into a forest similar to the one they were in when they entered the final selection

"Well this is the end. We did it ones again." Yasuo said as he gave a sigh of relief

The time passed by and now it was morning The successors gathered to the same place it all started. There was five people. A blond guy, A girl with a butterfly on her head and in hand, An angry looking person And Both Tanjiro and Yasuo

The blond kid seemed to be paranoid

"Welcome back everyone, And congratulation, we are pleased to see you safe." The girls said together

"So? I made it back alive. What do i do now? Where is my sword?" The angry guy said

"Patience. We must first make you all uniforms. We will start by taking your measurements. Next your rank will be engraved on the back of your hand." They said "For your reference there are 10 ranks" "Hinoe. Hinoto. Tsuchinoe. Tsuchinoto. Kanoe. Kanoto. Mizunoe. Mizunoto. You all start at Mizunoto. This is the lowest rank in the demon slayer core."

"And our swords?" The kid asked again

"In a moment you will be given the chance to select the ore that will be used to forge your swords. However it will be ten to fifteen days before the weapons are ready for you" They said "But first" Then she clapped her hands and crows came down from the sky. Then continued "Now that you are demon slayers. You must each be assigned kasugai crows. The kasugai crows are primarily for communications."

The blond boy was confused because his crow was actually a sparrow

"I don't need this crap! Who the hell cares about some stupid crows." The already angry looking said before he grabbed one of the girls by the hair "I want my sword right now. Give it to me before i get angry. The color changing katana. Do you hear?"

"Take your hand off her or i break your arm right now!" Tanjiro said while holding his wrist

"Give it your best shot." He said

Then Tanjiro proceeded to do so. The kid started screaming in pain and so stepped backwards

"Are you finished chatting with each other?" The black haired girl said. Then she moved a blanket to reveal a table with ores on it "Now the time has come. Please select a ore to use for your sword. The steel you will use to protect your self and to annihilate countless demons"

Then all stepped forward to pick a ore

Yasuo saw one it was brighter then any other and so he picked it and gave it to the girl and asked "Can you tell the person who will make me the sword to melt the steel of the blade but to not touch the handle and decorations of it." Then he showed it

The girl was silent. He pointed which parts to not be touched and which to be.

"Tell him to mix the melted steel and the melted ore." Yasuo said as he left his sword to her

Then the others picked and Tanjiro and him went off

Tanjiro had trouble walking even though he ran and walked perfectly fine

It took not so long to get back, But long enough for it to be night

Once they were close to the house Nezuko Kicked the door open and left the house

"Nezuko, You are awake." Tanjiro said as he started walking toward her

Nezuko started running toward him. Tanjiro collapsed and so Nezuko hugged him

Sakonji saw them and was happy for it and so he joined the hug and said "You are here. You came back alive.

Yasuo walked past them and smiled to see them happy. He then entered the house and sat down

After sometime Tanjiro And Sakonji came in and Nezuko went to sleep

"I am truly impressed that you made it back. You should know there are different kinds of demons. The blood demon art is a special spell some use to give them abilities. You may end up facing one of them in the nearby future aswell. And fighting against the super natural will be more difficult than anything you have faced."

Yasuo was tired and so went to sleep before he could fall asleep he heard Sakonji's words

One morning. They were waiting for fifteen days

A strange man with a hat that has bells around it, was walking toward them. "My name is Haganezuka, I have forged Tanjiro Kamado's sword and Recreated Yasuo's blade I am here to deliver them."

"I am Tanjiro Kamado and the person next to me is Yasuo, come in." Tanjiro said

"This is a Nirichin sword i have forged it myself. The materials for this kind off sword only come of the mountain closest to the sun. made of scarlet iron sand and scarlet ore. Unique they produce steel that can absorb sun light. You see mount Yoko is bathed in sun light all day. Never clouds block The lights way." Then the guy looked at tanjiro. he was with a mask "Hey, You are a child of brightness Aren't you. Well isn't that lucky."

"Uh... my parents names were Tanjiro and Kie." Tanjiro replied confused

"That's not what I mean you know how your hair and eyes have a redish color to them. What if a family that works with fire has a child like you. It's considered lucky and calls for celebration. That means this sword has a good chanceof turning red. Right Urokodaki?" The masked man said

Then they entered the house

Kamado Sat on the floor and Yasuo next to him

Yasuo was looking around the sword it looked like Nothing have happened to it, wait there is something different about it. When you draw the sword you can see a Dragon on each side. Which meant they are two.

"Looks nice." Yasuo said satisfied of it's appearance. Then he tried it's hardness and it was harder than before. because of the mixed metal

After some time of holding the blade the steel became darker. Like a cloud ready to rain

"Hum?" Yasuo was confused of it's property, but was still satisfied of the result "You have done a great job on my blade. I see you have added some art."

"Indeed. The metal i used for it's making it has the property to change its color based of the personality of its user. And it seemed your have became gray." The masked guy said

Tanjiro then Unsheet his sword and hold it for a little after sometime it became pure black and the masked man freaked out and attacked him, but was interrupted by two crows the one of Yasuo and the one of Tanjiro.

They told them about some disappearances of your women in some village