
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs


Kazuki Yamato sat in the car with Kajuwa and Jin, the atmosphere was tense yet filled with a sense of purpose. The events of the day had been momentous, and the declaration of war against the Hajime Family and the Dono Clan had set the wheels of fate into motion.

Yamato's eyes glistened with a fierce determination as he contemplated the path ahead. He knew that he had just taken a bold step, and the repercussions of his actions would be far-reaching. But he was ready to face the consequences, knowing that the time had come to reclaim his rightful place in the criminal underworld.

Beside him, Kajuwa and Jin remained loyal and unwavering in their support. They had always been by his side, and their bond ran deep.

Kajuwa's sharp eyes were focused on the road ahead, his hands steady on the wheel. He knew that they were entering a dangerous phase, and he was prepared to stand with Yamato every step of the way.

Jin, ever the fierce warrior, sat with a calm intensity, his mind sharp and alert. He had trained alongside Yamato for years, honing his skills to become a formidable force in his own right.

As the car sped through the city, Yamato's mind was filled with thoughts of the past and the future. Memories of his time with Akayama Shinji as his 1st Lieutenant resurfaced, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for the betrayal that had occurred. And their destination was none other than Bar Jail in Shinjuku City. Where Akayama Shinji was seen last according to the report Yamato got.

As the car approached Bar Jail in Shinjuku City, Yamato's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and trepidation.

he stepped out of the car with Kajuwa and Jin by his side, memories of the time they had spent together in the Death Palace flooded his mind. He couldn't shake the feeling of regret over the betrayal that had driven Akayama to leave their faction and sell information to other yakuza factions.

Entering the dimly lit bar, Yamato's piercing gaze scanned the room, looking for any sign of his former 1st Lieutenant. The air was heavy with tension as he approached the bartender,

Yamato's keen eyes locked onto the bartender, a woman who appeared to have no connections to the underworld. Despite her innocent appearance, he knew better than to underestimate anyone in this world of deception and secrets.

"Have you seen or heard a man with the name Akayama Shinji?" Yamato asked, trying to keep his voice calm and composed, even as his heart raced with anticipation.

The bartender looked up, her eyes widening slightly at the sight of the imposing figure before her. She hesitated for a moment before answering, "I-I'm sorry, I don't know anyone by that name."

Yamato sensed the fear in her voice, and he knew that she was likely keeping information from him. But he also understood that it might not be safe for her to reveal anything, especially if she was not involved in the criminal underworld.

He glanced at Kajuwa and Jin, and they exchanged a silent understanding. Yamato knew that they needed to approach this situation with caution and find a way to get the information they needed without putting innocent people in danger.

"We're not here to cause trouble," Yamato said, his tone softening slightly. "We're looking for someone who might be involved in some... complicated matters. If you know anything, even the smallest detail, it could help us."

The bartender seemed to relax a little at Yamato's words, sensing that he wasn't there to harm her or the establishment.

she whispered, keeping her voice low. "But.. he isn't someone to get into complicated matters"

Yamato's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the bartender's words. Her response seemed to contradict what he had learned about Akayama Shinji's recent actions. It was unusual to hear that he was not someone who got involved in complicated matters, especially considering his betrayal and involvement with other yakuza factions.

"Are you perhaps talking about Akayama?" Yamato asked, trying to gauge the bartender's sincerity.

The bartender nodded in response to Yamato's question. "Yes," she said, her voice still low and filled with a mix of fear and uncertainty. The bartender added that "Akayama-san has been a regular customer here from when the owner of the bar was still alive..." Yamato's eyebrows raised in surprise at the bartender's additional information. The fact that Akayama Shinji had been a regular customer at the bar, even when the previous owner was still alive, was unexpected. It suggested that he had a deeper connection to this place than they had initially realized.

"Has he been coming here lately?" Yamato asked, his curiosity piqued.

The bartender nodded again, her eyes darting nervously around the room. "No, it seems like he is busy with his work. For a few days, he hasn't come here. But as I said before, he isn't someone to get wrapped into problems..!" The bartender's words were firmer this time. She looked at Yamato directly in his eyes. As she added "Did something happen to Akayama-san!? Is he in trouble!? Is he okay?!" Her voice was filled with concerns regarding the situation around Akayama. The bold actions of the lady in charge of the bar startled both Jin and Kajuwa, as Kajuwa tried to warn her "Oi Ojosan--" Before Kajuwa could say anything Yamato raised his hand. He was staring at the frail-looking woman in front of him.

Yamato's stern expression softened as he saw the genuine concern in the bartender's eyes. He understood that she had known Akayama for a long time and cared about his well-being. The revelation that Akayama hadn't been coming to the bar lately weighed heavily on Yamato's mind.

"We don't know what has happened to him" Yamato replied honestly. "But we will find him and make sure he's okay."

The bartender nodded, her worry still evident, but she seemed to trust Yamato's words. "Please, if you find him, let me know. I just want to know that he's safe," she said with a hint of desperation in her voice.

Yamato gave her a reassuring nod. "Say Ojosan why don't you serve me and those gentlemen behind me some drinks."

The bartender nodded at Yamato's suggestion, trying to compose herself after the tense conversation. "Of course, please have a seat," she said with a slightly shaky voice, gesturing towards a table in the corner of the bar.

Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin took a seat at the indicated table, and the bartender quickly went to work, preparing drinks for them. As she served the drinks, she tried to put on a friendly and professional demeanor, despite the lingering worry in her eyes.

"I hope you find Akayama-san soon," she said, her voice still filled with concern. "He's been a regular here for a long time, and I've never seen him act like this before."

Yamato took a sip of his drink and nodded appreciatively. "We'll do everything we can to find him," he replied, his tone firm yet comforting. "Since it's Akayama we are talking about I am sure he will be fine," said Yamato.

The bartender offered a small smile, grateful for Yamato's reassurance. "Thank you," she said. "I'll be praying for his safety."

As they sat in the dimly lit bar, Yamato couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. He was determined to find Akayama and understand what had driven him to seek redemption for his past actions. The path ahead would be challenging, but Yamato knew that they couldn't turn their backs on their former comrade.

Yamato while drinking asked the bartender "If it's not much, could you tell us what happened to the previous owner of this place ojosan?"

The bartender's smile faded slightly as she recalled the past. "The previous owner was a kind and gentle soul," she began, her voice tinged with sadness. "He was a good man who ran this bar for many years. He treated everyone with respect and always had a listening ear for those who needed it."

Yamato nodded, sensing the bartender's fondness for the previous owner. "What happened to him?" he asked gently.

"He was killed during the great calamity "Oni's Rampage" ten years ago, the year of hitsuji" she replied, her eyes momentarily glistening with tears. "It was sudden news to us, and it hit all of us hard. He was like a father figure to many of us who worked here."

Yamato's expression darkened as he heard the mention of the "great calamity" and the year of "hitsuji." The memories of that tragic event came rushing back, and he couldn't help but feel a wave of sorrow and anger.

"Hitsuji..." he muttered under his breath, the memories of that year haunting him. It was a time of chaos and bloodshed, and many lives were lost, including the previous owner of the bar.

Kajuwa and Jin exchanged concerned glances, knowing how deeply the events of that year had affected Yamato. They had all lost people they cared about during that time, and the wounds were still fresh, even after ten years. But those events occurred because of Oni's Rampage. And It was none other than Kazuki Yamato himself who had raged the calamity upon the whole of Tokyo. He was the Oni.

As Yamato's mind swirled with memories of the past, he could not deny the truth in the bartender's words. He was the Oni, a name that had become synonymous with chaos and destruction during that fateful year of "hitsuji." The weight of his actions hung heavily on his shoulders, and he knew that he could never truly escape the consequences of what he had done.

Kajuwa and Jin could sense the turmoil within their leader as they exchanged concerned glances. They had stood by Yamato's side through thick and thin, and they knew the burden he carried. They were also aware that the events of the "Oni's Rampage" had left scars not only on Yamato but on the entire city of Tokyo.

Yamato took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "I'm sorry to hear that," Yamato said sincerely, his gaze softening. "It must have been a difficult time for everyone." The bartender then said "We were in difficult times, after that incident. But that is when Akayama-San came forward. He was the one who helped us in those dire times...He knew the previous owner. After the incident with the previous owner, Akayama-San stepped forward. After the raging war in Tokyo ended, he returned to our bar. Well, the bar was in shambles. We were having problems with the landlord, they said since the owner is no longer alive they will have to sell off the property. Akayama-san heard this and offered to buy the whole bar and the land of the property. After he bought the whole plot and the bar he offered them to us. We were grateful to him... We were able to protect the owner's last keepsake thanks to him. After that, we didn't get to see the landlord anymore and Akayama-san became a regular here."

As the bartender spoke, Yamato listened attentively, his heart heavy with a mix of emotions. He was touched to hear how Akayama Shinji had stepped forward to help the bar and its staff during their most difficult times. It was evident that Akayama had a compassionate side, one that Yamato had known during their time together in the Death Palace.

Yamato's mind went back to the memories of their days in the Death Palace, where Akayama had been his loyal 1st Lieutenant. He remembered the camaraderie they shared, and the trust they had in each other. It was hard for him to reconcile the image of the person he knew back then with the one who had betrayed him.

"He was always like that," Yamato said with a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "Akayama had a strong sense of loyalty and a kind heart. He was fiercely protective of those he cared about."

Kajuwa and Jin nodded, agreeing with Yamato's assessment of their former comrade. "Yes, that's true," Kajuwa said.

"Yes yes! Akayama-san not only helped in the most difficult times in our life he also protected this place from time to time whenever the local thugs or yakuza would cause problems here!!" the bartender added with excitement in her voice.

Yamato's eyes widened slightly, impressed by Akayama's dedication to protecting the bar and its staff. It seemed that even after his departure from the Death Palace, Akayama had found a sense of purpose in looking after the establishment and those who worked there.

"He truly cared about this place," Yamato said, a mixture of admiration and regret in his voice.

"After going through so much, many of us left for more stable work. And one by one those people left the bar leaving everything behind all on me... but am still glad that even when everyone left.. Akayama-San remained a loyal customer.. to this bar" The bartender's words were gloomy as she was looking at the ground. Yamato looked at her for some time and chuckled. Yamato's chuckle was warm, "Even when everyone else left, he stayed by your side. That says a lot about his character."

Kajuwa and Jin also smiled, finding some comfort in the fact that despite everything that had happened, Akayama still had a sense of loyalty and attachment to the bar and its people.

"He's a complicated man," Jin remarked, "but it seems like he still has a sense of duty and responsibility, even if it led him down a different path."

"It seems like I know why Akayama is so attached to this place, ojosan," said Yamato as he went to the cashier and paid the bill for their drinks. "Eh-" the bartender was confused at his words. Yamato smiled gently at the bartender as he paid the bill. "I believe I understand why Akayama is so attached to this bar," he repeated.

Kajuwa and Jin exchanged curious glances, wondering what Yamato meant by his statement. The bartender also looked intrigued, waiting for Yamato to elaborate.

As Yamato made his way to leave the bar, he paused at the entrance and turned back to look at the bartender. "Thank you for sharing the story of this place," he said with genuine gratitude.

As Yamato made his way to leave the bar, he paused at the entrance and turned back to look at the bartender. "Thank you for sharing the story of this place," he said with genuine gratitude. "May I ask what your name is ojosan?" he added. The bartender replied, "My name is Suzume I do--". "You don't have a last name" Yamato interrupted as he chuckled at the bartender. "Now I am sure why Akayama still sticks to this place, wouldn't it be normal for one to protect his people Suzume Chan." He added. Suzume was shocked and was also confused what Yamato's words meant. Eventually she figured it out and feels embarrassed.

Yamato noticed Suzume's reaction and realized that his comment might have caught her off guard. He chuckled softly, trying to alleviate any embarrassment she might be feeling. "I'm sorry if I surprised you," he said, offering her a reassuring smile. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable."Suzume blushed slightly but managed a small smile in return. "It's alright," she said, trying to regain her composure. "I guess I never really thought about it that way before.""Sometimes, we don't realize the true value of the things we hold dear until someone else points it out," Yamato said gently. "Akayama must have seen something special in this place and in the people who work here. That's why he stayed, even when everyone else left."Suzume nodded, understanding Yamato's words. "You're right," she said. "Akayama-san has always been there for us, like a guardian angel watching over the bar and its people."Yamato smiled, appreciating Suzume's description. "It sounds like he cares a lot about all of you," he said. "And I'm sure he appreciates all that you've done for him too."As the conversation came to a close, Yamato once again thanked Suzume for her help and bid her farewell. He knew that finding Akayama would not be an easy task, but he was determined to do whatever it took to bring him back and understand the reasons behind his actions.

After coming out of the bar both Kajuwa and Jin curiously asked Yamato what he meant earlier while talking to that woman. They were knuckleheads to begin with. Yamato felt hopeless with two of them.

Yamato let out a sigh and shook his head slightly, trying to find the right words to explain to his loyal but sometimes clueless companions. "What I meant was, Akayama's attachment to that bar and the people there is like a family," he began. "Just like how we are like a family to each other, he must have felt a similar connection to them."Kajuwa scratched his head, still looking puzzled. "But why did you say he sticks to the place because it's normal for one to protect his people?" he asked. Jin's eyes widened with Understanding "Ah, I get it now!" he exclaimed. "So, Akayama stayed there to take care of them and keep them safe!"

Yamato once again sighs, "You guys will know about that soon enough."

Kajuwa said while they were walking towards the car "But something must have happened to him, something that drove him to betray us."Jin chimed in, "We need to find him and talk to him, to understand his reasons."Yamato agreed with his companions. "Yes, we must find him," he said resolutely. "I can't ignore what happened, but I also can't ignore the bond we once had."

Yamato entered the car and looked at the bar. He then asked Jin to assign a group of his men to protect this place.

Jin nodded and immediately made the necessary arrangements to assign a group of his most trusted men to protect the bar. Yamato knew that with Jin's capable men guarding the place, Suzume and the rest of the staff would be safe.As they drove away from the bar, Kajuwa spoke up, "Where shall we go next?"

Yamato replied with gloomy demeanor

"To that Old man's place"