
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

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18 Chs


The battle continued to rage, the clash of their emotions and powers echoing through the rain-soaked battleground. As Jin's words cut through the chaos, a flicker of realization seemed to pass through Akayama's eyes. The intensity of their fight seemed to ebb for just a moment, their shared history and the truth of their past hanging heavy in the air.

Akayama's fists seemed to falter, his anger and rage momentarily giving way to a storm of conflicted emotions. "Betrayal?" he muttered, his voice almost lost in the roar of the rain and thunder. He took a step back, his breathing heavy as the weight of Jin's words settled on his shoulders.

Jin's icy demeanor softened, his eyes holding a mix of sadness and understanding. "You're right, Akayama. I didn't betray you. It was you who turned your back on us, who embraced the darkness that consumed you."

The rain seemed to fall with a gentler touch now, as if nature itself acknowledged the change in their battle. Suzume and Hiroto watched, their hearts heavy with a mixture of hope and apprehension. The dragon figures above them continued to clash, their forms now carrying a sense of shared struggle.

Akayama's fists slowly unclenched, his gaze fixed on Jin. The rainwater mingled with the tears on his face, mirroring the turmoil in his heart. "I was lost, Jin. I thought running away.. was the only way to survive."

Jin's voice was steady, a beacon of reason amidst the storm. "You weren't alone, Akayama. We were all struggling with that day.. Specially... Yamato-san. But we believed in him, We believed in his decision. We believed his decision on disbanding Death Palace was for the good of all of us, dont resent him that much... After all, he was the one who had to go through more than anyone." "Even still through everything, he took us in. Even when he had nothing, he offered himself to us. He gave us and protected us." Jin's voice cracked.

The rain continued to fall, its presence now a soothing backdrop to the tender conversation between Jin and Akayama. The battlefield, once a place of conflict, now felt like a space of shared understanding and healing.

Akayama's gaze softened as he listened to Jin's words. The memories of their shared past, the struggles they had faced, and the sacrifices that had been made hung heavy in the air. His fists opened completely, his shoulders slumping as the weight of his guilt seemed to lessen.

"Yamato-san," Akayama whispered, his voice carrying a mixture of reverence and regret. "He was our leader, our pillar. I... I let my anger consume me, and I lost sight of everything that mattered." His voice trembled with a mixture of sorrow and self-realization.

Jin's eyes were a mirror of empathy, his expression one of shared pain. "We all carry our burdens, Akayama. But it's never too late to make amends." Jin's voice was soft but firm, carrying a sense of hope that seemed to touch the very rain that surrounded them.

Suzume and Hiroto watched from a short distance, their hearts warmed by the scene unfolding before them. The dragon figures in the sky, once a representation of conflict, now seemed to mirror the emotional journey taking place below.

Akayama's breath shuddered as he took a step forward, the rain mixing with his tears. "Can... can forgiveness truly be found, even after all I've done?"

Jin's gaze met his, his expression unwavering. "Forgiveness isn't easy, Akayama. It's a choice, a path you must tread with sincerity and remorse. But yes, it can be found, even in the darkest of times."

"If you wanna seek forgiveness, you should ask for it from the right person Akayama. In the world of Yakuza, forgiveness hardly comes by. But there is an exception. We follow someone who goes against all odds." Another voice finds its way to them. A person with an umbrella wearing a suit while smoking a cigarette approaches them. It was Kajuwa.

Kajuwa's presence cut through the rain-soaked atmosphere like a calm in the storm. His steady voice seemed to carry a weight of authority, yet it held a note of compassion that was unexpected in such a tense moment.

Akayama's gaze shifted to Kajuwa, his expression a mix of surprise and uncertainty. The memories of their interactions, the partnership he had once received, seemed to resurface in that moment. His fists, once clenched with anger, now hung by his sides as he listened to Kajuwa's words.

"You speak of seeking forgiveness, Akayama," Kajuwa continued, his cigarette glowing in the rain-soaked darkness. "Forgiveness can be elusive, but it can also be earned. It requires not only remorse but a sincere commitment to change and atonement."

The three Lieutenants of Death Palace were in one place together after 10 whole years later.

1st Lieutenant - Akayama Shinji, 2nd Lieutenant - Kajuwa Amano, 3rd Lieutenant - Jin Okamura

The three pillars of Death Palace.

Kajuwa's gaze remained steady, his voice carrying the wisdom of someone who had weathered many storms. "Redemption is a path you choose, Akayama. It's not about erasing the past, but about shaping the future with a different purpose."

Jin's eyes shifted between his two companions, his expression a reflection of the complexities of their journey. "We all have our roles to play, our mistakes to reckon with. But united, we can find a way to honor our past and build a better future."

The rain continued to fall, its presence now a gentle reminder of the passage of time and the cleansing nature of forgiveness. The battlefield, which had once witnessed their clash, now seemed to bear witness to their reconciliation.

Akayama's fists, once clenched with anger, now hung relaxed at his sides. His voice was a mixture of determination and vulnerability.

"And besides, the reason why I and Jin have come together is that.. Yamato-san called us once again after the order of disbanding the death palace. You never wanted to listen to the reason why he wanted to disband the Death Palace. And then you walked away from us. The Death Palace has formed again for that reason, Akayama. That is why Yamato-san gave out orders to all of us to find you, not to kill or harm you or that person over there." Kajuwa points at Suzume. "Yamato-san knows more than we do and that is why he gave orders to put some of our men to watch over her bar and protect her at all cost. Those two you knocked off are our men and one of them is Jin's younger brother Hiro." Kajuwa added. "They were on watch duty for this whole area and told to report to us when they get sight of you," said Jin.

Akayama's gaze shifted between Kajuwa and Jin, his expression a mix of astonishment and realization. The pieces of the puzzle that had been missing were slowly falling into place, revealing a larger picture that he had been oblivious to. The weight of his actions and the consequences they had brought became even more apparent.

"You mean... Yamato-san is alive?" Akayama's voice held a mixture of shock and disbelief. The thought that their former leader, who had seemingly vanished, was still present and orchestrating events was almost too much to comprehend.

Kajuwa's nod was solemn. "Yes, Akayama. Yamato-san is alive, and he has been watching over all of us, even in his absence. He had his reasons for disbanding Death Palace and for bringing us together again."

Jin's gaze was steady, his voice carrying a sense of determination. "Yamato-san believed in the potential for change within each of us. He wanted to break the cycle of violence and chaos that the Yakuza life perpetuated."

Akayama's mind raced, the weight of his anger and betrayal now turned inward. The realization that he had been operating under false assumptions, that his actions had led to this moment of reckoning, was both humbling and painful.

Suzume's presence added a layer of complexity to the situation. Her bar, the place where she had found solace and community, had unknowingly become a center of protection for her, connected to the legacy of Death Palace.

Suzume stepped forward, her voice carrying a mix of determination and vulnerability. "Akayama san, I know you hold anger and pain in your heart. But we all have a chance here, a chance to find a new purpose and redemption. The past is heavy, but the future is open to change."

Kajuwa called upon some of his underlings and told them to carry Hiro and Daiki into his car and send them to the hospital. As Kajuwa's underlings attended to Hiro and Daiki, the atmosphere remained heavy with the weight of the revelations and emotions that had unfolded. The rain continued to fall, washing away the remnants of the battle and symbolizing a fresh start that was possible for all those involved.

"What was the reason Yamato-san disbanded the whole faction?" Akayama asked. The question was directed to both Jin and Kajuwa. "It was so we could free ourselves from the things we had to do to live among the other Yakuza Factions. It was so that we can wash the blood from our hands." Kajuwa replied. "Yamato-san told us to live like civilians do and spend time with our loved ones like normal human beings. He just wanted us to live like a human being would, he wanted to live like a human being himself too. He wanted this for all of us and of course for the sake of our Mistress.. Mijumi-san." added Jin. Following his words silence fell upon both Kajuwa and Jin.

The weight of Yamato-san's decision to disband the faction and the reasons behind it hung heavy in the air. The revelation that their former leader had been driven by a desire for a more peaceful and humane existence, away from the violence and bloodshed of the Yakuza life, brought a new layer of understanding to the situation.

Akayama listened to Kajuwa and Jin's words, absorbing the gravity of their leader's intentions. The truth had transformed his perspective, not only about his own actions but also about the larger purpose that had guided their paths. "I got a message via pager from Yamato-san 4 days ago, that is when we get together once again. Every member of Death Palace came and responded to his call. But since you walked away first I guess you never received any messages from him." said Jin. "Since you don't know about what happened recently.. and the reason why the Death Palace is in town once again is because.. Mijumi san is no more.."

The weight of the revelations continued to grow, the pieces of a complex puzzle falling into place one by one. The group stood in a heavy silence, absorbing the truth about Yamato-san's motivations and the recent events that had brought them all back together.

Akayama's gaze was a mix of shock and sorrow as he processed Jin's words. The realization that Mijumi was no longer alive added another layer of complexity to their situation. He could only imagine the pain and grief that Yamato must have experienced. Mijumi was the sole reason why Yamato had shaken down the whole of Tokyo in 1979, he flooded the streets of Tokyo. Rampage of Oni.

"Mijumi san was killed and that is why Yamato san has called us once again," said Kajuwa. Jin's eyes were reflective, his voice carrying the weight of the news. "Mijumi-san was a symbol of Yamato-san's devotion and the driving force behind his decisions. Her death has shaken him, and it has brought us all together once again."

Kajuwa's steady voice cut through the heavy atmosphere. "Yamato-san's grief and his call for our reunion show that his vision for Death Palace and the legacy it represents is more important now than ever."

Akayama knew that the loss of Mijumi was a loss to the whole Death Palace. And to Yamato she meant the world. And because he had stayed and seen Kazuki Yamato going on a rampage most of the time, he knows how much she meant to him.

"It's going to get chaotic once again in Tokyo," said Akayama while getting lost in the memory of their past, where it all began. Jin and Kajuwa knew what it meant as they stood there.

The legacy of Death Palace, their shared history, and the bonds they had forged were all intertwined in this pivotal moment.

Akayama's words hung in the air, his voice carrying a mixture of sadness and foresight. The chaos that had surrounded them in the past was now returning, driven by the absence of Mijumi and the turmoil it had caused within Yamato.

Jin's gaze was a mix of determination and gravity. "You're right, Akayama. Mijumi-san's death is going to have far-reaching consequences. The balance of power in Tokyo is going to shift, and we can't predict how other factions will react to this."

Kajuwa looked worried. "It is going to be far more destructive and much more blood will be shed than we can imagine," he said while looking worried. "I cannot seem to understand what Yamato San is going through right now" he added.

The rain continued to fall, a metaphorical reminder of the cleansing and renewal that could come from even the most challenging situations. The dragon figures in the sky, once a representation of conflict, now seemed to symbolize the need for unity and strength in the face of the impending chaos.

Akayama's gaze shifted between his companions, a sense of determination taking root within him. "I will meet with Yamato san, and ask for forgiveness for walking out of the door of his grace," he said.

"He is not in town right now," said Kajuwa. Kajuwa's concern was deepen. "Earlier today, he said that he needed to be somewhere and left. His eyes... His eyes were lost and his aura had completely changed. It was surging rage." he added.

Jin then remembered the scene he had witnessed in the Kurosaki Palace. That huge murderous aura carried by Yamato. His concern started to rise too.


While Jin and Kajuwa were worried about Yamato, Yamato on the other hand was covered in blood all over his body. He was sitting on a body that had a sliced head beside him and in front of him a Katana was pierced into another person's head. It was standing against Yamato who was sitting and looking down on the ground, his surrounding was covered in blood.