
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs


After Yamato, Kajuwa, and Jin left the bar, Suzume was left alone in the dimly lit establishment. Hours later some shady looking Yakuza thugs stormed in the bar.

As the shady-looking Yakuza thugs stormed into the bar, Suzume's heart raced with fear and concern. She had seen enough trouble in her time working at the bar, but this felt different. Their aggressive demeanor and the tension in the air indicated that they were not there for a casual drink.

Maintaining her composure, Suzume greeted the intruders with a calm smile. "Welcome to our bar. How can I help you tonight?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

The leader of the thugs, a burly man with a scar across his face, sneered at her. "We are here for protection fee Ojosan" he growled.

Suzume's expression turned serious as she heard the thug's demand for a protection fee. She knew exactly what that meant - they were trying to extort money from the bar, a common tactic used by the Yakuza to control businesses in the area.

"We don't need any protection," Suzume replied firmly, trying to maintain her composure. "We run a legitimate business here, and we won't be intimidated by your threats." The thug's sneer deepened, and he leaned in closer, his intimidating presence causing the atmosphere in the bar to tense up. "You don't seem to understand, Ojosan," he said with a menacing tone. "This is how things work around here. Pay up, or there will be consequences."

Suzume took a deep breath, steadying herself. She knew that standing up to the Yakuza was dangerous, but she couldn't let them take control of the bar. She had seen what happened to other businesses that succumbed to their demands, and she refused to let that happen here.

"I'm sorry, but I can't comply with your request," Suzume said firmly, her voice unwavering. "We won't be paying any protection fee."

The thug's face darkened with anger, and it was clear that he wasn't used to being refused. He signaled his guys while talking to Suzume "You made a big mistake, Ojosan" The guys behind him started to break things in the bar.

The thugs began to break things in the bar, Suzume stood her ground, trying to remain calm despite the chaos unfolding around her. She knew that the situation could escalate quickly, and she needed to think fast.

"Listen, there's no need for violence," she said, her voice steady. "We can work this out peacefully. Let's talk and find a resolution that works for both of us."

The thug sneered at her, clearly uninterested in negotiating. "We gave you a chance to pay up, but you chose to defy us," he said. "Now you'll have to face the consequences."

Suzume knew that she couldn't reason with them any further. She quickly reached under the bar and pressed a hidden button, alerting the staff and customers to the danger. They knew what to do in such situations and immediately started evacuating through the back exits.

As the bar cleared out, Suzume stood her ground, refusing to back down. She knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her actions; she had to protect her livelihood and the people she cared about.

The thugs continued to cause havoc, breaking furniture and bottles, their anger escalating. But Suzume remained resolute, unwilling to show any signs of weakness. She knew that if she gave in to their demands now, they would only come back for more in the future.

[At The Same Time In Yokohama]

Kajuwa and Jin witnessed the rage of their Master. Which they never witnessed before. In the past, they only saw him going crazy and mad over the clashes they faced but they never saw this side of him. This was from pure rage and conflict. Yamato and his Lieutenants came out from the underground city. They were in their car back to Tokyo. Kajuwa and Jin were afraid to utter a word after seeing such a thing back in the Palace. Yamato was leaning back in the back seat. His eyes were closed. "Did you put someone to look over the bar we visited earlier?" he asked. The tension in the car broke. "Yes, I have put someone to look over that whole area as well as the bar. He is new to the group but he will take care of things" replied Jin. Kajuwa looked at Jin "Did you put Hiro to work? That young lad??" he asked.

Jin nodded in response to Kajuwa's question. "Yes, I did. He might be young, but he's capable and eager to prove himself. Besides, we need all the manpower we can get right now," he said, trying to reassure Kajuwa.

Kajuwa still looked a bit skeptical, but he trusted Jin's judgment. They had been through a lot together, and he knew that Jin wouldn't put someone inexperienced in a critical position.

Yamato opened his eyes and looked at his loyal lieutenants. "Good, I trust your decisions," he said calmly, though his eyes still held a hint of the rage that had consumed him earlier.

[Back At The Bar]

The thugs continued to cause havoc, breaking furniture and bottles, their anger escalating. But Suzume remained resolute, unwilling to show any signs of weakness. She knew that if she gave in to their demands now, they would only come back for more in the future. While they were inside the bar causing havoc, breaking everything inside the bar. A black sedan pulled up outside the bar. From the black sedan, two individuals came out of it. One with a huge body build, While the other one with a smirk on his face and a fierce aura around him. Those two men walked inside the bar through the front door.

The fierce aura that surrounded the man with the smirk was enough to give them pause.

The man with the huge body build looked around the bar with a frown, clearly displeased with the chaos that had been caused. He turned to the thugs and spoke in a deep, authoritative voice, "What is the meaning of this? Why have you disrupted this establishment?"

One of the thugs stepped forward, trying to put on a brave front. "We were just having some fun, boss," he replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

The man with the smirk raised an eyebrow and cracked his knuckles, his smirk widening. "Fun? It looks more like you've been causing trouble," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Before the thugs could react, the man with the huge body build moved with lightning speed, delivering a powerful punch that sent the thug flying across the room. The other thugs looked on in shock, realizing that they were facing a force far greater than they had anticipated.

The head of the local yakuza thug group who was asking for protection fee from Suzume asked them, "Who are you guys and what do you want?"

The man with the smirk chuckled as he came forward, "We are the bouncer of this bar" he said while smiling at the thugs. "Matter of fact we will be taking charge of this whole area" he added.

The head thug scoffed at the man with the smirk's bold statement. "You think you can take charge of this area? You're just a bunch of punks!" he retorted, trying to regain some of his bravado.

The man with the huge body build cracked his knuckles menacingly. "Call us what you want, but we don't take kindly to those who disrupt the peace," he said with a stern voice.

The man with the smirk's smile widened, his eyes glinting with mischief. "And we're not just any bouncers. We're the ones who make sure that everyone in this area follows the rules," he stated, his tone dripping with authority.

The thugs hesitated, unsure of what to do next. They had never encountered such confident and powerful individuals before. The bar was known to be a place where no one dared to cause trouble, and now they understood why.

Suzume stood by, watching with a mix of fear and relief. She had never seen these men before, but their presence alone commanded respect. It was clear that they were not to be trifled with.

The head thug's anger flared again, and he decided to take a stand. "I won't be intimidated by the likes of you!" he shouted, gesturing to his companions to attack.

But before any of them could make a move, the man with the huge body build and the man with the smirk sprang into action. With incredible speed and skill, they incapacitated the thugs one by one, effortlessly blocking their attacks and retaliating with precise strikes.

Within minutes, the thugs were lying on the floor, groaning in pain and defeated. The head thug himself was now at the mercy of Hiroshi and the man with the smirk.

The man with a huge body build leaned down, his voice low and intense. "Listen carefully," he said. "This bar and the area around it are now under our protection. If any of you or anyone else tries to cause trouble here again, you'll regret it."

The head thug nodded, fear evident in his eyes. "We won't come back, I promise," he stammered.

The man with the smirk grinned, giving the thugs a mocking salute. "Good choice. Now get out of here before we change our minds," he said.

The thugs wasted no time in fleeing the bar, leaving behind a trail of destruction and a newfound respect for the bouncers who had protected Suzume's establishment.

With the troublemakers gone, the man with a huge body build and the man with the smirk turned their attention to Suzume. "Are you alright, Suzume san?" asked the man with a smirk. Suzume was confused, she never told them her name let alone they are strangers to her. Suzume was indeed taken aback by the fact that the man with the smirk knew her name. "How do you know my name?" she asked, her voice tinged with surprise and caution. Noticing her demeanor against them, he told her not to worry about them. They mean no harm to her or her establishment. Both of them introduced themselves to her, the guy with a smirk said, "I am Hiro, and he is my partner Daiki". "We were given orders to look after this place and protect you from any sort of problems" he added. Suzume was still hesitant and cautious, "Orders? By who!?" she asked. Hiro's smirk widened as he replied, "By Kazuki Yamato-san himself. He visited this bar not too long ago and asked us to watch over it while he was away." Hiro and Daiki kept the fact that Kazuki Yamato was a feared and legendary being a secret from her. The two of them know only a little bit of his story. They were given orders by Hiro's elder brother Jin. He gave them this mission and told them it was an order from Kazuki Yamato himself. Hiro was excited for his first mission while Daiki was lost in thought as he heard it was directly ordered by Kazuki Yamato. Daiki has always idolized Kazuki Yamato a legendary Yakuza being. He was always curious about his past story and how he conquered the whole of Tokyo.

"But why would Kazuki Yamato-san take an interest in my bar?" Suzume asked again, her curiosity getting the better of her. Hiro exchanged a quick glance with Daiki before responding, "That's something we were not told, Suzume San. All we know is that Yamato-san values loyalty and respect. He must have seen something in you and your bar that made him want to help and protect you."

Suzume felt a mix of emotions, grateful for the protection offered by Hiro and Daiki, yet still puzzled by the unexpected attention from someone as powerful as Kazuki Yamato. She decided not to press Hiro and Daiki further about Yamato's involvement and accepted their protection gratefully.

With this you have reached the first volume of the book!! Your gift is the motivation for my creation. If you find this book to your taste dont forget to send gifts! It will motivate me to give you more of its content soon enough!!

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