
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

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18 Chs


Yamato, with a gloomy demeanor, directed Kajuwa and Jin to go to Yokohama, they both exchanged puzzled glances. They trusted their leader's instincts and knew there was a reason for this visit, but they couldn't help but wonder what awaited them in Yokohama.

The drive to Yokohama was silent, with a tense atmosphere engulfing the car. Yamato's mind was preoccupied with memories of the past and the burden he carried as the Oni. Kajuwa and Jin respected his need for solitude and focused on the road ahead.

Upon arriving in Yokohama, Yamato instructed them to go to a shrine. As Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin arrived at the shrine, the atmosphere felt serene, a stark contrast to the chaotic world they were immersed in. The shrine was a place of spiritual refuge, where people sought solace and guidance. Yamato led the way, his steps purposeful and contemplative. He approached the main shrine building, where a priest was tending to the sacred grounds.

"Welcome to the Seiran Shrine," the priest greeted them warmly. "How may I assist you today?"

"Welcome to the Seiran Shrine," the priest greeted them warmly. "How may I assist you today?"

Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin bowed respectfully to the priest before Yamato spoke, "We've come seeking... Kurosaki" he said with a stern voice.

The priest looked taken aback by Yamato's mention of "Kurosaki." The name seemed to stir something within him, and he regarded Yamato with a mix of surprise and concern.

"Kurosaki...?" the priest repeated, his voice tinged with caution. Upon hearing the name, that priest's demeanor changed as he asked Yamato - "And who is...asking for the name?" Yamato with a deep voice replied "Kazuki.. Yamato" Yamato's gaze remained firm. The priest's eyes widened in recognition as he heard Yamato's name. "Kazuki Yamato," he whispered, almost in disbelief. "The legendary Oni of the Yakuza and underworld." Yamato nodded solemnly, acknowledging the priest's words. The priest asked Yamato and his followers to follow him into the shrine. Yamato and his followers followed the priest into the shrine away from prying eyes and ears, the air heavy with anticipation and a sense of solemnity. Inside, the shrine was adorned with traditional Japanese decorations and symbols, creating a sacred and serene atmosphere.

I must apologize for my initial hesitation," the priest said sincerely. "The name Kazuki Yamato is known far and wide, and your reputation precedes you."

Yamato nodded again, understanding the impact of his past actions on his current situation. "I understand," he replied. A single candle flickered in the dim light. Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin took a seat on the mats, forming a circle with the priest. The atmosphere in the room was filled with a sense of reverence and tranquility. The priest closed his eyes briefly, taking a moment to center himself. Suddenly the place where they were sitting started to shake. Yamato's eyes were unflinching and so were the priest's eyes. The place where they all were sitting was a platform that started to go down leaving Kajuwa and Jin startled and confused. Yamato knew about this since he knows about this place from his past. Soon enough they found themselves in an underground city.

As the platform descended into the underground city, Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin were met with a sight that left them in awe. The underground city was unlike anything they had ever seen before. It was a labyrinth of intricate architecture, with towering buildings, glowing runes, and a sense of ancient wisdom that permeated the air.

Yamato's memories of this place started flooding back. He had visited this hidden city years ago during his training and initiation into the world of the Yakuza. The underground city served as a sanctuary, a place where Yakuza leaders sought guidance and counsel from the wise ruler who resided there. The priest led the way, guiding them through the winding streets of the underground city. Along the way, they encountered people with various purposes, who could be affiliated with Yakuza or the underworld.

They continued to walk through the winding streets of the underground city, Yamato observed Kajuwa and Jin closely, noticing their reactions to the unfamiliar environment. Both of them seemed on edge, their senses heightened as they took in the sights and sounds around them.

Yamato knew that for those who had never been to this secret realm, the experience could be overwhelming. The underground city operated under its own rules and dynamics, far removed from the surface world.

"Stay close and keep your guard up," Yamato whispered to Kajuwa and Jin, knowing that caution was necessary in this secretive and unpredictable place.

They navigated through the bustling crowds, catching glimpses of shady deals and hushed conversations taking place in the corners. The underground city was a place of intrigue, where alliances were made and broken, and information was a valuable currency.

As they approached a particularly dimly lit alleyway, Yamato signaled to his companions to follow him. The priest, too, seemed to know the way, leading them deeper into the heart of the hidden realm.

They came across a hidden door, discreetly guarded by masked sentinels. The guards exchanged nods with the priest, recognizing his authority, but they only allowed Yamato to pass. Yamato nodded to Kajuwa and Jin, silently instructing them to stay behind and wait for him. He knew that venturing further into this mysterious place alone was a risk, but he also understood that some matters required a personal touch. With a confident but cautious stride, he proceeded alone, leaving his loyal companions in the chamber. Behind the door was a cavernous space, with corridors leading to various rooms and chambers. And in the middle was a Palace. Yamato took a moment to observe his surroundings as he entered the cavernous space. The palace at the center stood imposingly, and he could sense the air of power and authority that emanated from it. He murmured to himself, "The Kurosaki Palace huh... didn't change a bit." As Yamato walked through the palace with his hands in his pocket, memories of his past visits flooded his mind. The imposing structure, the grand halls, the intricate artwork on the walls – it all felt familiar yet distant. He remembered the times he had come here seeking guidance and advice, and wisdom.

The artwork on the walls reminded him of the stories and teachings hidden within their intricate designs. Each brushstroke seemed to convey a lesson, a reminder of the balance between strength and compassion, power and responsibility. Yamato was deeply moved by the reminder of the values he had once embraced and sought to uphold.

As he continued through the grand halls, he reflected on his past actions, the battles he had fought, and the lives he had affected. He knew that he had made mistakes and caused pain along the way. His journey had been filled with both light and darkness, and he was now facing the consequences of his choices.

Yamato's thoughts were interrupted when he reached a quiet corner of the palace, where a serene garden lay. The sound of trickling water from a nearby fountain filled the air, creating a peaceful ambiance. He took a moment to breathe, allowing the tranquility of the garden to wash over him.

Yamato stood in the serene garden, memories of his late wife, Mijumi, flooded his mind. He closed his eyes and let the gentle breeze caress his face, trying to summon the image of her smile and the warmth of her presence.

Mijumi had been his anchor, his source of comfort and solace in the tumultuous world he inhabited. She was a beacon of light in the darkness of his life, and her love had given him the strength to carry on even during the most challenging times. But tragically, fate had taken her away from him, leaving a void in his heart that nothing could fill.

He remembered the days they spent together, the laughter they shared, and the promises they made to each other. Mijumi had always been his confidante, understanding him in ways that no one else could. She saw the goodness in him, even when he couldn't see it in himself.

As Yamato reminisced, a tear trickled down his cheek. He missed her deeply, and the guilt of not being able to protect her haunted him. He had vowed to keep her safe, but the darkness of his world had consumed everything he held dear.

"I'm so sorry, Mijumi," he whispered to the gentle breeze. "I couldn't keep my promise to you. I couldn't protect you."

His heart ached as he yearned for her presence, for the chance to tell her how much he loved her and how he regretted not cherishing every moment they had together. He wished he could have done things differently, shielded her from the dangers of his life, and found a way to give her the peaceful life she deserved.

But there was no going back, no changing the past. All he could do now was to honor her memory by becoming a better person, a person she would be proud of. But that is after he slice the head of the one who had taken his most precious beloved Mijumi's life. Yamato stood in the garden, emotions of grief, love, and anger swirling within him. The memories of Mijumi's death were still fresh, and the pain of losing her was almost unbearable. The desire for vengeance burned in his heart, fueled by the knowledge that someone had taken her away from him. While in thoughts a voice came from a distance "How dare you stepped in this place". Yamato's head snapped up He turned to face the source of the voice, finding himself confronted by a formidable figure. The man who stood before him exuded an aura of power and authority, and his piercing gaze locked onto Yamato's with intensity. The man's eyes narrowed as he recognized Yamato. "Kazuki Yamato," he said with a mix of disdain and curiosity. "What brings you back here after all these years?" The man was none other than "Seijuro Kurosaki" The master of this place and the father of Mijumi Kurosaki the late wife of Kazuki Yamato. Seijuro Kurosaki was not just anyone; he was a powerful and respected figure in the underworld. They both share a history with Mijumi but it was a fact that Seijuro was Mijumi's father – his late wife's father.

The air around them crackled with tension as Yamato and Seijuro faced each other, both of them emanating an aura of power and authority. Yamato's eyes were unflinching, and he held Seijuro's gaze with determination, not backing down in the face of the powerful figure before him.

Seijuro's eyes bore into Yamato's, and for a moment, neither of them spoke. The weight of their shared history and the loss they had both endured hung heavy in the air. Yamato could feel the anger and grief within Seijuro, just as Seijuro could sense the same emotions within Yamato.

Finally, Seijuro broke the silence, his voice low and filled with a mix of sorrow and rage. "You were the one who brought her into this world, and you were the one who took her away from it," he said, his words cutting like a blade.

Yamato didn't flinch at the accusation. He knew that Seijuro's pain was understandable, and he couldn't fault him for feeling anger towards the man who had married his daughter, only to see her life cut short in a tragic manner.

"I never wanted any harm to come to her," Yamato replied, his voice steady. "I loved her with all my heart, and I would have given my life to protect her." "I knew that you would have already got the news but I still needed to come here personally" he added.

Seijuro listened to Yamato's words, his expression softening slightly as he heard the sincerity in his voice. He could sense the pain and regret in Yamato, and it reminded him of the love his daughter had spoken of when she was alive. Despite their past differences, Seijuro could see that Yamato truly loved Mijumi. Indeed, it was a lot for Seijuro to take in. The emotions swirling within him were complex and conflicting. On one hand, he was filled with grief over the loss of his beloved daughter, Mijumi, and anger towards those who had caused her death. On the other hand, he couldn't deny the love that Yamato had for Mijumi and the pain he himself must be going through.

Seijuro turned his back on Yamato as he said "If that is all you wanted to say, you may leave"

Yamato knew what Seijuro was going through "I didn't come here to ask for forgiveness". Yamato turned his back on Seijuro too, "Even though she wasn't your blood, I have not once ignored the fact how you took care of her, how much you did for her as a father would. I will never have the audacity to blame someone like you. As someone who loved her more than.. her late father and mother did. You loved her and made sure she gets everything she needs... I came here just to tell you that.. she always loved you too and was always aware of the fact you weren't her real father but you were also at the same time. As for me, I don't see why you should hold it back in as for someone who had lost her daughter "

As Seijuro heard Yamato's words, tears welled up in his eyes, and he couldn't hold back his emotions any longer. The weight of grief, guilt, and love all came crashing down on him, and he found himself unable to speak. He slowly fell to the floor. Yamato knew that Seijuro was the toughest guy in Underworld and Yakuza world and he still holds the title of one of the strongest, but when it comes to his daughter he is nothing more than cotton. He wanted to go and help him but at the same time he wanted Seijuro to take it all in like a man would. A man who has a weak point is bound to break, it is up to that person to decide if he wants to break or stand up with the shattering cracks in his heart as proof of the unimaginable pain one has gone through. Yamato walked off while saying "I promise you that, the one who had taken away the life of Mijumi, won't have the easiest death". He was holding off his tears pain anger all at the same time. He was boiling with rage, pure rage. He was leaking Killing intense so much that was hard to ignore and to breathe in. Hearing the last words of Yamato, Seijuro gritted his teeth with pure anger and rage. The priest who had accompanied Yamato through the way was behind a wall listening to their conversation he was in shock, as Yamato walked out of the room he hands over an Envelope to him and tells him to "When he gets cooldown give that envelope to him"

As Yamato walked out of the room, leaving Seijuro to process his emotions, the priest approached the older man cautiously. He held the envelope that Yamato had given him, unsure of what it contained. "Seijuro-san," the priest said gently, "Yamato asked me to give this to you when you've had a chance to calm down."

Seijuro took the envelope, his hands still trembling with anger and grief. He looked at the priest, his eyes filled with a mixture of emotions. "What is it?" he asked, his voice hoarse.

"I'm not sure," the priest replied. "Yamato didn't say, but he seemed to think it was important for you to have."

Seijuro took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He opened the envelope and found a letter inside. As he read the words written by Yamato, he felt a wave of emotions washing over him once again.

In the letter, Yamato expressed his deepest condolences for the loss of Mijumi and his regret for not being able to protect her. He acknowledged his own past mistakes and the pain they had caused Seijuro and Mijumi. He also promised to seek justice for Mijumi and to find out the truth about what had happened to her.

"I know that nothing can bring Mijumi back," the letter read, "But I will do everything in my power to make sure those responsible for her death pay for their actions."

Seijuro felt a mix of emotions as he read Yamato's heartfelt words. The anger he felt towards those who had taken Mijumi's life was still there, but he also saw the sincerity in Yamato's promise to seek justice.

At that moment, Seijuro realized that Yamato and he were both victims of the same tragedy, and their grief and pain connected them in a way he had not expected. Despite their past differences, they both loved Mijumi deeply and wanted to bring those responsible to justice.

As the tears continued to fall, Seijuro found some comfort in knowing that he was not alone in his grief. He had Yamato's support, and they would work together to find the truth and ensure that Mijumi's memory was honored.

With a heavy heart, Seijuro folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. He turned to the priest and nodded, silently expressing his gratitude for being there and for Yamato's thoughtfulness.

"Thank you," Seijuro said, his voice still choked with emotion. "Please tell Yamato that I appreciate his words and his promise."

The priest nodded and gave Seijuro a comforting pat on the shoulder. "I will," he said. "Take your time to grieve, and when you're ready, know that you have people who care and want to support you."

Seijuro took a deep breath, trying to find some semblance of strength amidst the pain. He knew that healing would take time, but he also knew that he was not alone in his journey.

Kazuki Yamato came out from the palace. Kajuwa and Jin were waiting at the gate. When Jin noticed Yamato walking out and coming down to them, he held his hand up high to wave at him but stopped soon. Kajuwa and Jin both witnessed an aura of pure maliciousness coming out of him. He was reeking of killing intent all over him. Kajuwa and Jin both were taken aback as they felt like Kazuki Yamato was shedding blood instead of tears. Whilst a figure like "ONI" was crying out loud above his head. The palace courtyard became cold, those who were there even the guards were shaken to their core by such appearance of a human being. Everyone along with Kajuwa and Jin wondered how could someone who is a human could surge out this much vicious Ki.

Kazuki Yamato was biting his lips, they were bleeding he was holding on without knowing the power of the Ki he was leaking. His bloodlust wasn't normal. His hands were inside his pocket. He was gripping on a piece of paper. A piece of paper that was given to him inside an envelope from Shintaro Dono, which had written down every detail about the last mission he was supposed to be on as a member of Special Force. The details were -

"Take the life of Mijumi Kurosaki, and her father The Palace Master Of The Kurosaki Family, Seijuro Kurosaki"

-Major General Takeshi