
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs


Meanwhile, outside the bar, another car pulled up, catching her attention. Curious, Suzume moved closer to the window to see who could they be. Two figures came out of the car. She instantly recognizes one of them. It was Akayama Shinji. Her regular customer and her benefactor. And someone she holds dear to her someone special to her. Akayama saw a black sedan parked outside the bar which he felt suspicious of.

As Suzume's gaze fell upon the familiar figure of Akayama Shinji, her heart raced with a mix of surprise, relief, and concern. She had been worried about him since he hadn't visited the bar for the past few days, and now here he was, standing outside. But his presence also raised questions. Why had he been absent, and why did he seem to be arriving with another person?

Suzume quickly moved to the entrance of the bar, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. As she stepped outside, she saw Akayama's face, his expression a mix of weariness and determination. Beside him stood another man, someone she didn't recognize, yet he carried an aura of strength and confidence.

"Akayama-san!" Suzume exclaimed, unable to hide her relief. She rushed over to him, her eyes searching his face for any signs of trouble.

Akayama's tired gaze met Suzume's worried eyes, and he managed a faint smile. "Suzume," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. The unfamiliar man next to Akayama stepped forward, his gaze assessing Suzume with a careful scrutiny. "I take it you're Suzume," he said, his tone neutral. Suzume nodded, her heart still racing. "Yes, that's right. And you are?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The unfamiliar man next to Akayama stepped forward, his gaze assessing Suzume with a careful scrutiny. "I take it you're Suzume," he said, his tone neutral. Suzume nodded, her heart still racing. "Yes, that's right. And you are?" she asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

The man's eyes held a sense of intensity as he replied, "I am Hiroto, a close confidant and ally of Akayama Shinji." His words were measured, his demeanor exuding a composed and controlled presence.

Suzume glanced between Akayama and Hiroto, her worry shifting to a mixture of intrigue and caution. She had heard Akayama mention Hiroto before, often in hushed conversations that hinted at the dangerous and secretive world he was a part of. The fact that they were here together raised a multitude of questions.

Akayama spoke again, his voice carrying a note of reassurance. "Suzume, I apologize for my absence these past few days. Events have been unfolding that required my attention."

Suzume nodded, a mixture of understanding and concern in her eyes. "Is everything alright, Akayama-san?"

Hiroto's gaze remained fixed on Suzume, his keen observation evident. "We are navigating complex matters, but we are taking necessary precautions," he stated, his tone conveying a sense of professionalism.

Suzume was clearly confused by his words. Akayama Shinji never discussed what he does for living with Suzume, even though he has been a regular customer of hers for the past ten years. Akayama always thought that revealing his identity would put her in harm too. Which is why he never revealed anything to her. To keep her safe and away from the dark side of the world. After Hiroto's statement, Akayama saw clear confusion in her eyes. Akayama asked Hiroto not to talk about that useless stuff to Suzume, with a hint of not evolving Suzume in any of their matters.

Akayama's request to Hiroto was clear in its intention—to shield Suzume from the dangerous and intricate matters they were dealing with. He had always been cautious about involving her in his world, wanting to protect her from the potential harm and turmoil that came with it. Hiroto understood the importance of this sentiment and nodded in acknowledgment of Akayama's silent plea.

Hiroto's demeanor remained composed as he addressed Suzume once again, this time with a softened tone. "I apologize if my words have caused any confusion, Suzume. Our world is complex, and it's not something we wish to burden you with. Akayama-san values your safety and well-being above all else."

Akayama's tired eyes met Suzume's, and he offered her a small smile. "Suzume, I've always appreciated your presence and the haven your bar provides. I don't want you to worry about matters that don't concern you."

Suzume's emotions were a swirl of curiosity, concern, and a touch of frustration at being kept in the dark. She had always felt a deep connection to Akayama and had grown fond of him over the years. His presence in her life had been a source of comfort and stability, and seeing him standing before her with a hint of exhaustion and guardedness tugged at her heart.

"I understand that you both have your reasons," Suzume replied, her voice a mixture of sincerity and resolve. "But I can't help but worry when I see you like this, Akayama-san. If there's anything I can do to support you, even if it's just lending an ear, please don't hesitate to let me know."

Akayama's gratitude was evident in his gaze, and he reached out to gently touch Suzume's hand. "Thank you, Suzume. Your concern means a lot to me."

Suzume couldn't help but see that Akayama is tired. She asked him and Hiroto to come inside her bar. Suzume's invitation to come inside her bar was met with a grateful nod from Akayama and a brief glance exchanged between him and Hiroto. It seemed that they both understood the need for a moment of respite, even if just for a short while.

Suzume showed them their way into the bar, but she suddenly remembered that her bar was a mess because of the thugs breaking everything in there and a fight broke out between them and Yamato's Man. Hiro and Daiki were still in there. "Please forgive the mess," Suzume said with a sigh, her concern evident. Akayama saw two individuals standing there, he was looking at the mess the bar was in. While Suzume was on her way to tell Akayama the events that took place before they came, he thought of them as the ones who caused the mess in the bar. As Suzume holds this bar close to her, it was also close to him as well because of that. Thus he rushed at both of those individuals with hostility towards them.

Suzume tried to guide Akayama and Hiroto inside her bar, but her explanation about the events that transpired earlier was cut short by Akayama's sudden rush towards Hiro and Daiki. His hostility was evident, fueled by his assumption that they were responsible for the mess in the bar. Suzume's heart raced as she tried to intervene, not wanting the conflict to escalate further.

"Akayama-san, wait!" Suzume exclaimed, her voice tinged with urgency. She hurried after him, placing herself between Akayama and Hiro, hoping to prevent any physical confrontation.

Hiro's reaction was swift yet controlled. He put up a hand in a gesture of non-aggression, his voice steady as he addressed Akayama. "There's been a misunderstanding. We are not responsible for the mess in the bar. In fact, we arrived after the situation had already unfolded."

Suzume's gaze shifted between the tense figures of Akayama and Hiro. She knew that tensions were running high, and she needed to defuse the situation before it spiraled out of control.

"Akayama-san, please," Suzume urged, her voice gentle yet firm. "Hiro is telling the truth. They were not the ones who caused the mess. They actually helped me when things got chaotic."

Akayama's hostility seemed to waver for a moment as he looked at Suzume. Her words, combined with the genuine concern in her eyes, gave him pause. He took a step back, his guard still up but his anger beginning to subside.

Hiro kept his stance calm and composed, maintaining a respectful distance. "We apologize for any misunderstanding, Akayama-san. Our intention was not to cause any trouble."

Akayama's breathing gradually steadied as he seemed to assess the situation more rationally. The exhaustion in his eyes remained, but he seemed to be regaining control over his emotions. He nodded, though his guard didn't completely drop.

"I... apologize for my reaction," Akayama said, his voice tense. "It's been a trying day, and I let my emotions get the best of me."

Suzume stepped forward, addressing Hiro and Daiki. "Hiro, Daiki, these gentlemen are with me. They've been kind enough to help when things got chaotic earlier."

Hiro's guarded expression softened slightly as he nodded. "I see. Apologies for any misunderstanding." Daiki also seemed to relax, his tense posture easing up.

Akayama, still visibly weary, addressed Hiro and Daiki with a slightly tired but more neutral tone. "I appreciate your assistance earlier. I apologize for the confusion."

Hiroto's demeanor remained composed as he glanced between the group. "It's understandable given the circumstances. Let's move forward and find a moment of respite."

"Before we move forward, I would like to know who you guys are?" Akayama asked both Hiro and Daiki. Akayama's request for an introduction was met with a brief exchange of glances between Hiro and Daiki. Hiro, who had been observing the situation with a calm demeanor, stepped forward a bit and inclined his head respectfully.

Akayama's request for an introduction was met with a brief exchange of glances between Hiro and Daiki. Hiro, who had been observing the situation with a calm demeanor, stepped forward a bit and inclined his head respectfully.

"I am Hiro," he introduced himself with a composed tone. "We were ordered to protect this place and Suzume-san."

Daiki followed suit, nodding his head in agreement. "I'm Daiki," he added, his voice carrying a sense of sincerity.

"Order to protect this place...and Suzume?" Akayama was confused. No one other than him was affiliated with this place and Suzume. He grows suspicious of Hiro and Daiki. He looked at them with a stern gaze.

Akayama's confusion and suspicion were evident in his stern gaze as he scrutinized Hiro and Daiki. The revelation that someone else had given orders to protect Suzume and her bar raised concerns and questions in his mind.

Hiro maintained his composed demeanor under Akayama's scrutiny, though there was a hint of understanding in his eyes. He spoke again, choosing his words carefully. "I understand that this might come as a surprise. Our involvement here is a result of a mutual interest in ensuring the safety of Suzume and the environment she provides."

Akayama's guarded expression didn't waver, his mind racing to make sense of the situation. He wasn't accustomed to others involving themselves in his affairs, especially when it came to matters concerning Suzume. He turned his gaze back to Hiro, his tone remaining firm. "Who gave you these orders?"

Hiro met Akayama's gaze evenly. "Kazuki--Yamato". The mention of the name "Kazuki Yamato" seemed to have an immediate impact on Akayama. His aura changed and he was leaking hostile intent towards them as well. As Hiro mentioned the name "Kazuki Yamato," Akayama's demeanor underwent a noticeable shift. The name seemed to strike a chord, stirring up a mixture of emotions within him. The tension in the air grew palpable, and the atmosphere became charged with a sense of hostility and unease.

It was as if Akayama was ready to throw his body at them and rip those standing in front of them.