
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs

THE FIST OF DRAGON : Akayama Shinji

The relentless assault of the right-wingmen continued, Akayama Shinji found himself facing an overwhelming force that seemed almost insurmountable. The blows were coming fast and hard, testing his endurance and resilience.

Despite his training and experience, Akayama Shinji was pushed back, forced to defend against the unrelenting attacks. His body absorbed the impact of each strike, and he could feel the strain taking a toll on him. Yet, he refused to give in or show any signs of weakness.

Drawing on his inner strength and determination, Akayama Shinji steadied himself and focused on finding openings in his opponents' attacks. He knew that he couldn't match their sheer strength head-on, so he began to employ a combination of evasive maneuvers and strategic counterattacks.

His movements became more agile and fluid, allowing him to dodge and evade some of the incoming blows. When an opportunity presented itself, he struck back with calculated precision, aiming to disrupt their rhythm and gain a momentary advantage.

But the right-wingmen were skilled fighters, and they continued to press on, not giving him a moment of respite. Akayama Shinji's body was bruised and battered, but his resolve only grew stronger. He was determined to prove himself worthy of this alliance and to gain the trust of the Triads and Khangpae representatives.

With every blow he took, Akayama Shinji became more focused and determined. He used the pain and exhaustion to fuel his inner fire, channeling his emotions into his movements. His attacks became more aggressive and calculated, aimed at breaking through the right-wingmen's defenses.

Time seemed to slow down as the battle raged on, each second feeling like an eternity. Akayama Shinji fought with everything he had, knowing that this was not just a test of his combat skills, but a test of his character and loyalty.

Akayama Shinji was pushed back and even after betraying the Death Palace and Kazuki Yamato the memories of his time as Kazuki Yamato's 1st Lieutenant flooded his mind, and something within him changed. In that moment of struggle and remembrance, a dormant power awakened inside him, igniting a fiery rage that surged through his veins.

The title "The Fist of Dragon" given to him by Kazuki Yamato echoed in his mind, resonating with the core of his being. It was a title that represented his true essence as a warrior, one who fought with the strength and ferocity of a dragon. He didn't like it at all. He didn't wanted to ignite the power he gained along by staying beside Kazuki Yamato.

With a newfound determination, Akayama Shinji tapped into this inner power, and his fighting style transformed. His movements became more fluid, his strikes more forceful, and his aura exuded a potent mixture of raw strength and untamed fury.

The representatives of the Triads and Khangpae watched in awe as Akayama Shinji unleashed his full potential. His attacks were now infused with a power that seemed almost supernatural, as if he had tapped into the very essence of the dragon.

As he fought back against the right-wingmen, the tide of the battle shifted dramatically. Akayama Shinji's opponents found themselves on the receiving end of a relentless barrage of powerful strikes, unable to match his newfound intensity.

His rage fueled his every move, and he moved with a grace and precision that was unmatched. The room reverberated with the force of his strikes, and the right-wingmen struggled to keep up with the sheer power and speed of his attacks.

In this state of heightened fury, Akayama Shinji seemed almost untouchable, as if he had become an unstoppable force of nature. His opponents' blows were effortlessly parried, and he struck back with devastating force, leaving them reeling and disoriented.

The representatives of the Triads and Khangpae could only watch in astonishment as Akayama Shinji single-handedly turned the tide of the battle. They now witnessed the true embodiment of "The Fist of Dragon," a warrior whose strength and determination knew no bounds.

As the battle came to a triumphant conclusion, Akayama Shinji stood victorious, his rage now subsiding but his inner fire still burning bright. He had proven himself not just as a skilled fighter but as a true force to be reckoned with, one whose power and potential were beyond anyone's expectations.

The representatives of the Triads and Khangpae exchanged glances, their respect and admiration for Akayama Shinji now taken to a whole new level. They knew that they had found a powerful ally in him, one who could not only match the strength of their factions but also lead them to new heights of influence and control in Tokyo. The representatives of the Triads and Khangpae witnessed the immense power displayed by Akayama Shinji, a mixture of awe and concern settled within them. They knew that they had found a formidable ally, but they also couldn't ignore the fact that his strength had the potential to surpass even their own factions.In the criminal underworld, power dynamics were constantly shifting, and the rise of a force as potent as Akayama Shinji's could have far-reaching consequences. While they welcomed his alliance and the benefits it would bring, they were also cautious of the possibility that he might outgrow their influence and eventually seek to control their factions as well.The representatives exchanged wary glances, silently acknowledging the need to tread carefully in their partnership with Akayama Shinji. They recognized that his loyalty was valuable, but they couldn't afford to let their guard down.Within their alliance, they might have gained a powerful ally, but they also knew that they had unleashed a force that was not to be underestimated. The criminal underworld was a place where alliances were made and broken, where betrayal and ambition ran rampant.

The representatives of the Triads and Khangpae watched as Akayama Shinji spoke with a mix of awe and caution. His display of power during the battle had left an indelible impression on them, and they understood the weight of his words.As Akayama Shinji stood there, his suit stained with blood, he exuded an air of confidence and authority. He made it clear that he had proven himself and would not tolerate any betrayal or incompetence from their side."I hope you guys will be doing what you're meant to do," he said, his voice steady and assertive. "I have shown what I am capable of, and I will be keeping an eye on you people and watch what YOU are capable of."The representatives nodded, acknowledging his words. They knew that they had gained a powerful ally in Akayama Shinji, but they were also aware that he was a force to be reckoned with, someone who could tip the scales of power in their favor or against them.As Akayama Shinji left the harbor, the representatives exchanged glances, silently reaffirming their commitment to the alliance. They understood that their actions would be closely scrutinized, and they needed to live up to their promises and responsibilities.In the criminal underworld of Tokyo, trust was a scarce commodity, and alliances were built on a delicate balance of power and loyalty. Akayama Shinji had shown his strength and loyalty, and now it was up to the representatives of the Triads and Khangpae to do the same.They knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and dangers, and they would have to navigate it with caution and cunning. The fate of their factions and the criminal landscape of Tokyo now hinged on the decisions they would make and the actions they would take. As Akayama Shinji got into the black sedan, he glanced at the person sitting beside him. It was his trusted confidant and right-hand man, a loyal ally who had been by his side through thick and thin. The man's name was Hiroto, a skilled and resourceful member of the Death Palace, and someone whom Akayama Shinji trusted implicitly."Everything went according to plan," Hiroto said, his voice calm and composed.Akayama Shinji nodded, his mind still processing the events of the day. The alliance with the Triads and Khangpae had been established, and he had proven his worth in the intense battles. However, he knew that this was just the beginning, and the real challenges lay ahead."We need to stay vigilant," Akayama Shinji replied, his eyes sharp and focused. "They are watching us closely, and any sign of weakness or hesitation could be exploited."Hiroto nodded in agreement. "I will make sure that our operations remain discreet and well-coordinated," he said. "We have to be cautious, especially with the factions we are aligning with. Loyalties can shift quickly in this world."Akayama Shinji leaned back in his seat, his mind already strategizing for the next steps. The criminal underworld was a dangerous and unpredictable place, and he knew that he had to stay several steps ahead of his adversaries."I want you to gather more intelligence on the Triads and Khangpae," he said to Hiroto. "We need to know everything about their operations, their strengths, and their weaknesses. Knowledge is power, and we cannot afford to be blindsided."Hiroto nodded once again, understanding the importance of the task. He had always been thorough and meticulous in his work, and he would leave no stone unturned in gathering the information they needed.As the black sedan drove through the streets of Tokyo, Akayama Shinji's mind was filled with a sense of purpose and determination. He had come a long way since his days as a 1st Lieutenant in the Death Palace, and he knew that the path ahead would be filled with challenges and opportunities. As the black sedan continued its journey through the streets of Tokyo, Akayama Shinji's mind was haunted by the flashback of Kazuki Yamato. The memories of his time as Yamato's 1st Lieutenant and the bond they shared weighed heavily on his heart.

In the days before Yamato's disappearance, Akayama had idolized him, striving to become strong enough to stand by his side and be a worthy ally. The title "The Fist of Dragon" bestowed upon him by Yamato was once a source of pride and honor, a symbol of his connection to the legendary leader.

However, after Yamato vanished, Akayama's world turned upside down. He was left without guidance, without a mentor, and without a clear purpose. The loss of his leader and the dissolution of the Death Palace had shaken him to his core, leading him down a dark path of betrayal and bitterness.

As he gained power and influence on his own, Akayama found himself despising the title that once meant so much to him. The memories of his time with Yamato became tainted with feelings of anger and abandonment. He blamed Yamato for leaving him behind and forcing him to find his own way in the ruthless world of the criminal underworld.

But deep down, amidst the anger and resentment, there was still a part of Akayama that longed for the bond he once shared with Yamato. He couldn't deny the impact Yamato had on his life and the lessons he had learned from him.

As he sat in the black sedan, lost in his thoughts, he knew that he had to confront his feelings and come to terms with his past. The path he had chosen was one of ambition and power, but he couldn't escape the shadow of the man who had once been his leader and mentor.

With determination in his heart, Akayama resolved to find out what had happened to Yamato all those years ago. He knew that he needed closure, and he couldn't truly move forward until he had answers.

But for now, his focus was on the alliance with the Triads and Khangpae. He had a role to play, and he couldn't afford to let his emotions cloud his judgment. The criminal underworld was unforgiving, and any sign of weakness could be exploited.

As the black sedan continued its journey, Akayama Shinji steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead. He was a man torn between his past and his ambitions, a man with a burning desire for power yet haunted by memories of a leader he once admired.

The future of Tokyo's criminal underworld was uncertain, and Akayama knew that he would have to navigate its treacherous waters with strength, cunning, and a heart that still carried the weight of his past. But one thing The Fist Of Dragon Akayama Shinji didnt know that - He might come across Kazuki Yamato very soon.