
Xian Wu

After perishing together with the Empyrean Devil, Xian Wu soul got send in spacetime, and reincarnated again in a cultivation world. In this life, he tried to live a peaceful life and not involved in any conflict or war. However, the world seems to not care whether he live peacefully or not, and still ended up making him get involved in many wars.

Thundertroy · Fantasi
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19 Chs

Chapter 5: I Swear, I Will Take My Revange!

Xian Wu took three days to reach the East Xian Border. This speed is because he got a rise in cultivation level not long ago. After his night with Queen Meng, he felt that his cultivation level grew a bit faster. He is now at level Seven Step Disciple. Is it because I have an intercourse with a female? thought Xian Wu. However, he was just guessing without any certain evidance.

"Young Prince, why are you here?" asked the guard on duty to watch over the east gate. Is the Young Prince going to do some escort again? thought the guard.

"I am going to Zhu Kingdom. Here the letter from my father as the prove." answered Xian Wu. "Please open the gate for me."

The guard looked at the letter and got stunned. The content said that Xian Wu will be marrying one of the Zhu princess, and soon to be the Zhu King. The guard was flustered and hurriedly opened the gate. "Young Prince, do you want to bring us with you?" asked the guard.

"Thanks, but no need. I can take care of myself." replied Xian Wu. After that, he vanished in the shadow of the trees in the distance. Seeing this, the guards were stunned.

"What is the content of that letter? Why do you look so shocked?"

"It says, the Young Prince is betrothed to the Tenth Princess of Zhu. He is going there for the marriage formality."

"Wow! That is awesome."

"Its not just that. He is going there to be coronated as the new Zhu King."

"What!? That is even more incredible!"

"I know right. The young prince is too lucky." sighed the guard.

"Hei, don't sigh. You might jinx his luck."

"Ah! Sorry, I didn't mean anything like that."

"Well, as long as you know that. By the way, is the Tenth Prince cultivating in the way of assassin?"

"It might be so. He just disappeared in the shadow, like a ninja."

"Ninja? What is that?"

"I don't know. The word suddenly popped in my head."



Some days later, Xian Wu arrived on a high wall that extended far into the distance. A gate can be seen on the high wall, and some guards was on look out on top of the wall. A banner with the words Zhu was being displayed on top of the gate. 'Should I just walk in and tell them myself and my purpose to come here?' thought Xian Wu.

Suddenly he heard the guard talking to each other.

"Did you know?"

"Know what?"

"Two days ago, the Third Prince, Zhu Lu ascended as the new Zhu King, after he killed the traitorous Queen Meng."

Hearing that, Xian Wu was shocked that he almost exited his stealth mode.

"Ah, I heard that. Someone saw Third Prince commanded two Emperor level cultivators to kill the Queen."

"But I heard the prince is being cruel. He killed the innocent Princess Zhu Qing."

Xian Wu become even paler after he heard that. How is that possible? I cannot believe this. I need to confirm this!

Xian Wu then waited until the gate was opened. He then stealthily entered the high wall through the opened gate, and hurriedly found his way towards the Zhu Palace. He took another two days to reach the Zhu Palace. After he arrived, he started his investigation on the new Zhu King.

Half a day later, he found out the truth. Queen Meng and Zhu Qing was ambushed near the East Xian Border. The moment he found out this, he run away and found a remote place to hide. In there, he cried for the first time for the dead Queen Meng and his future wife, Zhu Qing. He blamed himself for not going together with them. If he had gone with those two, he at least can hide those two using his stealth ability. However, regret cannot save the dead. What he want to do now is to take revange on them. Thinking like this, his eyes turned bloodshot.

"Third Prince of Zhu, you will test my vengeance soon!"

Xian Wu then searched for that bastard Third Prince...no, the new Zhu King. He once again headed to the Zhu Palace, and stealthily found the resting place of the Zhu King. Some times later, he found the prince talking to his advisors.

"Is there any news about the signal I send to Qin King?" asked Zhu Lu.

"Yes Your Majesty. Two days ago, King Qin together with two of his Emperor level cultivators, and two of our Emperor level cultivators already slipped into the Xian Kingdom. It will not be long before we will hear the downfall of Xian Kingdom." said one of the advisors.


"Whose there?"

The King Zhu Lu and his advisor was stunned when they heard the shout. They hurriedly checked their surrounding, but found no one around.

"Guard! Go and find out if there is any suspicious person or spy close by." commanded the king.

Outside the Zhu Palace, Xian Wu was running as fast as he could towards the Xian Kingdom. He did not rest until he reached the Xian East Border.

"It's Young Prince Xian Wu!"

"Hurry up, let him in!"

When the guard spotted Xian Wu, they hurriedly opened the gate for him.

"It's good that you are back safely. We already know the event that happening in Zhu Kingdom."

"Yes. We are very sorry about your loss Young Prince. However, you need to be strong."

"There is something that also happen in the Xian Royal Palace. That's why we are tasked to tighten the guard here in the border." said one of the guards.

Hearing this, Xian Wu become paler. He run toward the Palace but got blocked by one of the guards.


"Calm down Young Prince. Wait here for a moment. I'll go get you a ride." said the guard. He then run away to the nearby stable. A moment later, he came out with a tall dark horse.

"Young Prince, you can use her for your ride. She is the fastest horse in here. She usually work to send messenger towards the palace." stated the guard.

"Thank you." Thanked Xian Wu. "I'm sorry for shouting to you just now." apologised Xian Wu. After that, he rode the black horse and hurriedly disappeared towards the Xian Royal Palace.

"He is a good material for a king." said the guard who was scolded by Xian Wu.

"He is. Hopefully, he did not break down after this."

"Let's just hope for the better."

"By the way, did I really jinx his luck?"



Within a day time, the dark horse managed to reach the palace. When he looked at the usually majestic palace, his face turned white. The palace was turned in shambles, and already become a ruined palace.


Xian Wu prayed in his heart that his family need to be alive. He walked inside the ruin, and checked every chambers, but did not find his siblings and mothers. He then moved towards the King Palace. On his way, all he could see were corpses of the palace guards. At the entrance of the King Palace, he saw a wounded General Jing, sitting on the door entrance.

"So, you really came back like what your father has predicted." said General Jing. "Young Prince, please come inside."

"General Jing, Is my father still alive?" Xian Wu tried to ask calmly.

"Forgive me Young Prince." replied General Jing.

Xian Wu's heart almost shattered when he heard the reply. He hurriedly walked into the King Palace. Inside, everything has already become a broken thing. The only thing standing was the throne, where his father is still sitting on it. In front of him are five corpses that was stacked together, and being stabbed by the king's sword. Xian Wu hurriedly approached his father, only to find that he was no longer breathing.


Xian Wu felt weak, and fall onto his knees. He silently looked at his dead father for a long time. Right now, his mind was blank. He stayed like this until the night came.

"Father, do you know that I hated you?"

"That time when the bastard Qins visited us, you consented to their request to let elder sister marry their first prince. At that time, elder sister talked to me that she might no longer be able to see me."

"I asked you several time to take her back, but you did not listen. In the end the Qin cast her away after ruining her life. Out of shame, she died in a suicide."

"At that time I still did not want to give her revange because I hate war. I want to just live peacefully."

Xian Wu then looked at the night sky. Tears started flowing down from his eyes. He wept silently, under the cover of the darkness night.

"I'm Sorry Queen Meng, Zhu Qing...I'm sorry mother, sister..."

"I'm sorry brothers and sisters...Suya sorry for not listening to your premonition. Suwa, you are right...that is the last time...the last I saw you...huhuhu..."

"I'm sorry for leaving you guys...uhuhu...ahh...aHH!!"

Xian Wu howled like a wounded beast. On the outside, General Jing heard him, and teared down too.

A long time later, Xian Wu stood up, and swept away his tears.

"Father, actually I forget to tell you. Before I was born here, I already lived another life. I came from another world. And you know father, like how I lost all of you here, I also lost everything in there. It's as if I'm a cursed person. Whichever life I goes to, it will be the same, I will eventually lost everything."

"However, If the same thing can happen, then there is the issue about vengeance. In that world, I managed to take vengeance for my family. So father, the same will also happen in THIS WORLD!"



Xian Wu unleashed his inner anger with a roar to the night sky. A flash of lightning accompanied his cry, and the thunder followed after that. General Jing who was looking from the distance was stunned when he saw this. Did the heaven bellowed in tandem with the Young Prince?

"If they don't want me to live in peace, then let me show them the wrath of the War God, Xian Wu!!"