
Yaoi love (The darkness in the world)

Kasuto is a kid that was raised in an orphan and he thought his life was pointless but his parents actually put him in there to protect him until it was time for the prophecy to be fulfilled and it results that Kasuto is actually the strongest person alive and the one to fulfill the prophecy and bring peace to the world. With his future husband Venz, his friends and the 8 guardians by his side they try to bring peace to the world, being in exiting adventures and romances they learn more from each other and hope to see who will win the war of the world Just keep reading to know what’s gonna happen!!! Follow me on Instagram. @thatboy_j3ys0n

thatboy_j3ys0n · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Let’s try to get out the forest

Venz and Kasuto are kissing

Random guy: *walks towards them* what are two young guys doing in this forest, you do realize that you can die easily right?

Venz: *puts his arm in front of Kasuto* who are you and what do you want? 😡

Random guy: the name is Zejitsu I am the king of the land of the desert, is so unusual to see two guys in this forest and specially kissing 😶

Kasuto: *stands up* hello I am Kasuto and there's a guy that wants to kill me and control the world

Venz: stop, how can we know we can trust you?

Zejitsu: you don't, if I would of want to kill you I would of already done it 😒

Kasuto: do you have the power to make me remember who I am? People keep coming saying I'm the prince Hikari and I want to know what that means

Zejitsu: *gets shocked* your the one of the prophecy I can't believe I actually got to meet you, and I am afraid I cannot only people with psychic powers can help you with that

Venz: whats the type of power you have?

Zejitsu: shut up you irrelevant peasant, I am a king and I will only answer to royal family

Venz: *looks at Kasuto* is this guy serious 😑

Kasuto: 🤦🏻‍♂️ what type of powers do you have?

Zejitsu: I can manipulate sand and make it do whatever I want

Venz: that's nice

Zejitsu: shut up peasant

Kasuto: *gets triggered* address him as the king of Hikari husband of king Kasuto Hikari

Venz: 😳

Zejitsu: as you wish your highness ☺️

Kasuto: can you help us get out this forest?

Zejitsu: of course

Meanwhile on another part of the forest

Rafael: *wakes up* whe-where am I?

Sakata: your finally awake it was about time🙄, you hungry? I have some fish

Rafael: *quickly stands up* youuuu, this is my time to finally get rid of you, (Rafael eyes gurn purple and extents his hand to throw and dark ray at Sakata)

Sakata: stays sitting down minding his own business

Rafael: it's time for you to *screams* ahhhhhgg there's a spider on my shoulder, take it off take it off

Sakata: you want to control the world but you're afraid of a simple spider 😑

Rafael: *teleports at Sakata's feet* 🥺😭takeit off

Sakata: only if you promise not to kill me😒

Rafael: deallll just take it offfffff!!!

Sakata: *hits the spider off Rafael's shoulders with one finger* there you go

Floors starts to tremble

Rafael: what was that?

Sakata: *looks behind Rafael* don't be scared but there's something behind you

Rafael: *turns around slowly and sees a giant spider behind him* it-it-it's huge *faints*

Sakata: and this is what people is afraid off 😑

Spider: *roars and runs towards them*

Sakata: guess some toasted spider legs wouldn't taste that bad (thinks to himself), *raises his hand and winds surrounds him blowing at his face* knight power imprison

With this power the spider is put in cuffs attached to the ground

Spider: *struggles to get out, roars*

Sakata: knight power 1000 swords, ( a bunch of swords start to appear in the sky) *points at the spider and swords stabs it everywhere killing it

Rafael: *wakes up* is it gone?

Sakata: yes would you like some spider legs they taste so good

Rafael: *faints again*

Sakata: this is gonna be a long way out🙄

Meanwhile in another side of the forest

Barbara: *wakes up* where am ahhhhh (slaps suko on the face) what the hell is wrong with you you idiot why were you so close to my face

Suko: *crying* 😭 that hurts, I thought you were dead and I was gonna try CPR on you

Barbara: be grateful I didn't kill you😤

Suko: we have to get out this forest and find Kasuto quick

Barbara: *starts running* you better don't slow me down or I'll kill you😒

Suko: how can such a cute girl be so scary 😭


Leo: (ok I think is time for this people to wake up) lance #8 springler *points at the people from the orphanage and starts throwing water at them waking them up

Azuna: youuuu big fat idiot, you could just shout

Leo: who calling fat you imbecile🤬🤬 last time I checked I wear smaller clothes than you and I'm skinnier than you

Azuna: yeah because your a kid, so I'm in charge of leading this group out of this forest cuz everyone respects me

Leo: let's see about that, fight me and the winner is going to lead

Azuna: with pleasure (what did I get myself into now😓)

Leo: ladies first make your move

Azuna: wind dance whirlwind attack *a really strong wind comes out of nowhere cutting everyone everywhere even their clothes and makes the float in the air

Leo: *yawns 😪* is that all you got 😈, lance #2 one hundred knives *his lance transformed into 100 mini lances* this attack is called 100 KNIVES OF DEATH (pointing at Azuna the lances surrounded her and before he could attack she said

Azuna: waittttt, I don't wanna die I give up😭

Leo: ok come on let's get moving now😒


Koharu: kasama wake up we need to go

Kasama: good morning

Koharu: good morning😑, girl if we don't get moving we're gonna get killed

Kasama: you're right let's go

Giant snake comes out of nowhere

Snake: dsssss, what are two beautiful young ladies doing in such a dangerous forest 🐍

Kasama: we're sorry mr. snake can you tell us which way is the way to get out

Koharu: *smacks Kasama on the head* you idiot is a snake he's gonna eat us

Snake: she's correct (snake tries teat them with a bite)

Koharu: (puts her fingers in the ground and pulls a huge wall that makes the snake crash on it)

Kasama: good job Koharu my turn, *raises hands* snake venom 1000 poisonous needles 😈 (this 1000 needles hit the snake and the poison starts going in him)

Koharu: so you had this ability and didn't help Kasuto out when he was about to get killed by Rafael

Kasama: I couldn't, Rafael is hot I don't hurt hot people

Koharu: 😐, *smacks Kasama on the head* let's go

They kept running and met with Leo and his squad

Leo: I see you two have managed to survive, I'm impressed, only Kings have managed to survive this forest of demons

Kasama: demons? We just fought an oversized snake

Leo: you guys got lucky then😐 (hears noise) something it's approaching everyone get ready; (starts flying) There you are *levitates a rock and throws it at a tree breaking the tree in half*

Demon: oh my what a throw nice arm you got there I wonder how your body would look on me😈

Leo: I wonder how your body would look stabbed by my lance 😈

Demon: *starts charging his aura*

Leo: 😰 *this is a demon category 4 *. Don't matter (extends hands and charge up his aura) *gets hit in the face by the demon sending him flying destroying multiple trees*

Koharu, Kasama, Azuna: what just happened 😨

Demon: as I thought a simple human can't defeat me a demon (gets stabbed in the the heart) coughs blood

Leo: *flies in the sky while blood is coming out his mouth* you thought wrong cuz I already killed you 😠

Demon: you bastard that actually hurts *grabs the lance and pulls it out*

Leo: that's impossible😧 I'm sure I stabbed your heart why aren't you dead yet😡

Demon: I'm a demon, demons don't possess any type of hearts we eat them and they give us strength 😈

Leo: I'll kill you lance #..

Demon: appears behind him too slow *soccer kick Leo's head sending him flying again even farther this time*

Azuna: wind control!! *gets Leo safe on the ground with the wind*

Leo: *stands up while bleeding from his mouth, nose, and head) you bastard!!! I won't let you hurt them

Demon: this is getting boring and I'm starting to feel hungry😪

Leo: sacred lance #6 PETRIFICATION, Azuna, Koharu and Kasama help me

Kasama: you got it😠, (stretches her body around the demon like a snake strangling it's prey) Koharu Mother Earth!! (Raises both of her hands and gets the demon feet on the ground unable to move

Azuna: wind nature (points her hand towards the demon and I bust of wind goes over him making him unable to jump)

Leo: now Kasama let him go (moves his hand making the lance go behind the demon and coming towoards him at a great speed)

Kasama: *starts unrolling* (demon grabs her from her neck)

Demon: I'll have u as a meal first😈 haha-h *gets stabbed by the lance and coughs dark blood* what is this. Why this time it feels weird

Leo: flies towards him, I told you no to hurt them (grabs the demons hand and breaks it to make him let go of Kasama)

Demon: ahhhhhhhhgggg!!! You bastard I'll kill youuuuuu *looks to his stomach where the lance is stabbing him from* what-what is this I'm turning into stone !!! (Turns into stone completely)

Leo: *takes out the lance and the demon turns into ashes* than-thank you girls (faints and Koharu catches him)

Koharu: his bleeding a lot we have to get out this forest fast and look for medicine

Azuna: *rips part of her dress and puts it on Leo's head to stop the bleeding for a while* that'll help us for a while let's get going guys

Koharu, Kasama, and the people: right


Kasuto: how much longer?

Zejitsu: just like 30 more minutes of walk

Venz: something's coming

A three headed demon appears in front of them

Demon: hello there

Zejitsu: I have no time to deal with you demos right now 😡

Demon: oh my but it's fun to play isn't it brothers

Another head: it is!!!

Third head: yes!!!

Venz: Kasuto stand back😠

Demon: *runs right pass Venz to get Kasuto* (bites)

Venz: nooooo!!!!

1st head: what is this? Where did this sand come from

Kasuto: *opens his eyes and sees a huge wall of sand in front of him*

Zejitsu: I will be your opponent demon🤬

2nd head: I see you want to die!!! *Runs towards Zejitsu but bumps into another wall of sand*

Zejitsu: *extends hand and the sand rolls up on one of the heads* SAND SPIKES!! (The sand got in spike shape that destroys on of the heads)

Head one: you bastard why would you do such thing now we're gonna kill you!!!

Zejitsu: extends arm (sands begins to rise) SAND BULLETS!! *bullets of sand began to shoot

Demon: demon barrier TIME MANIPULATION (creates a room that makes Zejitsu 5 times slower than them)

Demon: *runs behind Zejitsu* it's time to dieeee!!! (Transforms his had into a sword and stabs Zejitsu in the heart)

Zejitsu: *coughs blood and falls on the floor* (the room created by the demon vanishes)

Demon: *looks at Venz and Kasuto* now is your turnnn!!!

To be continue....