

"Yarrk: The Vampire Saga" is a captivating and dark story of a lone vampire named Yarrk. He is an immortal being, trapped in an existence marked by darkness and emptiness. Since ancient times, Yarrk has found himself trapped in his insatiable thirst for human blood. While he nursed his thirst, he was also haunted by constant loneliness, unable to truly connect with any human being. However, everything changes when Yarrk comes across a young woman named Elena. Her presence awakens a spark of humanity in him, a desire to experience life and happiness in ways he never imagined possible. Yarrk sees in her hope of finding redemption for his past sins and a chance to escape this eternal cycle of darkness. However, difficulties arise when Yarrk realizes that his dark world is not ready to make room for a light like Elena. He is pursued by other vampires and hunters of supernatural creatures, who see Yarrk as a threat to balance and the established order. Between epic battles, betrayals and unexpected discoveries, Yarrk must face his own inner demons and fight for the possibility of true love. He will have to decide whether eternal life is a blessing or a curse, and whether he should continue to delve into the shadows or seek redemption. "Yarrk: The Vampire Saga" is a gripping, twisting narrative that explores the limits of immortality and the search for love and meaning in a world plunged in darkness. Prepare to embark on this dark and captivating journey through the mind of a vampire in search of his lost humanity.

Emerald_Net · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs


"The Second Inquisition," Julian says when you get back. "All those little slips Cainites made back when we were still alive have added up to a new inquisition, except this one is embedded in the US government. And I'm not sure, but I think it's out of control…an undirected complex of fear and rage within the military-industrial apparatus dedicated to the destruction of us all.

"They're watching us both, but they don't know exactly where we are. Not yet, anyway, but the Camarilla is both corrupt and incompetent. They might expose you accidentally or deliberately, and when the SI drags you from your haven into the sun, you won't have time to wonder which it was."

He takes out his phone, checks the time, frowns a little.

"You're going to need better security than this if you stay here," he says. "What are you going to rig up? Cameras? Poison gas, like we used in Fort Worth? Maybe, uh, laser trip wires."

"I can't stay," you remind him.

"Oh right," Julian says. "Ravnos are cursed to wander the earth like Caine. The one in Kung Fu, not the other guy. So what are you going to do?"