
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs



Hiro, who had been inside the bar with Daiki, noticed two people coming out of the car as Suzume approached them. Hiro thought to himself that they might know each other personally. But beside him, Daiki who was also there was in a state of shock. Hiro was new to this Yakuza world and the Death Palace group. Unlike Hiro, Daiki was always been interested in the Yakuza world since young. He had always looked up to Yamato as his Idol. Matter of fact Daiki had an unusual way into the Death Palace. So he knew, the person he was looking at is none other than the first Lieutenant of the Death Palace, and the leader of the front line. "H-Hiro call your brother--tell him to inform Yamato-san that, Akayama Shinji is here," said Daiki while stuttering. Hiro was shocked to see Daiki in that state. Hiro never bothered to know who is who, he never cared about his brother's line of work. Hiro quickly dialed his brother's number, understanding the urgency in Daiki's voice. While Hiro himself was new to the intricacies of the Yakuza world and the Death Palace group, he could sense that the arrival of Akayama Shinji was a significant event, one that might have far-reaching consequences.

On the other end of the line, Hiro's brother Jin answered the call. "Hiro, what's the matter?"


"Suzume, I am sorry but I think we need to get things through," said Akayama with a stern voice. Suzume could feel the pure rage emanating from Akayama. Hiroto was behind him, while Hiro and Daiki were readying themselves for whatever might unfold.

The air seemed to grow heavy with tension as Akayama's rage was palpable. Suzume could see that something had triggered a deep well of emotions within him, something connected to the mention of Kazuki Yamato's name. She took a cautious step forward, her voice gentle yet steady.

"Akayama-san, please," Suzume implored, her eyes searching his face for a flicker of recognition. "Take a moment. We can talk and understand each other."

Akayama's breathing was labored, his clenched fists trembling slightly. Hiroto's composed presence remained unwavering, his eyes assessing the situation carefully. Hiro and Daiki stood ready, prepared for any outcome.

Hiro stepped forward, his voice respectful but resolute. "Akayama-san, we understand that this situation is complicated. But we're here to find common ground, not to escalate things."

Daiki's gaze was fixed on Akayama, a mix of determination and concern in his eyes. "We don't want any trouble, Akayama-san. We just want to ensure everyone's safety."

"That's right safety.. Why don't we go outside and talk it out then for everyone's safety," said Akayama with a big grin on his face which indicated that the fight is inevitable.

Akayama's words hung in the air, a moment of anticipation passed. It seemed that the challenge he had posed was still unanswered. The tension that had been diffusing momentarily was now thickening once again. Suzume's heart raced as she exchanged quick glances with Hiro, Daiki, and Hiroto. The stakes were high, and the situation was delicate.

There was a moment of silence, where Akayama Shinji stood in front of Daiki and Hiro. He was imitating hostile aura. It was as if he was indisputable. To Daiki, Akayama Shinji looked like a huge mountain that can't be climbed.

But Hiro was different, Hiro let out a sigh. He scratched the back of his head. "Alright Akayama-san let's get to it then," said Hiro while grinning back at him.

Hiro's unexpected response hung in the air, an almost palpable shift occurred in the atmosphere. The tension that had been building seemed to waver, as if the unexpected had momentarily disrupted the expected course of events. Akayama's stern expression wavered for just a moment before his grin widened, his eyes holding a mix of surprise and intrigue.

Suzume exchanged glances with Hiroto, her confusion mirroring his. Daiki, on the other hand, couldn't believe what he was witnessing. Hiro's casual demeanor and his willingness to engage with Akayama, even in the face of his imposing presence, were contrary to what Daiki had expected. It was as if Hiro was unfazed by the intimidation that Akayama emanated.

Akayama's gaze shifted between Hiro and Daiki, the intensity in his eyes not diminishing, but a sense of curiosity replacing some of the initial hostility. "You're taking this rather lightly, aren't you?"

Hiro chuckled softly, his grin unchanging. "Well, if we're going to have a talk, might as well do it without unnecessary tension, right? No need for anyone to get hurt."

Daiki found his voice, finally breaking through his initial shock. "Hiro, do you even know what you're getting into?"

Hiro's expression softened, and he turned to Daiki with a reassuring smile. "Daiki, I might not be as well-versed in this world as you are, but I know that sometimes, you have to meet challenges head-on to find a way forward."

Akayama's grin hadn't faded, but there was a hint of respect in his eyes as he regarded Hiro. "Very well then, let's step outside and talk, without unnecessary tension."

Suzume's anxiety grew as Hiro and Akayama, now accompanied by Daiki, walked outside, their auras emanating determination and tension. She turned her gaze toward Hiroto, her concern evident in her eyes.

"A-aren't you close to Akayama-san? W-why aren't you stopping him?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

Hiroto's gaze remained fixed on the scene outside, his expression somber. "I am afraid Akayama won't listen to me in this matter. He can be quite stubborn, especially when he's made up his mind. It seems like he really wants to use his fists."

Suzume's worry deepened. "But this could lead to violence, couldn't it?"

Hiroto nodded, his eyes still on the two figures standing in the distance. "Yes, it's a possibility. And I fear that if things escalate, it might not end well." Both of them walked out as well.

Hiro and Akayama were standing against each other. Daiki was trying to figure out what he can do to avoid this madness. He was losing his mind. Daiki knows the reputation of Akayama Shinji. His reputation used to be on par with Death Palace's Captain who had also betrayed Kazuki Yamato by betraying the Palace. Akayama Shinji, The Fist Of Dragon, is also known as Merciless Dragon for his merciless acts when he was with Death Palace alongside with Kazuki Yamato. Daiki let out a sigh as he stood next to Hiro. "You are a stupid motherfucker! Do you even know who Akayama Shinji is?" said Daiki with frustration. Hiro looked at him while all confused and glad to see him by his side, "Well I sure don't, but I am glad you are next to me" said Hiro as he grinned. Suzume looked worried for Akayama. She murmured under her breath, "Will Akayama-san be ok...". Hiroto who was standing next to her pulled out a cigarette out from his pocket. "Do not worry Suzume-san, those two are no match for him."

Suzume glanced at Hiroto, her eyes wide with surprise. "You really believe that?"

Hiroto's gaze remained fixed on the scene as he lit his cigarette. "I have known Akayama for a long time. He's skilled, powerful, and has a fearsome reputation. He was once among the strongest. Hiro might be brave, but he's stepping into a dangerous territory."

It was Akayama Shinji Vs Hiro and Daiki. Akayama Shinji however, in his mind all he was thinking about was killing everyone who had connection to the Death Palace and to Kazuki Yamato.

The confrontation unfolded outside, the dynamic between Hiro, Daiki, and Akayama Shinji intensified. Daiki's fear and urgency were palpable, his mind racing for a way to navigate the dangerous situation they were in. He understood the power and reputation that Akayama held, and he knew that a wrong move could lead to disastrous consequences.

"We have to strike fast if we want to survive and live," Daiki reiterated urgently, his voice a mix of determination and desperation.

Hiro's demeanor remained surprisingly calm despite the tension. He shared a quick glance with Daiki, his reassuring grin never fading. "Don't worry, Daiki. We'll handle this together."

Akayama Shinji's imposing figure continued to emit an aura of challenge and hostility. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation and apprehension as the three individuals stood against each other.

Suzume's worry for Akayama's well-being and for Hiro and Daiki's safety was compounded by Hiroto's assessment of the situation. Hiroto's conviction in Akayama's prowess and strength added a layer of complexity to the unfolding events. His statement that Hiro was stepping into a dangerous territory highlighted the risks they were taking. Both of them were standing afar watching the 3 of them.

Without wasting time Daiki and Hiro rushed against Akayama both of them were in sync. Daiki and Hiro's synchronized rush toward Akayama Shinji signaled the beginning of a high-stakes confrontation. Their determination to protect themselves, each other, and perhaps even reach a resolution clashed with Akayama's intense desire for retribution and violence. The air seemed to crackle with tension as the three opposing forces converged.

Akayama's reaction was swift, his expression hardening as he met Daiki and Hiro head-on. The clash of energies, intentions, and histories was palpable, creating a charged atmosphere that held the promise of a fierce battle. Suzume's heart raced as she watched the unfolding chaos, her worry for all parties involved mounting.

While Akayama was facing both of them at the same time, it seemed like he was grinning more with furious rage and a killing aura surrounding him.

The initial clash between them was intense. Hiro and Daiki's movements were fueled by a mix of adrenaline, fear, and determination. Each punch, each dodge, and each parry held the potential to change the course of their lives. The battleground was as much in their minds as it was on the physical plane, a testament to the emotions that had been building up over time.

The clash of fists and the dance of swift movements filled the air, each strike echoing with the weight of their emotions and intentions. Suzume's hands were clenched, her breath caught in anticipation as she watched the fight unfold.

Akayama Shinji's prowess was undeniable. His movements were precise, his attacks calculated, and his defense impenetrable. Daiki and Hiro found themselves on the defensive more often than not, their every move countered with ease.

Daiki and Hiro kept pushing themselves against Akayama. While Akayama remained unscratched.

Akayama's grin grew wider, his fury and the aura of impending violence surrounding him only intensifying as the clash continued. The collision of emotions and intentions was a palpable force that fueled each blow, each strike that resonated through the air.

Hiro and Daiki's movements were desperate and determined, fueled by a potent mix of emotions that ranged from fear to defiance. Each punch they threw, every dodge they executed, was laden with significance beyond the physical impact. Their minds were racing, analyzing the situation, trying to predict Akayama's moves, and seeking openings that seemed to be constantly closing.

The battleground extended beyond the physical realm. It was a mental and emotional struggle as well—a test of their resolve and their willingness to face the challenge head-on. Each second felt like an eternity as the battle raged on, the stakes growing higher with every passing moment.

Suzume's gaze was unwavering, her heart pounding in her chest as she watched the intense confrontation.

Hiro and Daiki started to get heavy blows from Akayama, their bodies reacting to the impact as their defenses were constantly tested. The force of Akayama's strikes seemed unrelenting, pushing Hiro and Daiki to their limits. They grunted with effort, the strain evident on their faces as they fought to hold their ground.

Akayama's attacks were precise and powerful, each blow delivered with the intention of overwhelming his opponents. Hiro and Daiki's movements grew more frantic as they struggled to keep up with the barrage.

Akayama's assault grew more aggressive with each passing moment, his attacks relentless and unforgiving. Hiro and Daiki found themselves pushed further back, their defenses straining under the unrelenting force of his strikes. The weight of the situation was becoming increasingly clear to them as they fought to fend off Akayama's onslaught.

Despite their determination, Hiro and Daiki were struggling to find openings in Akayama's defense. His movements were too precise, his timing too impeccable, making it difficult for them to effectively counterattack. Each blow that landed left its mark, and the pain was a constant reminder of the peril they were in.

The sounds of grunts and the heavy thuds of impacts filled the air, creating a chaotic symphony of battle. Suzume watched with a mix of worry and fear, her heart aching for Hiro and Daiki as they faced off against the formidable Akayama. Hiroto's gaze remained fixed on the scene, his expression unreadable, yet his concern palpable.

Hiro and Daiki were enduring the onslaught, their bodies absorbing the attacks dealt by Akayama Shinji. The force of his strikes was taking a toll, their breaths growing heavier, and their movements slowing down.

With each blow they exchanged, Hiro and Daiki were gaining a deeper understanding of Akayama's fighting style. They were adapting, finding ways to evade and parry his attacks, even if their movements were growing more strained by the second. The rhythm of the battle was intense and unrelenting, the clash of wills and fists creating an atmosphere charged with adrenaline and danger.

Hiro's mind was racing, analyzing the situation as he moved, looking for any opening that would allow him to land a significant blow on Akayama.

Beside him, Daiki's frustration was fueling his determination. He knew the consequences of failure and the stakes they were up against. He had witnessed Akayama's ruthless reputation and knew the danger that came with confronting him. Yet, in that moment, he was fighting not just for his own survival, but for the chance to protect Hiro.

Both of them seemed to figure out Akayama's fighting pattern. They started to get their hopes back as they pushed themselves beyond their limits. But that was for only a brief moment. Akayama let out a malicious chuckle, "Look at these little vermin's," he said.

Akayama's taunting words cut through the chaos, his laughter a stark reminder of the power imbalance in the battle. Despite their resilience, Hiro and Daiki were still up against a formidable opponent, a fact that Akayama seemed all too eager to remind them of.

With a sinister grin, Akayama's attacks took on a new ferocity. His blows were unrelenting, each one finding its mark on Hiro and Daiki's strained bodies. The force of the impacts sent shockwaves of pain through them, their defenses faltering under the barrage.

Hiro's vision blurred momentarily as he struggled to maintain his footing. The pain radiating from his body was a constant reminder of the dire situation they were in. He exchanged a quick glance with Daiki, Daiki's teeth were gritted in a mixture of pain and frustration.

Akayama's blows continued to rain down on them, Hiro and Daiki knew they couldn't keep up this pace for much longer. The battle had pushed them to their limits, physically and mentally. Their movements were growing sluggish, their reactions delayed by exhaustion.

To finish this slaughterous assault, Ultimately, Akayama's assault reaches a brutal climax as he grabs both Hiro and Daiki's heads, smashing them to the ground with immense force. The impact is devastating, leaving them in excruciating pain and struggling to cope with the aftermath.

Hiro and Daiki's bodies hit the ground with a resounding thud, the force of the impact reverberating through their bones. The pain was searing, their senses momentarily overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of Akayama's attack. They groaned in agony, their bodies struggling to cope with the punishment they had endured.

Suzume's heart clenched as she witnessed the devastating assault. The sight of Hiro and Daiki being overpowered so brutally was a painful blow to her, and her worry for their well-being intensified.

Hiroto's expression remained impassive, his gaze unwavering even as he watched the scene unfold. He knew the gravity of the situation, the danger that Hiro and Daiki were in. But he also understood the complexities of this world and the power dynamics at play.

Akayama's grip on Hiro continues, with Hiro hanging in the air, blood dripping from his body. The dire situation highlights the dangerous power dynamics at play in this confrontation. "I thought you were some hot shot, when did Mas- Yamato start to take in weaklings like you"

Akayama's grip on Hiro continues, leaving Hiro suspended in the air with blood dripping from his body. The dire situation is highlighted by Akayama's taunting words, aimed at Hiro's perceived weakness and questioning why someone like Hiro was associated with Kazuki Yamato. Daiki lies senseless on the ground, while Hiro remains unconscious and at the mercy of Akayama. While Akayama remained unscratched.

The confrontation has taken a devastating turn, leaving Hiro, Daiki, and even Suzume in a precarious and perilous situation.

From a distance, the sound of a motorcycle revving up grew louder, piercing through the tension-filled atmosphere. The bike raced toward the scene with remarkable speed, its engine roaring like a beast.

Suzume's attention was momentarily drawn away from the brutal confrontation as she caught sight of the approaching motorcycle. Hiroto's gaze, however, remained locked on the ongoing battle. He seemed unfazed by the approaching sound, focused solely on the unfolding clash between Akayama and the two young fighters.

As the motorcycle drew closer, the figure riding it became more discernible. White formal shirt with black pants and a helmet that obscured their face, the rider leaned into the turns with skilled precision, weaving through obstacles effortlessly. The bike skidded to a stop just a short distance away from the battle, sending a spray of gravel and dust into the air. The rider's helmeted head turned toward the scene, the atmosphere grew even more charged as the newcomer's presence added a new layer of uncertainty to the already intense situation. The rider's outfit was a stark contrast to the chaos that had been unfolding, giving off an air of composed authority amidst the turmoil. The rider came off his bike as he takes off his helmet looks straight at Akayama's eyes, who was gripping Hiro's head. Akayama looked at the man. His rage was fueled more as he recognize the person, "Jin....!!!" On the other hand, Jin was calm but he was reeking of murderous intent. His Aura was pure purging. His demeanor was calm. But his veins were filled with adrenaline after seeing Akayama and him holding Hiro his brother who is completely defeated and destroyed by Akayama.

Jin Okamura - [3rd Lieutenant of Death Battalion] and Akayama Shinji - [1st Lieutenant of Death Battalion] of Death Palace faced together after the long ten years. But both of them were reeking of blood. The tension in the air was palpable as the two figures—Akayama Shinji and Jin Okamura—locked eyes, their histories and emotions converging in a single moment.