


"So, you're telling me that the government now pays people to lawfully kill people that commit crime? The public are the police?" I ask basically wrapping up the entire long-winded story.

"Yeah. Zero and I are trying to put down Genshin. He's also running his own party, once I am prime minister things will be different." Rin explains passing the cigarrette.

I shake my head, I haven't had the urge to smoke since I woke up, might as well let sleeping dogs lie.

"Yeah, well I might as well run too. I'm a Hiryu, we're practically royalty to these people thanks to my dad and my brother. I have better odds." Sounds like a good idea.

"You have better odds of getting Rei killed. Toya." He looks at me with a serious look, What's so bad about being the president of Japan? I'll take the risk, I have an even better plan in mind.

One I never shared with anyone.

I look him in the eyes, "I may have been asleep for 80 years, but the world hasn't changed that much. Kids got dumber, society got weaker, I know what I'm doing."

I leave the room pissed off, Rin is starting to sound so much like Cat, and I cannot stand him for it. I don't need him lecturing me, I need him to trust me. If I am not going to get the trust I need, we're going to have a problem.

I need to talk to Zero, he better answer his phone.

It's ringing today, better then voicemail.

It clicks, he picked up.

"I'm home and your crappy vacation is still on, my, you reduce me to tears." I say and he laughs.

"I'm not on vacation. I was working with Jin on a welcome home gift. We'll be there in time. What you need?"

"Wanted your help running for prime minister, or some political figure, better yet, I want to meet this Genshin fellow."

"Consider it done, we're actually good pals. Text you a date and time once it's ready."

"Alright. Good to hear from you."

"You have no idea how that feels man, I'm glad you're back, life was hell without you."

"Well, prepare for chaos."

"Exactly what I wanted to hear." He says hanging up first.

I drive to my old house and knock on the door.

I narrow my eyes when my stupid old man is still here, "Shouldn't you be dead?" I ask and he pulls me into the house.

"Toya? It's really you, son, I refused to not see you again, you had to see your mother again, you just had too." He looks me in the eyes and I walk to his room. My stupid brother Cat is still kicking too, what the hell.

Maybe we woke up 80 years later because everyone was using us to stay alive, what the hell? Has it really been 80 years? I doubt it.

I read the newspaper, and oh wow, it's true.

"Why are you all still alive?" I ask groaning when my sister gives me a hug. "Get off me, I'm not happy to see you. I thought you were gone, why didn't you say something?"

"Because we're supposed to be dead." Katsuki walks out of my room wearing my clothes and I really want to punch him in the face. I want to kick his ass and maybe kill him.

"You want to fight?" He threatens and I'm itching to swing at him.

Mom gives me a hug and I can't breathe. I thought she was gone, I would never see her again.

"Mom." I hold her tightly. I missed her more than anything.

She sniffles, "You've been stuck in there so long. I thought I would never see you again."

"I thought I would never see you again. You have to come see Rei. Though she's got memory loss, so, reintroduce yourselves, but mom, you never got to meet her."

"Not yet, you should leave though. It was nice seeing you again Toya." My sister says kicking me out of the house.

"What the hell sis? I'm home, you guys didn't miss me?" I turn around and there's a funny dressed guy in my way.

"Toya Hiryu, you must be terminated immediately." He says and I narrow my eyes, "Who the hell are you?"

"Law enforcement." The guy replies with a robotic voice.

"You're the bastards killing for Genshin. I dare you to try me." I burn the guy with everything I've got and my flames don't even dent his suit.

No way in hell is that happening. If this bastard comes after my family, I will lose them. Again.

I attack and my blue flames don't even dent his armour, I put out less flame and more heat. That's working.

I've been using my damn power incorrectly for too long.

My flames start to change color. It turns from blue, to a white flame, then orange, and yellow, back to blue again.

The guy stumbles back and I release flames from my feet as well.

No one will ever hurt my family, no one will ever be stronger than me.

I can protect them from the fucking ocean itself if I have too. I won't lose them.

Never Again.

I stop and my dad opens the door behind me, why was he just hiding behind the door? This must be some kind of joke, someone is messing with me, my father would never just hide from a threat.

I look closer, to see who is the man who came after me, it's not even a person, it's just a robot. What the hell?

Genshin is a paranoid man, that I can already tell from this robot.

"I'm going to put that bastard in the grave, my kids won't live in a world like this. Not by a long shot." I have 3 months to find him and kill him.

I give him 3 days.

I leave and go back to Rei and Kai.

I spent 2 days at my parents house.

I enter and they are busy in the living room.

I sit beside Rei pecking her cheeks, "What are you up too?"

''Uhm. The babies room design. Found where we'll move too?"

"Nowhere is safe, I have to get rid of Genshin from the seat of power. He's been harassing my family all this while. I won't allow him to get comfortable, if he comes after you, we're in trouble."

Kai frowns, "Ugh, your annoying old man is still kicking?"

"Because of us, he had to run and hide, I think he got caught up in a role though, he's turned to a fucking coward."

"Toya watch your language, you'll teach the boys a bad habit." Rei moms me again and I sigh.

"You'd think losing your memory means you lose that habit of mumming me."

She looks at me so shocked I can't help but laugh, she's too cute when she does that, "I mom you?"

"You mom everyone, get back to work." Kai says and Rei blinks at me and I give her a hug, she looks ready to cry.

"No water works, I can't stand it when you cry."

"I sound awful." She says looking up at me.

"Yeah, it really is." I say knowing despite that she'll do it again, "Hey, I need your help, we leave in an hour." I say to Kai who nods.

Rei hangs out at the hospital while Kai and I drag Rin to Genshin's place. Why is he so fucking afraid of the guy?

We walk through his castle, and after I'm done killing him, I'll paint the walls in his blood.

"Rin! Shut up!" Kai says more annoyed than I am of his constant babbling, now there are cameras.

I don't care about that. Rei was murdered on national television, the world carried on like it was business as usual.

"Look, we're already on live tv." Rin shows us and we knock him out at the same time.

"I'll burn anyone who threatens my family." I keep going straight while Kai turns and destroys everything in his path. My flames are acting out again.

I collapse getting a splitting migraine. What the hell is happening?



I look around, the people here are in so much pain. I hold the child's hand and I feel electricity course through my hands to her.

I remember how to use my power now. Why did they not tell me I can make people better, I can heal them.

My memories? I can heal myself too.

I hold my head, it hurts though, really really hurts.

I remember everything, Kaiya, Astrid, Kaen, Kasai.


Toya and Kai, everything about them I remember.

I get up off the floor after releasing a burst unexpectedly.

That really hurt.

I stand up and my stomach is kicking. I can feel the babies inside me, their heartbeats, everything. My power circulating through their bodies.

I can almost see them. Their baby bottoms, the placenta. Their fingers. Feet. Their heads. I stand up and hold on to the wall. I touch my stomach and smile, my babies, I can't wait to see them with my own two eyes.

I remember now, I never got that chance. I lost my babies, and Toya was right there, all he could do was stand there and watch.

I drove him over the edge, Toya will never be the same, I could never change him, but maybe they can.

They will make him the old Toya again. I'll have him back, I'll have them both back.

No more paranoia.

I broke Toya.