
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs


The rain intensified, pouring down in a torrential downpour that added another layer of complexity to the already chaotic scene. The raindrops splashed against the ground, mingling with the dirt, blood, and sweat, creating a muddy and slippery battleground. The sound of rain hitting the earth was like a steady drumbeat, adding a rhythm to the battle that seemed to match the beating of the fighters' hearts.

Jin and Akayama's movements remained fierce and unyielding despite the rain. The water-soaked ground seemed to amplify the impact of their strikes, each blow creating splashes of mud and water that added to the tumultuous environment. The rain plastered their hair to their foreheads, and their clothes clung to their bodies as they continued to exchange powerful blows.

The clash between them was a breathtaking display of skill, strength, and determination. Each movement was a calculated decision, a strategic maneuver that aimed to gain the upper hand. Their auras continued to clash, creating an almost visible ripple in the air around them.

As the rain poured down, the atmosphere became charged with a unique energy. The raindrops mingled with the tension, creating an almost surreal backdrop to the battle. Every movement was accompanied by the sound of rain hitting the ground, a constant reminder of the ever-changing nature of their reality.

Jin and Akayama's strength seemed to be pushed to their limits by the rain-soaked battlefield. Their every movement required extra effort, as they battled not only each other but also the elements. The mud made their footing uncertain, adding an element of unpredictability to the fight.

Despite the challenges posed by the rain, their determination remained unshaken. The battle continued to escalate, their blows becoming more powerful as they fed off the energy of the clash. The rain seemed to heighten their senses, making their reactions sharper and their movements more focused.

Both of them stopped for a moment as they looked into each other's eyes. Jin stood still ice-cold even after exchanging blows with Akayama. While on the other hand, Akayama was standing still with a burning inferno inside him. Both of them were surging with power. Both of them are different from each other. As if it's their nature. None of them showed any weakness, or none of them have no weaknesses to begin with. The stillness of the moment was a prelude to the storm that was about to be unleashed.

Under the roaring sky, filled with thunderstorms two Dragons were facing each other roaring against each other with their intense clash. When they stopped for a brief moment, their power became more unstable.

That is when both of them showed their true powers without leaving anything behind, as the thunderstorm stormed throughout the sky, Jin and Akayama once again launched themselves against each other, engaged with their full power while roaring along.

Under the darkened sky, with thunder rumbling in the background, they launched themselves at each other once again. This time, their movements were different, as if they had tapped into reservoirs of power previously untapped. The clash of their attacks sent shockwaves through the air, the force of their collision creating an almost tangible shockwave that reverberated around them.

Jin's icy calm clashed with Akayama's burning fury, and the clash of their auras created a palpable tension that electrified the air. The raindrops that fell between them seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly light, as if the elements themselves were bearing witness to their confrontation.

The thunderstorms above seemed to mirror the tempest that raged within them. Each strike they exchanged seemed to echo through the heavens, as if the very sky was acknowledging the battle being fought beneath it.

Their power surged and clashed, the energy they emitted creating an ethereal display that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

Suzume was shocked while Hiroto was stunned by the scene. Both of them vividly saw two dragon figures above Jin and Akayama fighting. The sight of two dragon-like figures above Jin and Akayama was both surreal and awe-inspiring. It was as if their power had transcended the mortal realm, taking on a form that could only be described as legendary. The dragons roared and clashed in the sky, mirroring the battle below with an uncanny accuracy.

As Akayama got close to Jin he grabbed his head and with his full brute force he headbutted him, "LOOKS LIKE YOU GOT STRONGER IN THESE PAST TEN YEARS JIN!!" he screamed at Jin. Jin's head was falling back. With quick reflexes of his, he backed up and grabbed his head as he launched his knee right on his face with an impactful fast pace, ''And it seems like you have become weak when you walked out of the door of Death Palace" Jin replied with his calm voice yet threatening tone. Both of them fall back as Akayama sniffed out blood from his nose, he kept on grinning.

Suzume's shock and Hiroto's astonishment only deepened as they watched the brutal exchange. The dragon figures above them seemed to roar in tandem with the fighters below, a representation of the power that coursed through their clash.

Amidst the chaos, Suzume found her voice, her words cutting through the sound of rain and the clash of their power. "Stop this! Both of you, stop!" she shouted, her voice carrying a mix of desperation and concern. She moved forward, her gaze shifting between Jin and Akayama, both of whom seemed locked in a fierce rivalry that transcended reason.

Hiroto, his astonishment momentarily broken by Suzume's cry, watched as she stepped forward. He added his voice, "This has gone far enough! What are you even fighting for?"

But his words seemed to be drowned out by the thunder and the roars of the dragon-like figures in the sky. The intensity of the battle had consumed both Jin and Akayama, leaving little room for anything else.

Jin's face was splattered with mud and rain, his expression cold and determined as ever. "There's no turning back from this," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. His words seemed to hang in the air, a testament to the gravity of their conflict.

Akayama wiped the blood from his nose, his grin unyielding. "I've waited for this moment," he hissed, his voice laced with a mix of anger and anticipation. "This is the culmination of years of rivalry, Jin."

Suzume's heart raced as she watched them, torn between her worry for their safety and her understanding of the history that bound them together. "You're destroying everything," she implored, her voice tinged with sadness. "Can't you see?"

But their focus remained fixed on each other, their determination unwavering. The dragon figures in the sky continued to clash, their roars echoing the ferocity of the battle below.

The rain poured down relentlessly, adding to the frenzy of the battle between Jin and Akayama. Their movements were a blur of calculated strikes and lightning-fast dodges, their power resonating with every clash.

Akayama's laughter cut through the sound of rain and thunder. "You always did have that air of superiority, Jin! But let me show you that power isn't just about control!" His words were a mix of defiance and determination as he unleashed a barrage of blows, each strike infused with raw, untamed energy.

Jin's eyes narrowed as he deflected Akayama's attacks with precise blocks. "You mistake recklessness for strength, Akayama. Power without control is nothing but chaos." His voice was a chilling contrast to Akayama's fervor, each word spoken with unwavering confidence.

"Superiority means nothing in the face of raw power, Jin! Let's see if your ice-cold demeanor can stand against the flames of my fury!" His words were punctuated by a barrage of punches that tore through the air with an almost primal force.

Jin's expression remained impassive as he blocked and countered, his movements like a coiled serpent striking with deadly precision. "Fire may burn bright, but it consumes itself in the end. True strength comes from channeling power with purpose." His voice cut through the chaos with a calm that seemed untouched by the storm.

Their blows met like thunderclaps, the shockwaves resonating through the battlefield. The rainwater mixed with sweat and blood, painting a gruesome canvas on the ground beneath them.

Akayama's eyes blazed with a wild fire as he pushed forward, his strikes relentless and unrelenting. "You always thought you were above us, didn't you, Jin? Your calculated tactics won't save you from the raw force of my will!" His punches carried an almost primal rage, each hit a manifestation of his determination to prove himself.

Jin's movements were a study in efficiency, his defenses a seamless tapestry that turned Akayama's fury into a futile effort. "Your fury blinds you, Akayama. Power without wisdom is a danger to yourself as much as to others. Why.. Why did you betray us Akayama!" His voice was as cold and unforgiving as the rain that soaked them. "You were like a big brother to all of us!!" His words were heavy with a mix of sorrow and anger, his icy demeanor showing cracks of emotion.