
Yamada Satau: Mushroom Reincarnation

Leading the life of a mushroom beast in another world

rupbhai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


The night sky was dominated by a fierce thunderstorm, making the weather incredibly harsh. After walking a long distance Yamada finally stumbled upon an enigmatic settlement. The warm glow of lights emanating from within gave him hope that it might be a human settlement, prompting him to investigate further.

As he neared the village, he activated his demon eye to explore its secrets. "Whoa, I've stumbled upon a human village! I better stick around and dig deeper into this world," he grinned with excitement. With a stroke of genius, he devised a plan to stay in the village. Yamada altered his size and looks to resemble an adorable infant. "I need to locate a home that will take in an orphaned baby," Yamada declared. As he neared a humble abode, he settled himself outside the door, resembling a forsaken child left in the care of a stranger. However, the tale takes a dark turn when an enigmatic figure, draped in a mysterious black cloak, stealthily makes its way towards young Yamada. As he pondered his next move, a figure drew near. "Who dares intrude upon my presence?" he wondered, preparing to unleash his dark magic. To his surprise and relief, he discovered that it was not an adversary, but a woman with beautifully pointed ears. With one glance of his demonic eye, he perceived her true identity as an elf, quickly realizing that she posed no threat to him. Then with utmost kindness, the elf lady lifted him in her palm.

"Oh my goodness, you are precious! Don't fret about a thing, I'll make sure you're well taken care of. Whoever could abandon someone as sweet as you must have a heart of stone. You truly are a delightful soul." The elf woman's voice carried a tinge of sadness as she spoke. She then brought him along. Then the elf lady welcomed him into her home, which took baby Yamada by surprise as he discovered that she was married to a human. Their marriage was marked by the stark contrast between their social standings. Living as a commoner, her husband and she endured the hardships of a poverty-stricken life. Their humble abode bore witness to their struggles, its condition a testament to the ravages of time.

"Darling husband, do you think we could provide a loving home for this forsaken soul? It seems that someone truly heartless has left him to suffer," Lady Elf pleaded with her husband.

Her husband, a compassionate and gentle soul, adored his wife dearly. It was futile to deny his wife, so he simply acquiesced, affirming, "My dear wife, you must ensure his well-being with utmost care." Now Yamada had become their son in every sense of the word, addressing them as mom and dad with official recognition. After a few moments, he noticed two young ladies making their way towards him. The first was petite with elf-like ears, sporting a head of shimmering silver locks and a charming countenance. The second was taller, with a human-like visage. Yamada pondered within himself, "I believe those individuals are my sisters."

[ Yamada Satau family members ]

Mother: Akane Sonozaki, Age 200 years

Father: Haruki Fukamachi, Age 30 years

Sister 1: Mie Fukamachi, Age 10 years

Sister 2: Ema Fukamachi, Age 15 years

Myself: Kenji Fukamachi (new name) Age 6 months

In the aftermath, their son was given a new name, Kenji Fukamachi. With a joyful heart, he exclaimed, "Behold, I am now known as Kenji, a name bestowed upon me by my loving adoptive parents in this enchanting realm."Moreover, he pondered silently, "At present, I am unable to reciprocate their immense love and support. However, in the coming days, I am determined to shield them from any harm and fulfil their every desire, just as I vowed."

As time passed, he gradually discovered more about his parents and sisters. Mia, with her exceptional magical abilities, dreamt of becoming a mage and embarking on thrilling adventures. In contrast, Ema possessed incredible strength and excelled in both swordsmanship and archery, skills inherited from her mother.

Yamada, lying on the floor still a baby, couldn't help but acknowledge the impressive skills possessed by his sisters. "I must admit, they are truly talented," he mused.

Mia was completely infatuated with his adorable charm and would spend the entire day playing with him.

In a hushed tone, he murmured to himself, "How much longer must I pretend to be a sweet, innocent child in her presence? I'm a fully grown 21-year-old man, for goodness sake. This charade is utterly exhausting."

Ema frequently ventures into the nearby forest to hunt and gather wood, while her father Akane, a farmer, makes a weekly trip to the market to sell his fresh vegetables. The breadwinner of Yamada's family is her husband, while her mother takes care of the household. The family's financial stability rests solely on his shoulders.

Yamada pondered, "I need to take action on this matter."

Six years later,

[ Kenji Fukamachi ]

Age - 6 years 6 months old

It's been six long years since he first arrived in this world. Throughout this time, he hasn't had a single friend to call his own. However, he cherished every moment spent with his family during these last few years. And also he has been utilizing his cheat skill to effortlessly alter his size and mold his facial features to his liking.

Mie turned to Kenji and asked, "Do you know what's special about today, Kenji?"

Kenji pondered for a moment before responding, "I'm not sure what you're referring to, Mie."

Suddenly, Mie embraced Kenji and exclaimed, "It's your first birthday today!"

She planted a gentle kiss on Kenji's cheeks and asked, "Does it ring a bell now?"

Kenji softly whispered at first, "Receiving kisses from a little one is quite an event," and added, "Yes, it all came back to me now. Today is my birthday. Thank you, dear sister."

Then Ema handed over the sword to Kenji as a birthday gift and said, "You're six now, my little brother. It's time for you to start your training. Get ready." Kenji received the sword with excitement and replied, "I'll be ready to defeat you, Ema!"

As his mother walked up to him, she spoke gently, "I know it's not much for your birthday, but here's a book from both me and your father."

Kenji responded with gratitude, "Your love and my father's love mean everything to me. I don't need anything more than that."

His unexpected words left them in awe. Yet, a smile adorned their faces, filled with pride and gratitude for having such an amazing child.

"Hey Kenji," Mie called out excitedly, "I've got something really cool to show you. Come over here!"

As a token of her affection, she gifted him with a beautiful piece of cloth on his birthday.

"Wow, Mie, this looks like quite the splurge! How did you manage to get your hands on this?" he asked curiously.

Mie chuckled and replied, "Oh, don't fret about it! Just put it on and you'll look absolutely adorable in this dress!"

In the depths of Kanji's thoughts, a gentle murmur resonated, "I am forever grateful for the precious gifts my parents and sisters have given me, and I will treasure them eternally."

With the birthday celebrations coming to an end, he took a moment to express his sincere appreciation to his family for all the love and effort they had put into making his first birthday unforgettable.

Since now he's six, determined to work hard and earn as much money as possible for his family.



[ Tamada Satau stats: ]

New name: Kenji Fukamachi

[ Level - 100 (max)

Cheat skill - size manipulation and Swap Species

Skills - Devil's eye, body creation, martial arts, magic, swordsmanship, cooking.....

Mana - 900000 ( Demon God level mana ) can be. increased.

Species: Monster/Human

Race: Mushroom maniac (can take human form)

Special ability: Darkmagic, mimics any magic

Age: 6 years 6 months


( Thank you for reading )