
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs


Amidst the chaos and the ominous presence of the Oni, the clash between Kazuki Yamato and the members of the 2nd house of the Hajime Family reached a critical juncture.

The members of the 2nd house, despite their fear and uncertainty, gathered their resolve. Seiya, the patriarch, shouted commands, urging his house members to stand their ground. The Oni's malevolent energy continued to bear down on them, but they had sworn loyalty to their family, and they wouldn't yield so easily.

Seiya: "Hold fast! We are the 2nd house of the Hajime Family, and we do not falter in the face of adversity!"

These words, although shaken, carried a spark of determination, and the members of the 2nd house rallied behind their leader. Their weapons remained at the ready, and they pressed forward with renewed purpose.

Yamato, suspended in mid-air, was a deadly apparition. His katana gleamed with a sinister light, and his voice cut through the chaos like a blade.

Yamato: "Crave these words in your head—I am Kazuki Yamato, and I will feed on each and every one of you."

His voice was cold and unrelenting, each word dripping with menace. His eyes burned with a relentless fire, the embodiment of destruction itself.

With a swift and powerful motion, Yamato descended from the air, his katana leading the way. The members of the 2nd house rushed to meet him, weapons clashing in a symphony of violence.

The battle that ensued was brutal and unforgiving. Yamato moved with a deadly grace, his strikes precise and lethal. The members of the 2nd house fought valiantly, but they were faced with an opponent who seemed fueled by an otherworldly rage.

The Oni above Yamato's head continued to wail, its presence amplifying the terror of the battle. Its cries seemed to resonate with the bloodlust that filled the air, creating an atmosphere of unrestrained savagery.

Seiya, the patriarch, found himself locked in combat with Yamato himself. Their swords clashed with a resounding force, the clash of steel against steel reverberating through the battleground.

Seiya: "You will not break us, Yamato!"

But Yamato's response was a chilling smile, his eyes devoid of mercy. In a swift maneuver, he disarmed Seiya and delivered a powerful kick that sent him sprawling to the ground.

Elsewhere on the battlefield, individual battles raged on. House members clashed with Yamato, their determination warring against the overwhelming presence of the Oni. The ground became slick with blood, and the air was thick with the stench of violence.

One by one, the members of the 2nd house fell before Yamato's relentless onslaught. Despite their courage, they were no match for the fury that had consumed him. The patriarch's words from earlier about unity and strength in their house now seemed like a distant memory.

As the battle raged on, the surviving members of the 2nd house found themselves pushed to the brink of despair. Their ranks dwindled, and the Oni's presence continued to weigh on them, sapping their strength and resolve.

In the midst of the chaos, Seiya, bloodied and battered, struggled to rise to his feet. His gaze remained fixed on Yamato, who now stood amidst the fallen members of the 2nd house.

Seiya: "This... This cannot be the end."

But it seemed that the end was inevitable. Yamato's chilling laughter filled the air as he surveyed the carnage around him. The once-proud 2nd house of the Hajime Family had been brought to its knees.

Seiya, the patriarch of the 2nd house of the Hajime Family, found himself dragged to the front porch of the entrance by Kazuki Yamato. Bloodied and battered, he struggled to maintain his composure as Yamato pressed his katana against his throat. The once-proud leader now stood at the mercy of the very man he had underestimated.

Yamato's cold, unyielding eyes bore into Seiya's, and the chilling laughter that had filled the air moments ago still echoed in the background.

Yamato: "This is just the beginning."

His words hung in the air like a death sentence, a grim promise of more suffering to come. The Oni above him continued to wail, its cries merging with the agonized screams of the fallen. The atmosphere was thick with dread, a tangible force that seemed to press down on everyone present.

Seiya's voice trembled as he spoke, the fear in his eyes unmistakable.

Seiya: "Yamato, please... Mercy."

But Yamato's expression remained unmoved, his grip on the katana unwavering. He had crossed a threshold of rage and despair that left no room for mercy.

Yamato: "Mercy? Where was the mercy when you allowed my wife to be taken from me?"

His voice was laced with bitterness, a deep-seated resentment that had festered for far too long. He pressed the katana's edge closer to Seiya's throat, drawing a thin trickle of blood.

Seiya: "We... We didn't know... It was the main Clan's decision..."

Yamato's eyes narrowed, his anger simmering beneath the surface. The revelation that his wife's fate had been decided by the main Clan only fueled his fury.

Yamato: "Ignorance is no excuse. Your loyalty to the main Clan has cost you dearly."

With a swift and brutal motion, Yamato drew the katana across Seiya's throat which went through and separated his head from the body. The metallic taste of blood filled the air as Seiya's lifeless body and head collapsed to the ground a pool of crimson spreading around him.

The Oni above Yamato's head seemed to grow stronger, its cries reaching a deafening crescendo. It was as if the malevolent spirit reveled in the bloodshed, feeding on the suffering and fear that permeated the scene.

The surviving members of the 2nd house, who had witnessed the brutal execution of their patriarch, were paralyzed with terror. The very foundation of their loyalty and allegiance had crumbled before their eyes.

Yamato turned his attention to them, his eyes scanning their faces with a cold, predatory gaze. He struck his katana on the fallen head of the patriarch.

Yamato sat atop Seiya's lifeless body, the severed head of the patriarch resting beside him. Blood coated him from head to toe, turning his once-white shirt into a gruesome tapestry of red. His expression remained icily composed, a stark contrast to the chaos and horror that surrounded him.

As the members of the 2nd house stared in terror at the brutal scene before them, Yamato reached into his pocket and retrieved a pack of cigarettes. He tapped one out and placed it between his lips, then produced a lighter with a flick of his wrist. The flame cast an eerie, flickering glow on his blood-smeared face as he brought it to the cigarette.

The ember ignited with a hiss, casting dancing shadows across the front porch. The image of Yamato, seated atop Seiya's lifeless body, smoking a cigarette amidst the carnage, was a nightmarish tableau that would haunt the survivors for years to come.

One of the trembling house members finally found his voice, his words quivering with fear.

House Member: "Wh-what do you want from us, Yamato?"

Yamato took a slow drag from his cigarette, the ember casting a sinister gleam in his eyes.

Yamato: "I want answers. I want the truth about what happened to my wife."

The survivors exchanged uneasy glances, their faces contorted with dread. They knew that the truth was a dangerous thing in this moment, and revealing it might only invite further wrath from the vengeful man before them.

House Member 2: "We... we were just following orders. The main Clan—"

Before he could finish his sentence, Yamato's katana slashed through the air, embedding itself in the ground mere inches from the house member's foot. The blade quivered with a deadly intensity, a stark warning.

Yamato: "I don't care about the main Clan's orders. I want to know who made the decision, who gave the order to take my wife from me."

The survivor swallowed hard, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper.

House Member 2: "It was... it was Ryo, the head of the main Clan. He... he said she was a threat."

Yamato's eyes narrowed at the revelation. Ryo, the head of the main Clan, had signed his wife's death warrant. The ember of his cigarette burned brighter as his anger flared.

Yamato: "And where can I find Ryo?"

The survivor's expression shifted from fear to resignation.

House Member 2: "He's at the main Clan's compound, deep in the city."

Yamato ground the cigarette beneath his boot, extinguishing it in the pool of blood that surrounded him. He retrieved his katana from the ground and rose to his feet, blood dripping from the blade.

Yamato: "Thank you for the information."

With that, he turned and began to walk away from the 2nd house of the Hajime Family, leaving behind a scene of utter horror and despair. The surviving house members watched his departure, knowing that their lives had been spared for now, but the darkness that had descended upon them was far from lifted.

As Yamato disappeared into the night, the cries of the Oni above him seemed to grow even more haunting, a testament to the darkness that now resided within him. The fall of the Hajime Family had begun, and there was no turning back from the path of vengeance and bloodshed.

As Yamato walked down the empty street, his katana still dripping with blood, the quiet of the night was shattered by the sound of a car pulling up beside him. The vehicle came to a stop, and the window on the passenger's side rolled down swiftly. Bathed in the dim glow of the streetlights, Yamato's features were partially illuminated.

"Yamato-san!" a voice called out urgently. It was Kaito, a police officer who held Yamato in high regard, considering him an older brother figure. Kaito had been present at the scene of Mijumi's murder, a crime that had set Yamato on his path of vengeance.

Yamato turned his gaze toward Kaito, his expression still cold and unyielding, but with a glimmer of recognition in his eyes.

Kaito: "I've been looking for you, Yamato-san. What happened here? You're covered in blood."

Yamato's voice was like ice as he replied.

Yamato: "A debt is being settled, Kaito."

Kaito's eyes widened in alarm as he took in the brutal scene behind Yamato, the severed head of Seiya and the lifeless bodies strewn about.

Kaito: "This... this is..."

Yamato's grip on his katana tightened, and he met Kaito's gaze with a deadly seriousness.