
YAKUZA: The Beginning of Deaths

Japan, Year 1989. A gun fire in the middle of the night woke up the neighbors of Shibuya, with a tire screeching noise leaving the neighborhood. Some people started to come out of their house as to see what had happened there, slowly the neighbors in their homes started to turn their lights on. The neighborhood that was so dark even the moon light couldn't pass through lit up, leaving a young women's body in the center of that neighborhoods ground....

B_l_a_n_k_2167 · Seni bela diri
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18 Chs


The reinforcements of the Hajime family arrived on the scene, they were met with the sight of Kajuwa and Jin, standing strong and victorious. The high-ranking officials, along with some of the most influential members of the family, were both surprised and impressed by the display of strength and skill shown by the two fighters.

The atmosphere was tense as the officials assessed the situation. They could see the defeated Yakuza members scattered throughout the building, evidence of the intense battle that had taken place. The fact that Kajuwa and Jin had managed to subdue such a large number of adversaries spoke volumes about their abilities.

One of the high-ranking officials stepped forward, a mix of curiosity and caution in his eyes. He addressed Kajuwa and Jin, "Who are you two, and how did you manage to get into this building?"

Kajuwa replied respectfully but firmly, "We were outside the building and were waiting for our master. We are subordinates of Kazuki Yamato. We came here to assist him when we heard there was trouble."

Jin added, "We didn't have time to wait for official permission. Our loyalty to Yamato led us here."

The high-ranking official narrowed his eyes, studying them carefully. He had heard rumors of Kazuki Yamato's legendary pupils, but this was the first time he had encountered them in person. The reputation of the Twin Dragons and their martial prowess was widely known within the Yakuza underworld.

Despite their initial skepticism, the officials could not ignore the reality before them. Kajuwa and Jin had proven their worth through their actions. Their loyalty to Yamato was evident, and their skills were undeniable.

The head of the Hajime family's reinforcements, a stern and imposing figure, stepped forward. He looked at Kajuwa and Jin with a mix of respect and caution. "You may have fought well, but you also intruded into our territory without authorization. Such actions cannot be taken lightly."

As they took a hostile stance against Kajuwa and Jin. Kajuwa and Jin knew they have to fight the hordes of foes in front of them while being outnumbered. But as soon as the Hajime Family reinforcement could make a move, the sounds of someone coming down the stairs could be heard.

As Kazuki Yamato descended the stairs, the atmosphere in the room shifted dramatically. The imposing figure of their legendary master, soaked in blood and emitting a murderous aura, was enough to give anyone pause. Even the head of the Hajime family's reinforcements, who had been poised to confront Kajuwa and Jin, felt the overwhelming pressure of Yamato's presence.

The Yakuza members in the room instinctively stepped back, creating some distance between themselves and their master. The air was thick with tension as they faced the man they had only heard tales of – a fearsome and renowned figure within the underworld.

Kajuwa and Jin, upon seeing Yamato, felt a surge of strength and confidence wash over them. Their master's arrival bolstered their spirits, and they knew that with him by their side, they could face any challenge, no matter how daunting.

Without saying a word, Yamato assessed the situation with his piercing gaze. He could see the tension and fear in the eyes of the Yakuza members who stood before him. With a calm and commanding presence, he finally spoke, "Stand down. The fight is over."

But the head of the reinforcement was still reluctant to give in his submission. He started to brag about how he outnumbers them. But Yamato didn't bet an eye as he signaled Kajuwa to give him a cigarette to smoke. Kajuwa hurriedly came close to him with a cigarette. Yamato took the cigarette in his mouth while staring at those in front of him, while Kajuwa was lighting the cigarette for him. While the smoke was in Yamato's mouth, with all the tremendous pressure he was leaking, Yamato pointed in the direction of them saying, "Look behind you".

As the head of the Hajime family's reinforcements turned to look behind him, he was met with a daunting sight – a massive convoy of black sedans, each filled with Kazuki Yamato's loyal followers. The reinforcements were outnumbered and surrounded.

The followers of Yamato were renowned for their fierce loyalty and unwavering dedication to their leader. They were well-trained and battle-hardened, and their presence sent a clear message to the Hajime family and their allies.

Yamato's reputation and power were not to be underestimated, and the head of the reinforcements finally realized the gravity of the situation. He could no longer afford to challenge.

Yamato took another drag from the cigarette, exhaling the smoke slowly as he stared at the head of the reinforcement with an unyielding gaze. The pressure in the room was palpable, and the Yakuza members who had confronted Kajuwa and Jin earlier could feel their position weakening.

Seeing no other choice, the head of the reinforcements finally relented. He raised his hand, signaling his men to stand down. "Enough. The fight is over," he conceded, his voice laced with frustration and defeat.

But the fight was far from over, even though the head of Hajime reinforcement declared the defeat Kazuki Yamato clearly stated the fact loudly That the fight has just begun. And He will be burying the Hajime Family along with the Dono Clan that is backing them.

As Yamato's booming voice echoed through the building, the atmosphere turned even more charged. His declaration made it clear that this was not just a one-time confrontation, but the beginning of a larger and more intense conflict. The head of the Hajime family's reinforcement gritted his teeth, realizing that he had underestimated Yamato.

With the declaration of war against the Hajime Family and the Dono Clan Yamato walked past the reinforcements of the Hajime family. His heavy footsteps seemed to echo with a foreboding intensity. The air around him crackled with a palpable sense of danger, and his followers marched behind him like an imposing force, exuding an overwhelming killing intent.

The Tattoo of Oni on Yamato's back, a symbol of his fearsome reputation, seemed to come to life as he moved forward with an air of invincibility. The sight of the Oni tattoos sent shivers down the spines of those who saw them, a visual representation of the demonic power that lay within Yamato.

His followers, too, bore the mark of their loyalty to their leader. With each step, they demonstrated their unwavering dedication to Yamato, ready to carry out his orders without hesitation.

As the parade of followers moved through the streets, the city seemed to tremble with the weight of their presence. People on the streets whispered in hushed tones, the news of the upcoming war spreading like wildfire throughout the criminal underworld.

The Hajime family and the Dono Clan would soon face the full force of Yamato's wrath, and there was a sense of trepidation among those who had previously underestimated him.

As the procession continued, word of Yamato's declaration spread far and wide. The criminal underworld was abuzz with talk of the legendary Twin Dragons and their master, Kazuki Yamato, and the impending war that would shake the very foundations of the Yakuza hierarchy.

With each passing moment, Yamato's aura seemed to grow more formidable, and his resolve more unwavering. He knew that the battles ahead would be arduous, and the cost would be high, but he was willing to go to any lengths to find out about the culprit behind the murder of his wife, Mijumi.

Kajuwa and Jin stood by his side, their loyalty to their master and their determination to see the fight through as strong as ever.

As the parade of followers continued to march, the criminal underworld braced itself for the war that was about to unfold. The Hajime family and the Dono Clan, once confident in their power, now found themselves facing an adversary they had greatly underestimated.

The news of Kazuki Yamato's declaration of war spread through the Dono clan, chaos erupted within their ranks. The revelation that one of their officials had been eliminated by Yamato, even while hidden within the ranks of law enforcement the Special Force, sent shockwaves throughout the organization.

Fear and uncertainty gripped the members of the Dono clan as they realized the extent of Yamato's power and the ruthlessness with which he operated. The death of their official within the law force served as a clear warning that no one was safe from Yamato's reach.

The Dono clan, once arrogant in their position of power, now found themselves in a state of panic and turmoil. The thought of facing Yamato filled them with dread.

On the other hand, the Hajime family, who had allied with the Dono clan, also felt the weight of impending doom. They had thought they could use the Dono clan's influence and resources to strengthen their position, but now, they were facing an adversary far more formidable than they had imagined.

The declaration of war from Yamato had thrown the entire criminal underworld into disarray. The news spread like wildfire, Kazuki "Oni" Yamato returned and other Yakuza factions and criminal organizations began to pick sides, preparing for the inevitable conflict.

In the midst of the uproar, Yamato's name became synonymous with fear and respect. His reputation as a merciless and powerful force grew exponentially, and many began to question whether challenging him was a wise decision.

As the days passed, tensions escalated, and both the Dono clan and the Hajime family braced themselves for the inevitable confrontation. The streets were filled with whispers and rumors, as everyone anticipated the clash of titans that would shake the criminal underworld to its core.

The situation grew increasingly perilous for those who had betrayed Yamato in the past. Among them was a figure hiding within the ranks of the Dono clan, holding the esteemed position of the third elder.

This traitorous individual had once been a close confidant of Yamato, someone he had trusted with important matters. But greed and ambition had led them to betray their former master, seeking power and influence within the Dono clan.

Now, with Yamato's declaration of war and the impending conflict, the third elder found themselves in a precarious position. The fear of Yamato's wrath weighed heavily on their mind, knowing that they were now in the direct line of fire.

Within the Dono clan, whispers and rumors spread about the third elder's treachery. As tensions rose and loyalties were tested, some began to question the true intentions of this high-ranking member. The third elder, feeling the pressure of scrutiny, attempted to maintain an appearance of loyalty to the clan while concealing their past betrayal.

But secrets have a way of surfacing, and in the midst of a brewing war, allegiances could shift at any moment. The third elder's position became increasingly precarious as doubts were cast upon their true intentions and loyalties.

Among the traitors, there was an individual who held the position of 1st lieutenant alongside Kajuwa and Jin in Death Palace, The group of Yakuza led by Kazuki Yamato. Who was on the run after betraying the Death Palace in Yamato's absence and all while the groups were disbanded. The 1st lieutenant, who had once stood side by side with Kajuwa and Jin, took advantage of the situation to go on the run.

This traitor, now on the run, knew that their actions had painted a target on their back. They had not only betrayed the trust of their former comrades but had also sold valuable information to rival Yakuza factions, further fueling the tensions between various groups.

With Yamato's absence and the disbandment of Death Palace, the criminal underworld descended into a state of uncertainty and turmoil. The rival factions saw an opportunity to exploit the chaos and seize control.

But that was all when Kazuki Yamato was absent. After the chaos and declaration he made today by confronting the Head of the Hajime reinforcement and by declaring war against the Dono Clan and Hajime Family Kazuki Yamato left a message "Oni Has Returned to Tokyo" for every Yakuza faction that was trying to take over Tokyo, news of Kazuki Yamato's return spread throughout the criminal underworld, a sense of unease and anticipation gripped every Yakuza faction vying for control in Tokyo. The message "Oni Has Returned to Tokyo" reverberated through the ranks, sending a clear and ominous warning to all those who sought to challenge Yamato's authority.

The name "Oni" was synonymous with Kazuki Yamato's legendary reputation – a fearsome and relentless force that struck fear into the hearts of his enemies. His return to Tokyo signaled a shift in the power dynamics, and every Yakuza faction knew that their position in the criminal underworld was now in jeopardy.

Yamato's declaration of war against the Dono Clan and the Hajime Family had set the stage for a momentous clash. The criminal underworld awaited the showdown with bated breath, as they knew the outcome would redefine the balance of power and reshape the landscape of Tokyo's criminal activities.

Yamato's reputation preceded him, and many Yakuza factions had heard tales of his ferocity and unyielding loyalty to his followers. The message left behind by Yamato was a clear signal that he was back and those who dared to cross him would face the wrath of the Oni.

As the dust settled from Yamato's confrontation with the Head of the Hajime reinforcement, the criminal underworld began to brace for the inevitable conflict. The Hajime Family and the Dono Clan knew that they were facing an adversary unlike any they had encountered before.